Sun And Candlelight Part 7

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everyone's talking about.

' Alethea, listening to her own voice, cool and pleasant, marvelled at it.

"T hear it's quite super. . . ' She would have babbled on, intent on letting them both see that she didn't care two straws even though there was a cold lump of misery under her ribs, but she was interrupted.

Mr van Diederijk, sprung apparently from the ground, so silently had he joined them, spoke before she could utter any more ba.n.a.lities.

"There you are, Alethea," he remarked placidly.

"T was beginning to think that that funny little car of yours had broken down.

Can you manage to change in twenty minutes or so?

I've booked a table for half past eight.

' He had slipped between her and the other two so that they didn't see

her startled face and open mouth.

After a moment she began: "But I. ' "Need longer?

You can have an extra five minutes, then--I'll wait in the main


' She turned without a word and almost ran in to the Nurses' Home entrance, up the stairs and into her room, where she sat down on the bed without bothering to take off her jacket.

Of course Mr van Diederijk hadn't meant a word of it.

He had rescued her from an awkward situation, that was all; she would

have a bath and go to bed early and thank him for his kindness when she saw him again. She was already in her dressing gown when one of the home maids knocked on the door and told her that she was wanted on the telephone, and just for a second the absurd idea that it might be Nick crossed her mind. It wasn't; Mr van Diederijk's calm voice asked matter-of-factly if she was changing.

"Because if you are, put on something pretty.

I thought we might go to Eatons.

' "Oh, I thought--that is, I thought that you were just helping me out,

or something.

' She added doggedly: "You were, weren't you?

You didn't mean to ask me out to dinner.

' His chuckle was comforting and rea.s.suring.

"Oh, yes, I was helping you out, but I certainly meant to ask you to

dine with me, both this evening and as frequently as possible.

' tZ.

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l^l ->n ] She took the receiver from her ear and looked at it,

wondering if she could have heard him aright.

After a minute she said: "Thank you, I'd like to come out this


I'll be very quick.

' Something pretty, he had said.

She had an almost new crepe dress, smoky grey delicately patterned with

amber and a misty green.

She had worn it once to go out with Nick and as she put it on she remembered that he had barely noticed it. She zipped it up defiantly, brushed out her hair so that it curled on her neck, dug her feet into slippers, caught up the dark grey flannel coat she had bought years ago and which was happily dateless and ran downstairs.

Mr van Diederijk was waiting just where he said he would be and she sighed with relief without knowing it.

He made some commonplace remark as she joined him, opened the door and led her to the Jaguar and during the brief journey he kept the conversation firmly in his own hands; even if she had wanted to say anything about her meeting with Nick he didn't give her the chance.

It was the same during their dinner, a delicious meal--smoked salmon,

pork escalope and a rich creamy dessert.

They drank Hock, and Alethea, considerably cheered by two of it, prudently refused the brandy offered with her coffee.

She was pouring second cups when Mr van Diederijk observed: "That's a pretty dress," and then: "Do you like dancing?

' She remembered the evenings she had gone dancing with Nick.


"Yes, I do' was so hesitant that he went on smoothly: "We must try it one evening, but in the meantime would you come to a theatre with me? evening, perhaps there's a play I rather wanted to see, I

think you might enjoy it too.

' She didn't say anything for a few minutes and then she asked a question.

"Why are you being so very kind?

I mean, asking me out to dinner twice within days and then pretending that we were spending the evening together.

' "Well, we are, aren't we?

Spending the evening together.

' His voice was bland.

"And I'm not being kind, Alethea, rather should I say that I like to see fair play, and it seems to me that young Penrose isn't playing fair.

' He looked at her thoughtfully, frowning a little.

"If you want him back you must put on a bold front.

"I don't want him back," she uttered the lie so hotly that it was quite

apparent that there wasn't a word of truth in it, 'and what's more, I can't see that it's any business of yours, Mr van Diederijk.

' "You are of course quite right.

I apologise.

' He added coolly: "T expect you would like to go.

' He lifted a finger and took the bill and signed it, and Alethea cried sharply: "Oh, I quite forgot I still owe you for the other night.

' She was stopped by the look of distaste on her companion's face.

"Allow me to settle that with Penrose," he said blandly.

There was nothing for her to do but get up and go.

She did it with outward calm, smarting from his polite snub, and

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Sun And Candlelight Part 7 summary

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