Alien Abduction: Holiday Abduction Part 8

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It should have doused her arousal like a bucket of cold water.

She should have snapped out of the moment.

Instead, she moaned as he sank deeper and deeper.

Yes, danger lurked. Yes, someone could barge in.

Oh G.o.d. It just excited her all the more.

She clawed at the slippery tile as he pounded into her willing flesh, each hard thrust b.u.t.ting her G-spot, making her channel clench, until with a yell, she came, her p.u.s.s.y milking his thickness.

She could have sworn she heard him growl some kind of alien word before he jetted his hot cream, bathing her shuddering s.e.x.

This time, there was no cuddling afterward. He dropped a kiss on her shoulder as he withdrew his c.o.c.k. Then he slapped her on the a.s.s and said, You might want to hurry up and dress. Theyve just discovered we are not present in the first room and are now performing a room-by-room search.

Turning off the faucets first, she snagged a towel and hurriedly dried herself as she strode into their room. What are we going to do? We cant exactly slip out unnoticed.

Kill them.

I thought you didnt have something to kill Mo and his mini-me.

I dont yet, but those seeking us are just human.

She halted her drying to stare at him. You mean the government guys found us?

He nodded as he stepped into his jumpsuit"commando"and zipped.

She regarded her now grubby pants and s.h.i.+rt with a grimace, but her frown wasnt from trying to yank a T-s.h.i.+rt over damp, but his solution. Dude, you cant just kill them.

Why not?

Well, because you cant. I mean theyre just doing their job. Besides, wont killing them be like declaring some kind of alien war?

His face turned pensive. You might have a point. The galactic council would probably be most displeased if I annihilated Earth military forces. Theyd probably put out a universe-wide call for my execution or arrest.


How many do you think it would take for me to kill before achieving such a splendid feat?

Excuse me? She gaped at him. You cant seriously aspire to being a wanted criminal?

What warrior doesnt? Do you know what kind of glory I would bring to my family if I single-handedly had your planet declare war on my kind?


No what?

No, dude. No war. As in no killing. As in tuck your gun away. Well have to sneak out of here.

Are you seriously telling me what I may do?


A female giving me orders? Incredulity marked his reply.

Again yes. So stop giving me that face and think of a better plan, one that doesnt involve killing the men outside this door who are just doing their jobs.

You are ruining what could be a momentous occasion and a highlight in my career.

Ill blow you later in thanks.

Why would you wish to eject air" He stopped talking as she dropped her gaze to his groin. She licked her lips and then winked suggestively at him. Oh, I think I understand your offer. Well, in that case... He slid a tiny b.u.t.ton on his weapon until it beeped and a blue light flashed.

What did you just do?

Changed the setting from the laser setting to stun. I a.s.sume knocking them unconscious is acceptable?

Much better.

The things I do for coitus, he muttered.

Disgruntled as he sounded, Jilly couldnt help a spurt of pleasure that hed actually listened to her. Given his claims of how women were usually regarded, she considered it a positive feat hed paid attention.

What she didnt consider so good, though, was the pounding on the door with the shouted, Homeland Security. Open up.

Should they keep quiet and pretend the room was vacant?

A fine plan except for the fact that Vile"once again wearing his John Smith glamour"swung the door open and said, h.e.l.lo. It seems we meet again. If you value your lives, and physical wellbeing, then I strongly suggest you lay down your weapons.

Chapter Eight.

If someone calls you a pirate or a thief, kill them. Or, if youre feeling benevolent, or have cause to believe you might require their services in the future, correct them as to the correct terminology to use when referring to your professional t.i.tle in the most painful method possible, of course. See Appendix Twelve for innovative ideas on torture. " An excerpt from The Fine Art of Acquisition Why did Jilly groan at his request? Vhyl worded his request to the humans at the door quite politely he thought. So politely his mother would have cried in shame. His father would have beaten him. As for the Earth agents facing him in the doorway? They laughed.

That wasnt a point in their favor.

Nice try, bucko. Were the ones giving the orders here. Put down your tiny pistol and come out with your hands up.

What is it with you humans and commenting on the size of my weapon? Vhyl turned his gun over in his hand before tossing it on the bed and raising his hands.

You too, Miss Carver, Agent Farley added. Get the cuffs out, men. Were placing them under arrest.

For what? Jilly asked.

I dont need a reason when we think homeland security is at risk.

Sidling to his side, Jilly kept a wary eye on the pair of soldiers entering the room. What are you doing surrendering? she hissed as she placed her own hands in the air. I thought your plan was to stun them so we could escape.

She seemed worried, whereas Vhyl didnt pay the soldiers much mind. As far as he was concerned, they should have sent more men. It was almost embarra.s.sing how little his reputation counted here on Earth. Anywhere else in the galaxy, they would have sent three or four times the number. Now that would have been a much fairer fight. Then he might have also kept his weapon and told them where they could shove their order to surrender.

Given I am unsure how the stun setting will work on your unenhanced genetic structure, I felt it best if I resort to simpler methods, he stated. He also felt it was more sporting. He allowed the two men to move behind him.

Remember to not look him in the eye, barked Agent Farley, who wore dark-tinted while the four men hed brought with them all wore helmets with black visors.

Vhyl could not understand why Jilly began humming a melody that involved at night under her breath. At his quizzical gaze, he thought she mouthed, Corey Hart.

It made no sense, so he ignored it and focused on the men before him. Only the main agent didnt have a weapon in hand. Given Vhyl wore his repelling suit, he didnt worry much about the possibility of projectiles, unless one accidentally aimed for his head. Reconstructive surgery was never pleasant.

Jilly, on the other hand, didnt have any such protection, something he kept in mind as he planned his next move.

Cuff the guy first, the one in charge ordered, still mistakenly thinking he controlled the situation.

It almost made Vhyl laugh. You should have listened to me when you had the chance, he teased. That was the only warning they got before he punched one of the helmet-wearing soldiers in the face while, at the same time, kicking sideways, the boot of his suit connecting with another soldiers gun hand. The human cried out and dropped his weapon.

The one Vhyl punched still held his firearm, but his free hand attempted to stem the gush of blood from his nose.

Since he was occupied, Vhyl aimed a kick behind him at the male who thought to rush him from behind and slide an arm around his neck. A grab of the hand and a twist of his hips saw that soldier flying over Vhyls shoulder to hit the floor with an oomph.

Just warming up, Vhyl aimed some rapid-fire thrusts and kicks at the remaining security force still standing, his movements too fast for them to counter. His mother had planned his genetic enhancements in the womb well. Perhaps hed do something unprecedented when he returned and thank her for it. The shock alone would prove entertaining.

It took only a moment until the four soldiers were on the ground, three of them unconscious, the fourth moaning something about a broken hand.

Agent Farley gaped at him. What the f.u.c.k are you?

Someone you need to forget, was Vhyls reply before a well-aimed punch knocked the man unconscious.

Seeing no other immediate threat, Vhyl pivoted to find Jilly shaking her head. Dude, you could make a fortune as an ultimate fighter.

I already have great riches.

Then why are you here looking for this hunk of metal? she asked, holding up the disk.

Because its one of a kind.

You mean youre going to all this trouble just to say you own it?

Of course. And then theres the excitement of guarding it well enough from those who would covet it. There is more to being an acquisition specialist than just owners.h.i.+p. Keeping what Ive collected also requires great skill. It also made for some fun times as he toyed with thieves, faking easy access to some of his goods just so he could turn around and kill them for their temerity in trying.

A warrior created entertainment where he could. It helped keep his skills honed.

You are whacked.

I believe I shall take that as a compliment, Vhyl replied as he held out his hand in a courtly gesture. It was so utterly unlike him, and yet, he couldnt help warmth spreading at the smile Jilly gave him as he aided her in stepping around the bodies.

In the distance, sirens blared.

You might want this, Jilly said, handing him his weapon. Shed also grabbed her own firearm, which he didnt understand given she seemed disinclined to shoot anyone.

As they clambered down the stairs, Vhyl noted the five agents werent alone. Another trio hovered around the dark vehicles theyd arrived in.

At their appearance, the soldiers did not shout any foolish demand to surrender, but rather took aim and fired.

About time they showed some common sense.

And livened things up.

Vhyl had just enough time to thrust Jilly behind him before the first slug hit him in the chest"and bounced off his suit.

Still though. Theyd dared to shoot at him!

Forget running away. For their temerity, hed make them pay. It elated him to note the day was looking up.

Tucking his gun away"since hitting things with his bare hands was so much more fun"Vhyl dashed at the soldiers, who fired again. It only served to stir him up. Vhyl yelled an ancient Aressotle war cry, which, if translated, amounted to, Im going to kill you and drink of your blood then hunt down your family and annihilate your line. Of course, he probably wouldnt have time to do the latter, and given Jillys reminder about starting a war, he stuck to knocking the soldiers unconscious.

I really should get a second war cry for the times when Im only causing chaos and not murdering those who stand in my way.

Something to ponder during the boring moments in between acquisitions.

Jilly joined him. Dude, you are a fighting machine.

Did he puff his chest at the compliment? Yes. And he also dragged her into his arms for a kiss that left her breathless.

He only released her as the wailing vehicle screeched into the far end of the parking lot.

We should leave, he stated unnecessarily.

Says the guy who stopped to steal a kiss, she muttered as she jumped into the drivers seat of her truck. You really like living on the edge, dont you?

Any other way is not worth living. He grinned as she shook her head.

Despite her admonishment, he caught the hint of a smile on her lips. Even more fascinating, her pulse raced, but hed have wagered it was in excitement not fear.

His female barbarian thrived more on adventure than she let on.

She also drove like one of those insane Veloxrians who seemed to think traffic rules were meant to be broken.

Now who is the crazy one? he shouted as she weaved among the cars on the two-lane route they were on.

Still you. But Im beginning to think its contagious, she added with a laugh. You know, given you just took out some government dudes and I am now fleeing the cops, I should be freaking out.

But? he prodded.

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Alien Abduction: Holiday Abduction Part 8 summary

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