Sun And Candlelight Part 34

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' He spread himself out on the gra.s.s beside her and closed his eyes.

"T should like you to wear it.

' "Oh all right.

Does Al pack for you, or shall I do it?

' He opened one eye.

"Al rather fancies himself as a valet, you might hurt his feelings.

' She said slowly: "T don't feel that I'm being of much use to


' She wasn't looking at him, so she didn't see the sharp glance he gave

her downcast face.

"You're being of the greatest use.

Besides, you're not only useful, you're ornamental as well.

' She allowed Rough to wander away.

Sarre looked very placid lying there; perhaps it was the right time to

ask about Anna.

"T thought Anna might have called to see us," she said at length, keeping her voice casual.

"She sees me every day.

' "Yes, I know that," persisted Alethea, determined to keep to the

subject at all costs now she had started it.

"But you did say that she was a very old friend.

I expected her to.

I thought we might see more of her--she hasn't been at all.

' Sarre had his eyes closed again.

"Jealous, my dear?

' he asked softly.

She flared up at once.

There was no expression on his face at all, and she suddenly wanted to

stir him up.

"No," she told him waspishly.

"How could I be?

One must love someone to be jealous of them.

' "You're wrong, my dear.

If one loves enough, there is no jealousy.

' He sat up.

"What about tea out here?

The children will be home presently.

' Alethea got to her feet.

"T'll go and see Mrs McCrea--it's Al's half day, he's gone to the


' "He's a keen filmgoer.

Is it too short notice if we ask Wien and and his girl-friend round to

dinner tomorrow evening?

He's had a lot of work to catch up on, but he tells me he can't wait to see you again.

' "T'll tell Mrs McCrea now--she loves dinner parties.

Is it the same girl?

Mar the?

' Erno.

The current favourite, and I fancy the final one, is Irene, a small

mouse like girl with no looks to speak of.

He's known her for years--her parents are great friends of the family,

but he's always treated her like a rather tiresome small sister.

' He got to his feet and stretched widely.

"Love is no respecter of persons.

' Alethea paused on her way.

"Do you like her?

' "Yes, she's right for Wien and.

' And Alethea had to agree with him when Wien and and Irene arrived the

following evening.

Wien and greeted her extravagantly.

"And what do you think of my Irene?

' he wanted to know when he'd finished hugging her.

Alethea smiled at the girl and put out a hand.

"What an impossible question to answer!

' she laughed, and slipped an arm through Irene's.

"T think you must be an angel to put up with Wien and in the first

place--come over here and tell me how you manage to do it.

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Sun And Candlelight Part 34 summary

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