The Model Wife Part 14

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A week had pa.s.sed. All day it had been raining torrentially. Parts of Britain were suffering from the worst flooding in centuries. But not, to Poppy's bitter disappointment, the village of Brettenden in Oxfords.h.i.+re, where their school reunion was being held that night. At six sharp Meena was sitting outside Poppy's front gate in her s.h.i.+ny Audi, a present from her doting dad, ready to ferry her friend back to their alma mater.

'G.o.d, what took you?' she yelled when, fifteen minutes later, Poppy, sodden from running just three yards from the front door down the garden path, jumped into the car beside her. 'I've smoked at least ten while I've been waiting for you.'

'Sorry, sorry. Clara threw her supper all over the dress I was going to wear, so I had to get changed at the last minute.'

'Christ, I've been cacking myself,' said Meena, with her usual poetic charm. 'I'm so b.l.o.o.d.y nervous I think I'm going to have to drop a Valium.'

'I don't think that's a very good idea if you're driving,' Poppy admonished her gently, but Meena was too busy checking out Poppy's outfit to notice.

'Oh G.o.d, Poppy. I mean, you look pretty and everything like you always do, but couldn't you have worn something a bit funkier?'

'Oh.' Poppy had thought she'd looked all right in her floaty black chiffon skirt and blue cardigan. She glanced at Meena in skinny jeans and a green T-s.h.i.+rt. Somehow she'd got it exactly right looking as if she hadn't made any effort while still being dazzling. Poppy, on the other hand, looked like the boring dependable mum she had become.

'Christ, I'm dreading this,' Meena squawked, scrutinizing her eye make-up in the mirror as they sped up the outside lane of the A40, rain tom-tomming on the bonnet. 'Why did you make me go, Poppy?'

'I didn't make you! You made me. I told you it would be terrifying.'

'What's the problem for you? You're married to a rich and sort-of famous man. You've got a beautiful baby. What about me? Single. Receptionist. I was meant to have it made by twenty-one.'

'Being married doesn't mean you've got it made,' Poppy said softly.

Meena glanced at her, hitting the motorway and roaring into fifth. 'Is Luke giving you grief again?'

'Well... he's a bit cross because I told the nanny we'd pay her twelve pounds an hour. But it was him who wanted a nanny, not me.'

'Mean git.' Meena cut in front of a white van. Poppy grasped the edges of her seat. 'He's loaded, isn't he?'

'I don't know. He keeps complaining about how broke he is with all the other children's school fees.'

'Shouldn't be sending them to posh schools then. I always told Dad he'd be better off putting the cash in the bank to buy me b.o.o.b job. Or pay my dowry.'

'So what's the latest man news?' Poppy asked.

'Boring. Quiet. No City boys around at the moment; they're all trying to get their bonuses. I keep begging Mum and Dad to fix me up with this cousin of ours who's a software mogul in Bangalore, but they say arranged marriages are old-fas.h.i.+oned. Like I care.'

Despite the weather, it seemed no time at all before they were pa.s.sing through the high gates that marked the beginning of Brettenden's long, gravel drive.

'Oh, help. I'm seriously spooked out. Turn the car round, Meena. Let's go and have a curry in Henley. I can't face this.'

'Shall I?' They were pulling up in the car park now, tyres fizzing on the wet tarmac. 'I could, couldn't I?'

'Go on.' Poppy nodded. Meena placed her hand on the gear stick but just as she was about to reverse, there was a tap on the window.

'Meena! Poppy! Hey!'

Gurning through the rain-streaked gla.s.s was a round face set off by black-rimmed spectacles. Strawberry-blonde hair in bunches. Green spotty raincoat.

'Oh, f.u.c.k me,' Meena said. 'It's Lolly Frickman. s.h.i.+t, last time I saw her she was crying because she'd lost out on being Yum Yum in Mrs Grinder's production of the Mikado Mikado.' Lolly tapped again. Meena sighed and wound down the window. 'Lolly! G.o.d, look at you! You look great great.'

'Thanks,' beamed Lolly, 'you too. Nice to see you, Poppy.'

'And you,' Poppy said, realizing the game was up. She got out of the car, looked up at Brettenden's Gothic facade, s.h.i.+ny in the rain. 'Yuk. Return to Colditz.'

'Didn't you like BH?' Lolly was astounded.

'No, I hated it,' Poppy said, as they hurried up the wet stone steps and pushed open the vast green doors that led into the entrance hall. It still smelt of polish and p.u.b.escent sweat and its walls were still covered with green boards where the achievements of OBHs, as they were known, were set out in gold leaf. Meena and Poppy always used to giggle about them. 'Greatest number of doughnuts ever consumed without licking the lips: Meena Badghabi.' 'Largest number of excuses concocted to get out of netball: Poppy Price.' Poppy turned her attention to Lolly, who, after exchanging animated boasts with Meena, was now tugging at her sleeve.

'So, Meena's an executive for the Holmes Place group. And what about you, Poppy?'

'I'm married.' A touch defensively, she added, 'Happily married.'

Lolly laughed. 'No way! You are joking aren't you?'

'No,' Poppy said as they walked in to the old a.s.sembly hall, full of screeching women. G.o.d, was that Amelia Crinch? She must must have had a nose job. 'I've got a baby.' have had a nose job. 'I've got a baby.'

'Really?' said Lolly taking a gla.s.s of white wine from a trestle table and downing it in one. 'How grown-up. I don't think I could be coping with a baby just yet. Nappies, eeeuch! And sleepless nights. No thank you.'

'It's not that bad,' Poppy said, a bit hurt she hadn't congratulated her or asked to see photos. 'What are you up to, Lolly?'

'I'm an accountant.' Lolly fiddled with one of her hair slides. 'Got a trainees.h.i.+p when I graduated. It's pretty amazing. I meet all sorts of interesting people and the money's great too. I've just put a deposit down on a new-build flat in Paddington.'

'I live near there! In Maida Vale.'

She didn't know why, really, because she'd never even liked Lolly who had the dubious distinction of being Brettenden House's most boring girl despite stiff compet.i.tion, but it was still a bit of a blow when instead of saying, 'Oh how great, we must meet up some time', she responded, 'Oh. Right.'

'Yes,' Poppy said. She felt oddly humiliated. Her life was meant to be every woman's Holy Grail: married to a handsome, successful older man, with a beautiful daughter, a lovely home in a desirable part of London and childcare to boot. Why did people with their nine to five office jobs look at her so condescendingly? 'Must find the loo,' she mumbled, 'see if they're still as stinky as they used to be.' But as she turned on her heel, a voice cried.

'Poppy? Is that Poppy Price?'

A glamorous woman with short brown hair in a green minidress, long black boots and sporting what Poppy recognized as the latest Balenciaga bag came towards her. Poppy thought of pretending she had no idea who she was, but what would have been the point?

'Migsy Remblethorpe!' She'd been one of the coolest girls in the year, always surrounded by other cool girls who giggled at her catty put-downs and copied her outfits. Apart from asking Poppy to pa.s.s the salt a couple of times at dinner, they'd never exchanged a word. 'How are you?'

'Really well. Really Really well. It's funny to be called Migsy, I've been Mich.e.l.le for years now. So what are you up to?' well. It's funny to be called Migsy, I've been Mich.e.l.le for years now. So what are you up to?'

'I'm a model,' Poppy said. No way was she peddling the 'mother' line again.

'Really? I thought they had to be, like, anorexic. How refres.h.i.+ng to see a real woman doing it.'

Perhaps she shouldn't have lied. 'Well, I was was a model, but I've got a small child now, so... How about you, Migsy?' a model, but I've got a small child now, so... How about you, Migsy?'

Migsy smiled smugly. 'I work for Wicked Wicked magazine. Do you know it? I'm the features editor. It's so much fun. I get to travel all over the place and meet so many celebrities.' magazine. Do you know it? I'm the features editor. It's so much fun. I get to travel all over the place and meet so many celebrities.'

'Oh, yes. Like who?'

'Well, tomorrow I'm going to interview Marco Jensen. You know? The gorgeous guy who reads the Seven Thirty News Seven Thirty News.'

'He doesn't read the Seven Thirty News Seven Thirty News! My husband does.'

'Your husband?' Migsy shouted, so loudly that the huddle next to them, including Fleur Mappleton-Wise, whose father apparently owned the whole of Northamptons.h.i.+re, stopped talking and stared at them.

'Yes.' Poppy could almost feel her chest puffing up. 'His name's Luke Norton.'

'Luke Norton?' Migsy shrieked, so the sleek blonde heads turned again. 'What? You mean the cad?'


'You're the Bimbo?' From the expression on her face, you'd have thought Migsy had unearthed Lord Lucan disguised in a gymslip. the Bimbo?' From the expression on her face, you'd have thought Migsy had unearthed Lord Lucan disguised in a gymslip.


'G.o.d, Poppy, I love those columns. They're hilarious hilarious. And they're all about you you. Oh my G.o.d.' A slow smile crossed her face. 'We should keep in touch. Are you on Facebook?'

'Um. No. It's not easy for me to do stuff on computers, my daughter keeps pulling the wires out.'

'Not on Facebook Facebook?' Migsy looked as if Poppy had admitted to a fondness for pulling down her knickers in public. 'Right. Well. Do you have a card?'

'I'm afraid not. Sorry.'

Migsy fumbled hastily in her huge green tote bag and pulled out her phone. 'Quick, what's your number?'

Poppy told her and Migsy jabbed it in.

'Great,' she said, kissing Poppy on both cheeks. 'I'll give you a call really soon. Let's go for a drink. Catch up on old times.'

'I'd like that,' Poppy said, and wondered what her life had come to that she actually meant it.


Shortly before Poppy and Meena set out to dazzle Brettenden, Thea was standing knee-deep in water on the village green of Fordingley, somewhere on the border of Wales and Gloucesters.h.i.+re. She was wearing an unflattering cagoule and mascara was streaked down her face. One hand held an umbrella over her head, the other held a mobile phone.

'Yeah, I've just sent you the package,' she was saying smugly over the noise of the drumming water to Johnny, that day's programme editor. 'Village devastated by worst floods in thirty years; people canoeing down the High Street; mother with newborn baby homeless; everyone complaining that the government knew this would happen but did nothing to intervene.'

'Excellent, Thea. And well done for getting it over to us so early. I'm well impressed.' Thea beamed. Getting a package in a whole hour before the show kicked off was quite a feat, but then she was was superbly efficient. 'So is Marco ready to do his live?' Johnny continued. 'It's scheduled for seven oh eight.' superbly efficient. 'So is Marco ready to do his live?' Johnny continued. 'It's scheduled for seven oh eight.'

'Of course.'

'Is he there now? I'd like a quick word.'

'Um. He's not actually, he's just popped into the pub to use the loo.'

Actually, this wasn't quite true. Marco was in his bedroom at the Pig and Whistle, the local pub where they were staying, probably reapplying his foundation. Thea was delighted to have a break from him. He had been a pain in the a.r.s.e ever since nine that morning when he had climbed into the company Ford Galaxy, driven by George the cameraman, which was carrying the three of them to the worst-flooded village in Britain. From the minute Marco emerged from his Chiswick cottage, Thea knew the day was going to be a long one.

'Christ,' he groaned, getting into the front seat (as 'the talent' he automatically got to sit there). 'I can't believe Johnny's a.s.signed me this story. I've got a f.u.c.king awful hangover. I was out with Jonathan and Jane last night...' He paused slightly. Like all namedroppers Marco never attached surnames to his famous friends because that would imply he didn't know them quite as well as he claimed. But at the same time, he had to be totally sure everyone knew who he was talking about. It was a th.o.r.n.y dilemma.

'Out with Jonathan and Jane,' he continued when Thea and George refused to rise to the bait. 'b.l.o.o.d.y great laugh. Jonathan's very naughty given he has to record his talk show today, but he's such a pro-'

'Do you mean Jonathan O'Connor? Oh no, it's Des O'Connor, isn't it?' Thea grinned at George's sarcastic tone. There was no point trying to impress a cameraman, the breed were so jaded that if Kate Moss had climbed in the back naked and asked to be driven straight to the nearest five-star hotel and ravished, they would barely blink.


'Jonathan Ross, actually.' Marco could resist no longer. 'Great, great mate. Got to know him doing Sports Relief last year. Anyway, I've got this freakin' hangover, plus it's Stephanie's birthday tonight and she's b.l.o.o.d.y furious. I should be making reservations for the Ivy, not heading off to the wild west to talk to a bunch of sheep s.h.a.ggers.'

'You should have made a reservation for the Ivy months ago,' said Thea. 'If you haven't done it by now, you're better off leaving town.'

'Daring, don't you know who I am?' Marco said it in a silly voice, so Thea would think he was joking. But she wasn't fooled. 'I am a celebrity, my sweetness. Able to get a table at the Ivy at the drop of a hat. I'll have to take you there some time.' There was silence. George drove steadily. Thea continued researching the story on her BlackBerry. Marco loathed the thought of n.o.body listening to him. 'Why couldn't someone else have covered this and I could have stayed in the nice, dry studio?'

'Because it's a really important story, Marco, and as one of our best reporters you were the natural choice to cover it,' Thea said patiently above the whine of the windscreen wipers. George was a demon driver but in these conditions even he could only manage 4omph and she was terrified the compet.i.tion would get there first.

'Whatever.' Marco shrugged. 'It's bandit country where we're going. You know Fred West is from round there. Best thing that could happen to those yokels is to have them all swept away.'

Determined not to rise to the bait, Thea was relieved to hear her phone ring. 'h.e.l.lo, Thea Mackharven. Oh, h.e.l.lo, Mrs Emory. Yes. A Seven Thirty News Seven Thirty News team is on its way to Fordingley now and as chairwoman of the village a.s.sociation we'd love to interview you... it'll be Marco Jensen. Yes, I know!... Well, he can't wait to meet you either... Did you like Emma's necklace on yesterday's show?... Of course, I'll pa.s.s the compliment on.' She hung up, happy, having persuaded Mrs Emory to find her a homeless mother of a newborn baby to speak exclusively to Marco. team is on its way to Fordingley now and as chairwoman of the village a.s.sociation we'd love to interview you... it'll be Marco Jensen. Yes, I know!... Well, he can't wait to meet you either... Did you like Emma's necklace on yesterday's show?... Of course, I'll pa.s.s the compliment on.' She hung up, happy, having persuaded Mrs Emory to find her a homeless mother of a newborn baby to speak exclusively to Marco.

'I still can't believe this is getting such attention,' Marco whined on like a particularly persistent mosquito. 'Do we have have to stay the night?' to stay the night?'

'Yup. Until the rains abate Dean says he wants us there.'

'Christ. It'll probably be like Noah's flood, forty days of it, to punish the peasants for sheep rustling and incest.'

'So where are we staying, Thea?' George interrupted. He was a man of few words but his question was vital. 'Does it have a bar?'

'I would imagine so. It's rooms in the pub.'

'Rooms in a pub!' Marco exclaimed in horror as George cried, 'Nice one.' It was the same with all cameramen. No matter how important the story or exotic the location they were in their priority was always the bar. Nine Eleven: great, New York hotels have fantastic bars. Diana's funeral: will we be able to slip away and get to the bar? Saddam Hussein's execution: Iraq better than many Muslim countries for availability of alcohol. First daytrip to the moon, news teams invited. Fine, but will the bar be open?

Of course once they'd arrived in Fordingley it had been an entirely different story. George had been efficiency itself, while Marco had charmed Mrs Emory with autographs and exclamations that she didn't look a day over forty-five. He'd blown raspberries at the homeless mother's baby. Thea watched in grudging admiration. Just like Luke, he'd got whatever it took to charm serpents down from trees. It was a source of much irritation among all producers that the 'talent', aka the presenters, got paid so much more than them. But wielding their charm, they could wheedle the devil into unlocking the gates of h.e.l.l.

Now Marco was shaking his head sympathetically as Mr Willis of the village council complained how they'd lobbied for years for effective flood barriers but n.o.body in power cared.

'Though it's a bit different this time what with the election coming up,' he added. 'I would have thought some of the bigwigs might have wanted to suck up to us, but it seems even the thought of winning our votes isn't enough to swing it.'

'Politicians. What do they know?' Marco said, shaking his head.

'I think he was confusing me with someone who actually gave a f.u.c.k,' he an hour later as they sat on the lumpy double bed in Thea's room at the Pig and Whistle. They'd spent the past two hours putting the package together, a process that involved editing the footage and Marco doing a voiceover. All that was needed now was the 'live', which would take place once the show was on air, when Luke via satellite link would ask Marco, standing in the wettest possible corner of the village, for an update on the situation.

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The Model Wife Part 14 summary

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