Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 16

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Once this project was complete and he got what he needed from her, would he resume his "Romeo" lifestyle-as Jen had described it Would she stand in her window and watch a bevy of women come and go from his condo Her stomach lurched. She felt physically ill. She could no longer pretend it didn't matter.

Cat pulled into her driveway and rushed inside her condo.

Her stomach grumbled as she kicked off her shoes and sifted through her mail. She'd be lucky to grab a quick bite before Sam arrived. Stepping farther into her condo, she stripped off her jacket and tossed it onto the sofa.

The doorbell chimed.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Sam couldn't be here this early, could he Cat padded across the floor, peeked through

the peephole, and then pulled the door open. She came faceto- face with her grinning friend.

"Hey Jen, I'm kind of in a hurry," she rushed out, unb.u.t.toning her silk top, needing to get a quick shower before Sam showed up.

"Well, how was it"

Cat crinkled her nose and pinned her friend with a glare.

"Have you ever known me to kiss and tell"

Jen chuckled. "So there was kissing involved, was there"

she probed, stepping inside the condo, shutting the door behind her.

Cat pulled her top off and walked to the kitchen. She called over her shoulder, "I have to get a shower before Sam gets here. We have more research to do tonight." Opening the fridge she popped a strawberry into her mouth, attempting to appease her hunger.

Keeping pace, Jen followed behind. "Research That's what they call it these days, is it" she teased. She leaned against the doorjamb while Cat rifled through her produce drawer.

"I thought you might want this," Jen said.

Cat peeked over the top of the door to see Jen hold out an envelope. A wide smile split her pretty face. "It's from the Daily Press. It landed in my mail slot by mistake."

Cat's heart stilled. The refrigerator door slipped shut as she came out from behind it. "You're kidding," she said around a mouthful of strawberry. "I just sent my resume off a week ago. I didn't expect to hear from them so soon."

She wiped juice from her lips, accepted the envelope, and plopped herself into a wooden chair.

Jen lowered herself into the chair opposite her, her eyes wide in antic.i.p.ation. Cat ripped open the envelope and scanned the letter. She read it once, let out a heavy breath, and read it a second time, a.s.sessing the information.

"Bad news"

Cat tipped her head. "Well, not really. They're interested in my work."

"Whoo hoo! That's great, Cat." Jen paused and narrowed her eyes. "Hold on, what's up with you This is what you want. What you've always wanted. You should be up doing the River Dance. Why aren't you"

"It seems my article on the Iowa Research Center really intrigued them. So much so, they want me to fly to New York for a personal interview." She twisted her lips and furrowed her brow.

Jen's eyes opened wide. "And you have a problem with this Why"

Cat dropped the letter on the table and pinched the bridge of her nose. "It's not as simple as that."

One brow rose, intrigued. "No"

"My editor just told me my column was going into national syndication."

"Really, that's fabulous Cat. But isn't this the break you've been waiting for I once remember you saying you'd do anything to write hard-hitting news for the Daily Press. What has changed"


"I thought you wanted to break away from writing what you consider fluff articles Even though I think they're fabulous."

Cat swallowed. "So does Sam and the rest of the world apparently."

Jen sat back, bobbed her head, tapped her fingers on the table, and tossed her a knowing smile.

"What" Cat asked defensively, bracing herself for more of Jen's textbook psychology.

"It's Sam, isn't it You got it bad for him."

When Cat didn't respond, Jen blew out a breath and continued. "Dammit Cat. You've had it bad for him for months, haven't you Is that why you haven't been dating anyone"

She shook her head adamantly. "No, there are just no good guys out there." It was a half-truth.

"And you think Sam is one of the good ones"

Cat rolled her shoulders. "Maybe."

Jen nodded to the envelope. "I thought this was your dream."

Cat gave a wan smile. "I think I might have been chasing the wrong dream. I think everything I want is right here. It has been all along and I just didn't realize it."

Jen's features softened. "Does Sam feel the same way about you"

"I don't know."

"Then maybe it's time for you to find out if he thinks of you as more than his lab rat."

Cat nodded, knowing exactly what she had to do. After their experiment tonight she'd invite Sam back here and tell him about the job offer. To see if it mattered to him. To see if he'd ask her to stay. She needed to find out if she meant more to him than a s.e.x experiment.

Sam paced around his apartment, watching the clock, counting the hours until he could pick up Cat. As he moved through his condo, he stopped for a moment to look at the pictures of Samantha. A surge of love rushed to his heart.

His gaze traveled to Erin and Kale's wedding picture. As he took in the vision, envy hit him hard and nearly knocked him to his knees.

His jaw clenched. His heart pounded. And he couldn't deny it any longer.

He wanted that. He longed for that. All of that. The wife, the kids, the love, the trust, and the comfort. And he wanted it with Cat. She'd broken through his barriers, touched him down deep, and brought warmth to his darkest corners.

He was tired of being a coward. Afraid to put himself out there. Afraid of getting hurt. He was tired of being alone ...

of being lonely. Tired of looking in from the outside, watching and wis.h.i.+ng he had a family of his own.

He'd gotten more than he'd bargained for when he agreed to Cat's plan, allowing her to step in for his lab rat so he could salvage his project. During his experiment he'd totally lost himself in her ... body and soul. How could he not, really She was loving, caring, and perfect in every way, and he'd gone and fallen in love with her. And maybe ... just maybe with the good Lord willing, he had what it took to keep her around.

Feeling edgy and restless, Sam paced. Perspiration dotted his forehead as he clenched and unclenched his fists, sorting through things with his mind.

He wanted Cat. Forever.

Deep in his gut he knew that living without her wasn't living at all.

So what the h.e.l.l was he going to do about it Worry rushed through him. He drew a shaky breath.

What if she didn't feel the same way What if she did It was time for him to step out of his comfort zone, push past his fears, and find out if they could have a future together.

Sam glanced at the clock and knew he was early, but he had to go to her. He jogged the short distance between their condos and lifted his hand to knock when the door suddenly opened. A surprised Jen stood there.

"Hi." He looked past her shoulder. "Is Cat here"

Jen nodded. "She's in the shower." She opened the door wider and gestured for him to enter. "She asked me to lock up on my way out, so will you do that for me"


Sam shut the door and set the lock. He listened to the rush of water as he made his way down the hall. With the bathroom door ajar he could see her reflection in the mirror.

His body reacted with urgent demands and his heart filled with emotions at the mere sight of her. Everything in him screamed possession, urging him to scoop her up, carry her away, and keep her to himself forever. He closed his eyes briefly. The depth of his desire for her completely threw him. No one had ever rocked his world like Cat Nichols.

The water turned off. Cat pulled back her clear plastic curtain and draped a towel around her body. Feeling like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Sam took a couple of steps back.

"Jen, is that you I thought you'd already left."

He cleared his throat and called out to her. "It's me."

"Oh" He heard a rustle before she joined him in the hall.

A single white towel knotted around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s was the only thing keeping his eyes from devouring her gorgeous body.

Her cheeks were flushed from the hot water, her wet hair clung to her shoulders and back. Water droplets dripped down her neck and soaked into the plush towel.

"Sam, how did you get in" Cat glanced down the hall, searching for Jen.

"Jen let me in and then left."

Cat nodded in understanding, wiped water from her face, and blinked her beautiful green eyes. "You're early."

It took entirely too much work to keep his glance from traveling down to examine her long, sleek, s.e.xy legs. "I wanted to catch you before you ate dinner."

Cat smiled. "Dinner sounds fabulous. I'm starving."

Dinner was an excuse and he d.a.m.n well knew it. He wanted to spend every waking second with her. He produced a vial with the serum. "The serum is supposed to increase all senses, including taste, so I thought we'd test that at the same time." It was a small lie, but he needed to see how she felt before he blurted out his feelings and told her exactly how much he wanted her. This was all so new to him.

"Of course. Just give me a minute to get ready and then I'll take it."

Chapter 9

Less than a half an hour later Sam escorted Cat to the research room. He pushed open the door to let her in.

"How are you feeling" Narrowing his eyes, he examined her.

Cat held out her hand. "Shaky from hunger. I thought we were going to grab a bite to eat."

"We are." He nodded to the center of the room.

Cat glanced at the dinner table. It was beautifully set for two. She smiled. "Once again you surprise me with the details, Sam. Everything looks great."

His chest puffed up, clearly thrilled by her approval and appreciation. "That's because you deserve only the best."

Her smile widened and made his heart rise to his throat.

"Come on. Let's eat before you pa.s.s out on me."

They sat across from one another at a table full of fresh fruit, cheese, and breads.

Sam c.o.c.ked a brow. "Champagne"

"I'd love some." Cat grabbed a plump red grape and popped it in her mouth. She licked her lips and moaned a sweet s.e.xy bedroom moan. Sam watched, captivated. The thoughts of popping something else between those luscious lips made his body vibrate, nearly causing him to spill the d.a.m.n champagne. After he managed to pour two, he handed her one.

Cat took a small sip and crinkled her nose. "The bubbles tickle." She reached for a piece of cheese and bread and nibbled them. "G.o.d, everything tastes so good."

Sam smiled, picked up a strawberry, and put it in her mouth. She moaned in delight, taking great pleasure in her food. Watching her made him wild with the need to make love to her, to push inside her tight sheath and remain there forever.

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Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 16 summary

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