Hawk: A Stepbrother Romance Part 91

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"What the f.u.c.k!"

Jacob cut him off with a jab to his chin. The blow could've killed him if Jacob hit hard enough, especially with the gloves, but he just gave Elliot a little tap on the jaw that knocked him backwards.

Completely confused, Elliot sputtered and scrambled to the side of his car leaned on the side of the car for a second before standing.

"Do you have any idea who you're f.u.c.king with?"

"Like saying that, don't you?" Jacob said.

Elliot lunged to the driver's side. Jacob grabbed him by his belt and dragged him out, then tossed him on his a.s.s. Elliot skidded backward and crab-walked away until he found his footing.

"Who are you?"

Jacob surged forward and backhanded him. The gloves split Elliot's lip enough to send blood dripping down his chin. Elliot wailed and threw a clumsy punch.

Jacob could've ducked it but he was a figure of wood, letting Elliot punch him right in the jaw. He turned his head to soften the blow a little. Elliot followed up with a punch to his stomach, and then pulled both of his clutched hands back. Blood dripped from the knuckles on his left hand. The ceramic plate could take an a.s.sault rifle round.

"I can hurt you," Jacob said. "But you can't hurt me."

"Wanna bet?" Elliot said.

Jacob didn't reply.

"I will f.u.c.k you up," Elliot whined as he rubbed his lip. "I will f.u.c.king end you. Your life won't be worth-"

Jacob cut him off by taking his skinny little throat in his hand, fighting off the overwhelming urge to choke him. Elliot flailed around, trying to slap or kick his way free. Jacob spun him to pin him to the Charger's side.

"Listen to me very carefully. You were at Jennifer Katzenberg's house tonight."

"I know who you are, now," Elliot wheezed. "You simple f.u.c.k. Just because that wh.o.r.e..."

That was it.

Jacob face twisted in fury under the mask, and he pulled Elliot back and drove his face into the car's fender. Elliot slumped back, clutching at his bleeding nose.

Jacob took him by the throat again.

"All I have to do is squeeze."

Elliot tried to talk. Jacob tightened his grip.

"I'm not interested in what you have to say. I want you understand something."

Jacob's other hand patted Elliot down until he pulled out his wallet. He managed to remove Elliot's driver's license one handed. Jacob examined it before tucking it in Elliot's pocket.

"Is that you? Is that where you live?"

Elliot nodded.

"If you bother her again, somebody is going to pay you a visit."

Jacob loosened his grip.

"Try it, motherf.u.c.ker." Elliot hollow threat didn't phase him.

Jacob sighed softly, and squeezed again. "No. Not me. Someone you've never seen before. Understand?"

Elliot's gaze filled with hatred while tears ran down his cheeks. He nodded, and Jacob let go.

Elliot sank to the ground.

"You can't do this," he whined. "My Dad will..."

That was it. Jacob had to leave now, or he'd kill him.

He slipped into the Reliant and pulled away, leaving Elliot panting and slump to the pavement.

As soon as he was out of sight, Jacob retrieved his phone.

Faisal answered. "Sir?"

"Faisal, meet me at drop number two. I need a ride, and this car is burnt, get rid of it. Scrub it first."

"Yes, sir," Faisal said. "I'll meet you there presently."

Jacob didn't stop until he reached the drop, a gas station outside of town. He calmly stepped out of the car and walked over to sit in the back of Faisal's hatchback while two of his men drove the old Dodge away.

"What did you do?" Faisal peered into the rearview mirror.

"The plan has changed," Jacob said.

"If he accosts her again?"

"I want to be notified right away. I'll kill him."


"You'll be taken care of. All of you will. I wouldn't abandon you like that. If someone has to do it, it will be me. I have nothing to lose."

"Are you certain of that?" Faisal asked.

Jacob folded his arms across his chest. He hated it when Faisal was right about something, but said nothing more until they returned to the house. After he secured his gear and showered once more, he collapsed into the bed and rubbed at his eyes. He still had homework to grade.

He managed to get a few more hours of sleep before Faisal came knocking at the door.

"What is it this time?" Jacob said, snapping awake.

"I'm not hungry," Jennifer insisted.

Katie ignored her and pulled into the parking lot of Whamburger. Jennifer waited while Katie went inside to order. A few bolted down tables with beach umbrellas sat in front of the walk-up window, with no place to sit inside. They would eat in the Beetle.

Katie dropped a greasy paper bag on Jennifer's lap.

"A fish sandwich?"

"They don't really have vegetarian stuff," Katie said. "Come on, just eat it."

At least it wasn't a burger. She was sixteen years old the last time she ate a burger at the Wham. Her mother glared at her the entire time, mouthing fat every time Jennifer dared to eat a French fry.

Katie tucked a napkin into her s.h.i.+rt collar to ward off the grease from her oversized triple with cheese. Jennifer pressed her legs together and felt the rea.s.suring weight of her purse between her ankles. Katie eyed her.

"Just eat it, Jen. It's not going to bite you."

"I'm a vegetarian."

Katie rolled her eyes. "You're starving yourself. I can see your ribs."

"No, you can't."

"I think you should come with me."

"Katie, I have work on Monday. How am I supposed to go to work if I'm in Philadelphia?"

"You're not. Call a subst.i.tute. s.h.i.+t, you should just quit. You could get another job."

"I don't want another job. I like the one I have."

"Do you?" said Katie. She twisted in the seat to face Jennifer. "Do you like it? Jen, I don't want to see you living like this. Franklin wouldn't, either."

"Don't tell me what he would want."

"You were only supposed to be living in that house until he finished law school. You were going to move. He told me he was trying to talk you into quitting work after he got a job so you two could have a baby."

Jennifer choked, grabbed Katie's extra-large and gulped some down to clear her throat. A rush of syrupy sugar coated her tongue instead of the tang of artificial sweetener. d.a.m.n it.

"He told you that?"

Katie nodded.

Jennifer looked out the window. "We talked about kids. He did want to move, but... I don't need that much room. The duplex is fine."

"It's not fine, Jennifer. You didn't have anything in your fridge but bottles of water and cheese."

Jennifer winced. The last of the orange juice was gone.

"I just haven't gotten to the store this week."

Katie sighed and leaned back in the seat. "Why not?"

"I'm busy. New school year. I have work to do." She nibbled at the fish sandwich.

Both sisters ate in uncomfortable silence until Katie broke with the refrain she heard from multiple people the past few days. "You have to do something."

"Like what?" Jennifer said.

"I don't know. Call the cops. The FBI. Somebody."

"Who?" Jennifer said. "Elliot can do whatever he wants. The only person who ever stopped him is gone."

The only person?

Jennifer s.h.i.+vered. Not now.

"This is what we should do. I can have a guest in my room. No one will care. It'll be a little weird at first, but my loans will pay for an apartment. We can move in together. I know you've got enough to get by."

Jennifer thought about her sister's offer while chewing fried fish. She did have a sizable nest egg. Her rent was absurdly low, which was how she and Franklin managed to afford a place of their own after they were both essentially disowned. Mrs. Carmody had never upped the rate.

I could do it. Leave with Katie, get an apartment. With my experience and references... oh.

"I'll never get another job," she said.


Jennifer shook her head. "I'd need references, Katie. Elliot would pull strings. If he thought I was going to get away from him, who knows what he'd do? He could probably get my teaching license revoked or pressure my coworkers not to give me recommendations."

"Rachel would never do that."

"I'm not sure. I wouldn't do that to her, anyway."

"Do what?"

Jennifer shrugged. "Put her up against Elliot. I won't have him sending Grayson over to threaten my friends so I can get away from here. Where am I going to go, anyway? Unless I move out of the state I'll never get away from them, and even then, who knows what kind of favors his father can call in? I'm just a teacher, Katie. I don't have anybody but you."

Does it have to be that way?

Jennifer s.h.i.+vered.

Katie gulped down the last big bite of her cheeseburger, stuffed the greasy wrapper back in the bag, and made a show of cleaning herself up.

"Well, I am involved. I mean it, Jen. You say the word, and we'll go back to the house and get your stuff and go. Mrs. Carmody will be fine without you."

Jennifer's sigh turned ragged. Her breath hitched, and melted into a sob when she let it out. She rubbed her eyes and threw half the fish sandwich into the bag.

"What?" Katie's concern ratcheted up a few notches.

"I like him." Jennifer hugged herself and hunched forward. "I don't know why, but I do. I made a mess of it. I ran out of the house. He must think I'm crazy. What's wrong with me, Katie?"

Katie rubbed her back. "You're just not ready yet, Jen. Look, I want to see you get together with somebody, I really do. You're too young to be so... old."

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Hawk: A Stepbrother Romance Part 91 summary

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