Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 11

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He slid his fingers through her hair and angled her head.

He pressed his mouth into the hollow of her throat and breathed a kiss over her skin. Cat moaned and arched into him.

His heart pounded erratically. G.o.d, he needed to touch

her and taste her all over. He gave a low growl then rushed on. "No Cat, trust me, there's no problem. Everything is perfect," he a.s.sured her, certain that if she stopped him, the heat coursing through his veins would cause him to go up in a burst of flames. "Turn that inquisitive mind of yours off and stop thinking."

"But you said I had to wait twenty-four hours between stimulation before I can take the serum. If you stimulate me now, I won't be able to take the serum tonight."

G.o.d, it was just like her to be concerned about his future at a time like this. It warmed him to the depths of his soul.

Cat Nichols probably wasn't the kind of girl who'd up and leave a guy when something bigger and better came along either. Whoa! Where had that thought come from Waging a war with his emotions, Sam pushed that thought far away, not wanting to go there, just wanting to enjoy each other for the moment before it all disappeared. And it would disappear.

It always did. He'd learned long ago, he didn't have what it took to keep a woman around.

With a long savoring stroke, he licked her neck and inhaled her intoxicating scent. He ached to taste every inch of her skin and lose himself in her again and again.

His whole body trembled, his voice coming out shaky. "I guess that just means we'll have to go for round three tomorrow night. Because baby, I plan on stimulating you. At least a couple of times." A thin sheen of perspiration pebbled his flesh as his mind conjured up the numerous ways to accomplish such a delightful task.

He could feel her pulse beat in a mad cadence beneath his tongue. A fever rose in him, forcing him to take a fortifying breath and summon a modic.u.m of control. f.u.c.k ... he needed to slow down before he lost it and came right there, with his jeans still on.

She tried to voice an argument. "But Sam ..." Her voice trailed off when he reached between her legs and in one quick motion snapped the thin elastic on her panties.

No matter what she thought, there was no way she was getting out of that room before he buried his face between her legs and tasted her sweetness. He knew it, and it was time she knew it too.

He parted her soft folds.

"You were saying" Sam asked.

"What ..." she stammered, her words fractured. It took effort for her to speak. Sam smiled, taking great satisfaction in his ability to shut down that inquisitive mind of hers. "What ... what about your deadline" she sounded so winded, her voice full of want.

"My what" G.o.d, he couldn't think now either. Not with her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s poking into his chest. And the way she swayed her hips, ever so slightly, grinding her lush p.u.s.s.y on his finger, snapped his last vestige of control.

Cat pushed her hands through his hair and linked her

fingers behind his head, holding on for support. A violent shudder overtook him as her touch seeped under his skin.

"Your" Her words died away when she felt the way his body reacted to her touch. Her sounds of protest morphed into a heated moan.

A s.h.i.+ver prowled through him. "I want you, Cat." He hungered for her with an intensity that made his hands shake.

She gave a broken gasp. "Sam ..." There was such urgency and emotion in her voice.

"Cat, babe, you need to stop talking so I can kiss you."

Driven by need his lips crashed down on hers. She opened for him as he feasted on her lips. He loved the way she kissed him. Her lips were warm and silky and made him ache to kiss the other dewy set at the apex of her legs, ache to drink in her intoxicating tang of arousal.

Sam's muscles bunched. His b.a.l.l.s tightened. His tongue slipped inside her mouth for a frenzied exploration. The warmth of her mouth made his knees buckle.

His finger dipped into her heated core, then stroked back and forth over her swollen c.l.i.t, repeating the motion until her body shook. He plucked at her delicate pearl, making it swell with need, begging to be kissed and stroked, nibbled and nipped.

Her aroused scent called out to him. His nostrils flared, eager to answer that call, aching to drop to his knees and taste her liquid silk.

Cat broke the kiss, inched back, and drew a breath. Sam's hand slipped from between her legs. Mischief danced in her eyes as they locked on his. Her mouth curved wickedly, her face flushed from heat and desire. "Oh and just for the record, Sam. I didn't blow anything last night. Definitely an oversight on my part." Her hand went to his throbbing d.i.c.k and squeezed. There was a suggestive edge to her smile.

"One I believe I'd like to rectify."

Sweet mother of G.o.d!

So she wanted to play s.e.x games with him, did she Her bold words prompted him into action. Trembling from head to toe, Sam grabbed her arms and walked her backwards, trapping her between his body and the wall. He pushed his c.o.c.k against her, holding her in place. Her body molded against his as his gaze traveled to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Dark nipples tightened with arousal and poked out at him. A low growl of longing that didn't even sound human gathered in his throat as his hands cupped her orbs. Thank G.o.d, the thick door buffered their s.e.x sounds.

Using slow circular motions that drove Cat wild, he brushed her pebbled nubs through her blouse.

Christ, he needed to slow things down before he erupted on the spot. He inched back, giving them both a bit of breathing room.

He heard the raw ache of l.u.s.t in her voice. "Sam, you

wouldn't happen to have a couple of condoms in your wallet would you"

"I'm afraid not." In fact, it had been a long time since he needed one.

Cat tilted her head and looked around, almost frantic, her eyes full of urgent need. "This is a storage room. Maybe we can find something in here."

Sam chuckled and followed her gaze. His glance came to rest on her forgotten orange. He bit back a wicked grin, conjuring up a few s.e.x games of his own.

"Yes, maybe we can find something to use," he agreed as the most delicious plan began to formulate in his mind.

Face flushed, Cat licked her lips and swallowed. Hard. At that moment Sam realized just how hot it had gotten in the small room.

He frowned in concern. "Are you okay" he whispered, brus.h.i.+ng her hair from her face.

She drew a shaky breath. "Parched. My bag. Water bottle."

Sam chuckled, loving the way he got to her. He pried her legs open with his knee. "Don't move," he warned in a soft, yet commanding voice.

"You really are very bossy, you know."

He grinned. "I know." Leaving her pressed against the wall, legs spread wide, he s.n.a.t.c.hed her bag from the floor and opened it.

"You know, Sam. A man is never supposed to go into a woman's bag."

He peered inside. "Really"

"Yeah, really."

"Why" he asked as her rooted through the contents.

He dug through a ton of papers, pens, cosmetics, and other things he'd rather not know what she used for, in his quest to find her water bottle. "Is it because we're unable to find things with all this junk"

"It's not junk," she said, feigning hurt.

He pulled out a smooth round rock. His lips twitched as he and held it up to her. "No"

She furrowed her brow in mock annoyance. "Hey, that's not junk. My nephew Matt gave me that." She laughed, low and throaty. Then her voice dropped an octave, her lids lowered.

"It's because it's personal, Sam. Going through a woman's bag is personal."

He lowered his voice to match hers and cast a long lingering glance. "And this isn't " he asked, slowly sliding his thumb up her leg and under her skirt until he found her swollen c.l.i.t. He brushed his thumb over it, slowly, methodically, making her writhe and moan in heavenly bliss. He dipped one finger inside. Her p.u.s.s.y clamped around him as he stirred her heat.

She braced herself against the wall. Her breathing hitched;

her lids slipping shut. "Oh, my," she said in an unsteady voice.

"Now do you want me to find your water bottle or not," he gruffed, humor edging his voice.

Sam noted the dots of perspiration on her forehead. With unabashed pa.s.sion, she pushed her pelvis against him and said, "Not if it means you're going to stop doing that."

In one fluid motion, Sam grabbed her hand and placed it on her c.l.i.t. Taking her index finger in his, he swiped it over her pa.s.sion-drenched s.e.x. Her lids flew open. Her jaw dropped and she stared at him in mute surprise. Sam smiled at her. "Why don't you take over for me for a second." It was a command, not a question.

She let out an excited rush of breath and read the real reason behind his actions. "Do you like this, Sam Do you like watching" she asked, her voice full of tortured promise as the gleam in her eye turned wicked.

l.u.s.t exploded through him. The sweet torment made him throb. His c.o.c.k pressed so hard against his jeans it hurt to the point of pain. But it was a pain he was willing to put up with to watch Cat pleasure herself. d.a.m.ned if he didn't like that.

"Does this turn you on, Sam" Her voice was low, husky.

He gulped. A s.h.i.+ver skittered through him. "h.e.l.l, yeah."

A low groan sounded in her throat as she swooshed her fingers over her c.l.i.t. She hiked her skirt up and spread her pink lips wider, giving him his own personal peep show. The sight of her damp, pa.s.sion-soaked curls and the scent of her arousal saturated the room. Sam inhaled, drawing it into his lungs, letting it curl through his body and bring warmth to the darkest corners.

As her scent rushed through his bloodstream, his body responded with urgent demands and he almost lost it right then and there. His throat dried. Blood pounded through his veins as he fully appreciated her private seduction. Vibrating with need, Sam finally found the water bottle, wis.h.i.+ng he could pour the cold liquid over his body, one part in particular.

Almost desperate, he pulled on the plastic spout and squeezed it into his mouth. "d.a.m.n, it's not working."

"You don't squeeze, Sam. You suck. Let me show you."

With her free hand, she took the bottle from him, wrapped her lips around the plastic spout and sucked, long and hard.

Oh. My. f.u.c.k.

Sam stood there, barely able to move, barely able to breathe, watching as she pleasured herself and sucked on the bottle, the exact same way he wanted her to suck on his c.o.c.k.

A moment later, after she had her fill, she handed it back to him and licked a drop from her lips. He grabbed the bottle

and took a long pull. Letting the cool water ease the heat inside him.

"Do you want more" Lord, was that his voice He sounded like he'd just eaten a bucket of nails.

"One more sip," she said. Sam held the bottle to her lips while she drank. There was something very intimate in sharing a water bottle, he decided.

After she finished, he twisted around and placed the bottle on the filing cabinet.

"Thank you, Sam," she said in a soft tone.

He turned back to her. When he met her eyes, desire for something more, something deeper twisted inside him. Sam sucked in a shaky breath and watched her for a moment. As his gaze panned her body, everything in him reached out to her.


Her voice gained his attention. His eyes went to hers.


She pulled her hand out from under her skirt. Her eyes panned his body like a sultry caress. "I'm very, very wet."

Her finger went to her mouth.

He scrubbed a rough hand over his jaw. "Jesus Christ, Cat. Are you trying to turn me into a premature ejaculator"

Her soft chuckle curled around him. She crooked her finger and motioned him closer.

Her finger went back to her mouth as Sam wrapped his arms around her, pinning her to his body. He closed his mouth over hers, taking her finger and her tongue into his mouth at the same time.

With his throbbing c.o.c.k pressed against her, he gyrated, aching for something far more intimate. Cat tore at his s.h.i.+rt and ripped it from his pants. Without haste, Sam pulled it off and tossed it aside.

He listened as she inhaled, taking his scent into her lungs.

Soft silken lips found his chest. She kissed his naked skin and made small s.e.xy bedroom noises as she indulged in the taste of him. Her hot tongue lapped at his nipples with determined strokes, branding him with her heat.

He wrapped his hands around her, cus.h.i.+oning her in his arms as a strange primal possessive sound climbed out of his throat. Cat's soft lips met with his again, kissing him with all the pa.s.sion inside her, feeding the intensity of his arousal.

Small hands reached for the b.u.t.ton on his jeans.

Locking his knees, Sam groaned and gripped her shoulders.

Eyes dark with desire, she popped the b.u.t.ton and lowered his zipper. One small hand slipped inside and glided over his swollen head. It pulsed and jerked in response. The first sweet stroke of her delicate fingers on his c.o.c.k shut down his ability to think.

Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. She glanced up at him, eyes gleaming wickedly, her tone playful. "Mmmm, very nice, Sam. Very responsive," she murmured, turning her attention back to his chest, kissing him with wild abandonment.

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Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 11 summary

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