Surviving Demon Island Part 22

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Her wide-eyed gaze shot to his. 'That's not funny.'

He wasn't smiling. 'It wasn't meant to be. I read you the first day. Crispy on the outside. Creamy inside. My favorite.'

'Now you are teasing me.'

'Yeah, I am.'

'I hate that.'

'No, you don't. You've just never experienced it before so you don't know how to handle it. Most people cater to you, treat you with kid gloves because they're afraid of offending you. I just treat you like an equal.'

She crossed her arms. 'I don't like it.'

His lips twitched. 'Are you going to pout?'

'I might.'

He pushed back against the mattress and rested against the headboard of the bed. Lacing his fingers behind his head, his wide chest expanded as he arched his back. 'Go ahead. I'll watch.'

'Derek!' Dammit, he was mean. 'Get out of my room and let me get some sleep.'

'You don't want to sleep,' he said, his eyes darkening.

'Since when do you presume to know what I want?'

'Since I've decided we're so much alike it's d.a.m.n scary.'

She slid off the bed and grabbed for that bottle of water again, uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the cap and taking a long swallow. She threw one to him and he caught it one-handed. 'We are nothing alike,' she said. 'You're a bullheaded, opinionated, have-to-have-things-your-own-way pain in the a.s.s.'


'Oh, that's not fair. I'm nothing like that.'

'Aren't you?'

She was really going to have to start locking her door. 'Go away, Derek. I don't want you here. Seriously.'

'You're just mad that I'm not kissing your a.s.s and giving in. But that's not my style, Gina, and you know that. You don't always get to have your way. Now come lay down on the bed with me and I'll make you forget all your troubles.'

'You have an enormous ego.'

'Overshadowed by your gigantic one.'

She tossed the empty water bottle in the trash and placed her hands on her hips, leveling a glare in his direction. 'Neanderthal.'

He arched a brow. 'Brat.'


He was smiling now. 'b.i.t.c.h.'

She snorted. No one ever talked to her the way he did. No one ever gave her s.h.i.+t or threw her own att.i.tude back at her. Admittedly, she found it rather invigorating. She approached the bed, resting the front of her thighs at the edge of the mattress.

'I'll have you fired,' she teased.

'I'll have you spanked.'

Her eyes widened. Now there was a challenge. She crawled onto the bed. 'You wouldn't dare.'

'Try me.'

The flare of arousal sparked inside her, her body flaming like an unchecked wildfire. The thought of his hands on her, touching her, spanking her. G.o.d, the places her mind went just then.

'Come here, Gina.'


Poised for flight, she still wasn't prepared for his quick reflexes. When he lunged at her, she let out a squeal, but he caught her around the waist and dragged her, face-down, over his lap.

'Derek, let me up!'

'Oh, I don't think so. You've been a very bad girl.'

She squirmed, but it sure as h.e.l.l wasn't to get away. Desire coiled heavy along her limbs and in her belly, especially when Derek dragged her shorts down to her thighs, baring her b.u.t.tocks.

'Don't you dare!'

'You want me to.'

His voice had gone dark, dangerous, just the sound of it enough to inflame her senses. When he touched her skin, she jumped, her body antic.i.p.ating and needy. But he caressed her b.u.t.t, smoothing his hand over her flesh, sliding between her legs and tempting her by purposely evading the parts she wanted him to touch.

She bit down on her lower lip, refusing to beg him to touch her there, wondering what he was going to do next.

When he swatted her b.u.t.tocks, she let out a yelp. But he hadn't spanked her hard. Oh, no, that was a love tap, meant to excite, not punish.

d.a.m.n, did it ever excite her. She grabbed a fistful of blanket and held on as he did it again to the other cheek, then smoothed the area he had just swatted with a soft caress, once again sliding his fingers between her legs.

'Open for me, Gina.'

Insinuating his hand between her thighs, he pushed them further apart, tugging her shorts all the way off. But still, he didn't touch her s.e.x, which throbbed in antic.i.p.ation.


One spank, another tingle of lightning excitement, another sweet caress. And still, he didn't touch her where she craved it most, didn't answer her unspoken pleas.

It was the sweetest, most agonizing punishment she'd ever received. And she knew that when he did touch her, when he did caress her most sensitized areas, she was going to explode.

Derek had never spanked a woman in his entire life, had never engaged in this kind of s.e.xual play. But with Gina, everything came naturally.

This need to claim her in unusual ways was overpowering him. The need to dominate her, the animal urges in side him growing stronger.

Forcing a gentle calm he didn't feel, he played with her, enjoying the way she squirmed and moaned on his lap. He was so hard he was ready to explode, but he enjoyed teasing her, loved watching her, inhaling her musky sweet scent, feeling the trickle of arousal seep from between her legs.

Her sweet, firm a.s.s was pink from his swats, though he took care not to hurt her, knowing his own strength. When she shuddered, he knew it was from pleasure, not pain. No, not the way she was undulating against him, brus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k with every movement.

He was dying all right, but he was waiting for her to utter the words.

Finally, she did.

'Derek, please,' she whispered, her face buried in the rumpled blankets.

'Please what, baby?' he asked, teasing her inner thighs with swirling fingers, aching to touch her weeping center but forcing himself to wait.

'You know what.'

'Tell me what you want.'

'Touch me.'

'Where? Here?' He rubbed the small of her back, loving the little dimple where her body indented there.

'No.' She arched against him and he bit back a groan.

'Here, then?' He rubbed her b.u.t.tocks. So firm, her skin so unbearably soft.

'Well, yeah, that's nice. But not there. Lower.'

'Oh, here.' He smoothed his hands over her firm, taut thighs.

'No, dammit.' She flipped over and grabbed his hand, placing it on her s.e.x. Fire blazed in the dark blue of her eyes. 'Here.'

She was wet, slick with desire, and he'd just found heaven. He cradled her head in the crook of his arm and brought her head up to his. 'Oh,' he said, smiling down at her as he moved his fingers through her folds. 'There.'

She hiccuped a gasp and he swallowed it with his lips as he kissed her, then slid his fingers inside her, licking her tongue, sucking it gently into his mouth. Her body convulsed around his fingers like a vise while he circled the small knot with his thumb, ma.s.saging her with gentle strokes until she gasped.

A sense of urgency overrode his desire to take her slow and easy. He laid her on the bed and removed her top, discarding his own clothing in a hurry. Then he flipped Gina onto her belly again. She went willingly, offering a saucy smile as she lifted up to accept him.

G.o.d, the woman was as hot as the fires of h.e.l.l itself. Which did nothing to quell the madness surging inside him. Her wild nature only stoked the flame to blistering level as he kneed her legs apart and plunged inside her, rewarded with her shriek of approval as he buried himself deep.

He paused and took a few sweet seconds to feel her pulse around him, her body accommodating him, drawing him in.

He could die right here and be one d.a.m.n happy man.

But then the urge to move took control. The time for sweet tenderness was over. The hunger had returned full force, beating against him with urgent pulses, forcing him to power inside her like a beast in mating. He wrapped one arm around her waist and thrust deep, retreating, and each time trying to crawl deeper and deeper inside her. Her body accepted each stroke, squeezing the very life out of him until he simply couldn't gasp a breath anymore, had no control over the monster within him and just had to let it out.

He roared and let it free, the cries of her climax compelling him to let loose. He pinned himself against her and shuddered, biting down on the back of her neck as he shook with the force of his own o.r.g.a.s.m and took her with him again.

Such a sweet release. Panting, sweating, they stayed glued like that for minutes while the only sounds were of their own breathing.

G.o.d, he needed to do this with her more often. He held her close, realizing that the madness, the boiling tension that lived inside him seemed to disappear for a while whenever they made love.

The first thing he remembered when he crawled out of the red haze was Gina underneath him. G.o.d, she probably couldn't even breathe. Sometimes he wondered if he hurt her. He was so lost in sensation, his mind focused on her body and being joined to her, that it was like he became someone else.

Sometimes he forgot to be gentle with her. He purposely held back, but he wondered if it was still too much for her.

He rolled to his side, taking her along and keeping her nestled close, her back against his chest.

'You okay?' he asked.

'Mmm-hmmm' was her only answer.

He blew out a sigh of relief. Each time it got harder and harder to maintain his control. He had no idea what kind of mental trip he took when he made love with Gina, but it was like nothing that had ever happened to him before. She was like a drug in his system, and she took him on one h.e.l.l of a ride.

Spent, Derek wrapped his arms around Gina, falling in and out of consciousness, content to hold her next to him for as long as he could.

Chapter Seventeen.

G ina was huddled in a dark corner. Demons were all around her, searching. If she curled herself into the smallest little ball possible, maybe they wouldn't be able to find her. ina was huddled in a dark corner. Demons were all around her, searching. If she curled herself into the smallest little ball possible, maybe they wouldn't be able to find her.

She was shaking nearly uncontrollably now, fear snaking its way up her spine, every nerve ending in her body primed with terror.


At first she could barely hear the soft voice. She strained to listen.

'Gina, sweetheart, can you hear me?'

She shoved her fist against her mouth, batting back the tears. Momma? Momma?

No, it couldn't be. She was dead. Gone. They'd taken her a long time ago.

'Gina, where are you?'

She closed her eyes, refusing to believe. It was a trick the demons were playing on her to get her to come out of her hiding place.

No way. She wasn't going to fall for it.

Yet she could smell her mother's lotion, so familiar, so comforting. The urge to leap from the dark corner and run to that scent was so strong she had to force herself to stay put.

They'll hurt you if you move. Don't do it.

'Let me get you out of here. I know the way.'

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Surviving Demon Island Part 22 summary

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