Time Travelers Never Die Part 26

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"Yes. He was very interested in the Library." He smiled at the memory. "Of course, everyone is. But Michael insisted on taking us out to celebrate. Me and half the staff."

"To celebrate what?"

"I never really understood that part of it. The completion of a journey, I believe. It was something like that."

"Can you give us a general idea when he was here?"

"Oh, it's been two or three years. At least. I'm not sure."

"Do you think any of your colleagues might remember?"

"Come upstairs with me, and we'll ask."

n.o.bODY knew definitely. Two years ago last summer, I think, said one of the staff. No, another insisted, it was shortly after my brother died, four years ago this fall. In the end, they could not narrow it down enough to be of any use. knew definitely. Two years ago last summer, I think, said one of the staff. No, another insisted, it was shortly after my brother died, four years ago this fall. In the end, they could not narrow it down enough to be of any use.

Aristarchus expressed his regrets. Then asked a question of his own. "Ajax did not understand why you had checked out several books, returned them promptly, and apparently planned to check out the entire works of Sophocles. During the course of the afternoon."

"We were doing research," said Dave.

"So I understand. Nevertheless, in perhaps an excess of caution, he notified his supervisor. The supervisor saw something odd. And he notified me."

"Odd? In what way?"

Shel thought he already knew.

"Gentlemen, I saw something I cannot explain. Rather like your, uh, photos."

Dave played it straight. "And what might that be, sir?"

"You have a metal object of some sort."

"I beg your pardon?"

"It produces light. I wonder if you would be so kind as to show it to me."

Dave translated for Shel. Shel nodded. "Show him."

Dave produced the gooseberry. "You probably saw a reflection," he said.

"Perhaps. May I ask what it is? And what you and your a.s.sociate were doing with our books?"

The tone did not sound threatening. Merely curious. "We've done no harm," said Dave.

"I did not mean to suggest you had. I would simply like to know who you are. And what has been happening."

"My name is Davidius. This is Shelborne. We are visiting scholars."

"I know what you have said. There is no need to repeat it." He held out his hand for the gooseberry. "May I see it, please?"

Dave gave it to him. "Be careful with it," he said.

Aristarchus examined it. Ran his fingers along the sides. "It's very smooth. Is this actually metal?"

"Plastic." Dave used the English word. He didn't know a Greek equivalent.

"What is 'plastic'?"

"It's-" He cleared his throat. "It's hard to explain. It's like metal. But more pliable."

"I see." He found the lid. Opened it. The screen lit up, and the red power lamp came on. Aristarchus almost dropped it. But he hung on. Icons appeared, one by one. Then the voice, volume turned to a whisper, in English: "Ready to go, big guy." "Ready to go, big guy."

It might as well have been a cannon blast.

Aristarchus flipped the gooseberry into the air. Dave, who was ready, caught it on the fly.

"It speaks," said Aristarchus. His voice had gone up an octave.

"There's an explanation," said Dave.

Aristarchus stared at it. "I'm sure there is."

Dave looked to Shel, and Shel studied the ceiling.

"The supervisor," said Aristarchus, "thinks you are messengers from the G.o.ds. I am almost persuaded he is correct. What language is it speaking?"

"It's English."

"I'm not familiar with it. But I suppose that is of no consequence. How How does it speak? Who lives within?" does it speak? Who lives within?"

"I can explain."

"Please do."

"No one is inside. It is advanced technology."

"Really? You can produce light in a piece of metal? Plastic? Whatever you call it?"


"And this thing speaks speaks?"


"What did it say?"

"It said it was ready to operate."

"And when it operates, precisely what does it do?"

Dave turned to Shel. "I can't see any harm in showing him."

"Go ahead," said Shel.

He brought up the Achilles Achilles and held it so Aristarchus could see. The sun was s.h.i.+ning through a skylight. The director s.h.i.+elded his eyes and watched the pages flicker past. "The entire play is contained in this thing?" and held it so Aristarchus could see. The sun was s.h.i.+ning through a skylight. The director s.h.i.+elded his eyes and watched the pages flicker past. "The entire play is contained in this thing?"

"All of the plays we looked at today."

"Incredible. It produces a better product than an army of scribes."


"Where did you get it?"

"It was built. At home."

"Clovian tells me that is a place called Philadelphia?"


"I would very much like to visit this Philadelphia Philadelphia."

"It is very far, sir."

"I'm sure. Though I have never heard of it, it is clearly the capital of the world." Aristarchus held out his hand for the gooseberry.

Dave hesitated. Then, once again, gave him the device.

He examined it. Turned it over. Held it up to a window. Raised the lid again and watched the lights come on. "I would like to buy it." He closed the lid and laid the gooseberry on the table. "Will you sell it?"

"I'm sorry. We cannot."

"We would offer a very generous price. Perhaps you could even get more of these?"

"I wish we could, Aristarchus. But it is impossible."

"May I ask why?"

"Distance," he said. "It is very hard to reach Philadelphia from here."

"I see." His lips tightened. "Davidius, I cannot in good conscience allow you to leave with this instrument. I don't know yet what use we would make of it, but it is a matter we would wish to explore." He leaned forward, and those intense eyes swung to Shel. He understood who would make the decision. "I prefer," he said quietly, "to let reason prevail."

While Shel considered his answer, the director got up, walked to the door, and opened it. One man came into the room. Another took station directly in the doorway. "Perhaps," he continued, "you would be willing to let us retain this for a time. So that we may unravel the technology. Perhaps manufacture some of our own. Again, we would pay generously for the privilege."

"I would not wish to insult you, Aristarchus, but please believe me that your best technical people would not be able to duplicate this."

"I fear I must insist." The librarian picked up the gooseberry. And inserted it into his robe.

The guards moved closer.

Dave went back to English: "Time to go home," he said.

"Good idea," said Shel. "Do it, but don't make any sudden moves."

Dave nodded. Reached casually into his toga. One of the guards, who was almost as tall as Dave, and considerably beefier, frowned and came a step closer.

Dave pulled out the converter. All eyes locked on it. He looked at Shel, who hadn't moved. "We going to do this on a count of three?"

"You go."

"Me? What are you-?"

"A demonstration. I'll be there when you get there."

"English again?" asked Aristarchus.

"Yes," said Dave. He turned back to Shel. "And if you're not there?"

"Don't come back."


"Just go."

"You can't even speak the language."

"I've got enough to get by."

Dave shook his head and lifted the lid. "This is crazy, Shel," he said. Then he pushed the black b.u.t.ton, s.h.i.+mmered briefly, and was gone. The guards whooped and fell back, while the director tightened his hold on a chair but otherwise remained firm.

"Who are you?" he asked. His voice was barely audible.

Shel spoke slowly. He had to, picking his words from a limited vocabulary: "A traveler. I mean no harm."

"I am glad to hear it. Why are you here?"

"It would be helpful if you dismissed your aides."

But he didn't understand what Shel was saying. "My Greek is not good," Shel said. He repeated his request, speaking slowly, enunciating carefully.

"Oh. Yes," said Aristarchus. He directed the guards to go.

They surprised him by refusing to abandon him to what must have seemed a demon.

"I must insist," said Shel. "What I have to say is for you only."

Aristarchus repeated his directive. Reluctantly, the guards left. When they were gone, Shel produced his converter and showed it to Aristarchus. "If we had wanted to create a problem," he said, "surely you realize no one here could have stopped us."

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Time Travelers Never Die Part 26 summary

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