The League: Born Of Betrayal Part 15

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How stupid did he think she was? Struggling for patience, she clenched her teeth. "I did. It's not opening."

"The lever on the right?"

"The yellow one?"


"Not working." She glared as a bad feeling went through her. "Did you do this on purpose?"

"h.e.l.l no!" He dared sound exasperated with her? Really? "Why would I intentionally do something that I know would p.i.s.s you off?"

He had a point. "You swear it?"

"I swear." When he finally opened the door, he had his gaze locked to hers. But she saw the battle inside him not to lower it. His breathing ragged, he held a towel out to her like a bashful teen.

"You okay?" she teased.

"Not really."

"Am I torturing you?"



That brought a smile to his gorgeous lips as he swept a heated gaze over her body that she had yet to cover with the towel. "You are a cruel, cruel female, Galene Batur. You sure you didn't do this on purpose to lure me down here?"

His charm stole the anger and irritation from her. She actually felt bad for accusing him of it. "I don't mean to be cruel, Fain. I just don't want to be hurt anymore."

"And that's why I'm standing here, harder than h.e.l.l, not touching you when all I want to do is make love to you until neither of us can walk straight." With those words, he turned and started toward the flight deck.

Galene caught his arm. The moment his gaze returned to hers and she saw the raw hunger and need inside him, she froze in place. There was so much she wanted to say. But she didn't know where to start. Nothing made sense to her. None of her feelings felt right. The hatred and pain, the love and need. They tripped over each other and left her so confused.

His gaze softened as he dropped his hand to gently finger the old stretch marks left by her pregnancy. While Talyn had been born prematurely, the surgery from it had still left her scarred. In more ways than one. The physical marks had never bothered her. The close call with Talyn's life was never far from her thoughts. Three times since then she'd had a doctor tell her to pick out funeral clothes for her son and to prepare herself mentally for his loss. That had been the first time.

She prayed to the G.o.ds that her son continued to defy them all.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, Stormy. When was he born?"

"The first day of the year. A little after midnight."

"Did you have a hard labor?"

She shook her head. "He came nine weeks early. It was less than ten minutes from when I entered the hospital ER to when they had him in an incubation bed."

His hand trembled against her waist. "Were your parents there?"

"Only your yaya Hauk. Corinne had me hidden in her guesthouse during the last few weeks of my pregnancy. She's the only reason Talyn survived at all. I don't know what I would have done without her kindness."

He frowned at that. "Why didn't she adopt him, then?"

"Your grasparan refused. Once he found out we were staying there, he demanded we leave immediately."

Fain cursed under his breath. "How old was Talyn?"

"Six months. But it was fine. By then, he was old enough for me to take my turn in the military. Since I was no longer under the official protection of my family, I lost my waiver. Corinne kept us going long enough to get me off the street until I could enter military housing."

He winced. "So that's why you didn't go to medical school."

"Actually, I did go. It took a while, but I finished. Third in my cla.s.s."

"Then why didn't you leave the military?"

"By the time I was done, Talyn was beginning his service and I didn't want to abandon him to it. He never complained. Still, I knew how they treated lack-Vests. Had I left, he'd have had no one to do anything for him at all."

Fain pulled her into his arms and held her like he used to when they were kids. He cupped her head with his hand and wrapped his arm around her waist. It was a hold of utter protection. The kind she'd missed most. Even though she felt his erection against her hip, he kept his word and made no moves on her.

A perfectly behaved Andarion male. Just as he'd always been. An honor to his lineage and family.

Leaning her head back, she stared up at his searing eyes and the torment that melted away all the hatred she'd nursed for him through the years. "What about you?"

Fain brushed his hand through her wet braids as he refused to remember the bitter years he'd spent away from his Storm Dancer. They didn't matter and he didn't want to think about them right now. All he wanted was to savor this precious moment with her. He wouldn't let anything taint it. "I survived."

She arched a brow. "That's it?"

"What do you want me to say? That I went through h.e.l.l? Yeah, I did. But the War Hauk family motto is... Indurari. Through blood pain we conquer and endure. Out of the bad, comes the good. By our challenges, we are strengthened. Ever strong. Forever onward." He quirked a lopsided grin. "f.u.c.k you, fate."

She pulled at his braids and rolled her eyes. "You are so aggravating."

"So Dancer tells me." And yet she beguiled him in a way no one ever had. Before he could stop himself, he lowered his head slowly, giving her time to deny him. When she didn't, he gently kissed her.

Every part of his body erupted as he breathed her in and tasted her lips. Growling, he deepened his kiss and pressed himself closer to her body, dreaming he was already inside her. Dizzy and breathless, he ran his hands over her velvety-soft skin, wis.h.i.+ng he could turn back time and redo his entire life.

If only it were that simple.

But dreams were for fools. And wishes were for better males than him. Males who didn't owe their souls to someone else...

Pulling back, he smiled down at her and rubbed his nose against hers. "Will you have dinner with me?"

"Of course."

"Will you have s.e.x with me?"

She snorted at him. "Now you're pus.h.i.+ng it."

"You're the one standing naked in my arms."

"That's to punish you."

"It's working." He pressed her hand against his c.o.c.k. "At this rate, I'm going to die of testosterone poisoning." Which could actually happen to Andarions. It was a real concern for the males of their species.

"Is that why you have a p.o.r.n actress voicing the AI of your s.h.i.+p?"

That should probably embarra.s.s him, but instead he was amused. "A male has to have some vices. She was the lesser evil. Besides, I modeled her voicetrack after you."

"I do not sound like that."

"Yeah, you do. You were ever the s.e.xiest female born. None could touch you in that regard. The sultry strains of your voice saying my name alone were oft enough to tilt me right over the edge, love."

She opened her mouth to ask him if he was seriously trying to tell her that he'd walled himself up on this s.h.i.+p with her memory when the AI rudely interrupted them.

"Fain? I have Amba.s.sador Dane queued for you. Do you wish to proceed with your communication? Or should I take a message for you?"

She saw the bitter regret that flashed across his features. "Hold the line. Tell him I'll be right there. That it's imperative I speak with him. Don't let him close the channel."

"Sure thing."

"Go." She nudged him toward the flight deck.

Inclining his head, he took off at a dead run. But as he reached the ladder, he paused to glance back at her. The raw, ragged heat in those precious Andarion eyes singed her and left her breathless.

Not sure what to feel about it all, Galene returned to his room and dressed.

By the time she rejoined him, he was speaking to Ryn Dane, the Tavali amba.s.sador for the UTC. Like his younger brother, who was the Caronese emperor, Ryn had dark red hair and steel blue eyes that betrayed a razor-sharp intelligence. Even though he and Darling Cruel were only half siblings, related through their father, their features were strikingly similar.

"You're certain about this, Hauk?"


"Well, that's utterly disappointing and highly disturbing. But the saddest part is, it's not unexpected or even surprising. Just me off that a Tavali broke Code. Love to lay hands on that b.a.s.t.a.r.d and personally strip their Canting and life blood." Ryn paused as he saw Galene over Fain's shoulder. "Commander Batur... it's an honor to formally meet you. I can see where Talyn gets his fierceness."

"Excuse me?"

Fain stepped aside and flashed a grin at her. "Ryn's the one who helped Talyn apprehend Eriadne years ago when Cairistiona took the throne."

Heat stung her cheeks at the slight she'd inadvertently given someone she owed the universe to. Ryn had saved Talyn's life that day, along with their strike team they'd sent in to retrieve the queen who'd fled Andarion justice. A strike team that had comprised Morra and Qorach.

She owed this man everything.

"Forgive me, Lord Amba.s.sador. I didn't realize that was you." Strange, she hadn't remembered that before now. The only thing she really recalled about that event was the danger Talyn had faced, his injuries, and that when the dust had finally settled, Cairistiona had been crowned tadara and Eriadne had been effectively quelled.

Ryn smiled without malice and in good spirit. "It was an exceptionally long time ago. Think nothing of it. I'm just glad I was there to help then and now... Small universe, sometimes."

"Yes, it is. And I'd completely forgotten that The Tavali captain who helped them with their mission was related to the Caronese emperor."

Ryn gave her a playful wink. "There are days I'm sure my little brother would like to forget it, too."

She laughed. Handsome, refined, and suave, Ryn appeared to be an easy man to get along with. No wonder The Tavali had chosen him as their amba.s.sador in dealing with the recognized nations and governments. Even though she knew Ryn came from a long line of Tavali outlaws and rogues, there was something innately trustworthy and honest about him. An air of jovial serenity that was quite contagious.

Ryn turned his attention back to Fain. "I do have shocking news for you, by the way. Guess who I have on board to join the confab at your Port StarStation..."

"No idea."

"Trajen Thaumarturgus and his vice admiral."

"You lie!"

"No, I swear on my father's immortal soul. I actually have him and his advisors heading in. Their ETA is seven days."

Gaping, Fain shook his head in total disbelief. "How?"

Ryn shrugged. "Sacrificed six goats and a virgin."

"That's all it took?"

Galene really wished she wasn't completely lost in this conversation. "Who's Trajen Ta...?"

"Tuh-mar-dar-gus," they said slowly and in a strange synchronicity, as if they were used to doing it for others.

Luckily, Fain elaborated. "He's a ghost."

Galene arched a brow.

"No, really." Fain held his hand up in an Andarion sign of honor. "He's the leader of the True Black Flag Nation the first of the Tavali clans. They come out for no one and nothing. Ever. Total phantoms who operate under their own law code. By the time you see them, you're dead. Tray's more myth than reality. I honestly don't know of anyone who's actually ever seen him."


Like Fain, she was extremely impressed with Ryn's abilities to command such a person to their side. "How did you find him?"

"He came to me." Ryn grinned at Fain. "My grandfather's the one who fostered him into our Nation and he defected over to the Gorturnum a long time ago. I've known him all my life, but like you said, he's reclusive as h.e.l.l. I haven't seen him away from his territories in decades. Apparently, his right-hand field admiral, Dagger, has a vested interest in this fight, and talked him into joining on."

"d.a.m.n, Dane. You are good."

"My mother is proud. Speaking of, I shall convey your news to the others. Have no fear, drey. They will know and none will be the wiser for it."


Ryn struck his heart twice in rapid succession with a closed fist before opening it in a Tavali salute.

Fain duplicated the gesture then closed the channel.

"Feel better?"

He didn't answer her question directly. "You?"

"I'm not sure. You trust Dane?"

"More than most."

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The League: Born Of Betrayal Part 15 summary

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