Sun And Candlelight Part 50

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Sarre was sitting at his desk when the children knocked on the door, and although he had said that they were to go to bed some hours earlier, he didn't look surprised.

His "Hullo there," was cheerfully welcoming as he waved them to a big armchair opposite the desk.

But the children refused.

"We must stand.

Papa," declared Jacomina.

"We have things to tell you.

' "T thought perhaps you might.

' Sarre switched to Dutch.

"Go ahead, then.


' "It's about Alethea.

It was our fault that she was with us in the old cottage.

You see, we wanted to frighten her.

' He paused and his father begged him to go on with an impa.s.sive


"And suppose you begin at the beginning," he suggested.

"We didn't want a mama.

We thought that we were quite happy without one.

Papa, and when you told us about Alethea we said that we wouldn't like her, so we did not try to be friends with her.

' He added in a small voice, "We were not rude exactly, but she wanted to be friends and we did not allow ourselves to like her.

Only then she didn't mind about Caesar in her bed and she didn't tell anyone either, and she found Neptune for us and she was kind, but we still did not want her for our mother.

Anyway, she wasn't like a real mother, more like a visitor, for she sleeps always alone, not like our friends' mothers and fathers, and they kiss good morning and laugh together and.

' He stopped because Sarre was looking so grim.

"Go on, Sarel.

' "And then we made this plan--to frighten her just a little so that

she would go away, although I think we didn't really want her to go,

only we'd said that we weren't going to like her.

So we went to Nanny's old cottage and left a note for her and of course she came after us.

We thought we'd just lock her in for a little--just for fun.

' He faltered under his father's eye.

"But when we got inside it was dark and the floor gave way and we fell

into that cellar.

' He s.h.i.+vered.

"It was so very dark.


And then Alethea came and she didn't make a fuss or tell us we'd been

naughty, but tried to get us out, and when she couldn't she said she would go for help, only she'd left the key on the outside of the door and it banged shut so that she couldn't get out.

So she said she'd climb down to us and see if she could get us out.

She found an old chair, but it broke when she tried to stand on it and she said that would be no use, so she jumped down.

She was very brave.


' "Just like a mama," wailed Jacomina in a tearful voice.

"She told us stories and talked and said if we had patience you'd come.

We all had to keep very still because when she jumped she fell in some water and the floor started moving.

Papa, we want her to stay with us for always and be our mama.

We are very fond of her and we are sorry that we have been unkind to her.

' "We would like her to stay, do you wish that too.


' Sarre's eyes gleamed beneath their lids, but all he said in his calm

way was: "T think that tomorrow morning you must go to Alethea and tell her just what you have told me and ask her if she will forgive you and stay with us all.

' Sarel asked uncertainly: "You are angry, Papa?

' "Not with you,jongen.

' Alethea was sitting up in bed, drinking her morning tea and fighting

a headache while she examined the livid marks on her arms, when there

was a tap on the door and the children entered.

She had thought just for one lovely moment that it was Sarre, but she hid her disappointment quickly and bade them sit on the bed.

"Would you like some tea?

' she asked, conscious that the atmosphere was heavy.

"There are a couple of tooth in the bathroom.

' They shook their heads, looking so glum that she said: "What is it,

my dears?

' At the same time she pushed the little plate of tiny biscuits Mrs

McCrea had made specially for her between them.

It was Jacomina who began, only to dissolve almost immediately into a series of snivels, so that it was Sarel who embarked on the long,

rather incoherent tale; how they had made up their minds before they had even seen her that they would not like her.

But somehow it hadn't worked, Sarel admitted, a little red in the


"You didn't mind about Caesar and you never told anyone either, and you

found Neptune and you never told when I spoilt your new dress not even when Papa asked.

' His voice became urgent.

"Please will you stay with us?

We should very much like to be your children if you'll have us.

' He gulped.

"We don't want you to go away, ever.

' Alethea forgot about her stiff arms; she put them round both children

and hugged them close.

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Sun And Candlelight Part 50 summary

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