House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 14

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If youll excuse me, Marian, Ive things to attend to, he said.

Yes, my Lord, she nodded, and he disappeared quickly into the castle.

Marian found Mirabelle in the kitchen barking orders as usual.

Marian, did you hear? Mirabelle asked upon spotting her. The mysterious stranger was in town again last night. I heard he brought baskets of food to more people and even left clothing and toys for some of the children in the village!

Really? Does anyone have any idea who it might be? Marian asked.

Not a clue. Only a couple of people have claimed to see him, and hes always hidden under a cloak, Mirabelle said.

Its so strange, Marian whispered. Who around these parts can afford such gifts?

None that I know of, Mirabelle said. Perhaps hes from another village?

He must be, Marian said.

Well, youd better get to work so you can go home and prepare for the festival. You are going, I a.s.sume.

Oh, yes. Ill be there. Lord Gisborne is escorting me to the dance.

Mirabelles eyes turned as round as saucers, and nearly as large.

So this betrothal is really happening.

So it would appear, Marian said. Ill be going, now.

Marian left Mirabelle standing slack jawed and silent. She rushed through her and made her way home as rapidly as possible. Robin met her at the tree line at dusk.

Its done, Marian said.

Hes coming?

She nodded.

Brilliant! Robin said. Lets go!

Robin took off at a jog. Marian sighed and followed him. It was no time at all before they arrived at the camp. Robin let out a whoop.

Shes done it! he cheered, his fist pumping the air.

A cheer rose from the others, and they threw their fists up high in return.

Say, did you hear what theyre calling Robin these days? asked Will, leaning over toward Marian, who sat like a great lump sagging on her stump.


Theyre calling him Robin Hood. Catchy, isnt it?

Not particularly, Marian said flatly.

Hmm. Well, I thought it was, Will said. I mean, hes a hood, and he wears a hood! Its b.l.o.o.d.y brilliant!

Marian rolled her eyes. Normally, Wills joking amused her, but this evening it was annoying. She felt icky. Icky and disgusting. She knew it was something that must be done, but it did little to quell the feelings of guilt that rose in her throat and threatened to choke her. She plopped onto a log, her legs suddenly trembling.

Are you alright, Marian? Robin asked.

Shed been staring off into the distance wordlessly, and his voice startled her. She peered through him as if he scarcely existed and then nodded faintly.

Marian, he said, shaking her by the shoulders. Are you alright?

Huh? she muttered. Yes. Yes, Im fine. She shrugged his grip from her shoulders and jumped to her feet.

Robin stood and tried to wrap his arm around her shoulders, but she ducked away from him and took several steps to distance herself from him. He stared at her for several moments and then shook his head.

Whatevers gotten into you, I hope you work through it before the dance, Robin said.

Marian said nothing, but her stomach began to growl painfully at the scent of roasting meat on the spit. Her eyes turned to it longingly, but she refused to eat it. She simply couldnt force herself to enjoy food when so many were still starving in the village.


Marian! Mirabelle shouted the moment she entered the kitchen. Hurry up, girl! Theres a lot to do!

Why, is something happening today?

Lord Blackstock has called for a meeting today in the courtyard. He says he has an announcement to make.

Lord Blackstock stepped into the courtyard and stood in the shade of the castle. Two young boys held a canopy over his head, further s.h.i.+elding him from the suns harsh rays. He cleared his throat and a hush swept over the crowd.

I have some news for you, good citizens, Blackstock shouted. As you may know, a thief broke into the castle some weeks ago and attempted to steal a large portion of your taxes. The thief was caught hiding, but escaped. However, I am proud to announce that as of the early hours this morning, the thief known as Robin Hood has been apprehended at his hideout in Sherwood Forest!

A great shout of glee rose up in the crowd, and Marian swayed and grabbed Mirabelles sleeve to keep from tumbling to the ground.

The Captain of my guards, Lord Gisborne, has further information for you all, Blackstock said.

Gisborne ducked under the canopy to stand in the shade beside Lord Blackstock. He cleared his throat.

Regretfully, there will be no public hanging, as Robin Hood was killed during an escape attempt this morning, Gisborne announced. Robin Hood... is dead!

The road of the crowd was deafening, but Marian scarcely noticed. Her fingers clawed desperately as Mirabelles sleeve as she struggled to maintain her balance. A great hand rose from Marians stomach and clutched at her heart, squeezing it until the very life threatened to escape her.

Lord, girl, whats the matter with you? Mirabelle asked. Youre white as linen!

Robin... Marian croaked.

You know that scoundrel? Mirabelle asked.

Im going to be sick! Marian groaned.

Clasping her hand to her mouth, Marian dashed around the corner of the building and vomited against the wall. She leaned heavily against the rough stone and panted, her head spinning.

Marian? Are you alright? Mirabelle asked, standing behind her.

Mirabelle, please... Marian begged. I have to go.

But we have to... Mirabelle paused, staring down at Marian with pity. Alright, go. Ill handle things here.

Thank you! Marian gasped, and she broke into a full run.

The faster she ran, the slower she seemed to move. Down the road in front of the castle, down the lane, up the hill behind the silvery lake, through the forest... she stumbled across a root near the creek and slammed into the ground, the wind temporarily knocked from her lungs.

She lay motionless on the damp forest floor briefly, struggling to catch her breath, and then she pulled herself to her feet and splashed, red-faced, across the water.

Robin! her shrill voice echoed through the forest. Robin!

She stood in their ring of logs and stumps and waited, but it seemed deserted. Breathless, she sank to her knees, her face red and streaked.

Robin... she whispered, her voice frail and weak.

Somebody say my name? Robin asked, his head ducking out from behind his tent flap.

Robin! she gasped, scrambling to her feet and das.h.i.+ng to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

Whoa! he chuckled. Whats the occasion? And why arent you at work?

Robin, they... they said you were dead!

Well, clearly whoever they are... are wrong, he said.

Robin, she whispered. Oh, Robin.

She buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in his musky scent"the scent of the forest mingled with smoked meat and mushrooms. His scent was so familiar, so comforting.

I thought... she whispered.

Hey... Robin said gently, holding her close. Hey, Im fine.

They know youre here, Marian said suddenly.


Blackstock... Gisborne... they said you were captured in Sherwood Forest.

That doesnt mean anything, Marian. They could have been making it up. Clearly Im not dead. It was all lies! They dont know anything.

I wouldnt be so sure, Robin, Marian warned him. Why would they say Sherwood Forest, specifically?

Maybe it was just a lucky guess, Robin suggested. If they knew where I was, Id already be dead.

Hmm. I suppose youre right, Marian said. But please be careful. You need to be on your guard.

Always am, Robin said with a grin. So... the festival is in two days. Are you ready?

More now than ever, Marian glowered.

Good. So lets make some plans, Robin said.

It was a long day. Will trained Marian a bit while Robin and the others made plans. She stayed there until well after dark, and Robin finally walked her back to the tree line.

Robin, Marian said, turning back to face him.


Robin, when I thought you were dead... I...

She couldnt finish the sentence. Her grief was still so raw it was nearly palpable.

Im fine, Marian, he said, stepping forward and taking her into his arms.

His sandy hair rippled across his forehead in the evening breeze, and his emerald eyes sparkled in the moonlight. His face was boyish, playful, yet his eyes were serious. His muscles twitched as she slid her hands up his arms.


She couldnt find words, but it didnt matter. His hand brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face, and he covered her mouth with his. Her eyes closed, and her body pressed against his. His lips were firm, insistent. Hers were soft, accepting. Robins fingers wrapped in her long chestnut tresses and held firmly.

You couldnt get rid of me if you tried, Marian, he said softly.

Promise me, she demanded.

You have my word as a gentleman, he said, bowing politely.

Oh, you! she giggled, slapping his chest playfully. See you tomorrow.

Tomorrow, he agreed.

Marian jogged down the hill and approached the front door of the cottage. Her eyes swept briefly over the dusty ground, noticing what appeared to be fresh hoof prints. Her brow furrowed, her eyes scanning for a sign of someone nearby. Then she shrugged.

Must have been from another time, she muttered, and she entered the cabin and closed the door behind her.

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House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 14 summary

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