House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 21

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Marian took the plate that Robin thrust at her. She picked up the chunk of bread still warm from the pan and she nibbled it to satisfy Robin.

The funeral is in an hour, so we must hurry, Robin said.

Marian choked down as much of her meal as she could, and then Robin called the horses and they charged in from the forest. Robin mounted and held his hand to her, and she climbed up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. The group galloped through the forest and down the hill past the cottage toward the village.

The Friar was waiting for them at the graveyard in Locksley Village. The ground had already been prepared, and her fathers body was already inside the coffin.

Robin, Marian whispered, leaning close to him. I cannot afford a coffin!

It has been taken care of, the Friar explained.

By whom? Marian asked.

The benefactor wishes to remain anonymous, said the Friar.

A group from the village, perhaps? Robin shrugged to Marian.

That must be it, Marian said. Though I wish they hadnt. Most of them can ill afford such a thing.

Yes, but they all had tremendous respect for your father, Robin said. Allow them this.

Of course, Marian agreed.

Shall we begin? asked the Friar.

Please, Marian said.

Robins men stood at a respectful attention behind them. As the Friar began the funeral, Marian couldnt help but notice movement in the tree line behind the church. She squinted, her eyes focusing.

Gisborne, she hissed, her eyes narrowing.

Whats he doing here? Robin growled.

Gisborne, noticing hed been spotted, quickly disappeared into the shadows of the trees.

I cant believe he had the nerve to show up here, Will whispered.

When the Friar had finished, the coffin was slowly lowered into the ground. Marian clutched a fistful of snowy earth in her hand for a moment, and then she tossed it atop the coffin.

Good bye, Father, she whispered, her eyes stinging with tears. You spent your life caring for me, and when you needed me, I wasnt there. I am so sorry.

Robin and the others began to fill the grave as Marian stood above it and watched her beloved father being buried. Grief choked her, seizing her by the throat and refusing to let go. She clutched her throat and swallowed hard, forcing down the giant lump that rose again with each breath she took.

She tried to blink away the tears, tried to remain strong as her father would undoubtedly have wanted, but it was too much. The guilt she felt was overwhelming. It was all her fault. Of that, she was certain. Had she not trusted Gisborne, or had she not defied him so boldly, her father would still be alive.

Friar, may I speak with you? Marian asked, pulling him aside.

Of course, he said.

Would you hear my confession? she begged him.

Yes, of course. Follow me, my child, he said.

She followed the Friar into the church. It was dark, save the flickering of candles in the front. The Friar took a seat upon one of the pews and motioned for her to do the same.

Forgive me, Friar, Marian began. I have not confessed in quite some time. It has been years since my mother died, and Im afraid I have not been allowed to attend church in some time. I have worked at the castle for so long.

I understand, the Friar said. What is it you wish to confess?

Its not so much a confession at it is an admission of guilt, Friar. I feel this weight on my heart, and I feel it a burden I cannot bear alone, yet Ive no one with which to discuss it.

Go on, the Friar urged.

My fathers death is my fault, she told the Friar. You see, Lord Gisborne came to ask for my hand in marriage and I turned him down. He became angry and violent, and he ransacked our home. I should have known he might hurt me through my father, but I left and I went to work, anyway. When I came home, I discovered him dead.

How can you be sure it was this Lord Gisborne who did it? the Friar asked.

My friend saw him leaving our cottage that morning, Marian said.

Things are not always as they appear, my child, the Friar said. Did you confront this man? Did you give him the opportunity to explain himself?

I did confront him, yes.

And what did he say?

I wouldnt give him the satisfaction of speaking.

I see. Then youve already made up your mind about this man.

I have. Ive known for a long time he was nothing more than a monster. I allowed myself to be fooled by him once. I will not allow that again.

What will you do? Are you afraid this Lord Gisborne will harm you? asked the Friar.

Im leaving town, she said. I cannot stay here.

Is it wise to leave a town where you have friends who care about you after such a tragedy?

Perhaps not, but how can I stay here when everything reminds me of my father? And when I will never feel safe from that monster?

Running away is rarely the correct choice of action, my child, said the Friar. But you must make the decision for yourself.

Thank you, Friar, Marian said. I should get back to my friends.

Of course. And please feel free to visit me here at the church anytime you wish.

Robin and the others were smoothing over the top of the grave as Marian rejoined them. Robin tucked his arm around her shoulders and squeezed them comfortingly, and she smiled faintly up at him.

Are you ready to go? Robin asked.

Marian sniffled and said, Yes, I think so. Might we stop by the cottage so I can get a few things?

Absolutely, Robin agreed.

Back at the cottage, Robin slid off the horse and lifted his hands, helping Marian down. She paused outside the door.

Are you sure youre ready for this? Robin asked.

I cannot hide from it forever, she said.

The air inside the cottage was damp and chilly as she stepped cautiously inside it. Her fathers blankets were folded neatly in his empty chair, but she could clearly see the dark blood stains on them. Her eyes rested on them for one long, painful moment. Then she felt Robins strong hand on her shoulder.

Im fine, she told him, but it was not altogether true.

Her hand brushed gently across the top of her fathers chair, her fingertips touching the edge of his blanket. She lingered for a moment, remembering him as he was. Then she squared her chin and quickly began to gather some clothing and mementos, packing them into a bag.

Lets go, quickly, Marian said.

She and Robin left the cottage, and the others were still waiting in the yard keeping watch. They mounted Robins horse and headed back to the forest.


The winter was harsh. Snow swept across the bleak, white landscape of Nottingham and its parishes with astonis.h.i.+ng regularity, blanketing the world in a thick white carpet that often rose above the windows.

The citizens of Nottingham were slowly starving, and no place was worse off than Locksley Village. Their mysterious benefactor, identified as Lord Gisborne, had stopped bringing them gifts, and with the harsh winter upon them, they had nowhere to turn.

Gisborne had withdrawn into his castle. Hed not been seen in weeks, and even the servants rarely saw him.

Hes punis.h.i.+ng them, Robin, Marian said. Hes punis.h.i.+ng them all because of me.

We have to do something, Robin said. We cannot sit idly by while the people of Locksley starve.

What can we do? Marian asked. We can barely feed ourselves right now.

Were outlaws, said John. We can do what we do best!

You are outlaws, Marian reminded him. I am but a runaway.

Johns right, Will interjected. Were outlaws. We can do anything.

Blackstocks got enough food in that castle to feed an army, Robin said. We could break in and steal some of it and deliver it to the people.

How are we going to get in there and get out with all that food? Well never be able to carry enough, Will said.

So we dont steal the food, we steal his money, Robin said. We were going to do it before, we can do it again. But this time, well be successful.

I wont be on the inside to help you this time, Marian said. Its too dangerous.

What would you have us do, Marian? Let our people starve to death? Most of them have little or no food, theyve no money to buy any, and game is scarce even if they were allowed to go hunting, which they arent. We have to do something, Robin argued.

How can I help? Marian asked.

No. Its too dangerous, Robin said.

Thats what I just said, but you made your point. We must do something. So Im going to help.

No, you are not.

I am!

No, Marian! You...

Robin, John interrupted. She may be useful.

How? Robin demanded. How can she be useful without being put in harms way?

She could go see Gisborne and tell him she wants to talk to him"keep him distracted while we go in, John suggested.

I could tell him Im ready to hear him out about my father, Marian added.

And youd be all right doing that? Robin asked.

If it means feeding the people of Locksley Village, Ill do anything, Marian said.

And you dont think h.e.l.l hurt you? Robin asked.

I dont think so. He held the guards at bay when I threatened to kill him when I went to see him. if hed wanted to hurt me, he had plenty of opportunity. But he let me go, Marian said.

Hmm, good point, Robin said.

Lets not underestimate this, Robin, warned John. Remember, this is a castle were walking into, not a priory.

Well, its not a proper castle, is it? Will commented with a voice laced heavily with disdain. Hasnt even got a real courtyard or anything, just that little spot of gra.s.s with a bench. More of a manor, really.

Will! John snapped, and Will quickly closed his mouth. The size of the castle means nothing. He has more guards than a manor, Ill tell you that right now.

Alright, fair point, Will conceded.

Lets go tomorrow, Marian said.

But youve hardly had time to grieve, Robin argued.

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House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 21 summary

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