Channel: Private Pleasures Part 5

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"We're going to start with raw oysters," he began. "Then asparagus with a nice tart hollandaise, some steak tartare, and finally, for dessert, strawberries, whipped cream, and maybe a little chocolate."

"Ummm," Nora replied. "It sounds delicious. Could we start with dessert first?"

"No," he told her firmly.

She pouted. "Why not? Besides, it's my fantasy. Don't I get to have my way?"

"Not a hundred percent of the time. We're going to need those oysters, Red."

"Why?" she demanded.

"Because I'm going to f.u.c.k the ears off of you tonight, that's why," he said in his deep rough voice. "After what happened earlier this evening you're going to need a whole lot of loving tonight, and I'm going to see you get it," he told her.

Nora was silent for a very long moment. If only there were men like Kyle out there in the real world, she thought sadly. Then shaking herself, she undid her blue satin robe, and shed it. "I always wanted to eat naked," she said.

"Me too," he agreed, and dropped his white silk shorts. Then he took her hand. "I set up supper for us out on the terrace."

"What if someone sees us?" Nora gasped.

"Up here?" He laughed. "I don't think so. But so what if they did?" He led her outside.

The flooring of the large terrace was made of red tile. It was warmish beneath her feet. The air temperature was comfortable too. Above them the night sky was like black velvet, dotted with sparkling stars. She had heard you couldn't see the stars in the city, but there they were, floating above her. Well, it was her fantasy, and if she wanted stars, she was d.a.m.ned well going to have them. There was a black terry cloth double chaise lounge. Next to it was a table covered with the food he had described. It looked wonderful.

"Get on the chaise," he said. "I'm going to feed you, Red Rover."

"But how will you eat if you're feeding me?" she asked, positioning herself in a half-upright position on the chaise.

"I'll manage," he told her. Then he took an oyster. "Open up, Nora."

She complied with the request, and he dropped the oyster into her mouth, and then took one for himself. He kept feeding her, and himself, taking just enough time for her to swallow the oyster before he fed her another. When the silver bowl of oysters was emptied he bent over and gave her a slow kiss, his tongue playing with hers. And while they kissed, he began to play with her c.l.i.toris, laughing as she grew quickly wet, and pushed two thick fingers into her v.a.g.i.n.a as far as he could, then stopped.

"Nora, darling, I want you to feed me some of that steak tartare. It's already on the crackers. I have an urge for meat."

She could feel his fingers inside her, and her l.u.s.t began to boil up. She wanted him to use those big fingers, and frig her till she came, but instead she reached out to a round silver platter and, taking a cracker spread with the raw steak off of it, fed it to him. Then she took one for herself, chewing slowly, trying to ignore the heat rising from her body. She had never imagined s.e.x could be this good, and while she was impatient, she knew he was teaching her. It was going to get even better.

"Do you like the menu, Nora?" he asked her softly, and gently moved the fingers inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a just enough to send a jolt of sensation through her.

She nodded.

"Did you even imagine eating like this?" he pressed.

"I must have, or we wouldn't be doing it," she murmured back.

"Not everything that happens here will be your will, or your desire," he told her. "But I know you, Red Rover, my girl. You are a firebox of pa.s.sion, and that stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.d you married never knew, never took advantage of it, never cared."

"Nice girls of my generation don't do things like this," she replied.

"Nonsense, Nora! Every woman has secret fantasies of private pleasures. And every woman is ent.i.tled to live her fantasies."

She didn't answer him; instead she fed him more of the steak tartare. But he was right. Women did have fantasies, but they rarely if ever really talked about them to anyone. She fed herself another cracker and meat.

"Lie back," he said, and when she did he frigged her until she came, moaning with the pleasure he gave her. Removing his two fingers from her v.a.g.i.n.a, he put them in his mouth and sucked them free of her come. "You taste very good," he told her softly.

"Do you want more?" she asked wickedly. She could feel the pounding of her heart in her chest. She had never felt so bold or confident as she did here in this mysterious fantasy world.

"Later, Nora. Later, I promise." he said, and their eyes met.

They finished the crackers and raw meat, feeding each other now as they sat cross-legged on the double chaise. Finally Kyle lifted the silver cover from an oval-shaped silver dish. Inside lay at least a dozen perfect asparagus, long and firm and a lovely shade of spring green. Reaching out for a small pitcher, he poured a stream of perfect hollandaise onto the vegetable. How the h.e.l.l did anyone keep hollandaise so absolutely flawless? Nora wondered, remembering the Easter dinners and how if the d.a.m.ned sauce wasn't carefully watched, it would curdle. h.e.l.l, hollandaise curdled at the whisper of a b.u.t.terfly's wings, but this hollandaise was indeed perfect.

"Open your mouth," he said softly, holding a stalk of asparagus dripping sauce over her mouth.

"Ummmm," Nora answered him, sucking the offering suggestively. "More, darling Kyle. More!"

"Are you sure it's asparagus you want, Red?" he teased her.

"You know what I want," she told him, "but I'll wait. This is the best meal I've ever eaten, darling. Did you cook it all with your little hands?" She sucked vigorously upon another stalk.

"I called room service," he responded, then licked a bit of sauce from the corner of her luscious mouth. "The management is very particular about their service."

The management. Who was the management? Nora wondered, and then she decided for the interim not to ask questions. She didn't want to spoil her evening, or possibly be banned from The Channel. "Do we have any wine?" she asked him.

He poured her a fruity red called Sweet Scarlet that came from a Long Island vineyard. "Try this," he said.

Nora sipped the wine slowly. She was certainly no connoisseur of wines, but she liked it. It had a clean taste on her tongue. "Good," she told him. "Where's Rolfie?"

"Aren't I enough for you?" he demanded. There was almost a petulant tone to his rough deep voice. "Do you need two men every time?"

"I don't think I ever imagined a threesome until last time. I thought it was fun," Nora said, ignoring his tone.

"It isn't enough for me to come in your mouth, Red," he told her. "And last time when there were the three of us, that was the only option open to me."

"You can have me any way you want, Kyle," she told him seductively, and reaching down, she stroked his big p.e.n.i.s. "Any way you want, darling."

"You think you're a big girl now, Nora, but you aren't. You're just beginning to explore your s.e.xuality. I'm here to help you. You've never had a c.o.c.k up your a.s.s, and that's going to be a next step. But not until you are ready, baby."

"I want both of you tonight," Nora said stubbornly. "Last night was fun until I woke up again. Please, Kyle. Pretty please with sugar on it?" she teased him.

"I want you!" he said in a hard voice.

"You can have me, but you have to share me with Rolfie too," she told him. "At least tonight."

He laughed. "You are a little b.i.t.c.h, but it's going to be his d.i.c.k you suck tonight, Red, because I really need to fill you full of c.o.c.k. Okay?"

"Okay," Nora agreed. "Call down, and order up my ma.s.seur, lover."

"Not until I've fed you some strawberries," he said mischievously. And he popped one into her mouth.

Nora retaliated, and shortly they were both covered with juice from the ripe berries. They licked each other's faces and hands clean. Before Nora might request Rolf again, Kyle was drizzling a thin stream of chocolate all over her torso, and then spraying cream on top of it. Nora squealed with surprise. He began to lick the chocolate and cream off of her body. His warm tongue lapped at her, and she felt her l.u.s.t beginning to rea.s.sert itself strongly. He dripped chocolate onto her c.l.i.t, and began to lick at it. Then suddenly he reversed his position so that his p.e.n.i.s was near her mouth.

Nora took up the bottle of Hershey's syrup and filled her mouth. Then, reaching out, she took his d.i.c.k into the newly made bowl, and began to suck and lick at him. He filled her c.u.n.t with cool cream, and began to eat her. She sucked him harder and harder as her own senses blazed up.

"I don't want to come in your mouth," he groaned. "When I tell you stop, stop!" He frantically licked the cream he had spread into her s.e.xual cavity, clearing the way for his penetration. "Stop! d.a.m.nit, Nora, stop!"

Reluctantly she did, because she wanted him to stuff her with his swollen p.e.n.i.s. She opened her mouth and released him. He reversed himself so quickly that she was almost breathless as he plunged into her wet v.a.g.i.n.a. "Ohh, G.o.d, yes, Kyle!" she sobbed in his ear. "f.u.c.k me, darling, and don't stop!" She wrapped her slender legs about his hard body, panting as he labored over her with enthusiasm.

He pulled himself out of her so far that she could feel the very tip of his d.i.c.k at the mouth of her v.a.g.i.n.a. Then he pushed himself back in, slowly, slowly. He did this several times until she was sobbing.

"No! No! Faster!" she demanded of him. "Faster, Kyle!"

He complied, and before he wanted to he was coming in hard, thick spurts, and Nora was clawing at his back and mewling with her own pleasure.

"OmiG.o.d! OmiG.o.d!" she gasped.

"Amen to that," he said, rolling off of her. Then, turning, he looked down into her face. "Feel better, Red?"

She nodded slowly. "Much better," she told him, curling up against him. "But I still want Rolf to join us."

He laughed. "I give up," he said.

"Then call him," she ordered. "And then let's go take a shower. Good thing we didn't do this in the bed."

"We'd just call housekeeping to send up the maid to change the sheets," he told her.

"Is the maid pretty?" Nora asked him.

"She can be. Why?"

"We might try a foursome sometime, or perhaps a different kind of threesome," Nora said suggestively. "Would you like that kind of threesome, Kyle, my lover?"

He nodded.

"Then we'll have to do it sometime," Nora replied daringly. "I've never thought about it before, but it might be fun to watch you get turned on by me and another woman playing together." She slid off of the double chaise, standing. Her pointed red tongue touched her upper lip. "Could two women turn you on even more?"

He nodded again.

"Call for Rolfie, then, lover, and if you're a good boy, maybe next time our threesome will be you, me, and the maid. I'll be in the shower. Come and join me when you've done your duty." With a smile she disappeared back into the apartment.

He followed behind her, picking up the cordless phone on the table in the living room on the way, and pressing a b.u.t.ton on it. "Send up Rolf," he said. "Madame would like a ma.s.sage." Then he entered the luxurious bath, where Nora was already in the shower.

"Wash me," she ordered him, handing him a soap-filled sponge, standing straight and facing him. "I like it when you take care of me."

He took the sponge from her. "Lift your hair up," he said. "And you have to learn how to take care of yourself, Nora."

"I know," she agreed, holding her wet hair off of her shoulders as he began to wash her. "But in a sense I've been taking care of myself, and everyone else, ever since I got married. It's nice having you around. Even if you are just a fantasy."

"Maybe the world which you think you inhabit is the fantasy," he told her, swirling the sponge down and around her chest. He lifted each breast separately and washed it. "Maybe this is the reality."

"No such luck," Nora sighed. "What is it my friend Carla says? Life is a b.i.t.c.h, and then you die. No, Kyle, this is definitely the fantasy, I'm sorry to admit. And when I wake up again, I'll be the plump, middle-aged woman in her chair whose husband is about to dump her for a younger woman. And since, it seems, he's got control of everything, I will have to fight him for my very survival. h.e.l.l, I might not be able to afford Suburban Cable, which means I won't have you."

"You wouldn't let that happen, Nora, would you?" The sponge moved over her belly, and down to her pubic area.

"No," she said. "I wouldn't. The Channel is the only thing keeping me from being scared to death right now. And you, darling Kyle, are keeping me sane."

"How about me?" The shower door opened, and Rolf stepped in. "Don't I figure anywhere in this equation?" His blue eyes were twinkling at her.

"Indeed you do, Rolfie," she said, pus.h.i.+ng Kyle away and pressing up against the young blond man suggestively.

He gave one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s a squeeze, and with his other hand pulled her head toward his for a kiss. His mouth was fleshy and seductive. His tongue pushed between her lips to play with her tongue as he kissed her with ill-disguised hunger. He rubbed himself teasingly against her pubic mound. "Where do I figure?" he asked her softly.

The hot water poured down on the trio, steaming the gla.s.s of the commodious shower.

"Wherever you want," Nora answered him teasingly. His p.e.n.i.s was already hard against her. It was so exciting to elicit such a reaction from such attractive men, she thought. Kyle was silently was.h.i.+ng her back with a vengeance, but his long hard c.o.c.k was rubbing between her a.s.s crease. She smiled, turning her head to him. "Almost done, lover?" she asked sweetly.

He nodded with a grim smile. Ohh, he really was going to f.u.c.k the ears off of her, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it. "All done, Red."

"Want to play?" she teased wickedly.

Both men grinned broadly.

"First I want my ma.s.sage, Rolfie," she told them.

"Table is all set up for madam," he answered her.

The two men toweled Nora off, and then when Kyle had pinned up her damp hair, he helped her onto the table. Nora almost dozed off as Rolf ma.s.saged her front side. His hands were both gentle and strong. Her firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s seemed to grow even firmer with his attentions. The heel of his palm, pressed firmly on her mons, however, brought her fully awake again. His handsome face was devoid of any expression, but she knew he had done it deliberately. A finger ma.s.saged oil into her c.l.i.toris and the hood over it, but just as she was beginning to feel a little tingle he spoke.

"Turn over, Nora." And he helped her to flip.

He ma.s.saged her shoulders and she could feel the tension draining away. His strong hands smoothed down her long back, finally reaching her b.u.t.tocks. Rolf's fingers kneaded her now-firm a.s.s, the edge of one hand sliding down the crease between her b.u.t.tocks. Fascinated, she forced herself to relax as the hand moved between the cheeks of her a.s.s as deep as it could go. The room was silent. She did not see Rolf nod meaningfully to Kyle, but she felt the two halves of her a.s.s being pulled apart, and as quickly the sensation of something rubbing against her a.n.u.s very softly.

"Wha . . . ?" she tried to speak.

"It's alright, Nora. We're just showing you something new," Rolf told her. "We aren't going to do anything you aren't ready for, sweetie."

The slick finger stroked a spot she had never thought to be touched. It was rather exciting, and sent a small frisson of pleasure through her. Nora didn't know whether to be shocked by her reaction or not. When she felt him begin to blow softly there, she s.h.i.+vered. She actually wiggled a bit. The hands holding her a.s.s cheeks apart released her, but the finger remained, and Nora could not help herself. She squeezed that finger even as she felt her face grow warm with a guilty blush.

"I think someone is going to be ready soon for a nice a.s.s f.u.c.k," Rolf said.

"Not yet." Kyle's voice was almost angry.

Rolf actually laughed as he withdrew his finger and, going over to the double sink, washed his hands before resuming the ma.s.sage. When he had finished with her legs, thighs, calves, and feet, he smacked Nora's bottom a light whack. "All done, sweetie." Then he helped her off the table.

"Let's have some of that wonderful wine I had earlier," Nora said in an attempt to break the tension. What an incredible fantasy world this was. Kyle was jealous of Rolf. And Rolf was enjoying torturing Kyle over her. Could her sense of self-worth get any better? She wanted that sense to carry over into her other world. She needed it to fight Jeff and win.

They went into the bedroom, with its huge bed, and Kyle poured them three goblets of Sweet Scarlet. He raised his gla.s.s. "To Nora," he said.

Rolf nodded. "To Nora, and to new s.e.xual explorations."

"To the both of you, who make me feel so d.a.m.ned good," Nora toasted them back. Then she downed half of the wine. "I want to make love again before my wake-up call, boys," she said to them. "Drink up!"

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Channel: Private Pleasures Part 5 summary

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