Sun And Candlelight Part 13

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look young or old; you need a nap after lunch.

' They laughed gently at her because she expected them to and then started off down the path which led round the rambling little house and

down the garden at the back to where a gate opened on to a narrow rutted lane.

Here Alethea paused and glanced at her companion's expensive,

well-polished shoes.

"It's rather rough," she began, and then with sudden vexation: "T wanted to tidy my hair.

' "It looks perfectly all right," said Mr van Diederijk in a soothing

voice, 'and that is only because you are trying to put off the inevitable.

' Alethea stared silently at him.

It was perfectly true, but when it was voiced out loud in that matter-of-fact way, it sounded a bit silly.

He opened the gate and stood aside while she went through.

"I've come for my answer, Alethea.

' He closed the gate.

"Which is it to be, yes or no?

' He showed no impatience when she didn't answer but strolled along

beside her, a man to all appearances content with his world.

She peeped at his profile and a handsome one it was too, she had to admit, with its high-bridged nose and firm mouth and chin. He caught her looking before she could turn away, his blue eyes compelling her to speak. To her utter astonishment she said "Yes," when all the time she had intended to say no, and still feeling most strangely that the words were being put into her mouth: "At least, I think so.

' His smile was so kind and understanding that she smiled too.

"It was a difficult decision for you to make," he observed, 'but I

think it is the right one and it goes without saying that I am delighted.

' He took her hand and stood looking down at her thoughtfully.

"T believe that we shall get on extremely well together.

All the same, I'll not hurry you if you want more time to think it over.

' His raised brows emphasised the question so that she said: "No--no, I

don't," not giving herself time to consider the matter.

All the same she felt relief when he went on easily: "Shall we make a bargain?

If at any time during our engagement you feel you don't want to marry me after all, will you tell me?

' She returned his look with wide-eyed honesty.

"Yes, I promise that, but I don't change my mind, you know.

' "Good.

Would you consent to a short engagement?

A month--six weeks?

During that time I'll take you over to Holland so that you can meet the children and some of my family.

You would like to marry here, I expect?

' She thought about it.

"Yes, please and very quietly.

Can--may you marry in church?

I mean.

you're divorced.

' "There are, I believe, clergy who will marry a divorced person even though it isn't the usual rule.

What about your local vicar?

' "We could ask.

Isn't there a Service of Blessing we could have if we have to go to a registrar's office?

' "So I've heard.

Shall I find out and let you know?

' "Please.

I'll have to give in my notice.

' "Tomorrow morning if you could manage that.

Must it be a month?

' They were strolling along now, the sun warm on them and a nice little

breeze blowing Alethea's already untidy hair into still more curls.

"Well, I have two weeks' holiday due, which means that I could leave in a fortnight.

' "Will you arrange that?

I shall be at Theobald's for the next week, then I have to go back to Holland for a few days.

I'll come over for you when you're free and you can spend a week there and then return here and I'll come over for the wedding.

Would that suit you?

' He seemed to have it all planned very nicely.

Just for a second she wondered if it would have been like that if it was Nick she were marrying and not this quiet, persistent man beside her.

He was being very businesslike about it, but then did she want it


She sighed without knowing it and he said: "Don't allow your thoughts to wander, Alethea, regretting the past will make it harder to bear.

' He stopped again and took her gently by the shoulders and turned her round to face him.

"Could you turn the page?

' he asked softly.

"It needs courage, but it can be done.

' He bent and kissed her lightly on her cheek.

"There's a seal on our friends.h.i.+p.

' Alethea studied him at length.

"You're a very nice person," she told him.

"You're sure about it?

I mean, you're not getting much of a bargain.

' "T hardly think of you as a bargain, my dear; rest a.s.sured that I am getting exactly what I want.

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Sun And Candlelight Part 13 summary

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