Hello, Gorgeous: Becoming Barbra Streisa Part 65

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12. Winter 1963

[>] "Now let's hear it from": Liner notes from Streisand's Just for the Record CD alb.u.m, 1991.

"She's breaking me up": Just for the Record DVD. Streisand appeared on the Sullivan show on December 16. She had been advertised in some TV listings to appear on December 9, but perhaps that date was changed since Wholesale had just ended the day before, and it was decided not to let that cloud Streisand's appearance.

[>] There were reports: John Patrick told Anne Edwards for Streisand: A Biography that after the Bon Soir, Fran Stark had said that Barbra would never play f.a.n.n.y Brice. But a reliable source told me that she "softened" on Barbra after the Bon Soir and from then on kept her views very private so as not to interfere with her husband's work.

[>] "terrible anxieties": Playboy, November 1970.

director Joe Layton's offer of a part: Earl Wilson's syndicated column, as in the Idaho Falls Post Reporter, December 3, 1962.

[>] forfeiting $100,000 worth: Earl Wilson's syndicated column, as in the Delaware County Times, January 14, 1963.

"pretty heavy shouting": Riese, Her Name Is Barbra.

In just twelve hours: NYT, January 25, 1963.

[>] "vital and imaginative": Graham Payn and Sheridan Morley, eds., The Noel Coward Diaries (Boston: Da Capo Press, 2000).

"dehydrated": Cole Lesley, The Life of Noel Coward (New York: Penguin, 1988).

[>] "a big compliment," "very harsh at times": Considine, Barbra Streisand: The Woman, the Myth, the Music.

[>] "walking a tightrope": Spada, Streisand: Her Life.

[>] had their columns clipped: Interview with Don Softness.

"hottest young comedienne": Earl Wilson's syndicated column, as in the Delaware County Times, January 14, 1963.

"glad, sad or mad": NYT, July 1, 1965.

"She packs more personal": Robert Ruark's syndicated column, as in the El Paso Herald-Post, January 18, 1963.

[>] "A on a girl's": Earl Wilson's syndicated column, as in the Delaware County Times, January 14, 1963.

"There is a full-blown": Mel Heimer's syndicated column, as in the Masillon (Ohio) Evening Independent, December 29, 1962.

[>] "I think Barbara Streisand is": Bridgeport Post, January 25, 1963.

Barbra was set to fly out: Hollywood Reporter, February 1, 1963.

[>] "in a Broadway theater at last": Dennen, My Life with Barbra. My account is also supplemented by a personal interview with Dennen.

[>] "should draw an enormous amount": Billboard, March 23, 1963.

"getting the kind of reception": Billboard, March 2, 1963.

"Miss Marmel Steisand": Boston Globe, February 1, 1963.

had retreated to the back: See the series of photographs at

reached only Midwest audiences: As an advertis.e.m.e.nt in the NYT on July 31, 1963, makes clear, Group W was planning to bring The Mike Douglas Show into the New York and other markets soon, but had not yet done so. "A big success in Cleveland," the advertis.e.m.e.nt calls the show.

[>] "To the singer from": Kaufman Schwartz and a.s.sociates transcript of interview, August 15, 1963, Sidney Skolsky Collection, AMPAS.

[>] "talked out of going": Earl Wilson's syndicated column, as in the Manitowoc (Wisconsin) Herald Times, February 28, 1963.

"something technical on": Playboy, November 1970.

[>] "She was easily the kookiest": San Francisco Chronicle, March 24, 1963.

[>] "Barbra Streisand is unquestionably": San Francisco Chronicle, April 1, 1963.

"a vocal plumber": San Francisco Chronicle, March 5, 1995.

"Well, my dear": San Francisco Chronicle, January 31, 2001. The quote comes from Country Joe McDonald, who was also the one to liken Davis to Auntie Mame.

[>] "Singers are not known": People, July 6, 1981.

"obstructing the performance": San Francisco Chronicle, March 5, 1995.

"Funny singer Barbra Streisand": Galveston (Texas) Daily News, March 28, 1963.

[>] "consciousness of an unconscious": People, July 6, 1981.

[>] comedian Woody Allen: Allen closed at the hungry i on March 30, so he and Streisand overlapped by four days. San Francisco Chronicle, March 30, 1963.

"the most influential nightclub": NYT, May 13, 1961.

"being catapulted into": Oakland Tribune, April 13, 1964.

[>] "modestly disclaimed having": NYT, May 13, 1961.

[>] "a tawny, feline, long-haired": San Francisco Chronicle, April 1, 1963.

a young engineer named Reese Hamel: See All About Barbra fanzine, number 37, as well as The recording of that night is available online.

13. Spring 1963

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Hello, Gorgeous: Becoming Barbra Streisa Part 65 summary

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