House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 18

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Robins fingers slipped. The tw.a.n.g of the bow echoed, and the arrow sliced through the air. His eyes widened, and his jaw went slack as he realized what hed done.

Marian felt Gisbornes icy fingers clutching her arms, attempting to pull her aside. Her body lurched, and mind-numbing pain exploded through her as the arrow sliced into her chest. The jolt knocked her back against Gisbornes body.

Marian! Robins shrill cry pierced the air.

She suddenly felt cold. A wave of nausea pa.s.sed over her. Darkness crept across her line of sight.

Marian, Gisborne uttered, catching her as she began to fall.

Into his arms she was swept. Gisborne lifted her limp body into his arms, and she felt herself floating on air.

Give her to me! Robin said, his voice m.u.f.fled and far away.

You did this! Gisborne snarled, sounding as though he were standing across the street though he was holding her in his arms.

Marian! Robin shouted, his voice an echo.

And then there was only darkness.

The sound of voices awakened her, and she had no idea how long shed been cloaked in darkness. She strained to listen.

She was seen multiple times consorting with Robin Hood, Gisborne! Marian heard the grinding voice of Blackstock snarling outside the door.

It was a mistake, my Lord, Gisborne argued. She would never...

Youre a fool! Blackstock shouted. She may have pulled the wool over your pathetic eyes, Gisborne, but not mine. That woman has been aiding a known outlaw. And you know what that means.

My Lord, no! Gisborne pleaded. As her betrothed, I accept full responsibility for her actions!

Gisborne, you are walking down a very dangerous path, Blackstock warned him. Step aside!

No! Gisborne growled defiantly. I will not allow it!

Have you lost your mind? Blackstock snarled. Move out of my way!

Never! Gisborne shouted.

Marian pulled the covers tightly around her chin as she heard a scuffle outside the door. Gisborne and Blackstock exchanged harsh words, and she heard thumping and the scuffling of boots.

Oh, fine! Blackstock snarled. Fine, fine! Have it your way. But you will pay for this, Gisborne!

Blackstocks boots clomped loudly down the corridor, and a moment later, the door slowly creaked open. Marian closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but she kept one eye open ever so slightly.

Gisborne towered above her, watching her carefully. He brushed his fingertips across her forehead, pus.h.i.+ng a few strands of hair away.

Marian? he whispered.

She stirred, stretching and yawning as though shed only just woken up.

How are you feeling? he asked.

Better, she said, but she winced and groaned as she tried to sit up.

Gisborne pushed her gently back down, himself wincing as though he felt her pain.

Im so sorry this happened to you, he told her. Its all my fault.

No, its not, she said, shaking her head. Its not your fault at all. Its mine.

What? How can you say that? he asked, sitting beside her and taking her hand.

Tears filled her eyes as she thought of how shed lured him there intending Robin to kill him. She hadnt meant for it to happen"at least not after shed discovered that he was the one whod been bringing gifts of food and clothing to the villagers.

I lured you there, she admitted, her voice breaking. Robin asked me to do it so he could kill you.

Gisborne dropped her hand.

Guy, Im sorry, she wailed. Im so sorry. I didnt realize... I didnt know... When we set it all up, I thought you were a monster!

I am a monster! he shouted, jumping to his feet.

No! she gasped. No, youre not a monster! I know that now! Dont you see?

I see the same thing I always see, Marian. When I see myself, my reflection... I see a monster. Its all I will ever be!

Marian groaned heavily as she pulled herself weakly to her feet and hobbled over to him. She put her arms around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder.

Guy... youre not a monster. A monster wouldnt deliver food to starving villagers. A monster wouldnt risk his life to protect me. Youre not a monster!

Then tell me what I am, he demanded.

What you are is a good man, she said, looking deeply into his gray-blue eyes. What you are is my friend.

Friend, he scoffed. That is what I am to you? Nothing more than a friend?

Guy, I care about you deeply. I took an arrow for you!

And you dont know how I wish that you hadnt! I would take a thousand arrows to spare you one, Marian! On my honor, that is the truth!

In a fit of rage, Gisborne clutched the back of a nearby chair and hurled it at the wall. The sound of splintering wood echoed through the room, and shards and splinters clattered to the floor. In an instant, he turned on his heel and fled the room.

Guy, wait! Guy! Marian shouted, but it was fruitless. He was gone.

With Gisborne gone, she had no reason to stay. It was time to return to her cottage. Her wound had thankfully not been as bad as it could have been, and she needed to go home. Her father would need her, and she only hoped that Robin or one of the villagers had been caring for him while she was gone.

She told no one she was leaving. She knew theyd only try to stop her. Theyd tell her she wasnt ready, yet. That she wasnt strong enough, yet. But her father had been alone for too long already. It could have been hours. It could have been days. She had no way of knowing, and there was no one around to ask.

She stopped at the doorway and listened, and when she felt certain there was no one around, she slipped quietly into the darkness.

Marian pushed her pain aside and jogged down the lane toward the cottage. She could see smoke rising from the chimney, and she knew her father must be alright. But she could not slow down. She was too cold, and in too much pain. If she slowed down, she might collapse, and the frigid night air might kill her in her delicate state.

She pushed open the door to the cottage, and she could see that her father was asleep in his chair with a blanket wrapped snugly around him. A fire crackled gently in the hearth, and a half-eaten bowl of stew rested on the table beside him.

Robin, she whispered.

She smiled with relief, and stood by the fire to warm herself for a few moments before clearing away the dishes and collapsing weakly into bed.

She was exhausted, but she could not fall asleep. Over and over she heard a voice echoing in her head, speaking things she knew were not true, but he would not believe were anything but.

I see the same thing I always see, Marian. When I see myself, my reflection... I see a monster. Its all I will ever be!


The air was chillier than Marian had ever remembered it being. It was frigid to the point of making her bones ache, but she had to see him. She wrapped the cloak"Gisbornes cloak"more tightly around her shoulders and gritted her teeth against the biting cold.

A knot had formed in the pit of her stomach, twisting and churning, and she had not been able to sleep.

I see the same thing I always see, Marian. When I see myself, my reflection... I see a monster. Its all I will ever be!

Over and over, the words repeated in her mind, burning into her soul. Yes, Gisborne had done terrible things, but perhaps hed only done them to ensure his own survival. After all hed been through, she could understand, if only slightly, what might have compelled him to do such things.

And yet he had been trying to atone for his sins. He felt regret. Hed never meant to hurt anyone. Hed simply done what he felt he had to do.

She had to see him. She had to tell him she understood. She needed to convince him that he wasnt a monster, and that he could still redeem himself. In fact, she now felt it was her purpose to make him see it.

She approached the front gate of the castle. Two guards stood just inside, armed with bows.

I need to speak with Gu with Lord Gisborne! Marian shouted. Its urgent!

The guards exchanged glances, and one drew his bow. The other hesitated.

No visitors, said the guard who drew his bow. Marian a.s.sumed he was the head guard this night. Lord Blackstocks orders.

Its urgent! Marian repeated. Please, I I have news about a possible attack!

The guards exchanged glances again, and the one who hadnt drawn his bow said, Her cloak, Charlie. Look.

The guard trained his bow on Marian and approached the gate. He peered through it and focused on her cloak.

Thats Lord Gisbornes cloak, he said. Why does she Shes the one, the other guard interrupted him. The servant girl whos been betrothed to him.

The guard with the bow paused, still eyeing her cloak. Marian swallowed hard. Finally, the guard lowered his bow.

Open the gate, the guard with the bow told the other.

The gate slowly lowered, and Marian stepped through it.

Thank you, Marian said softly.

Escort her to Lord Gisbornes quarters, the head guard told the other. Ill find him and bring him there.

Then who will watch the gate? the other guard asked.

Ill raise it, said the head guard, quickly turning the mechanism to close the gate. Itll be fine until we get back.

You should stay here, the second guard said. Theyll have your head if you leave your post.

Then who will Ill take her with me to find Lord Gisborne, the second guard interrupted. Just stay here and watch the gate.

Fine, go, the head guard relented. Hurry back.

Aye, said the second guard. Right this way, Miss.

Marian followed the guard into the building and down a long corridor past Blackstocks study.

Excuse me, Marian said. Isnt Lord Gisbornes Shh, the guard whispered, pressing his finger to his lips. Lord Gisborne I saw him earlier. Hes hes in bad shape, Miss. I didnt tell anyone because I figured it was private. But well since youre to be his wife Hes this way.

The guard turned and led her into the courtyard. He pressed his finger to his lips again and slowly pushed open the door to the courtyard. The door creaked slightly and the guard winced, but Marian peeked through the crack and noticed Gisborne sitting on a stone bench in the center of the courtyard, a shaft of moonlight faintly illuminating him. He was limp, leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees, a flask clasped in one hand.

Marian mouthed a silent thank you to the guard, who only nodded and quietly walked away. Marian watched as Gisborne lifted the flask to his lips and gulped greedily until the last of the liquid was drained.

Is this what monsters do at night? Marian asked.

Gisborne jumped, startled, and dropped the flask. He sprang to his feet and whirled to face her, dragging the back of his sleeve across his lips.

What are you doing here? he asked.

Marian could smell the alcohol on his breath from across the courtyard. Pity filled her heart, and she stepped toward him.

Dont come any closer! he warned her, his eyes momentarily focusing on the cloak she wore"his cloak. Stay right there.

Lord Gis Guy, she said, pausing where she stood. I came because well Because you feel sorry for the monster? he asked, his words slurred.

No! she exclaimed. Not exactly. Its just I kept thinking about what you said that you thought you were a monster and thats all youd ever be. I came to tell you that youre wrong. You If thats all you came to say, you can go, he interrupted her, turning away.

Guy, I I dont need your pity, Marian, he snarled. Just go.

Guy, please, she said softly, taking one cautious step toward him. Let me I said go! he shouted, his hands clenching into fists. Go before you see what kind of monster I really am! When she didnt move, he turned to face her, rage contorting his features, fangs glinting in the moonlight and shouted, Go!

Marian jumped and stumbled backward. Her foot caught on a rock, and she landed sharply on her bottom. Pain surged through her, and her hand instinctively lifted to cover the wound where the arrow had penetrated.

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House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 18 summary

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