Holding Their Own: The Salt War Part 11

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Nodding, the proprietor responded sadly, "Yes, I lost my beloved Sadie to dehydration... my daughter, too. My son-in-law and grandson succ.u.mbed to the fevers."

"Those must have been terrible times," Cory responded. "I lost most of my family as well."

The two men stood in silence for a moment, each consumed by horrible memories.

Extending his hand, the older man introduced himself, "My name is Victor Morten."

Cory returned the handshake introducing himself to the local businessman with a warm smile. "Im traveling to Louisiana, hoping to find my brother. Hes got a small farm out that way, and I pray Ill find his family doing better than I was up in Oklahoma City."

"I hear things were rough all over, friend. Has the road been safe?" Victor asked.

"There have been a few times I thought I might be in a fix, but in reality, Ive encountered very few people. Most towns dont cater to strangers; some even enforce their point of view with a warning shot if you get too close. I mainly keep to the secondary roads and avoid other folks."

Victor looked his customer up and down. "Looks like youre doing pretty well, Cory. Ive seen my share of travelers come through here who looked a lot worse."

Leaning in close, Cory acted as if he were sharing a big secret. "I got lucky and stumbled onto an unbelievable treasure trove just north of here. I couldnt believe my luck."

Vic was skeptical, having heard it all before.

Cory glanced both directions, ensuring no one was close by. Reaching inside his pack, he produced the bottle of bleach and flashed it to the booths owner.

Victor knew the value of the liquid immediately, a few drops able to purify water without boiling. "There are truckloads of this stuff," Cory continued. "And I found a huge stash of medicine as well," he added, showing his new friend the bottle of antibiotics.

Taking the offered bottle of pills and turning his back to the street, Victor read the label and then opened the lid. Despite finding the seal still in place, he was skeptical. "How do I know these are real and not just sugar pills? A lot of people have p.a.w.ned off placebos as medication, you know."

"Open them," Cory suggested. "Surely a man with your experience and savvy can tell a counterfeit from the real thing."

Taking his customer up on the offer, Vic pried off the foil seal and then raised the bottle to his nose. After inhaling the medicine-like aroma, he poured a couple of samples out in his hand, examining the manufacturers stamp and the firmness of the tablets. "Well Ill be..." he mumbled, returning the pills to the bottle. "How much are you asking for these?"

Cory waved him off, pretending like he wasnt concerned. "That little bottle? Why you can have that, Vic. There are entire cases of those less than a mile from here."

It was Victors turn to glance both directions, a signal to Cory that hed landed his first Cartersville fish. "Less than a mile from here? Really? Cases?"

"Yes, sir. I found semi-trailers full of goodies. Check this out," Cory said, showing Vic the can of pears. "I dont know why no one has raided that bonanza yet, but there wasnt anybody around when I came through. Ive gorged myself like a king for two days."

It all fell into place for the merchant, the mention of tractor-trailers, the distance from town, the supposed huge cache of valuables. Still, being a trader in a post-collapse world left a man with a healthy dose of skepticism. "What are you after?" he asked, frowning at the antic.i.p.ated answer.

"I need to get east... to my brothers place. A truck with gasoline would be great. Ive only got an old shotgun for protection, so a better weapon and ammo would be of value to me. There are entire trailers of canned goods out there but not any bread. Basically, I want to equip myself to make the trip as fast and safe as possible."

Vic thought about the strangers request, eventually clearing his throat and saying, "Would you be willing to show me and perhaps another person I know this treasure trove? I promise my friend is trustworthy."

It was Corys turn to be contemplative. "I dont know... its hard to trust anyone these days. No offense, but surely a man in your position understands how things are."

The vendor made to rea.s.sure his now-skittish acquaintance. Patting Cory on the shoulder, Vic responded, "The other man Id like to see your discovery is a doctor... one of the few that survived after the collapse. Hes an honest, older fellow, who could tell us the true value of the medical supplies and the other items youve mentioned."

Cory started backing away, doing his best to act like the frightened bird who was about to fly away. "I dont know... those guys running this town seemed awful harsh. Downright mean, if you ask me. I dont trust men like that."

Victor tried to rea.s.sure the young trader, "Oh, no, no, no. I wouldnt bring those animals in on any deal." His voice then dropped to a whisper as he added, "Doc and I dont care much for Gospel and his henchmen. We tolerate them because we have to. Believe you me, stranger, Stan and his gang of bullies are the last people we want to know about your discovery."

Their conversation was interrupted by the pa.s.sing of an armed patrol. As Cory moved away, pretending to examine a wooden cup from a table, Victor called out, "Good morning, gentlemen. Looks to be another great day."

The pa.s.sing security men merely nodded, both appearing exhausted despite the early hour. Victor couldnt let it go. "Any news on that thieving madman you guys have been hunting?"

The question caused the two enforcers to pause, frowns flas.h.i.+ng on both their faces. "No," reported the older man. "Weve been pulling double-s.h.i.+fts while they track him down. The chief says were getting close though. Shouldnt be much longer."

"Well, best of luck, guys," Victor replied. "And as always, let me know if theres anything this old peddler can do to help the cause."

After nodding their appreciation, the patrolmen continued on, scanning the Exchanges growing crowd. Victor turned to Cory and then spat on the ground. "a.s.sholes," he mumbled. "Most of them were truck drivers Gospel lured here with the promise of protection and security. Now they think they own the d.a.m.ned town. Its so ironic... no one hated the law more than truck drivers. Now, they strut around here with their tin badges and guns, acting like they are a force for the public good."

Cory watched the two armed men fade into the distance and then glanced up. "Do a lot of people hereabouts feel like you do?"

"Some do; some dont," came the candid response. "As time goes on, more and more people are becoming impatient with their oppressive rules and Gospels constant skimming. Still, they did protect the town and establish order. Cartersville has fared a lot better than most places from what I hear."

After digesting Vics words, Cory smiled brightly. "Ill be happy to show you and your friend my stash," he confided. "When would you like to go?"

"My a.s.sistant can take over for me after lunch. Ill send word for the doctor to join us here. Are you sure its safe to go in the daylight?"

"I think well be okay," Cory responded, visions of Grims a.s.sault from the night before still fresh in his mind.

"Okay, well meet you here around 12:30."

Cory shook hands with his fellow-conspirator, secretly pleased with his progress on the mission. "And so the games begin," he mumbled as he stepped away.

There was another reason why Cory was content with his new friend, Victor. The merchants booth was easily visible from several good hiding places.

Grim had always stressed to stay away from potential traps and double-dealings, and Cory knew enough to take the advice to heart.

He found an area mostly obscured by landscaping hedges with just enough "pinholes," that he could sit privately and observe the activity around Vics enterprise. If several enforcers arrived shortly before their meeting time, he would have to slink quietly out of town and scratch the mission.

But it didnt happen.

Only one man showed up a few minutes before the scheduled rendezvous, a salt and pepper-haired gent who matched the stereotype of a small town sawbones.

Despite his continuous observation, Cory approached cautiously, finding the doctor examining the bottle of tablets hed left with the proprietor.

"This is Dr. Hanes," Victor introduced as Cory walked up. "He is the man I told you about."

After shaking hands with the physician, Cory looked around anxiously. "Are we ready?"

The three men casually strolled through the Exchange, making every attempt to appear normal to any observer. Eventually, they left the crowded confines of the market, making their way to the north gate.

There were three security men working that portal to Cartersville, all of whom knew both Victor and the good doctor. "Where are you going?" one of them asked bluntly.

"This man has an ill companion," answered the doctor. "I told him he cant bring the patient into Cartersville, so Im going to make a house call."

The explanation was accepted without further challenge, and soon the trio was traveling through spa.r.s.ely populated countryside, with only the occasional abandoned building or farm adjoining the road.

"I wish Id brought a firearm along with me," Victor commented, scanning a dilapidated structure that had once housed a small convenience store. "Ive been inside those walls so long it feels weird not to have any people around."

"I agree," stated the doctor. "There might be any number of nomads, vagabonds, or neer-do-wells roaming the countryside."

Cory wanted to tell his friends about Grim and Kevin, but decided against it. They would be meeting the rest of his team soon enough.

They continued north, signs of civilization thinning as they trekked further away from the town. It was Victor who saw the two men appear out of the waist-high weeds bordering the highway.

Both men were armed, one with a shotgun, the other with a sizeable revolver in his hand. Their clothing was filthy, with holes in the knees and several tears. Long, unkempt hair, soiled faces, and dark teeth left little doubt that the duo had seen better days.

"Highwaymen," Dr. Hanes announced unnecessarily.

"Now looky here," one of them drawled. "We have gone and stumbled upon three unarmed travelers."

"No s.h.i.+t," replied his co-robber, spitting for emphisis. "And while they dont appear to be carrying much, their clothes sure do look to be in better shape than ours."

Cory took a few steps forward, moving in front of his guests from Cartersville. "Move on," he said in a strong, clear voice. "Youre signing up for more trouble than you can even imagine... so move on and live another day."

The man with the shotgun laughed, his head scanning the immediate vicinity. "I dont see any trouble. I think youre just blowing hot air."

"Just shoot him," added his partner in crime. "Theres a town up ahead, and this might be a busy road."

"Why waste the," came the response. "Im sure these fellas wont mind shucking off those fancy duds and taking out whatever they got in the pockets."

"Im not going to warn you again," Cory stated. "You have no clue what youre dealing with. Move on."

The two bushwhackers threw a glance at each other, the man with the shotgun shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe youre right," he said, lifting the 12-gauge to take aim. "I should just kill em and be done with it. Shame to put double-aught holes in them nice duds."

Cory saw Grim rise up from behind the two nomads, his outline magically appearing less than 50 feet away from the highwaymen. "Hes not going to like that," Cory asked, pointing over the shoulder of the 12-gauges owner.

The robber grunted, a smirk cracking the lines of his dirty face. "You expect me to fall for that old trick?"

"I got no problem shooting you in the back, friend," Grim snarled.

The sound of a voice so close and so unexpected panicked the scatterguns owner. Reacting on pure instinct, he tried to swing the weapon around to cover Grim, but instead smacked his partner in the head with the barrel. Cory charged.

It was only three steps to the thieves. They were bone-thin, under-nourished, and in shock over Grims sudden appearance. All of this flashed through Corys mind as his shoulder slammed into his targets sternum. But what overrode all other thoughts was the mans body odor.

Spearing his opponent to the pavement, Cory heard the sickening snap of bones, followed instantly by a howling of pain. He saw the shotgun rattle across the blacktop.

His next thought was of the pistol in the other bandits belt.

Rolling free of his initial target, Cory tried to orientate himself on the new foe, but he wasnt there. The sound of footfalls explained the absence, the crook evidently deciding he didnt need a new wardrobe after all, and choosing to run like h.e.l.l instead.

The three men from Cartersville watched the escaping outlaw as he made his way across a section of thigh-high gra.s.s and weeds that had once been a roadside pasture. It occurred to Cory that the guy was showing an exceptional amount of s.p.u.n.k for such a low looking and horrible smelling creature.

Bounding, hopping, and scurrying across the field, it looked like a clean getaway, until another coyote brown figure rose up from the undergrowth directly in the escaping mans path.

Kevins rifle stock struck the mans head with a vicious b.u.t.t-stroke, the impact so brutal the renegade practically did a back flip.

After verifying his opponent was out of the fight, Kevin looked back at Cory and shrugged his shoulders. "Ooops."

"Pick him up and bring him back over here," Grim ordered, strolling up to join the trio from Cartersville.

Nodding, Kevin bent over the unresponsive man at his feet, and then recoiled. "I aint picking him up, sir. No way."

Grim, thinking the pistolero was putting up some sort of resistance, began jogging toward his youngest team member, M4 carbine snapping shoulder high.

Kevin clarified his disobedience quickly. Backing away in horror while aiming his rifle at the threat, he wrinkled his nose and said, "Ewwww... this guys got head lice crawling all over his scalp. I aint picking him up... no way... sir."

Pulling up short from his rescue-a.s.sault, Grim started laughing at Kevins reaction. The humor was contagious, every man on the road joining in with a hearty chuckle.

"What?" Kevin questioned. "Whats so funny?"

Shaking his head, Grim replied, "Nothing, son. Nothing at all. Just tie a piece of paracord around the vermins foot and drag him over here."

"But he smells really bad," came the response.

Much to Kevins puzzlement, another round of chuckles rose from the onlookers, Cory regaining his composure first. "Is he still breathing?"

"I dont think so. I... I crushed his skull," Kevin replied, scowling down in disgust at the body.

"Well, just take his weapon and come on back here," Grim ordered, shaking his head at the kids bug-revulsion.

With two fingers extended gingerly, Kevin bent over. He reemerged holding the old revolver at arms length, examining it for lice eggs or creepy crawlers.

"Good move on the take down," Grim said to Cory. "Id been watching those two sc.u.mbags for the last 15 minutes and could have shot them any time, but the gunfire might have drawn unwanted attention."

Nodding his understanding, Cory turned to his two guests from Cartersville. "Gentlemen, Id like to introduce you to Grim and Kevin. Theyre part of my SAINT team. Were all from the Alliance of West Texas."

It took less than ten minutes of conversation before Victor and the doctor got the picture. After deciding both of them were trustworthy, Grim even went so far as to fill them in on Nicks diversion plan.

While Cory and Kevin tied up the surviving bandit, Grim explained their a.s.sociation with the big man who was causing such a ruckus with Mr. Gospels security forces.

The doc got it first. "So all of this has been staged intentionally to undermine Stans control of the town. Youre trying to sow the seeds of an uprising."

"Yes, yes we are, and we need your help," responded Grim. "We dont give a rats a.s.s if the town overthrows the local dictator or not. What we do care about is the citizens being able to travel and trade freely. Our experience has been that if people see things are better elsewhere, theyll take the steps to improve things at home."

Victor chimed in, "If this Alliance is all you say it is, why you didnt just show up at the south gate with hundreds of armed men?"

"Weve done that before," Grim explained, "and it didnt work out so well. The ruling council is trying to walk a fine line between ensuring everyones basic freedoms and being a conquering force. We are authorized to induce and promote internal changes, but invasion isnt an option."

Both of the men from Cartersville seemed to accept that logic. "So Mr. Gospel has hundreds of semis full of goods... medicine and supplies that might have saved my familys lives."

"If there are more of the antibiotics Cory showed me, he couldve saved thousands of lives," the doctor added.

"But that would have caused a problem with the hordes of truckers showing up," Cory said. "I bet if you go back and looked at the mortality rates of Cartersvilles citizens versus the new arrivals, the survival rate was much higher for those men who were loyal to Gospel."

Grim waved the group toward the discovered treasure, clearly worried about the time. "Come on, Ill let you see with your own eyes."

As the group began walking north, Grim turned to Kevin and instructed, "Move on ahead. Give me 30 meters off-center to the right; Ill take a 40-meter flanking position to the left."

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Holding Their Own: The Salt War Part 11 summary

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