Star Trek_ Typhon Pact_ Rough Beasts Of Empire Part 23

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My first exposure to the Typhon Pact came in a Midtown Manhattan restaurant, over lunch with editor Marco Palmieri. Quite unexpectedly, Marco described to me the conceit and genesis of an idea for the literary Star Trek Star Trek universe upon which he had been working. The Typhon Pact, a new coalition of universe upon which he had been working. The Typhon Pact, a new coalition of Trek Trek antagonists, would provide a counterpart to the United Federation of Planets and its Khitomer Accords alliance-a twenty-fourth-century version of the Warsaw Pact and NATO. For starters, Marco intended to publish a book series, with each volume focusing on a different Pact member, and he invited me to pen the Romulan entry. For that offer, for his creativity and first-rate editorial skills, and for his friends.h.i.+p, I am grateful. antagonists, would provide a counterpart to the United Federation of Planets and its Khitomer Accords alliance-a twenty-fourth-century version of the Warsaw Pact and NATO. For starters, Marco intended to publish a book series, with each volume focusing on a different Pact member, and he invited me to pen the Romulan entry. For that offer, for his creativity and first-rate editorial skills, and for his friends.h.i.+p, I am grateful.

After Marco had to leave our endeavor, Margaret Clark nimbly picked up the ball, shepherding the story within these pages from conception through final form. Margaret provided a couple of parameters for the tale, hoping to accomplish some specific developments in the overarching Trek Trek meta-story, but then allowed me a great deal of lat.i.tude in developing the novel I wanted to write. I am thankful for her supportive direction, for her remarkable endurance, and for her friends.h.i.+p. meta-story, but then allowed me a great deal of lat.i.tude in developing the novel I wanted to write. I am thankful for her supportive direction, for her remarkable endurance, and for her friends.h.i.+p.

Once Margaret also had to depart the project, Jaime Costas and Emilia Pisani signed onboard. I want to thank both of them for their generous a.s.sistance, their patience, and their good natures.

Thanks as well to my fellow Typhon Pact Typhon Pact writers: David Mack ( writers: David Mack (Zero Sum Game), Michael A. Martin (Seize the Fire), and Dayton Ward (Paths of Disharmony). Fine writers all around, scholars and gentlemen, and a thoroughly enjoyable group with which to work. I am particularly grateful to Dave Mack, who graciously allowed me exclusive access to one specific bit of the Deep s.p.a.ce Nine Deep s.p.a.ce Nine milieu. milieu.

In choosing to work with the heretofore unseen, mostly unexplored Tzenkethi, I had cause to seek out the a.s.sistance of two other writers who had at least touched upon the mysterious aliens. Keith R. A. DeCandido kindly answered some questions about the Tzenkethi from his Articles of the Federation Articles of the Federation and and A Singular Destiny A Singular Destiny, as did James Swallow with respect to his Day of the Vipers. Day of the Vipers. Keith also provided a roster of Federation government personnel and a description of the Palais de la Concorde, which I found quite useful. Thanks, guys. Keith also provided a roster of Federation government personnel and a description of the Palais de la Concorde, which I found quite useful. Thanks, guys.

I also tapped William Leisner for some information from his Losing the Peace Losing the Peace, and Una McCormack from her Hollow Men. Hollow Men. Once more, fine writers and nice people, willing to help when asked. Thank you. Once more, fine writers and nice people, willing to help when asked. Thank you.

Turning to my crack staff of knowledgeable Star Trek Star Trek fans, Deborah Stevenson, Alex Rosenzweig, and Ian McLean also helped with some literary fans, Deborah Stevenson, Alex Rosenzweig, and Ian McLean also helped with some literary Trek Trek research. Thanks to each of them for giving of their time and effort. I appreciate it. research. Thanks to each of them for giving of their time and effort. I appreciate it.

And then, of course, there are my regulars, the people whom I always thank because they are always there for me. Walter Ragan, Anita Smith, Jennifer George, and Patricia Walenista help me with everything. I am privileged to enjoy such warm, loving, happy people in my life.

Finally, as always, there is Karen Ragan-George. Whenever I get to this point in my acknowledgments, I wonder what I can possibly say about the woman of my dreams that I have not said already. This time, for my beautiful, redheaded, albino Polynesian, I opted for Hawaiian: Aloha wau ia 'oe, e ku'u wahine no na kau a kau.

About the Author.

Born and raised in New York City, David R. George III currently resides in southern California with his enchanting wife, Karen. Their wildly busy lives include many things: reading and writing (and some 'rithmetic), national and world travel, art and history, movies and music, swing dancing and hula, playing baseball and following the New York Mets, and livin' and lovin'.

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David can be found on the Internet at

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Star Trek_ Typhon Pact_ Rough Beasts Of Empire Part 23 summary

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