House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 23

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Yes, maam, he answered, and he departed immediately.

You do understand that Lord Gisborne is... different... Marian said to the physician.

Ive been a physician here for fifteen years, he answered. I know a thing or two about Lord Gisborne, yes.

I thought his kind were supposed to be... Marian began.

Immortal? the physician asked, and she nodded. Typically they are, but their hearts are rather fragile, and an immense blood loss can be fatal if the heart is damaged.

Marians heart jumped into her throat, and she could hardly breathe.

Is there anything we can do? Marian asked.

He needs blood, the physician said. Its the only thing that might save him, now.

Give me something, she snapped. Quickly!

The physician was frozen, unable to speak.

Marians eyes fell upon the b.l.o.o.d.y dagger on the floor at her side. She s.n.a.t.c.hed it up and she sliced it across her wrist, the physician gasping. She held her gus.h.i.+ng wrist to Gisbornes mouth, the blood dripping onto his tongue.

More and more of her blood rushed down his lifeless throat. The physician twitched, anxious to seal her wound and stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. The longer she watched her blood vanis.h.i.+ng down his throat, the weaker she grew. She began to s.h.i.+ver, and the color was slowly draining from her skin.

Then he twitched. Gisborne twitched faintly. He stirred. Then he grabbed Marians arm and pulled it mindlessly to his mouth. She gasped, and he began to drink from her, aggressively sucking.

My Lord, the physician said, touching Gisbornes arm. Lord Gisborne, stop! Youre killing her!

Gisborne continued to suckle from her wound. He gulped greedily, as though his hunger could not be satiated.

Gisborne, stop! She will die! the physician shouted, striking him sharply across the back of the head.

Gisborne snapped back into reality. He glanced down at the arm upon which he was feeding. He followed it up toward Marians pale face. Her eyes rolled back, and she fell backwards into the physicians arms.

Marian! Gisborne shouted. Marian, what have I done?

Move! the physician shouted, and Gisborne leaped to his feet.

The physician lowered Marian gently onto the floor, testing her pulse.

Shes alive, but only just, the physician said.

Well, do something! Gisborne shouted.

Theres nothing I can do! the physician shouted back.

Give her blood back! Gisborne screamed, biting into his wrist and moving it toward Marians mouth. Give it back!

My Lord, stop! the physician said, quickly grabbing Gisbornes arm and pulling it away from her. It doesnt worth that way. Humans have to receive blood directly into their veins. They cant process it the way your kind do. And if you feed her your blood, sh.e.l.l... become one of you.

He looked down at the fragile human in front of him, her chest barely rising and falling as she sucked in raspy breaths. She was pale, and her lips were blue.

So theres nothing you can do? Gisborne asked.

I will bandage her wound. Then there is nothing to do but wait, was the answer. Wait... and pray. She risked her life to save you, you know.

Gisborne kneeled beside her as the physician wrapped her wrist with a bandage. Gisborne knew G.o.d would never listen to the prayers of a monster like him, but he did it anyway. He took her soft hand into his and bent his head to her wrist while the doctor wrapped her wounded wrist tightly with strips of torn bed sheet.

G.o.d, he whispered. Please listen. I know you dont care about the request of an abomination like me. And I understand. But Im not asking for me. Im asking for her. For the kindest, gentlest person I have ever known. For the only person who has ever showed me any compa.s.sion. You cant take someone like that away from the world. Please dont take her.

We should get her to a bed where she can sleep comfortably, the physician suggested.

Gisbornes arms swept under her, and he lifted her carefully. He carried her down the corridor and up the winding stairway to the room where hed first met her. He laid her on the bare bed and kneeled beside her.

Please, G.o.d, he prayed, grasping her icy hand in his own. Let her live. If youll let her live, Ill walk away. You have my word. Ill walk away from her and give her back to the world. Just let her live. Please!

Gisborne held a silent vigil by her bed throughout the night. He continued to pray intermittently, though he was certain the prayers of such a horrid monster as he would never be heeded.

Then it happened. Sometime in the night, she stirred.

The physician, who was sleeping nearby in a chair, awakened when Gisborne shook him. He examined her. A rosy blush had filled her cheeks, and her lips had gone from blue to a pale pink. The physician smiled.

Sh.e.l.l live, the physician said.

Gisborne nodded. He cast one last longing look at her, and disappeared into the darkness.


The next book in the series is due in early Spring 2017. Sign up for my newsletter on my website, or follow me on Facebook for release notification!.

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-- Alanis.


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House Of Gisborne: The Secret Of Gisborne Part 23 summary

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