Cattle Valley: Fool's Gold Part 11

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"Oh, hush," Mel teased her right back. "You're such a smart aleck. I'd hoped Courtney would cure you of it, but I think it's only gotten worse."

Naomi poked her head out of the back. "Speaking of our one true loves, does Addie plan to hire some people to work at the inn? It'd be a pretty big job for one person. Tia had a front desk a.s.sistant and a morning cook."

Mel shook her head. "She hasn't got that far, yet. The inn needs a lot more work before it can open. It's rough, because Addie's a little strapped. She thought she'd come here to a money-making operation. So far, it's only been a money-eater."

"I hope they catch the little b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who did it. They should be made to pay. They should have had to clean it up, too, but I guess it couldn't wait that long."

"Nope, she needs to get things going now. Speaking of which, I offered to call that contractor friend of Gill's to see what he could do about the floors." She reached for the phone book.

"Hal? He's a good guy." Naomi walked back to the counter. "I just wanted to mention-if you're thinking about quitting here to go work at the inn, try to give me some notice, will you? I don't relish the idea of working long days by myself. When summer gets here, Sally Meadows will be back from college, and she's already asked me about getting some hours. But until then-"

"I'm not going anywhere." Mel nudged Naomi's arm lightly. The idea of her working at the inn had never occurred to her. It was a tempting thought, but she could hear Addie going ballistic if she mentioned it. It was too early for those kinds of plans.

"You say that now," Naomi nodded her head knowingly. "But just in case, somewhere down the line..." She raised her eyebrows. "I'm not being nosy. I have reasons, and I need to know."

"I heard you. Don't worry about me. I love my job, and I need it. Now go away so I can make my call." She proceeded to look up the contractor's number.


"Sure, go ahead." Naomi headed to the front of the store, muttering jokingly, "For someone who loves her job, she sure doesn't get much work done."

"Five more minutes, that's all I need. I promise."

Naomi laughed and waved a hand.

Hal Kuckleman lived with the Reverend Casey Sharp near the church in Cattle Valley.

That was the extent of Mel's knowledge about the man, other than he was a friend of Gill's.

Hal seemed very accommodating on the phone, agreeing to stop by the inn after work to check out what needed to be done.

Mel hurried to her apartment and gathered a few more clothes to take with her, arriving at the inn at the same time Hal did in his white pickup truck. She left her things in the car and got out, approaching him. "Hi, Hal. I'm Melissa Danes. I think I've seen you around town." She extended her hand.

He shook it and smiled pleasantly. "Yeah, at Gill's wedding, maybe. I don't get into the bookstore much. Wish I had more time to read, but there's always something going on."

"I understand that. Well, come on in. My friend just bought this place, and we're trying to figure out what needs to be done after the break-in." She led him inside. "Addie? I'm here with the contractor."

Addie came from the kitchen, drying her hands. "h.e.l.lo."

"Addie Murphy, Hal Kuckleman." Mel introduced them and stepped back. It was Addie's inn, she should take it from here.

They shook hands, and Hal glanced at the room full of marked up wooden furniture.

"This is lovely," he said sarcastically, shaking his head.

"Isn't it? They didn't miss a piece. Oh, except one chair. I have one dining room chair, and a few those cowboys put back together for me. We're careful when we sit on those."

He smiled, still looking around. "I hate to tell you this, but you're using the wrong stuff on this furniture. You don't need paint stripper." He pointed to the piece Addie had worked on. "That one there is ruined. The rest might be salvageable, but it's pretty labour-intensive *


work. Not sure you'd think the price was worth it. You might be able to buy new stuff for not much more."

"That's what I was afraid of." Addie nodded. "Forget about the furniture. The floors are my biggest concern. They did a number on the beautiful, wood finish."

He scuffed his boot across a board. "Yeah, but nothing permanent. These can be buffed out and will look as good as new. I might be able to spare you a man to do that."

"I'd be grateful." Addie looked at him. "I'm trying to get the place usable. Money's a little tight, because I'd counted on the income from the inn when I got here."

Hal scratched his head. "We oughta be able to work something out. Let me look upstairs, see how much area we're talking about, before I shoot you a price."

"Of course." Addie led him up the staircase.

Mel followed along behind. "When you're done, there's one more thing I'd like to show you, Hal. The attic."

"That can wait," Addie spoke up.

"I'd just like to get an idea," Mel insisted. "It's not finished, but it's a beautiful s.p.a.ce. I wondered how much it would cost to finish it off."

"I'll take a look."

Mel grinned at Addie.

Addie rolled her eyes but couldn't resist smiling back.

Hal and Addie settled on a price for refinis.h.i.+ng the floors. He agreed to send someone to start work the following day. After examining the attic, he offered to write up a quote and get it to her soon.

Mel was satisfied and thought Addie appeared relieved, as well. "It's a start," Mel commented after showing Hal out.

"Yeah, it's good. I'm still worried about where the money will come from. But I needed to do this. Thanks for setting it up."

"You're welcome." Mel moved closer, giving Addie a kiss. "I believe I promised you dinner, too."


"Not too hungry." Addie ran her hands over Mel's shoulders. "For food, anyway. I've been thinking about you all afternoon. It's a d.a.m.n good thing you called and warned me the contractor was coming over. He'd have gotten quite a surprise." Her eyes sparkled.

"Oh yeah?" Mel licked her lips, a tingling of l.u.s.t rising in her. "What were you thinking?"

"Actually..." Addie reached for the hem of Mel's s.h.i.+rt, pulled it over her head and tossed it aside. "I thought about waiting for you, lying naked across the bed." She unfastened Mel's bra and sent it flying. "Then I thought about running a nice, warm bath in one of the big ol' tubs upstairs. I think I'd enjoy seeing you surrounded by bubbles."

Mel kicked off her shoes, as Addie dragged her slacks and panties off. "A bubble bath sounds fun."

Addie pressed her up against the wall in the hallway outside her bedroom. "I just decided I'm too impatient for any of that. I need to taste you now." She dropped to her knees and spread Mel's legs, hoisting one calf over her shoulder.

Holding onto the wall behind her, Mel gasped as Addie moved swiftly and purposefully.

Spreading Mel's p.u.s.s.y lips, Addie drove her tongue forward. No gentle caresses, no skirting around the edges this time. She appeared to know what she wanted and went for it.

"Oh lord." Mel cradled the back of Addie's head with one hand. "I won't last long with this treatment."

"Good." Addie's voice sounded m.u.f.fled and breathy, but she didn't stop what she was doing. "I want to feel you come. Want to taste you come."

Mel groaned as Addie drove deeper, stroked faster. She gasped and tried to remain standing, accidentally tugging Addie's hair. "Sorry."

"No problem," Addie chuckled. "Maybe we should move to the bedroom." She released Mel's leg and stood, pulling her by the hand to the bed and settling her back.

Mel reached for Addie's head and encouraged her to return to the job at hand. Her arousal seemed to urge Addie on. The persistent woman nibbled and licked with abandon until Mel finally groaned and shuddered. An intense climax spiralled through her, igniting every fibre of her being. She collapsed into the mattress as Addie sucked the last of the juices she'd coaxed out.


Addie crawled up over Mel, staring into her eyes. "That was f.u.c.king awesome."

They kissed, and Mel slid her arms around Addie's neck. "I totally agree. Now lie back.

I want to make love to you, and it might take some time."

Addie kissed her again, their tongues battling each other for dominance. At last, she leaned back and grinned. "Promise?"

Mel lay with her head on Addie's belly, one hand tracing the curves of her breast. She was totally at ease, more comfortable than she'd ever felt with anyone. If she never had to move again, it'd be too soon.

Addie fingered the small silver hoop in Mel's ear. "Oh! I forgot to tell you, my lawyer called today."

"Really?" Mel gazed at her. "Any news?"

"Just that my mother isn't backing down. We have a court date in two weeks."

"No!" Mel frowned. "Have you tried talking to her?"

"I tried once. She wouldn't speak to me." Addie touched her hand to Mel's cheek. "I guess a judge will decide my fate."

"Addie, no!" Mel tried to rise but Addie grabbed her shoulder.

"Don't get up. This feels too good to move."

I think so, too. Mel remained where she was, but a feeling of unease spread over her. The lawsuit between Addie and her mother was troubling. "The whole thing is just awful. I can't believe your mom would sue you."

"I know." Addie sighed and closed her eyes. "Just do what I do, try not to think about it."

Easier said than done. Mel wanted Addie to decide her own fate, not some judge. A s.h.i.+ver ran down her spine, and she hugged her lover close.


Chapter Nine.

Addie had moved all the damaged furniture to the porch by the time Hal's employee showed up to start the floors the next day. Jason. He was another Cattle Valley hunk with short dark hair, brooding eyes and a handsome, muscular physique. As he started to work, he casually mentioned his partner, and it dawned on her he was gay. She still wasn't used to the majority of people in the town leaning in that direction. This guy, like most of the others, was hotter than a firecracker. If she were straight, she'd find the place annoying as h.e.l.l.

She settled into a chair on the porch. Jason had stirred up a cloud of dust in the front room, and she wanted to steer clear. While she was deciding what to do, Mel pulled into the driveway.

Addie strolled down to meet her. "What are you doing? If you're home for a noontime quickie, I hate to break it to you, but the floor guy is here. Jason somebody."

Mel didn't get out of her car. "I wish I could, but no time today. I've only got thirty minutes, because Naomi has a doctor's appointment. But I want to take you somewhere. Hop in."

"I can't just leave," Addie protested, glancing back at the inn.

"We won't be gone long. Tell Jason you'll be right back and come on," Mel insisted.

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Cattle Valley: Fool's Gold Part 11 summary

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