Sun And Candlelight Part 31

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for parties.

' Jacomina put out a hand and caught hold of the wide skirt.

"Nanny won't let me have a pretty dress, she says it's a wicked waste

for a little girl.

' Alethea glanced at Nanny and smiled, glad that she couldn't understand. "I'm sure we can persuade Nanny to change her mind," she observed diplomatically.

"You see, you're not a little girl any more, you know how to keep your

clothes clean and I think it might be nice if you helped choose them too.

' Jacomina smiled widely.

Just for a moment she forgot that she didn't like Alethea.

"Oh, may I?

Would Papa mind?

' "T don't think so, I'll ask him better still, we'll ask him


' Sarel and Nanny had been standing silent.

What happened next took Alethea completely unawares.

Sarel picked up the vase of flowers on the mantelpiece, marched across

the room and threw it at Alethea's dress.

Fortunately he had aimed badly; the flowers missed altogether, only the water cascaded down the front of her lovely dress.

She stood like a statue for a second or two, unable to believe what had

happened, looking from Sarel to Jacomina and then at Nanny, who stood,

making no effort to do anything about it.

Why, she wanted him to do it, thought Alethea, she's not going to say a word.

At the same instant she made up her mind what she was going to do.

"That's just the sort of thing I do myself," she said cheerfully.

"What good luck it's only water it'll dry, I'm sure.

I'll go and see what I can do.

' She even managed a smile, a smile which she kept pinned on her face

even when Sarel said roughly: "I'm glad I hope your dress is spoilt I hope there's a great big stain!

You won't be able to wear it.

Papa will scold you.

' He went a little pale.

"You'll tell Papa?

' Alethea gave him a long, considered look.

"No, I don't sneak.

I know that you did it deliberately and I think that Nanny is as pleased as you are, but rest a.s.sured that I never tell tales, Sarel.

' She swept out of the room, leaving the door open and hurried back to her own room to examine the damage.

It wasn't too bad, but she would have to get it dry.

There was a hair dryer in the bathroom.

She switched it on and with infinite care and her heart in her mouth in case it should leave a mark, dried the great wet patch.

She succeeded: perhaps there was the faintest mark along the margins, but she was sure that only she could see it because she knew where the patch had been.

She put the hair dryer back, just in time, because Sarre knocked on the door and came in.

He hadn't changed yet and he had only fifteen minutes in which to do so, but he showed no sign of haste.

"That's a charming dress," he remarked, and stood to study her before crossing the thick carpet to where she stood with her back to the window.

He had a flat case in his hand; he opened it now and laid it down on the dressing table.

There was a necklace of Russian sapphires and diamonds inside, a delicate thing, glowing with colour.

He put it round her neck and fastened it and stood back to have a look.

"Very nice.

I hope you like it, my dear.

It was my grandmother's.

There are earrings too--are your ears pierced?

' Alethea said yes in a rather dim voice.

The magnificence of the necklace had left her without words.

She took the jewels he handed her and slipped them into her ears; pear-shaped drops, surrounded by diamonds, matching the necklace and ring.

"T don't know what to say," she began.

"I've never had anything so lovely in my life before.

' He smiled.

"Grandmother would have loved you in them," he said.

"They become you very well.

Have we time for a drink before I dress?

' "No but we'll have one.

' She added with a smile: "T think I need one I'm a bit scared!

' They went downstairs to the drawing room and he poured their


"Is that what it is?

' he wanted to know.

"What do you mean?

' "You're er ruffled.

You are such a serene person, Alethea, but this evening something is

upsetting you.

' She hadn't known that he noticed her like that.

She said quickly: "No I'm just very excited.

' She sat down in a little armchair, her silken skirts billowing around


"Have the children seen your dress?

' he asked.

"Yes I went upstairs a little while ago.

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Sun And Candlelight Part 31 summary

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