Sun And Candlelight Part 45

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' She explained about them too.

"They hate me," she declared, 'and I've tried so hard.

Granny; they're darlings and they're Sarre's, so I love them.

' "Love is a great deal stronger than anything else," p.r.o.nounced Mrs


"Just bear that in mind, child.

' The visit lasted two days, no longer because Mrs Thomas said that she

couldn't leave Mrs Bustle for longer than that, but Alethea crammed a

good deal into it.

She took Mrs Thomas on a sightseeing tour in her Colt, conducted her round the house, accompanied her shopping, and made sure that she saw as much of Sarre and the children as possible.

The children liked the old lady and she liked them, and when Mrs Thomas suggested that they might like to spend a few weeks with her later on, they were wildly enthusiastic.

Just as enthusiastic as Sarre was about having both his

grandmother-in-law and Mrs Bustle over for Christmas.

And on the last evening of Mrs Thomas's visit, they had guests for dinner, Wien and and Irene and Anna.

Sarre had suggested her casually, with his eyes on Alethea, who instantly said: "Oh, yes, of course we must have Anna," and volunteered a good deal of information about her, just as though she hadn't already done so.

Sarre had smiled a little and contributed nothing to Alethea's eulogy.

He had treated her with unfailing courtesy since their unhappy conversation about Anna and even if Alethea had wanted to bring the matter up it would have been difficult.

Arrogant man, thought Alethea crossly.

Just like him to decide that no more would be said on either side, without giving her a chance to utter a word.

She wore a new dress that evening; the colour of honey, quite beautiful and wildly expensive.

But at the end of the evening, when the house was quiet and she had time to think, she came to the conclusion that she might just as well have worn an old sack and she was still seething inwardly from Anna's playful: "Why, Alethea, you're getting plump.

' She had replied suitably and, she hoped, with suitable lightness, furious to see Sarre's lips twitch.

It had helped a little when her grandmother remarked that it was a good thing, because she had always been too thin.

"Such a big girl," she told the a.s.sembled company.

"T don't hold with bean poles.

' Sarre had agreed with her and everyone had laughed, and Alethea had felt like the fat woman at a fair.

She had, she considered, behaved beautifully, even when Anna had kissed Sarre in greeting and again when she left; better than little Irene who had looked worried and embarra.s.sed.

Alethea got up from the window seat where she had been sitting and kicked a fallen cus.h.i.+on quite viciously round the room; it relieved her feelings enormously.

And she wasn't getting fat; she took a good look at herself in the bathroom looking gla.s.s to make sure.

She felt lost and lonely after her grandmother went home, especially as Sarre went to Amsterdam on the same day.

Probably, he told her, he would have to spend the night.

She had looked at him blankly and asked stupidly: "Must you stay


' and when he had said quietly that he thought it might be better to drive back to Groningen in the very early . morning, she had cried much too loudly: "Of course you'll have Anna with you.

' His face, usually so placid, had shown anger, but all he said suavely

was: "No, but when you make remarks like that, Alethea, I'm tempted to do so.

' He had left the house then and she had mooned around until Mrs McCrea

had asked her if she would mind going to the grocers' for her.

There was still an hour left till lunch and the children's return from

school; she gathered together her smattering of Dutch and went upstairs to talk to Nanny.

It was high time she a.s.serted herself over various matters.

Her Dutch might not have been very grammatical, but she certainly got

the gist other wishes over to Nanny; in future she would take the children shopping for their clothes and when they were naughty they were to be punished not severely, but enough to make them realise that they had done something wrong.

And Nanny wasn't to s.h.i.+eld them from punishment, either.

"You don't love them," declared Nanny.

"Oh, yes, I do I want them to grow up like their father.


You love them, but you spoil them.

' She hoped she had the right words; she had looked them up earlier.

"You haven't helped me, have you?

I should like to be friends.

' "You wish to take my place," Nanny snorted.

"Never, mevrouwV

"Of course I don't want to take your place, why should I and how could I?.

The children love you, you fill a gap.

' She said hole because she didn't know the Dutch for gap and anyway

her Dutch was beginning to peter out.

But Nanny seemed to understand.

She looked surprised and then pleased before her face resumed its usual

disapproving look.

The children were unusually talkative at lunch, telling a rather

involved story about a cottage, uninhabited now, which had at one time belonged to Nanny.

"It's not far from here," said Sarel, 'in the Langestraat, there's a

steeg on the left.

We've always wanted to go there, but Papa won't let us because he says it's dangerous.

' He eyed Alethea thoughtfully.

"Why is it dangerous?

' "T don't know," observed Alethea, only half listening, 'but if your

papa says it is and you mustn't go there, then you must obey him.

' "We could go and look at it from the outside.

' Sarel gave her a quick look.

"Well, no, I don't think that's a good idea, I'd much rather you


' "We obey Papa, but we don't have to obey you," muttered Sarel.

; Alethea paled a little.

"No," she said steadily, "T don't suppose you do unless you want to.

All the same, please wait until your papa gets home he'll be here

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Sun And Candlelight Part 45 summary

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