The Crystal Visions Part 1

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The Crystal Visions.

A Familys Journey.

Into the Paranormal.

By B J Somerville.


I want to dedicate this book to my Bestie Cyndi. On a fundamental level we have many things in common. We both value our families, integrity and loyalty but on another level we are completely opposite. Both of those aspects have been equally important to the strength and growth of our friends.h.i.+p. Weve had the most wonderful conversations on just about every topic imaginable. I appreciate you and love your strength and steadfastness. Thank you for encouraging me, holding my hand when Ive needed support and kicked my b.u.t.t when I was being a pansy. What would I ever do without you in my corner and me in yours. I love you Bestie, you are my rock! Keep up the good work.


Since the transplantation of the family into the Central Ontario town of Burks Falls Markie had found it more and more imperative that she explore her spirituality. She didnt speak about it much at first but she had experienced things that she had no logical explanation for. She considered herself logical and practical but shed been thrown into a world she understood very little about. Luckily she had a curious mind and when her Uncles girlfriend Naomi invited her to a Retreat north of what used to be the mostly Ojibway community of Powa.s.san she jumped at the opportunity to accompany her.

Naomi Dawit was a local celebrity being a Shaman and Healer but she had also become a member of the family. They headed out early on the morning and stopped for breakfast at a diner on the way. "That was a nice little diner but we have a much better chef." Naomi said with pride. Naomi and Markies Uncle Tullio had opened a family diner in an old railway car that had been converted several years ago but the original owner had never opened its doors. They pooled their money and made the upgrades and it opened in no time.

The property had a small house that the two moved in to while the renovations were completed. From the moment it opened the diner was a resounding success. They had brought in a fantastic chef that Tullio had come across and both spent much of their time entertaining family and friends on gourmet versions of cla.s.sic diner cuisine.

Markie had been surprised but also honored to have been asked to join Naomi on this reunion of sorts. Over the past few years since migrating north and becoming acquainted with Naomi Markie had met many of Naomis peers. The more she spoke and more importantly the more she listened to them the more intrigued by them she became. They had found a way of explaining the unexplainable. For every answer Markie received there seemed to be a hundred more questions triggered. Living her life day to day had become a voyage of self-discovery.

After stopping at the diner Naomi had taken the wheel to continue on the final leg of their journey. Markie was surprised upon arrival at the interesting group of holistic and spiritual modalities represented. Although Naomi primarily thought of herself as a Shaman and a Healer her friends were varied. They arrived to a group of women milling about outside in the warm spring air. Warm smiles, hugs and kisses were shared by all. Even Markie as a newcomer found herself enveloped in warm hugs and each person touched her with a pat on the back or a squeeze on the forearm followed by warm smiles.

The hostess was a large robust middle aged woman with greying hair named Louise. She welcomed them to her home and gave them all a chance to socialize and stretch their legs as many had made long drives to get there. For Naomi and Markie the retreat was only an hour or so northwest of Powa.s.san Naomis childhood home so the distance was very manageable. Eventually they made their way into a large family room where a small fire crackled in the wood burning fireplace. The comforting smell of burning wood immediately made Markie feel at home. Naomi and Markie took their seats as Markie scanned the room in fascination.

There were the usual stylized dream catchers, a rain stick, and a very large cl.u.s.ter of quartz crystal. There was a bookshelf full of books that Markie would love to get her hands on and once everyone settled down Louise welcomed the group and took them through a guided meditation. Several of the ladies shared something of what they were interested in. One read an excerpt from a book called Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins. Another fascinating woman handed out pieces of amethyst shed mined herself in Thunder Bay. Another woman shared a lesson and discussion from A Course in Miracles and another woman Markie found particularly interesting told about the healing properties of plants and her Perelandra inspired garden.

By the end of the day Markie was overwhelmed by the sheer volume and diversity of modalities and concepts covered. Most people had 2-3 overlapping but distinctively separate interests including Reiki, Ley Lines, Meridians, Dowsing and a few others Markie would have to look up on the internet when she returned home. Shed obviously had a spiritual overload but in a fascinatingly good way. By the end of the day Naomi had to pry Markie away, picking up their Goodie bags containing their piece of amethyst, Bach flower sample, and the David Hawkins book on the way to their truck.

Again they were treated to hugs and kisses and Markie climbed into the drivers seat for the first leg of their ride home. Before they had travelled very far it was clear to Markie that something was going on. She had the distinct sensation that her physical being was lighter than air. She felt as though her body was floating out of its seat and several times she had to check to make sure her head wasnt touching the SUVs cloth covered interior roof.

Naomi noticed something was going on but didnt comment until Markie almost missed stopping at a red light and had to slam on the brakes at the last minute. "Markie honey, please pull over. Youre in no shape to be driving." Naomi urged. Markie pulled over and they switched seats. "Sorry Naomi. I dont know whats going on with me." Markie said softly as she fastened her seatbelt on the pa.s.senger side of the vehicle. Naomi looked at her sideways. "Youll be fine. Here have a drink of water. Youve been blasted with an incredible amount of Universal Light Force Energy. It was very powerful and youre not used to it." Naomi said putting the truck into gear. "Remind me to teach you how to stay grounded... especially in a large group like that. I cant have you driving off the road into a ditch." Naomi said with a quick wink in Markies direction. *

Chapter One.

Jenna invited Sona over for dinner while Markie and the girls were away visiting family in the southern part of the Province. Sona was looking forward to spending time with her best friend and meeting her extended family. It was Jennas parents anniversary and Jenna wanted to do something nice for them. They had done so much for her and she wanted to show them how much they both were appreciated. She made her Fathers favorite prime rib roast, a green bean ca.s.serole, mashed potatoes and gravy along with her Mothers favorite Cream Puffs shed purchased from the ladies at the bakery in town.

The family was already there when Sona arrived. Jenna introduced her to her parents Victor and Isabel Gilmore. Sona estimated Isabel was in her early sixties while Victor was probably several years his wifes elder. Jennas brother Eric was there with his mail order wife Zorka who was originally from Belarus. To be fair they had been together for more than a dozen years so they must have found something in common besides mutual loneliness. Jenna explained that Eric had waited until he was older to get married and the couple neither had children nor wanted them. The final member of the family was a young man of about 17 who lived with Victor and Isabel and he seemed to have some developmental delay issues but after a conversation with him Sona found him to be quite a nice young man. He had difficulty with verbal communication but he was more than capable of making himself understood with only a few words and hand signals. He didnt appear to speak American Sign Language which Sona had seen many children who had difficulty with speech use in her previous position as a teaching a.s.sistant with the private school board.

When Sona arrived with her homemade desserts the young man let her in and escorted her into the well-appointed kitchen. She placed her delicious confections on the counter as Jenna was placing the prime rib roast back into the oven for a few more minutes. "I see youve met Spencer." Jenna smiled as she saw her friend. She removed her oven mitts and gave her friend a warm hug. "Im so glad youre here!" Jenna whispered in Sonas ear. Sona frowned at her as they pulled apart. Jenna introduced Eric and Zorka, her parents and finally Spencer. "Could you get the milk out of the fridge for me?" Jenna asked Sona.

Sona didnt know why but something was off. Jenna seemed uncharacteristically anxious. Sona placed the milk on the counter. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked smiling. Jenna had helped Sona cook many times in her kitchen and they found they worked together very well. Before Sona had time to close the fridge door Zorka had taken hold of the door and stuck her head in to snoop around. Jenna had poured some of the drippings from the roast into a pot on the stove and had begun whisking the liquid while mixing in small amounts of thickener. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore were quietly munching on hors doeuvres and talking quietly.

Eric started telling Spencer he needed to get out and get a job and start taking care of himself. Sona frowned. Spencer seemed capable of holding down some sort of job in the future but what was the rush? Zorka removed a yogurt and a piece of coffee cake from the fridge. "Jenna can I have this?" Zorka asked in her thick accent as she popped the lid off the yogurt. Jenna looked annoyed but nodded her head. She had spent literally hours making everything from scratch, dinner was going to be ready shortly and she had hoped the hors doeuvres would keep their appet.i.tes in check until it was ready. "Could you keep stirring this while I mash the potatoes?" Jenna asked Sona. "Sure, no problem." Sona replied as she quickly moved to the stove taking the whisk from Jennas hand.

Zorka walked around the kitchen alternately shoveling yogurt and cake into her open maw. Jenna drained the potatoes, added milk and b.u.t.ter then went to the drawer for the hand masher. "I see that old train car was turned into a diner by that wahoo and some Italian guy." Eric said. "Eric! Their names are Naomi and Tullio and just for your information Tullio is Sonas uncle by marriage so can you please not talk like that in my house?" Jenna asked sharply. "Im sorry Sona my brother is a bigot." Jenna said as her face turned pitch red.

Spencer tapped Sona on the arm. "Kids?" he asked. "Do I have kids?" She asked him. He nodded. "Yes I do. My two nieces live with me." Sona said turning to Spencer. Spencer held up two fingers. "Two?" He asked. "Yes" Sona nodded. Meanwhile Zorka had finished her feast and had returned to the refrigerator. She stood with her head deep inside while her ample bottom stuck out like some sort of refrigerator parasite. She popped her head out and held up an unopened package of chocolate chips. "Can I have these?" She asked. Jenna sighed loudly. "Zorka could you please set the table? Spencer will help you. He knows where everything is." Jenna said politely trying to distract her sister-in-law. "Ya Ya." Spencer said taking Zorkas arm and pulling her along. He guided her to the hutch where the "good" dishes were kept.

When everyone was out of range Sona raised her eyebrow at Jenna in a silent question. Jenna shook her head and rolled her eyes dramatically meaning she would explain later. From the other room they could hear Eric talking loudly about the stupid fundamentalist Christians blah blah blah. "Im so sorry. I should have warned you." Jenna said to Sona. "Wow I thought Neanderthals were extinct." Sona said so only Jenna could hear, trying to lighten the mood and relieve her friends stress. Jenna broke out laughing. Zorka was back in the kitchen with a napkin loaded with hors doeuvres. She munched on them as she looked at the photographs taped to Jennas fridge. Eric had also wandered into the kitchen to get something to drink. He reached for a beer but at the last second retrieved a

Eric had had his share of substance abuse issues over the years and had to avoid alcohol at all cost. "Whos the guy?" Eric said pointing to the picture of Sunny. "Thats my friend Sunny and shes a woman." Jenna said emphasizing the female p.r.o.noun. Zorka squinted and moved in to look at the picture more closely. Eric looked at Jenna with a stern look. Jenna just smiled. The last time Jenna had brought up the topic of her s.e.xuality Eric hadnt spoken to her for almost two years. Not that that was a big loss. Spencer entered the kitchen and took hold of Zorka and guided her to the silverware drawer. Zorka sighed, wiped her hands on her s.h.i.+rt and took out the place settings before going back out into the dining room.

Sona looked across the island to see where Jennas parents had gone. Her father had retired to the living room and had turned on the television to watch the football game. Her mother pretended to be mesmerized by the figurines in the china cabinet. Both parents seemed to be uncomfortable with Erics comments but knew better than to voice their displeasure at a family get together. After she finished setting the table Zorka was back in the kitchen. "Oh Christ!" Jenna said under her breath. Thank G.o.d dinner was only minutes away she thought to herself. Zorka had returned to the picture of Sunny. "Man... yes?" Zorka asked again. "NO!" Both Jenna and Sona replied simultaneously. Eric had followed his parents into the living room and could be heard complaining loudly about Obamacare. "Could you please tell everyone dinner is ready." Jenna asked Zorka. Jenna turned to Sona. "I wish this d.a.m.n dinner was over with! I wish Id never invited them. They both drive me crazy every time." Jenna confessed. "Now you know why it took me so long to come out of the closet." She told her best friend.

Sona had no idea Jennas brother was so opinionated. It did however explain her hesitancy at having an open relations.h.i.+p with Sunny or anyone else for that matter. Zorka went back to the photograph for a third time and Sona decided that was enough. "Zorka, would you mind helping me with some of these platters?" Sona told more than asked Zorka. Once she had loaded Zorka up with food Sona turned to her friend and gave her shoulder a firm squeeze. Spencer came bounding in like a playful puppy but stopped in his tracks. "Smatter?" He asked when he saw Sona comforting Jenna. "Nothing Honey. Everything is fine. Could you please ask Grandma and Pops to come to the table?" Jenna smiled warmly at Spencer.

Jenna resisted the urge to tousle Spencers hair because her father had taken the time to put gel in his hair and spike it up. Spencer had his issues but compa.s.sion wasnt one of them. He smiled broadly and ran out of the room. "Eat! Eat!" He bellowed. They all started to gather around the dining room table and when Sona saw Eric making his move for the head of the table she jumped into action. "Mr. Gilmore, would you like to sit at the head of the table and carve the roast?" Sona asked sweetly. Mr. Gilmore reached for the carving utensils but stopped and made eye contact with his daughter. Jenna smiled and nodded her head. Victor beamed and took his place. Jenna took her place at the other end of the table, Eric and Zorka on one side while Isabel, Spencer and Sona sat opposite.

Dinner was plated and Mr. Gilmore said an old prayer giving thanks and reminding everyone to think of people who werent as fortunate. The food was hot and delicious and everyone was silent while they savored the delicious meal. Eric and Zorka filled their plates twice while Isabel helped Spencer who was a little bit messy but seemed to be enjoying his meal immensely. Sona smiled at her friend.

"Dinner was delicious Jenna. Thank you for inviting me." Sona said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Good!" Spencer agreed. Jenna smiled and blushed slightly as she stood to start clearing the dishes off the table. "Let me help you." Isabel said. "No no... Mrs. Gilmore. This is supposed to be your day. Please sit and relax. Ill help Jenna." Sona offered. "Who wants coffee?" Jenna asked on her way into the kitchen. Jenna set up the coffee maker and started some water on to boil for tea. Spencer was a big fan of flavored tea so Jenna always kept a wide selection in a small wicker basket on the counter.

Sona went over and gave her friends forearm a squeeze knowing it was a long day but showing her complete support. "I love your parents. Theyre a lovely couple and Spencer is such a sweet kid." Sona offered. Sona loaded the dish washer while Jenna made up a couple trays, one with hot beverages and the other with desserts. The dessert tray had peanut b.u.t.ter and chocolate bars, date squares from her mothers old family recipe and b.u.t.ter pecan tarts. Sona finished what she was doing and helped carry the tray with a carafe of coffee, hot water for tea, sugar and cream and followed Jenna into the dining room.

As they entered the room Eric was at it again. "I dont know what this country is coming to! When they legalized gay marriage I knew we were all going to h.e.l.l. I dont want to see those queers humping each other in the street. Its disgusting!" Eric was saying. "Eric knock it off! Ive just about had enough." Jenna said giving him her steely stare. "I agree Jenna. I love you son but I honestly dont know where you come up with this stuff. Your Mother and I didnt raise you like that." Victor said exasperated. "Its unnatural and against G.o.ds law. I shouldnt have to look at it." Eric persisted. Jenna just stood and stared him down and didnt stop until he broke eye contact and looked away.

Immediately after dessert Eric and Zorka packed up and said they had some shopping to do. Jenna had to admit she was relieved. She didnt have family dinners often and now she remembered why. As soon as the door closed behind them Victor and Isabel visibly relaxed. Spencer noticed but didnt say anything. "Spencer honey, why dont you get your bags and take them upstairs to your room and unpack." Isabel said to Spencer as she wiped his mouth with a napkin. Spencer nodded vigorously and quickly shuffled off to the front hall and loudly stomped up the stairs.

Sona giggled. "I love your brother. Hes such a gentleman." She said to Jenna. Jenna frowned. "Excuse me? Are you talking about Eric?" Jenna said looking at her friend in disbelief. "No I meant Spencer." Sona corrected. "Sweetie Spencer isnt my brother... hes my son. I had him very young and I didnt know how to cope so hes been living with my parents." Jenna explained. "Oh... well Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore youve done a wonderful job with him." Sona said recovering quickly as usual. Nothing much phased her or put her off her stride. The Gilmores smiled proudly. "Thank you Sona we try." Isabel responded.

Jenna took a sip of her coffee. "Weve decided that Spencer is going to live with me full time and spend the odd weekend with my folks." Jenna continued. "Thats terrific! Let me know if there is anything I can do." Sona offered sincerely. Jenna was grateful for her friends support. She knew that Spencer would eventually have to come live with her at some point but her Fathers health scare had made it more of a necessity. Victor and Isabel had done a wonderful job instilling in Spencer some old fas.h.i.+oned values but he had also spent many weekends and holidays with Jenna. She had never been a full time parent but she felt she was up for the challenge.

Victor and Isabel stayed a while longer to make sure Spencer was settling in and then said their goodbyes. "I should probably go too." Sona finally said to her best friend. "Ok, Ill walk you to the door." Jenna said as they rose out of their seats and headed down the hall. "Well thanks again for the lovely dinner. I had a wonderful time meeting your family." Sona teased. "Im so sorry for what my brother said. We dont really know what happened to him to make him so angry and bitter. I think he was dropped on his head repeatedly as a baby. He says the most hurtful things and I keep waiting for him to snap out of it." Jenna explained. "Nevermind. I loved meeting the rest of your family. They are lovely and I meant what I said about helping out with Spencer. Why dont you bring him by The Old Rectory to meet Markie and the girls?" Sona offered. "Thanks well do that soon." Jenna was relieved. She couldnt remember now why she hadnt told her friend about Spencer... *

Chapter Two.

The next day Sona busied herself in the kitchen making lasagna, homemade bread and chocolate brownies. Storm barked loudly alerting her to someone in the driveway. Shaley came running into the house followed by her almost constant companion Storm the Australian Cattle dog and hollering for Sona. Sona took off her oven mitts just in time as Shaley threw herself into her arms. Sona enjoyed the embrace as she knew it wasnt going to be much longer that either of the girls would want or need mothering. After Sonas sister and brother in law were killed in a car crash the girls had come to live with Sona and Markie.

After the initial adjustment and growing pains they had grown into a cohesive family unit. "I missed you so much Aunt Sona." Shaley was saying as Emma and Markie trudged in looking tired but happy to be home. "h.e.l.lo beautiful! I missed you so much." Markie said as Sona went in for a long hug followed by a sensuous kiss. The girls took this as a cue to go upstairs to wash and change into clean clothes before dinner. "Was everything ok here while we were gone?" Markie inquired. "Sure, no worries. Storm guarded the house and kept me company. Sunny checked on me regularly and I went to the diner for some meals and hung out with Uncle Tullio and Naomi. Oh ya and I went to dinner at Jennas house..." Sona was saying but Markie noticed an almost imperceptible twitch at the corner of her lovers plump and very kissable lips. Markie raised her eyebrow and she couldnt imagine what that meant but she was sure she would hear about it later. *

Jenna stood at the range making eggs and toast with Peameal bacon for Spencer. This was going to be a big adjustment for both of them but her parents had done an excellent job preparing him for the transition. Some of his favorite things had been brought to make him feel more comfortable. Spencer shuffled into the kitchen and Jenna smiled at him. "Good morning Spencer. Did you sleep well?" She asked. Spencer nodded. "I was going to make your favorite blueberry pancakes and bacon but I didnt have some of the ingredients. I put them on the list with some of the other things you like." Jenna told him. Spencer had a lazy eye and sometimes when she looked at him she saw the image of a little old man but he had a good heart and she loved him to pieces. She never once asked the powers that be why her beloved son had been born this way nor had she asked for herself. She had just accepted the fact and used her energy to find ways to make his life as enjoyable and productive as possible. She thanked the Universe every day for Spencer and all the things he had taught her.

He loved to stand close to people and watch them do things but he liked to help even more. As had become their routine when he stayed over Jenna prompted him to set the table and he did so readily. Jenna had arranged her schedule so she could have breakfast with Spencer each morning before his school bus picked him up. Thankfully in her area kids with special needs were allowed to attend high school until they were twenty-one so they still had some time to figure out what he was going to do as an adult. His particular school had a.s.sessed him and encouraged co-op work time which counted as work experience and taught useful skills. They were very encouraged that he would be able to work and hold down a job upon graduation.

He loved partic.i.p.ating and Jenna was gratified to know that he wasnt only good at his work placement positions but he very much enjoyed them as well. "I thought we could go over and visit Sona today at her house. Shes my best friend and I want you to meet her family. How does that sound?" Jenna asked him. Spencer frowned slightly. "You remember Sona... she was here for dinner." She reminded him. "Ya ya" He finally replied. "Dinnoo?" Spencer asked. Jenna smiled. Spencer loved to eat. "Yes shes making dinner and were invited." She told him. "Eat?" He asked again making a motion with his hands like he was bringing food to his mouth. "I dont know what theyre having so I guess its going to be a surprise." Jenna replied. "Sunny?" He asked. "I dont know if Sunny is going to be there or not. I hope so." Jenna said smiling. "Me" Spencer replied. "Do you like Sunny?" Jenna asked her son. He nodded his head vigorously while smiling brightly. Sunny had become a very big part of her life in the past year and she didnt know what she would do if the two collided. *

The two arrived at The Old Rectory and everyone including Sunny were out back by the gazebo Markie and Sunny had erected the previous summer. Markie stood at the grill chatting with Sunny as the gorgeous fragrant scent of Magnolias wafted by on a perfect spring day. Spencer was pleased as punch to see Sunny there and Jenna was happy the introduction to the Capabianco/King family was in such a casual setting. Spencer loved the outdoors and especially anything cooked on the grill.

Sona had prepared all the other food in advance so she was able to sit in the shade of the gazebo with her friends and chat. "So Emma what are your plans for the summer?" Jenna asked. Emma perked up. "Well last summer I swam Lake Bernard so this year I want to do two local lakes. Eventually I want to do all the Great Lakes." Emma explained. Jenna nodded taking a sip of her iced tea. "Oh that reminds me. One of my clients has some professional pieces of exercise equipment. They just want to get rid of it so they can stage their house for sale. All we have to do is go pick it up. Are you interested?" Jenna asked. "Im very interested. That would save me a ton of time not having to drive into the city every day. Aunt Sona, could I use the smaller room in the church bas.e.m.e.nt for my exercise room?" Emma asked. "I dont see why not." Sona replied. "Ill give them a call and let them know youre coming. Maybe you can get Sunny and Markie to pick up the stuff with their pick-up trucks." Jenna suggested.

Emma looked toward the grill and you could almost see the wheels turning in her mind. Sona looked around to see where Shaley was and found her sitting in the shade patting Storm and looking intently at the people standing around the grill. Markie kept watch over the hotdogs, sausage and hamburgers on the grill while Spencer watched over her shoulder with his hands in his pockets. Sunny stood cradling a bottle of beer while rocking back on her heels talking to Markie. Emma ran up to them as they stood back to allow her into the conversation. Sona continued to watch Shaley.

Eventually Shaley came over to the gazebo followed by Storm loping along behind and panting heavily with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Shaley came over and leaned against the back of Sonas patio chair. "Is Spencer really your son?" Shaley asked Jenna. "Yes he is. I was very young and he needed two parents so he has been living with my folks." Jenna explained. Shaley stood quietly thinking for a few moments. Suddenly she smiled and nodded. Jenna caught the movement out of the corner of her eye and looked at her expectantly. "Oh Mom just said he was an old soul." Shaley said matter-of-factly. Sona took a deep breath. She was used to Shaley saying she spoke to Spirits but not everyone appreciated her gifts. Surprisingly Jenna smiled. "I think that too sometimes. He is a very special person and Im lucky to have him." Jenna said softly.

Shaley saw Storm sniffing around in the long gra.s.s so she ran to investigate. Emma came back to the table after talking with the bois carrying a tray of food. She was followed close behind by Spencer carrying yet more food. Sona stood and started to hand out the burgers and hotdogs to the kids. She handed Shaley a hotdog with an extra naked wiener for Storm. Emma took her veggie burger and added her own condiments. "What would you like Spencer?" Sona asked. "Hockgog" He replied quickly. Jenna took a hotdog and added mustard and relish and handed it to him. Sona poured ice tea for the girls. "What about you Spencer. What would you like to drink?" Sona asked. She watched Markie turn off the grill and start toward them. "Beer" Spencer replied smiling crookedly with part of the hotdog bun sticking out the corner of his mouth. Jenna almost dropped her burger. "Spencer! Whos been giving you beer?" She asked sharply. "Pop" He replied. "My father has been giving you beer?" Jenna asked still sounding a little alarmed. "Ya" He laughed holding up his two first fingers to indicate only a small amount. "Calm down Jenna it was probably only a sip. Besides hes almost a young man." Sona said giving Spencer a wink.

Spencer giggled happily as Jenna wiped his mouth with a napkin. He was to drooling slightly especially when eating. "I guess I need to have a talk with Pops." Jenna said pretending to be angry with her Father. Shaley followed Markie and Sunny back to the patio table for a sip of her drink. Storm had wolfed down his wiener and now tried to mooch from each person in turn. When he stood looking at Spencer with his tail wagging Spencer handed him the rest of his hotdog. Shaley laughed... she loved to feed Storm and she took an instant liking to Spencer because of it. "Hey Spencer you must have been starving. Would you like a sausage or hamburger?" Shaley asked pretending she hadnt seen Spencer give his hotdog to the dog. "Gerber" He replied. Shaley reached for a burger and handed it to him.

They all talked quietly while eating their dinner. "Aunt Markie and Sunny said theyd be happy to pick up that exercise equipment." Emma told Jenna. "Great! Ill let you know when you can go pick it up." Jenna added. Sunny had sat down beside Jenna and she rested her hand on Sunnys thigh. Shaley and Spencer went out into the meadow to play with Storm again. "How is Spencer getting along at school?" Markie asked Jenna. "Hes doing really well. The only real challenge weve had was having him go to a daycare for an hour or so after school until I get home." Jenna said. "Oh that reminds me Sona if you meant what you said about helping out. I have this really important client on Wednesday and I have to meet him at five pm. Is there any chance you could pick up Spencer at the daycare and take him to my place?" Jenna asked hopefully. "Sure thats not a problem." Sona replied. "I could pick him up Jenna." Emma interrupted.

Sona looked over at her niece with raised eyebrows. Emma was a great kid but she had so many of her own activities she rarely had time to do anything else. "I have the Land Rover Sunny restored. h.e.l.l be perfectly safe with me." Emma continued. In truth she enjoyed any opportunity to drive the fabulous old truck. "Shes an excellent driver." Markie added in a soft voice. Jenna hesitated briefly while she thought. "Its ok Jenna Ill get him." Sona offered. "No its ok. I think its a terrific idea. Its ok with me if its ok with everyone else. Lets ask Spencer." Jenna suggested. When Shaley and Emma finally made their way back to the group they asked if he wouldnt mind getting a ride with Emma and he seemed to like the idea very much. What young man wouldnt want to spend some time with her? She was very personable and cute to boot. It was all settled. *

Chapter Three.

On Wednesday after school Emma hopped into her truck and snapped on her seatbelt. Shaley saw her and came running out of The Old Rectory waving her arms furiously in the air. She opened the back door and jumped in. "Im going with you." Shaley said. Emma sighed but acquiesced. She quickly texted Aunt Sona to tell her Shaley was coming along for the ride and Sona responded quickly so they drove to the daycare in town. Emma had done some babysitting for several of the local families since they moved to town so she was familiar with the facility.

They pulled into the parking lot and Emma went in to get Spencer while Shaley waited in the truck. Spencer was glad to see them but he wasnt his usual happy self. "Whats the matter my friend? Didnt you have a good day?" Emma asked him. Spencer just sighed while slumping his shoulders and looking dejected. "Hes upset." Shaley offered. "I can see that hes upset Shaley thank you... but why?" Emma wondered out loud. "Thad" Spencer said softly. "Hes sad." Shaley informed Emma. Emma sighed loudly giving Shaley a dirty look. Shaley sat back in her seat and didnt say anything more. "Why are you sad Spencer?" Emma asked him pointedly.

Shaley stayed quiet and just looked out the window. Spencer didnt answer. "Do you still want me to be quiet?" Shaley asked sarcastically after a few minutes like that. "He doesnt like being with all the little kids. He doesnt want to be treated like a baby." Shaley said still looking out her window. "Is that why youre sad Spencer?" Emma asked him kindly. Spencer nodded as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Ok no problem. Well have a talk with Jenna. I wouldnt want to be hanging out with little guys all the time either. Maybe you can get off the school bus at our place each day and your Mom could pick you up when shes done work." Emma suggested. "That way if shes late its no big deal. You can have dinner at our place with us. Aunt Sona is a terrific cook." Emma continued trying to cheer him up. "Ok everyone seatbelts on." Emma ordered. The mood in the car seemed much lighter on the way to The Old Rectory.

They pulled into the driveway just as Sunny and Markie were unloading the step climber and elliptical stationary bike from the back of Sunnys pick-up truck. They had parked next to the door that led into the cavernous bas.e.m.e.nt of the church. Emmas eyes lit up. She was so excited she threw the vehicle into park and bolted to examine her new slightly used exercise equipment. Spencer climbed out of the Land Rover and shouldered his back pack. Shaley jumped out and was just about ready to run in the direction Emma had gone but stopped in her tracks. "Dont worry well fix everything. Lets go see the stuff Jenna got for Emma." Shaley said to Spencer tugging on his jacket and pulling him along. *

Arrangements were made and Spencer started being dropped off every day after school at The Old Rectory. He spent most of his time watching Sona cook and she enjoyed teaching him how to do anything he wanted to try... not to mention taste everything in sight. Some days he went out back to play with Shaley and Storm or he would go down to the workout room to see what Emma was doing. He especially liked looking at the pictures and posters she had placed on the walls for inspiration. There were pictures of her favorite athletes as well as a couple of herself when she had made her own long distance swims. Spencer stood looking closely at one of the pictures for a long time. "You?" He asked pointing at one of the photographs. Emma smiled brightly. "Yes thats me. Thats when I swam Lake Bernard last year. Im hoping to do two long distance swims this year." She explained to him. "Funny!" Spencer said giggling. "Ya I guess I do look pretty funny." Emma admitted. The picture he had been looking at was one where she was wearing a short wet suit, skull cap and goggles. Emma patted him on the back as she went from one piece of equipment to the next. She was extremely pleased with the pieces Jenna had acquired for her totaling five pieces in all. They were high end pieces and must have cost the family a small fortune. *

Spencer coming over every day after school seemed to be working out well for everyone involved. Sona very much enjoyed having him around and it made her feel nostalgic for the days when she worked with special needs kids. Spencer was good company and very helpful. He showed interest in what she was doing and he loved to taste anything she made. The other piece was that she was able to see her best friend every day. Jenna told her one time over coffee how much Spencer looked forward to spending time with the family. Jenna was grateful that she could go off to work knowing Spencer was safe and happy.

After dinner the girls went to their rooms to do their homework. Markie helped load the dishwasher in hopes that she and Sona could spend some time watching their favorite shows while cuddling. Sona and Markie settled in to watch Big Bang and then Bones. "Im really proud of the girls for accepting Spencer so readily. I half expected Emma to be indifferent." Markie commented. "They both have a strong foundation and Im glad that we can say that weve played a part in it." Sona said snuggling into the crook of Markies arm. She loved feeling safe and secure nestled into her loving embrace. *

Shaley skipped through the meadow along the rivers edge. The delicate wild violets were in full bloom of white and purples. The smell of all the flowers made her think of spring. These were the memories she would take with her into adulthood and look fondly upon... these memories and her early years with her parents before she understood that sometimes very bad things happened to good people. The river was swift in the early spring after the thaw but it had settled down to its usual steady pace.

Shaley picked up a stalk of Queen Annes lace and examined its delicate structure reminding her of a snowflake. She smiled as she inhaled... It smelled like carrots. She glanced toward the tree line that separated their property from the Cemetery. There were more than the usual amount of visitors there this morning and she couldnt help but wonder why.

Pippi rode her bike to the edge of town stopping briefly to allow traffic to pa.s.s before she crossed to the side of the street where her best friend Shaley lived. They had met at school a few years back and had become fast friends ever since. She peddled as fast as her legs would carry her. Her almost orange hair whipped around her neck like the flames of a bonfire licking the logs as they tried to catch fire. Pippi knew all about Shaley and her unique life but that just endeared her more to her Bestie. Pippi veered off the main road across the gravel shoulder and skidded to a stop in front of the old clapboard church adjacent to Shaleys home. "Hi Emma! Wheres Shaley?" She hollered across the yard. "I think I saw her by the river." Emma called back pointing to the back of The Rectory. "Thanks" Pippi said smiling and waving before breaking into a full out run. She didnt want to waste one minute of time with her friend.

As she rounded the corner of the house she spied Shaley close to the waters edge. Shaley wore her favorite kitty s.h.i.+rt with bib-overalls that had been cut into shorts. Shaleys eyes sparkled when she saw her friend. They ran into each others arms jumping exuberantly together in joy and friends.h.i.+p. Theirs was the kind of friends.h.i.+p that only exists when you were thirteen. "Im so happy youre here!" Shaley squealed. "I didnt have to help my mom today so I rode here as fast as I could." Pippi said breathlessly.

Some of her orange hair escaped her French braid and almost seemed to form a halo around her head when the sun shone through it. "Lets go see if Aunt Sona has any treats for us. Im starved!" Shaley said finally. Both girls were quite the little tomboys and enjoyed almost everything about being outdoors. They would start out the day clean and tidy but they never allowed a little dirt to get in the way of having fun. They bolted toward the house not wanting to waste any time together strolling.

Half way across the meadow Shaley slowed and then stopped to look at a woman in her mid-thirties standing in the old Cemetery. Pippi kept running momentarily until she realized that her best friend was no longer with her. She went back to where Shaley stood giving her a questioning glance before her gaze went to the woman. "What is it? Do you know her?" Pippi asked. "No" Shaley replied simply. Shaley furrowed her brows and changed direction to intercept the woman.

Pippi followed until they came to the hedge border that separated the two properties. They stood there briefly while Shaley contemplated. "Whats going on?" Pippi asked. She had seen Shaleys intuitive abilities many times and had learned to just go with the flow. The woman stood at a headstone sculpted like a cherub flanked on either side by a kneeling lamb. The girls stood just far enough away not to be intrusive. The woman noticed them and wiped her eyes with the heel of her hand. Shaley knew the headstone well from her many hours playing in the Cemetery. It was the grave of a young girl who was nine years old when she pa.s.sed away.

She remembered it specifically because that is the age she had been when she and her family had been in their car wreck. When the woman seemed to have pulled herself together Shaley slowly approached her while Pippi stayed back several feet. "Is that your daughter?" Shaley asked in a soft sweet voice. The woman only nodded trying not to let the tears fall that had welled up in her eyes once more. "I live in The Old Rectory. My name is Shaley." She introduced herself. The woman finally looked at her. "My name is Michaela. I live across the lake." The woman replied wiping her bloodshot eyes once more.

The woman went to a nearby bench and sat with her face in her hands. Shaley stood for a moment with her head c.o.c.ked sideways as if listening to something. "Its Roxannes birthday." Shaley told Pippi. "Shaley lets go!" Pippi said in a loud whisper shuffling her feet uncomfortably at the heart wrenching display of raw emotions. Shaley held up her first finger to Pippi indicating wait one minute. She then walked over to Michaela. "She isnt here." Shaley told her. "What the h.e.l.l do you know?" Michaela said sharply. Shaley took a deep breath. "Both my parents were killed in a car accident when I was nine." Shaley patiently explained.

The woman looked over at her like shed never seen her before. "Im sorry." Michaela said earnestly. "You think youre closer to her here but shes always with you. She doesnt want you to cry or stop living. She wants you to live for both of you." Shaley said matter-of-factly. Michaela looked at her suspiciously. "You dont know anything." Michaela said in a small voice. "She knows things lady... things she shouldnt know." Pippi said. "Shaley!!!" A voice called from across the meadow in the direction of The Old Rectory. "I have to go." Shaley said already making off toward the hedgerow. Pippi moved toward the woman. "Shaley talks to spirits. Ask anyone." Pippi told her before running to follow her friend to her home.

Shaley stopped at the property threshold. "Maam she said for you not to worry about her being alone. She has s...o...b.. with her." Shaley said before disappearing through the hedgerow followed close behind by Pippi. "Hey wait!" Michaela said standing and taking a few steps forward before she realized it was too late. The young girls were already gone. Michaela went to the hedge and watched the young ones leap through the waist high weeds, gra.s.s and wild flowers. How could that strange girl know anything about Roxanne or their cat s...o...b.. that had recently pa.s.sed? The young girls were already gone. Michaela went to the hedge and watched the girls climb the steps to the old house. "What the h.e.l.l just happened?" She thought.

Michaela went back to Roxies grave marker and removed the flower urn that when not used fit snugly into the base. She removed it and turned it right side up before affixing it securely in its holder. The beautiful bouquet shed brought were exactly what Roxie loved. Michaela had dropped them unceremoniously on the ground when grief had unexpectedly overcome her. She retrieved them now and placed them in the vase. She looked around and found the spigot and plastic watering can and made her way over to fill it up.

After pouring the water into the vase to overflowing she sat on the ground cross legged next to Roxies headstone. All the things shed wanted to share with Roxie, the tears and loneliness, all of it was gone. She had come to the Cemetery to mark an exceptionally difficult and private moment but now she didnt feel any of those emotions. She only felt relief and grat.i.tude. She was finally able to remember the good times they shared for the first time since Roxies death. *

Chapter Four.

Shaley and Pippi charged into the mudroom before entering the old style country kitchen. "Can we go swimming Aunt Sona?" Shaley asked much too loudly. "Not by yourselves... no!" Sona replied. "Awww" The girls responded in unison. "Swim swim." Spencer said coming from the parlor into the kitchen and joining the conversation. "Im too busy now Shaley." Sona said apologetically. "Besides you cant swim if youve just eaten some of these delicious double chocolate cookies I just made. Theyre still warm." Sona smiled knowing sweet treats were always a good way to distract kids.

Shaley picked up as many as her little hands could hold and handed some to both Pippi and Spencer. She then proceeded to stuff a whole one into her own mouth which made Spencer giggle uncontrollably. Spencer moved to the back window to watch the river while the girls talked their teenage girl talk. "I think you freaked that lady out." Pippi said between bites. "Sh.e.l.l be ok." Shaley responded. "What lady?" Sona asked. "The lady we met in the Cemetery. She was there to see her daughter on her birthday. I told her not to be sad." Shaley explained before taking a long drink of her Almond milk.

Sona was about to inquire further but Spencers voice halted her questions. "Plane! Plane!" He said excitedly jumping up and down. Shaley and Pippi ran over to the window and sure enough there was a float plane coming in for a landing. Now that was something you didnt see every day. It flew low right down the middle of the small river, taxied briefly to moor at a floating dock on the far side where the river was wider and deeper. "Wow!!" Spencer said awestruck. "That was so cool!" Shaley exclaimed. Sona just shook her head. She would never have guessed the Magnetewan River was suitable for landing a plane.

Pippi finished her cookies and wet her first finger to pick up the remaining crumbs on the paper towel Sona had given her. "Maybe we can go swimming on" Pippi asked before licking the crumbs off her finger. "Im going for my lessons with Naomi in the morning then we usually have a snack at the diner but after that I should be home. Ill call you." Shaley smiled warmly. Pippi looked at her and broke out laughing. "You have chocolate on your teeth." Pippi informed her trying to suppress her laughter. Shaley covered her mouth and ran to the toaster to see her reflection. When she was finished she returned to her seat a little red in the face but smiling all the same.

Spencer shuffled over. "Dinew?" He asked. Shaley nodded her head in response. Spencer went over to Sona and patted her arm repeatedly. "Dinew... me?" He asked pointing to himself. Sona turned toward him with her brows furrowed. "Do you like the diner Spencer?" She asked him. "Ya Ya" He said excited. "Shaleys going with her teacher on but maybe we all can go some time after school." Sona offered. "Ya Ya." Spencer said still excited. He went over to Shaley. "Me dinew too." He told her. Shaley turned to him and smiled. "Aunt Markies Uncle owns the diner. We go there a lot. I always have the pie." Shaley added with a wink. "Me too" Spencer agreed.

Shaley turned in the direction of the kitchen. "Aunt Sona could Pippi sleep over night?" She asked sweetly. Sona looked over at Pippi who was nodding her head vigorously and smiling broadly. "I dont see why not... as long as your mom says its ok." Sona concluded. The girls cheered and ran out of the room. Sona smiled and shook her head suspecting they were going to ask Pippis mother immediately. *

The room was dark except for the eerie glow of the moon streaming through Shaleys bedroom window. She was a light sleeper so every little sound seemed to awaken her. Shed finally descended into a deep sleep when she felt someone sit down on the end of her bed by her left foot. "Here we go again." Shaley mumbled. She sat up rubbing her eyes to clear the film that had acc.u.mulated during her brief slumber. "Who is it?... Roxanne?" Shaley asked as her vision focused. "They call me Fizz." The young girl said. "Well Fizz you cant just go around waking me up every night. Im falling asleep in cla.s.s." Shaley said peering over at the translucent figure.

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The Crystal Visions Part 1 summary

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