Rejar Part 4

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Although he had never used this technique in quite this way before, Rejar knew that the greater the physical contact between them, the more she would remember her dream experience. Once he physically entered her, he would completely lose this type of suggestive ability over her.

But then there were many intriguing things you could suggest to someone with their full knowledge.

A slow, feral smile inched across his handsome face. She would not have distaste for this male.

Lilac spoke to him, interrupting his pleasant a.n.a.lysis.

"Do I know you, sir?"

"Oh, yes." He rakishly winked at her.

"I do?" She was perplexed. "I think I would have remembered you had we met. You're quite beauti-Why don't you have any clothes on?!"

And would not his father be most displeased with him for this little bit of mischief. Rejar chuckled. What could he do? He was a Familiar.

"Do you think I need them?" he asked her not-so-innocently.

She seemed to mull this over for a moment. "I don't suppose so, since this is only a dream; but still, it seems most improper."

Leaning over her, he whispered, "I like being most improper."

Lilac amused him by whispering back, "I think I might like it too."

While under the trance, a subject reacted freely to situations in which normally they might be inclined to be slightly more reserved. However, the true nature of the person always remained. Yes, he chuckled, she was much like him.

Rejar grinned, revealing two roguish dimples. "I have never doubted this." Standing, he lifted the covers to climb inside.

Lilac gaped at him with eyes suddenly gone huge.

"What is it, Lilac?"

"You-you-you don't-you-"

Rejar had no way of knowing Lilac had never seen a naked man before. Even in her dreams. He wondered what was upsetting her so-until his gaze followed the finger she pointed directly at the source of her discomfiture.

He looked down, then back at her, confused. "This?"

"That," she confirmed.


"It's ... so big!"

Even though it was one he had heard often in the past, Rejar, like any Familiar, preened at the compliment. "If you say."

"Huge, really," Lilac continued, viewing the thing with a mixture of fascination and repulsed awe.

Rejar was starting to feel uncomfortable. Why was the woman staring at him so intently? Perhaps he was endowed, but she was peering at him as if he were oddly made in some way. Were the men here so very different? If so, it boded well for him.

Indeed, he would become very popular.

"Actually, enormous!" she went on, her fingers splaying across her lips in wonder. "I can't believe the size of-"

He was getting annoyed. After all, it was his manhood! "That is enough!" He bellowed. "It is not seemly to inspect a man so intently!"

"Oh. Sorry." Lilac drooped down into the covers.


Rejar settled in beside her, taking her in his arms. Lilac braced her palms against his broad, golden-skinned chest, looking earnestly up at him.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Why not what?"

"Why is it not 'seemly' to examine a man's ... part?"

The corners of his lips curled up. "You may examine my 'part' all you like, sweet Lilac, just do not discuss it as if it did not have feelings."

She did not seem to understand his humor.

"You may touch it, if such is your desire," he clarified. She did not respond the way he had hoped. In fact, for some reason, Lilac seemed quite horrified with the prospect.

"Touch it yourself!"

Rejar stared at her incredulously. What was wrong with the woman? Truly, her reactions were most strange.

Deciding to ignore her outburst, he ran his hands down her back, stopping to cup her rounded b.u.t.tocks in his palms. They were a nice handful. Soon he would remove this garment she was wearing so he could- "What on Earth are you doing! Stop that at once!"

Rejar froze. A woman's objection was so foreign to him that he stared at her gape-mouthed. "You do not like the touching of my hands?"

"I most certainly do not! Let me go!" She tried to break his hold on her. Failing that, she glared up at him. The intensity of the glare was somewhat spoiled by the hank of hair that fell over her eyes.

Hmm. He must think on this puzzle a moment.

It was a cosmic truth that woman were not predictable. It was one of the traits which made them so fascinating to the male Familiar-but this reaction others didn't make any sense; she was a sensual woman. Unless ...

"You have been with unschooled men in the past, have you not? Men who do not know how to please you?"

"What-Whatever do you mean?"

Yes, that was it then. It would explain her present att.i.tudes regarding men. Rejar sighed dramatically. How often the male Familiar are called upon to undo the fumblings of other men!

His white teeth flashed in a sudden grin. It was a terrible job, but someone in the universe had to do it.

He patiently removed the strand of hair from her face by smoothing it back behind her brow. {I will show you what I mean.} Lilac gasped. "How did you do that? You spoke without speaking!"

{I can send my thoughts to you.} "Simply amazing! Why, I never realized how imaginative I am! Now I'll send something to you."

{You cannot.} "Why not? It is my dream, isn't it? I shall do as I please! What did I just say?"

{I do not know. I have explained to you-you cannot do this.} "I don't see why not." She stuck her chin stubbornly in the air. If Rejar wasn't so exasperated, he might be tempted to laugh.

"I can send my thoughts to you-or anyone for that matter," he said aloud, "but you cannot send your thoughts to me because you are not... like me."

"I see ... it's the rules of the dream world, isn't it?"

"Something like that." He smiled kindly at her.

Lilac yawned. "I'm rather tired; I think I should be waking up now."

"Do you not mean go to sleep now?"

"But I'm already asleep, so if I'm tired, I suppose I need to wake up." She looked confused herself. "How could that be?"

He needed to distract this line of thinking immediately as conscious realization could sometimes cause a subject to break trance.

{Did I not promise to show you what pleases you?} The diversion worked; she gave him a surprised look. "How do you know what pleases me?"

{I know. Watch ...} His capable fingers immediately began ma.s.saging up and down her back, lightly kneading the muscles into relaxed compliancy.

When he reached her shoulders, he completely enfolded her in his embrace as they lay on their sides. Still gently moving his broad palms in circular motions against her back, he occasionally used just the heel of his hands to augment the soothing kneading action.

"Mmm-that does feel nice." She closed her eyes, enjoying the exquisite sensation of a man giving her a ma.s.sage.

His hands moved lower to the arch of her waist.

"That feels very good."

Then to the base of her spine.

"Oh yes, that-"

And lower still...

Lilac's eyes snapped open. "You shouldn't be touching me there."

He looked at her through half-lowered lids. {Why not?} Lilac frowned. "Because it's just not done! Not even in dreams." Reaching down, she stopped his roving hand.

He gave her a patent look. "And how do men make love here, then?"

Lilac blushed. "I... What a question! You must never ask a lady that-it is not-not," she used his own word back at him, "seemly."

Rejar exhaled in frustration. This was proving more difficult than he had first thought. It was going to be a challenging hunt; he could sense that already. True to nature, he relished the prospect of an interesting chase.

In any case, it was enough for now.

It would not be wise to test the limits of her trance state. He would continue the sport next eve.

Indeed, the Familiar were noted for their perseverance.

{Sleep, Lilac...} He cupped her head close to his chest, resting his chin on top of her head.

"Something is odd here," she mumbled against him, then promptly fell into a deep slumber.

"Yes, definitely," Rejar whispered agreeably.

He brushed his lips across her clean-smelling hair.

The next morning Lilac awoke with a vague sense of some pleasant dream she had experienced. She stretched sinuously under the covers before reaching for her morning tray. Something licked her ankle.

"Eee!" Lilac frowned down at the huge lump lurking under the covers. "Rejar, come out of there!"

The lump moved sluggishly towards the edge of the counterpane. Two large paws and a nose peeked out from under the blanket.

"You seem tired this morning. Come to think of it, you weren't anywhere to be seen last evening. I suppose you were out tomcatting all night." A tail swished under the blanket. "Shame on you. Serves you right; you'll get no sympathy from me."

The paws and nose disappeared beneath the blanket again.

"Don't sulk. You know very well you're guilty. I can just imagine what you've been up to all night."

Lilac felt a paw playfully swat the lace edging on the hem of her nightgown.

She smiled. "Oh, all right; you're forgiven. I suppose boys will be boys even if they are cats." Said cat began to purr.

"Come on out and I'll give you some of my cream."

Now there was an enticement. Rejar scooted from beneath the blanket.

Lilac was pouring some liquid into a saucer for him. Oh. That cream. He sighed.

Halfheartedly, he began lapping up the thick liquid, thinking it would probably be some time before he could sneak into the room where the food was prepared to help himself. The tidbits he was getting were not enough to sustain him. And some of them were not to his liking at all. One day the cook had actually thrown him some kind of water creature's head, beaming at him as if he should be grateful for the disgusting thing! Usually he had to gather his food in the middle of the night, while the rest of the household was sleeping.

Once again, the cream splashed all over his face. He really was not very good at this.

"Just look at you." Lilac shook her head. "You really are a messy puss, Rejar." He stuck his face close to her so she could wipe his whiskers for him.

"There." Lilac settled back against the pillows, drinking her tea. "Now I have to think of some way to avoid that boring soiree this Friday. Auntie Whumples seems so adamant. Perhaps I could say ... no, that wouldn't work. What if..." Lilac's voice trailed off as possible excuses went through her mind, none of them very promising. She spent the rest of the day trying to think of something, anything her aunt would accept.

Several of the excuses that seemed promising she later attempted on her aunt, only to have her hopes immediately dashed when Auntie speared her with her infamous no-nonsense glare that traveled haughtily down her long nose, gaining momentum before it launched itself at the unfortunate victim. Her.

By the time she went to bed that evening. Lilac knew that anything short of getting struck by lightning was not going to prevent her from attending that wretched soiree.

"Oh, it's you again."

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Rejar Part 4 summary

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