Alien Abduction: Holiday Abduction Part 6

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No. But they wont know that and might kill you in order to make me cooperate.

Gee, dont I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

If it is of consolation, I would avenge your death.

Not feeling any better.

I know of something that would bring you great pleasure. And yes, he grinned widely to make his innuendo clear.

A reddish hue invaded her cheeks. A sign of her l.u.s.t or something else?

I think Ill pa.s.s.

A pity.

So, um, have you thought of a way to pay me for this?

She plucked the artifact from a pocket and held it so it spun in the air. It glinted in the feeble light of a lamp, its low hum enticing, and yet, while he found the XiiX fascinating, it paled beside the woman who held it aloft. It confused him because for some reason he found himself questioning as to which was the greater prize"her or the XiiX?

Madness or the pollutants from her truck clouding his judgment?

The answer was clear. Or should be.

The XiiX was priceless. One of a kind, hence the race to acquire it. Well, not so much a race anymore, as it was technically in his possession, but until he managed to lock it away with his other treasures, someone could still come along and steal it.

And, yeah, he didnt see the irony in calling other collectors thieves. In his world, anyone who touched what was his was a thief.

And if they touch Jilly?

Then they would die. Because, more and more, he was beginning to think of her as his. Or at least worth keeping for a while to judge her worth.

If he bored of her, he could always kill or auction her off.

As if Id let another own her. The very thought filled him with a cold rage.



He couldnt have said when he made the decision to kiss her again, or why. All he knew was one moment he was doubting his mental capacity, filled with a possessive need, and determined to touch her again.

He slanted his mouth over hers, and she tasted just as delicious as before. Perhaps even better. His arms wrapped around her, an embrace that tucked her against him, her shape, which hed initially found so odd, fitting perfectly against his.

Given hed set a perimeter defense"his wristband possessing a detection option that would inform him if it noticed weapons, certain distinct lifeforms or other out-of-place actions within a certain range"he felt rather safe in indulging. Then again, he would have indulged even without it.

Nothing like the threat of danger to make an encounter more exciting.

We shouldnt be doing this, she managed to utter between panting breaths.

Why not?

Because I barely know you.

Knowledge is a prerequisite for s.e.x on your world?

She paused in her nibbles of his lower lip to peruse him. Its things like that comment that remind me youre an alien. That and the purple skin.

And its the fact you only have a pair of these, he said, squeezing each of her wondrous b.r.e.a.s.t.s, that remind me youre human.

I dont even want to know how many your women usually have.

It depends on their fecundity.

She blinked, and he could almost see her mind whirring, preparing a new round of queries.

Given the erotic moment appeared to be slipping away, he forestalled any further questions by placing his lips back upon hers while his hands did their best to ma.s.sage her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The nipples, which crowned them, hardened when he ran his thumb over the tips, peaking into hard buds that he could not resist.

Much as he delighted in the taste of her lips, he wanted to feel those peaks in his mouth. He wanted to suck on her and hear her moan in delight.

And she did.

Even though he initially grasped her erect tips through the fabric of her s.h.i.+rt, she not only moaned, she arched, and her fingers clasped his head, hugging him to her chest.

With a growl, he broke free. Take off your s.h.i.+rt.

Only if you take yourwhatever youre wearing off as well.

Even in the midst of pleasure, she thought to negotiate. Lucky for her, her demand coincided with his own thoughts.

As she stripped off her s.h.i.+rt, baring her glorious b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he ran his fingers down the enclosure to his surface suit. It split apart, and he stepped from it, clad only in form-fitting shorts.

Aliens wear underwear? she asked, not without a lilt of surprise.

I do. The suits can chafe a males lower regions otherwise.

She laughed. And its comments like that that make you sound almost human.

He glared. That wasnt nice.

Oh, get over it, she scoffed as she kicked off her boots then tugged off her pants, baring her legs and the most delicious cocoa-colored thighs. Her own undergarments were made of just the tiniest sc.r.a.p of fabric, and through their laciness, he could see the thatch that covered her mound.

He knelt between her spread limbs, determined to examine her more closely. Yet once again she showed her difference from other females he knew.

She wasnt content to lie back and let him explore. On the contrary, she seemed fascinated by him.

He sucked in a breath as she reached out to touch him. I dont know whats more fascinating, the fact you have no nipples or that you have the most lickable set of abs Ive ever seen.

What are abs?

These are. She raked nails down his flat stomach to the waistband of his shorts.

His c.o.c.k swelled at her light, teasing touch. My form pleases you?

Oh, it does, purple dude. Even if your lack of nipples is making me question my sanity in doing this, here and now.

Live for the moment.

Another of your mercenary rules?

That one is purely mine. No one can predict the future"even if those frukxing Lojicas claim they can. Part of my personal code is to take what I want when the opportunity presents itself, else you might lose that chance forever.

Usually, Id argue, but in this instance, once again she stroked his muscled belly, you might have something. Come closer.

Curious at her intent, he leaned forward. She placed the palms of her hands against his pectorals.

So smooth, she murmured.

It seemed only fair he return the favor, albeit one-handed given his other was needed to brace him lest he crush her. He cupped a breast, and she sucked in a breath at the contact.

You are soft, he remarked. He squeezed the globe. And squishy.

She laughed. Whereas you, she dragged a hand low and rubbed against the front of his groin, are not.

Leaning forward, he brushed his lips across the tip of her breast. Her whole body quivered.

Do it again. But this time suck it, she demanded.

What a surprise, even during coitus she thought to keep control. Hed soon strip that habit from her.

He dipped his head lower and sucked on the erect nipple. She gasped then cried out as he bit down on the tip. He ran his tongue around the peak and then sucked at it again. Then repeated it on the other breast.

It pleased him to note she closed her eyes, obviously enjoying it. He grew bolder with her, less hesitant now that he knew she enjoyed some of the same s.e.xual play he was familiar with. Even better, while he indulged in her responsive b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she touched him as well, her hands stroking over his upper chest, raking her nails on the sensitive skin.

Funny how such simple caresses could cause such an ardent reaction. His c.o.c.k practically burst from its confines, determined to sink into her heat.

Vhyl alternated between pulling on her taut nipples with his lips and licking them. He gauged his progress by how heavily she panted and how hard she ground her mound, still covered in moist fabric, against his muscled thigh.

Kneeling on the bed, he stopped his decadent pleasuring of her buds to grasp her around the hips, all the better to help her rub against his leg. Whimpering cries escaped her as he placed pressure against her s.e.x. A s.e.x he suddenly wanted to see.

He tore the paltry lace that hid her from view. She didnt seem to mind. On the contrary, she begged. Touch me.

Oh, he intended to. Arousal raged through his body, and were he more selfish, he would have just bared his c.o.c.k and plunged into her welcoming s.e.x. She was clearly ready. The lips of her mound glistened with moisture.

He knew from his studies of their kind, and rumors, that it was a common practice among humans to place kisses upon a womans s.e.x. But how would it taste?

Curiosity made him eager to know. He palmed her b.u.t.tocks, lifting her to his mouth that he might find out. She groaned at his first tentative lick.



And her reaction? A low groan, head thras.h.i.+ng, body quivering. He wanted more.

He stabbed his tongue into her, tasting the visible evidence of her arousal and, in return, felt his own need peaking.

Yes. Yes. Yes, she chanted as she fisted the sheets, urging him on. As if he could stop now. His lips nudged a protrusion at the mouth of her s.e.x, and she keened. Not just keened but bucked.

What was this? He located the nub with his tongue and stroked it.

She almost tore free of his grasp she reacted so violently, but not out of pain.

By all the moons in the universe, I think Ive found her pleasure b.u.t.ton.

And now that he had, he exploited it. He circled his tongue around it, grasped it with his lips. He barely had time to play with it before she screamed his name and arched, her body bowing off the bed.


Did his chest swell that she acknowledged him so vocally? Frukxing right he did. But at the same time, her obvious climax rendered him impatient to join her.

In order to ensure she remained amiable to more coital play, he kept licking at her pleasure b.u.t.ton, quite enjoying her violent headshakes, her mumbled gasps, the trembling of her limbs.

When he could finally contain himself no longer, he yanked his remaining garment down enough to bare his throbbing c.o.c.k. Lowering her to align her body with it, he couldnt help but growl, Mine, as he plunged into her wet sheath.

The sensation proved mind shattering.

For the second time since meeting her, he could have sworn the universe slowed down in its revolution around his greatness. Time stood still. His shaft pulsed in the most welcoming haven hed ever encountered.

When reality slammed back, Vhyl knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that something had changed, but caught up in the rhythm of plunging his shaft in and out of her channel, he didnt bother to stop and a.n.a.lyze what.

All he knew in that moment was hed never felt anything more right.

More pleasurable.

More He came in a hot spurt just as her s.e.x convulsed. She climaxed again, and her muscles clamped him tight, bringing him along with her.

Hed never felt anything more glorious.

Caught up in the moment, and not eager"for once"to see it end, Vhyl folded her tight to him, his arms wrapping around her upper torso as he rolled them both until he lay on his back, her atop him, still joined at the groin.

To his delight, she was the one who plundered his mouth, engaging him in a hungry kiss that stole what was left of his ragged breath. His fingers slid into her curly hair, anchoring her head, making sure the embrace would not end any time soon.

He didnt stop the groan that escaped him as her tongue slid between his lips. Had he ever enjoyed a more willing partner? One who made the most delightful sounds? As if to prove that point, she mewled into his mouth as he grazed pointed teeth along the length of her tongue.

Alas, while Vhyl was considered quite virile, even he required time to recuperate between s.e.xual bouts. She didnt seem to mind.

Although she did sigh when they finally stopped kissing. Would it be corny for me to say that was utterly out of this f.u.c.king world?

If you are implying that the experience was immensely gratifying, then I would have to agree.

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Alien Abduction: Holiday Abduction Part 6 summary

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