Cattle Valley: Fool's Gold Part 5

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Addie moved slower, trying to rationalise things in her mind. I need to be here with Chloe.

They'd come all this way together. This was the right thing to do. But as she crawled between the eagerly spread thighs, Addie closed her eyes. Maybe if she didn't look, she could pretend it was Melissa.


Chapter Four.

Mel slid a hand down her flat stomach and circled her neatly trimmed She thought about lounging in bed since she was off work but didn't really want to do that.

Images of Addie ran through her mind. The gorgeous woman had Mel hotter and more bothered then she had been in ages.

Spreading her warm, lightly furred lips, Mel focused on her c.l.i.t. Her fingers rubbed small loops around it, teasing, not yet touching. With her other hand, she drove two fingers into her p.u.s.s.y, closing her eyes so her imagination could soar.

Addie rose above her, eyes teeming with l.u.s.t. Naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s bobbed as she straddled Mel seductively. Dark brown nipples stood out from the pale, untanned flesh of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Addie's dark coloured thatch was shaved into a thin strip, barely covering the treasures hidden there.

She squirmed down Mel's body, grinding her p.u.s.s.y into Mel's leg and rubbing their skin together as she went. When she reached the apex, she settled in between, spreading the thighs wide. She blew warm breath across Mel's most sensitive area before opening the folds and dipping her tongue in for a taste.

The image, coupled with the manipulation of her hands, sent Mel skyrocketing into a delightful o.r.g.a.s.m. Her body s.h.i.+vered and quaked before easing back to some semblance of normal. The climax had been sharp and intense, but it peaked and dissipated far too quickly.

They never last long enough when I'm alone. The thought of Addie's face buried in her p.u.s.s.y would probably allow her another lovely little o.r.g.a.s.m, but Mel relaxed. When she was thinking clearly, fantasising about the s.e.xy brunette made her feel guilty.

Addie had a girlfriend, and despite the fact Chloe was brash and downright rude, they were together. Mel was many things, but a home-wrecker was not one of them.

She climbed out of bed and rushed through her shower. If she lingered, Mel was certain, given the thoughts she had about Addie, she'd wind up back in bed, vibrator in hand- or someplace like that. Smiling at the thought, she finished her shower with little fanfare. She really didn't feel like pleasuring herself again. She wanted to see Addie.


Dressed in jeans and a pink blouse, she applied just a touch of makeup to her lightly tanned face. Pulling her shoulder-length hair back while it was still wet, Mel wove it into the French braid she normally wore for work. Her bangs were long but didn't reach the braid, so she brushed them to the side. She sprayed a light mist of cologne over her chest then strolled out to her living room.

It wasn't a long walk. Her apartment was small, but it had suited her fine since moving to Cattle Valley a few years ago. Two years of college and partying at Iowa State University had left her with few credits and a lot of confusion about what she wanted to do with her life.

Her parents were both pharmacists, and her brother was following their path. He was midway through the gruelling course of study. Mel knew she'd never survive six years of college nor all the math and science the degree required. She wasn't sure she wanted to spend her days dispensing pills behind the counter of some big box store pharmacy, anyway.

When she'd heard about Cattle Valley from some friends who'd pa.s.sed through on vacation, she and Sarah, her girlfriend at the time, had decided to visit. Mel had fallen in love with the town and jumped at the opportunity when she'd spotted a 'help wanted' sign in the bookstore. Sarah, more focused, had returned to school to finish her accounting degree. They still kept in touch, cards at Christmas, mainly. Mel knew her former best friend was happy with her job and a new lover back in their hometown of Ames.

Mel made some toast and ate, standing at the sink, thinking. There was really no reason to pop in on Addie at the inn, other than concern about how she was doing after the previous traumatic day. And my need to see her. Mel couldn't explain it and didn't really want to figure it out. She just wanted another glimpse of Addie Murphy.

Mel had left their fridge decently stocked the night before, so she knew they weren't desperate for food. But cinnamon rolls from Brynn's Bakery-they weren't food, they were a guilty pleasure. She'd pick up some and use them as an excuse to stop by the inn.

The bakery was crowded on mornings, so she waited patiently in line. Just as she reached the front, Gill came in from the kitchen. "Hey, Mel." He nodded at her then leaned down to plant a kiss on the cheek of the man in a wheelchair behind the counter.

"And hey to you, too, good looking."

Kyle, Gill's handsome husband, looked up at him and smiled. "Hey, babe."


Mel thought they made a romantic couple. She gave them a moment then said, "Hi, Gill, Kyle. I thought I'd take some cinnamon rolls over to the new owner of Apple Valley Inn.

Four ought to do it. No, make it six." She waggled her eyebrows.

"You got it. I heard about what happened over there. Sorry we weren't around." Kyle boxed up the rolls.

"No problem. Shep sent a bunch of guys from the Back Breaker Ranch, and with a few other people, we got the place cleaned up pretty quickly." She looked at Gill. "There might be something you can do, though. Addie's car is old, and her m.u.f.fler is dragging on the ground, literally. Think you could help her out?"

"Haven't met a m.u.f.fler I couldn't wrangle yet. Might have to run over to Sheridan for parts if the car's old, but I can do that."

"It's old." Mel nodded, remembering the ancient green beast. "Real old. I'll tell her to look you up. Actually, Ryan already did, but I'll remind her." She paid her bill and picked up the box. "Thanks, guys. See you later."

"Sure thing, thanks." Kyle nodded to her.

"Later, 'gator." Gill winked.

Mel grinned and walked out. Back in her car, she headed for the inn and hoped Addie was awake. She really wouldn't enjoy catching the two women still in bed-sleeping or otherwise engaged. Mel frowned at the image and put it out of her mind.

She approached the front door and knocked loudly. To her dismay, Chloe answered immediately. At least she's dressed. A cigarette hung from the corner of her mouth.

"Good morning," Mel said cautiously. She hadn't noticed the number of piercings the woman wore yesterday, but now she saw Chloe's ears were lined with lots of different jewellery. The stud in her eyebrow looked painful. She tried not to stare, remembering why she was there. "Is Addie around?"

"She's busy right now." Chloe squinted. "Need something?"

"I, uh..." Mel thought about offering the box of rolls, but Chloe didn't make her feel particularly welcome.

"Who is it?" Addie's voice wafted from the back of the house.

"n.o.body," Chloe called back, staring at Mel as she took a drag from her cigarette.


That does it. Not welcoming was one thing, but rude was quite another. She raised her voice and called over Chloe's shoulder, "It's me, Mel. I brought you some breakfast."

"Really?" Addie entered the room, wearing jeans and a white blouse. Her hair had been moussed and spiked stylishly. It looked different than it had the previous day, when it had simply hung straight. Her makeup was still pretty heavy on the eyeliner, but nothing compared to Chloe's rac.o.o.n eyes.

Mel smiled at Addie. She looks d.a.m.n hot. Earlier, the thought had made her feel guilty.

Now, given Chloe's uncalled for att.i.tude, she didn't care. "Yeah. Cinnamon rolls from the local bakery. They're really good."

"I love cinnamon rolls!" Addie's eyes lit up. "Get in here." She reached for Mel's arm and pulled her around Chloe.

"I hoped you would." Mel let Addie drag her into the kitchen.

"You didn't have to do this, you know." Addie looked at her. "The food last night, either. It's too much. I can't repay you right now, but maybe when my cheque comes in..."

Mel sat gingerly on one of the repaired chairs. "I don't expect to be repaid. I'm just trying to be neighbourly."

Chloe spoke from behind her. "Never had neighbours like that before. People don't do things for no reason. They always want something."

Mel didn't bother to look at the cynical woman. She gazed at Addie. "Not everyone is like that. People are different here in Cattle Valley. More tolerant for one thing, and more laid back. The living is easier, and it makes a person want to do things for another person, especially when they need it."

Addie sank into the chair across from her. "I've never been much for needing other people. My father taught me to be self-reliant. He said life was hard enough, and it was worse if you were always waiting on someone else."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Mel thought Addie's father sounded bitter. She felt more fortunate than ever to have two parents who loved and accepted her unconditionally.

"But yesterday..." Addie shook her head. "I needed help. When I got here and saw the inn, I almost lost it."

"I thought we ought to turn around and hightail it out of here." Chloe stepped up to the table and picked at the icing of a cinnamon roll. "Still think we ought to."


Addie rolled her eyes. She told Mel, "I've sunk everything I have into this place. Right now, I've got nowhere else to go. Whether we stay or not remains to be seen. But I'll have to figure out the insurance stuff and get the place fixed up, even if I decide to sell it."

Mel quickly blinked back tears of disappointment, amazed to feel them forming. She barely knew the woman, for goodness sake. What difference would it make if she left? She searched Addie's face for the answer that wasn't there-it was in Mel's heart. It makes a difference. "You might sell the inn?"

"I haven't decided." Addie tore off a chunk of her roll and nibbled on it. "d.a.m.n, these are good!"

"That should be something to stay for." Mel smiled hopefully.

Addie grinned. "I think there might be lots of reasons to stay. I'll just have to see how it goes."

Mel sat with Addie as she ate, and they talked. Chloe eventually sat and was social, if not friendly.

"I could help you figure out the insurance paperwork, if you like," Mel offered.

"I can do that." Chloe stared at her.

"I was only offering," Mel said to Addie, "because I deal with that in my other job all the time. I'm a leasing agent for Cattle Valley and the James Beauregard Trust, which owns all the land around here for miles."

"All the land?" Chloe made a face at Mel then turned to Addie. "But you just bought the inn. You must own this land."

Mel shook her head. "Actually, no. People purchase buildings, and make yearly payments to the trust. The money is used for community improvements, as decided by the trustees."

"That sucks." Chloe scowled.

"I knew that." Addie nodded. "I'd kind of forgotten, but that was in the papers I signed. It doesn't matter, the house is mine."

"House with no ground underneath it," Chloe muttered.


Mel ignored her and looked at Addie. "So I'm pretty familiar with insurance stuff, if you'd like some help."

Before she could answer, Chloe stood up. "I told you, I'll help her. We're not complete idiots, you know. We can do a few things for ourselves."

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Cattle Valley: Fool's Gold Part 5 summary

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