Wolf Of The Plains Part 19

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"Ride in with us then, Koke," he said, clapping his cousin on the back. "I have come for my wife."

There was no question of entering the camp without visiting the khan of the Olkhun'ut. With a pang of memory, Temujin remembered Yesugei's games of status with Sansar, as one khan to another. He kept his head high, but he felt no shame as Koke led him to Sansar's ger in the center of the camp. Despite his successes against the Tartars, he was not Sansar's equal, as his father had been. At best, he was a war leader, a raider barely approaching the level where he could be received. If he had lacked even that status, Temujin knew that only his father's memory would have granted him an audience and perhaps not even then.

He and Arslan dismounted and allowed their ponies to be taken away, their bows with them. Koke had grown into a man in the years since they had last met, and Temujin was interested to see how the khan's bondsmen accepted his cousin's right to enter the ger after just a few murmured words. Koke had come up in the world, Temujin realized. He wondered what service he had performed for the khan of the Olkhun'ut.

When Koke did not return, Temujin was struck by a memory and chuckled suddenly, startling Arslan from his silent tension.

"They always make me wait, these people," Temujin said. "But I have patience, do I not, Arslan? I bear their insults with great humility." His eyes glittered with something other than amus.e.m.e.nt, and Arslan only bowed his head. The cool control he had seen in Temujin was under strain in that camp. Though he showed no sign if it, Arslan considered there was a chance of them both being killed through a rash word.

"You honor your father with your restraint," he said softly. "Knowing it is not from weakness, but from strength."

Temujin glanced sharply at him, but the words seemed to settle his nerves. Arslan kept his face clear of any relief. For all his ability, Temujin was only eighteen. Wryly, Arslan admitted that Temujin had chosen his companion well for the trip south. They had ridden into terrible danger and Temujin was as p.r.i.c.kly as any other young man with his new status and pride. Arslan readied himself to be the calming force Temujin had known he needed when his judgment was clear.

Koke returned after an age, stiff disdain in every movement.

"My lord Sansar will see you," he said, "but you will give up your weapons."

Temujin opened his mouth to object, but Arslan untied his scabbard with a flick of his fingers and slapped the hilt of his sword into Koke's open hand.

"Guard the blade well, boy," Arslan told him. "You will not see another of that quality in your lifetime."

Koke could not resist feeling the balance of the sword, but Temujin spoiled his attempt by pressing the second of Arslan's blades into his arms, so that he had to take it or drop them both. Temujin's hand felt empty as he let it go, and his gaze remained fixed on the weapons as Koke stepped back.

It was Arslan who faced one of the khan's bondsmen at the door, opening his arms wide and inviting a search. There was nothing pa.s.sive in the way he stood there, and Temujin was reminded of the deadly stillness of a snake about to strike. The guard sensed it too and patted down every inch of the swordsmith, including the cuffs of his deel and his ankles.

Temujin could do no less and he endured the search without expression, though inwardly he began to simmer. He could not like these people, for all he dreamed of forming a great tribe of tribes across the land. When he did, the Olkhun'ut would not be part of it until they had been bled clean.

When the bondsmen were satisfied, they ducked into the ger and, in an instant, Temujin was back on the night he had learned of his father's injury. The polished wooden floor was the same and Sansar himself seemed unmarked by the pa.s.sage of years.

The khan of the Olkhun'ut remained seated as they approached, his dark eyes watching them with a hint of jaded amus.e.m.e.nt.

"I am honored to be in your presence, lord," Temujin said clearly.

Sansar smiled, his skin crinkling like parchment. "I had not thought to see you here again, Temujin. Your father's pa.s.sing was a loss for all our people, all the tribes."

"There is a high price still to pay for those who betrayed him," Temujin replied. He sensed a subtle tension in the air then as Sansar leaned forward in his great chair, as if expecting something more. When the silence had become painful, Sansar smiled.

"I have heard of your attacks in the north," the khan said, his voice sibilant in the gloom. "You are making a name for yourself. I think, yes, I think your father would be proud of you."

Temujin lowered his gaze, unsure how to respond.

"But you have not come to me to boast of little battles against a few raiders, I am sure," Sansar went on.

His voice held a malice that set Temujin on edge, but he replied with calm.

"I have come for what I was promised," he said, looking Sansar squarely in the eye.

Sansar pretended to be confused for a moment.

"The girl? But you came to us then as the son of a khan, one who might well inherit the Wolves. That story has been told and ended."

"Not all of it," Temujin replied, watching as Sansar blinked slowly, his inner amus.e.m.e.nt sparkling in his gaze. The man was enjoying himself and Temujin wondered if he would be allowed to leave alive. There were two bondsmen in the ger with their khan, both armed with swords. Koke stood to one side with his head bowed. In a glance, Temujin saw that the swords he held could be s.n.a.t.c.hed from his grip. His cousin was still a fool.

Temujin forced himself to relax. He had not come to die in that ger. He had seen Arslan kill with blows from his hands, and he thought they might survive the first strikes of the bondsmen. Once the warriors gathered in his defense, it would be the end. Temujin dismissed the idea. Sansar was not worth his life; not then, or ever.

"Is the word of the Olkhun'ut not good, then?" he said softly.

Sansar drew in a long breath, letting it hiss over his teeth. His bondsmen s.h.i.+fted, allowing their hands to touch the hilts of their swords.

"Only the young can be so careless with their lives," Sansar said, "as to risk insulting me in my own home." His gaze dropped to Koke and sharpened at the sight of the twin swords.

"What can a mere raider offer me for one of the Olkhun'ut women?" he said.

He did not see Arslan close his eyes for a moment, struggling with indignation. The sword he carried had been with him for more than a decade, the best he had ever made. They had nothing else to offer. For an instant, he wondered if Temujin had guessed there would be a price and chosen not to warn him.

Temujin did not reply at first. The bondsmen at Sansar's side watched him as a man might watch a dangerous dog, waiting for it to bare its fangs and be killed.

Temujin took a deep breath. There was no choice, and he did not look at Arslan for approval.

"I offer you a perfect blade made by a man without equal in all the tribes," he said. "Not as a price, but as a gift of honor to my mother's people."

Sansar bowed his head graciously, gesturing at Koke to approach him. Temujin's cousin covered his smile and held out the two swords.

"It seems I have a choice of blades, Temujin," Sansar said, smiling.

Temujin watched in frustration as Sansar fingered the carved hilts, rubbing the b.a.l.l.s of his thumbs over bone and bra.s.s. Even in the gloom of the ger, they were beautiful, and Temujin could not help but remember his father's sword, the first that had been taken from him. In the silence, he recalled the promise to his brothers and spoke again before Sansar could reply.

"As well as the woman I was promised, I need two more to be wives for my kin."

Sansar shrugged, then drew Arslan's blade and held it up to his eye to look along its length.

"If you will make me a gift of both blades, I will find your offer acceptable, Temujin. We have too many girls in the gers. You may take Sholoi's daughter if she will have you. She has been a thorn in our side for long enough, and no man can say the Olkhun'ut do not honor their promises."

"And two more, young and strong?" Temujin said, pressing.

Sansar looked at him for a long time, lowering the swords to his lap. At last, he nodded, grudgingly.

"In memory of your father, Temujin, I will give you two daughters of the Olkhun'ut. They will strengthen your line."

Temujin would have liked to reach out and grab the khan by his skinny throat. He bowed his head and Sansar smiled.

The khan's bony hands still fondled the weapons and his gaze became distant, as he seemed almost to have forgotten the men who stood in front of him. With an idle gesture, he signaled the pair to be removed from his presence. The bondsmen ushered them out into the cold air, and Temujin took a deep draft of it, his heart hammering in his chest.

Arslan's face was tight with anger and Temujin reached out to touch him lightly on the wrist. The swordsmith seemed to jump at the contact, and Temujin remained still, sensing the inner force of the man as it coiled and uncoiled within him.

"It was a greater gift than you know," Arslan said.

Temujin shook his head, seeing Koke come out behind them, his arms empty. "A sword is just a sword," he replied. Arslan turned a cold expression on him, but Temujin did not flinch. "You will make a better one, for both of us."

He turned to Koke then, who was watching the exchange with fascination.

"Take me to her, cousin."

Though the Olkhun'ut had traveled far in the years since he had last stood in their camp, it seemed the status of Sholoi and his family had remained the same. Koke led Temujin and Arslan to the very edge of the gers, to the same patched and mended home that he remembered. He had spent just a few short days there, but they were still fresh in his mind and it was with an effort that Temujin shook off his past. He had been little more than a child. As a man, he wondered if Borte would welcome his return. Surely Sansar would have said if she had been married in his absence? Temujin thought grimly that the khan of the Olkhun'ut might very well enjoy gaining two fine swords for nothing.

As Koke approached, they saw Sholoi duck out from the little door, stretching his back and hitching up a belt of string. The old man saw them coming and shaded his eyes against the morning sun to watch. The years had left more of a mark on Sholoi than on the khan. He was skinnier than Temujin remembered and his shoulders sagged under an ancient, grubby deel. When they were close, Temujin could see a web of blue veins on his knotted hands, and the old man seemed to start, as if he had only just recognized them. No doubt his eyes were failing, though there was still a hint of strength in those legs, like an old root that would stand right up to the moment it broke.

"Thought you were dead," Sholoi said, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.

Temujin shook his head. "Not yet. I said I would come back."

Sholoi began to wheeze and it took a moment or two before Temujin realized he was laughing. The sound ended in choking and he watched as Sholoi hawked and spat a lump of ugly-looking brown phlegm onto the ground.

Koke cleared his own throat, irritably. "The khan has given his permission, Sholoi," Koke said. "Fetch your daughter."

Sholoi sneered at him. "I didn't see him here when my seam split last winter. I didn't see old Sansar out in the wind with me then, with a patch and some thread. Now I think of it, I don't see him here now, so keep your tongue still while we talk."

Koke flushed, his eyes darting to Temujin and Arslan.

"Fetch the other girls, Koke, for my brothers," Temujin said. "I've paid a high price, so make sure they're strong and pretty."

Koke struggled with his temper, irritated at being dismissed. Neither Temujin nor Arslan looked at him as he strode away.

"How is your wife?" Temujin asked when his cousin had gone.

Sholoi shrugged. "Dead two winters back. She just lay down in the snow and went. Borte is all I have now, to look after me."

Temujin felt his heart thump at the mention of her name. Until that moment, he had not known for certain she was even alive. He had a flash of understanding for the old man's loneliness, but there was no help for it, nor for all the blows and hard words he had used with his children. It was too late to have regrets, though that seemed to be the way of the elderly.

"Where...? Temujin began. Before he could go on, the door of the ger swung open and a woman stepped out onto the cold ground. As she straightened, Temujin saw Borte had grown tall, almost as tall as he was himself. She stood at her father's side and met his gaze with frank curiosity, finally dipping her head in greeting. Her gesture broke the spell and he saw she was dressed to travel, with a deel lined with fur and her black hair tied back.

"You were a long time coming," she said to Temujin.

He remembered her voice and his chest grew tight with memory. She was no longer the bony child he had known. Her face was strong, with dark eyes that seemed to look right into him. He could tell nothing else about her under the thick deel, but she stood well and her skin was unmarked by disease. Her hair gleamed as she bent and kissed her father on the cheek.

"The black colt has a hoof that needs lancing," she said. "I would have done it today."

Sholoi nodded miserably, but they did not embrace. Borte picked up a cloth bag from inside the door and slung it over her shoulder.

Temujin was mesmerized by her and hardly heard Koke returning with their ponies. Two young girls walked at his side, both red-faced and weeping. Temujin only glanced at them when one coughed and held a dirty cloth to her mouth.

"This one is sick," he said to Koke.

His cousin shrugged insolently and Temujin's hand dropped to where his blade should have been. Koke saw the fingers close on air and grinned.

"She is the one Sansar told me to fetch for you, with her sister," he replied.

Temujin set his mouth in a hard line and reached out to take the girl by her chin, raising her face to him. Her skin was very pale, he realized, his heart sinking. It was typical of Sansar to seek a bargain even after the terms had been sealed.

"How long have you been ill, little one?" Temujin asked her.

"Since spring, lord," she answered, clearly terrified of him. "It comes and goes, but I am strong."

Temujin let his gaze fall on Koke and held it until his cousin lost his smile. Perhaps he was remembering the beating he'd had at Temujin's hands on a night long before. Temujin sighed. She would be lucky to survive the trip back to his camp in the north. If she died, one of his brothers would have to find a wife among the Tartar women they captured.

Arslan took the reins and Temujin mounted, looking down at Borte. The wooden saddle did not have room for two, so he held out an arm and she scrambled up to sit across his lap, clutching her bag to her. Arslan did the same with the girl who coughed. Her sister would have to walk behind them. Temujin realized he should have brought other ponies, but it was too late for regrets.

He nodded to Sholoi, knowing they would not meet again.

"Your word is good, old man," he said.

"Look after her," Sholoi replied, though his gaze did not leave his daughter.

Without replying, Temujin turned with Arslan and they made their way back through the camp, the girl of the Olkhun'ut trotting behind.

Chapter 22.

ARSLAN HAD THE GOOD SENSE to leave them alone that first night. The swordsmith was still brooding about the loss of his blades and preferred to take a bow and hunt while Temujin came to know the woman of the Olkhun'ut. The sister who had walked was footsore and weary by the time they stopped that evening. Temujin learned that her name was Eluin and that she was used to tending to her sister, Makhda, when she was weak from her sickness. Temujin left the pair of them with the ponies after they had eaten, but he could still hear Makhda's barking cough come at intervals. They had the horse blankets to protect them against the cold, though neither sister seemed particularly hardy. If Makhda lived long enough to reach the north, Temujin thought his mother might be able to find herbs for her, but it was a slim hope.

Borte hardly spoke as Temujin unrolled a blanket on the ground by the crackling fire. He was used to sleeping with nothing but his deel to protect him from the frost, but it did not seem right to ask her to do the same. He did not know the life she was used to, nor how Sholoi had treated her after Temujin had gone. He had not grown up around sisters and was uncomfortable with her in a way he did not fully understand.

He had wanted to talk and listen to her as they rode, but she'd sat straight-backed and stiff, rocking with the motion and staring at the horizon. He had missed the chance to open a conversation naturally, and now there seemed to be a strain between them that he could not ease.

When Arslan returned from his hunt, he played the part of a manservant with his usual efficiency. He butchered a marmot he had caught, roasting the strips of flesh until they were brown and delicious. After that, he took himself off somewhere nearby, lost in the gathering gloom. Temujin waited for some sign of Arslan's acceptance of his trade for a wife, but there was nothing but grim silence from the older man.

As the stars turned around their northern point, Temujin began to fidget, unable to make himself comfortable. He had seen the smoothness of Borte's tanned skin as she washed her face and arms in a stream cold enough to make her teeth chatter. They were good teeth, he had noticed, strong and white. For a while, he considered complimenting her on them, but it seemed a little like admiring a new pony and the words wouldn't come. He could not pretend he didn't want her under a blanket with him, but the years apart sat between them like a wall. If she had asked, he would have told her everything he had done since the last time they met, but she did not, and he didn't know how to begin.

As he lay there under the stars, he hoped she would hear the way he puffed air out in great sighs, but if she did, she made no sign she was even awake. He might have been alone in the world, and that was exactly how he felt. He imagined staying awake until dawn so that she would see his tiredness and feel sorry for ignoring him. It was an interesting idea, but he couldn't keep the sense of injured n.o.bility for very long.

"Are you awake?" he said suddenly, without thinking. He saw her sit up under the stars.

"How could I sleep, with you huffing and blowing to yourself like that?" she replied.

He recalled the last time he had heard that voice in the dark and the touch of her hand on his cheek. The idea was exciting and he felt his body grow hot under his deel, despite the frozen air.

"I had an idea we would spend the first night under a blanket together," he said. Despite his best intentions, it came out as an irritable complaint, and he heard her snort before she replied.

"Who could resist such sweet words?" she replied.

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Wolf Of The Plains Part 19 summary

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