Love Me: Teach Me Part 10

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"Kent," Mom said, shaking her head. "They've only started dating, let's not pressure them into on another."

"I'm just asking, because I know feelings can change. And with him not taking on a job with a lot of money, she could easily be persuaded to leave."


I saw red. I could have slammed my fist into my father's face. Instead, I threw down my napkin and stood up. "I have to use the restroom. I'll be back."

How could he? I knew he would bring it up, but twice? Was he trying to ruin my life? I had moved to get away from him, and now he was coming to visit and talking down on me? What kind of man is that?

"Liam," Sarah whispered, her hand on my back. "I'm sorry. He is wrong, ya know? He doesn't know you well enough to know this is what you want to do."

"Don't talk," I said, bending to kiss her. "I don't want any more words." She nodded and let me push her against the wall of the bathroom hallway.

I didn't care who came up and saw us. I wanted her. I wanted to encircle her legs around my waist and take her hard and deep. Make her scream my name.

My hand was up her dress, stroking at her panties when I heard, "Sarah."

We both turned to see Matt staring in the entranceway to the bathrooms.

Oh f.u.c.k.

"Matt," Sarah said, pulling at her dress, but he wasn't looking at her anymore, he was staring at me.

"You f.u.c.king sick p.r.i.c.k." He balled his hands into fist at his side. "You like to f.u.c.k your students. You get a rise out of it. You get your hands off my girlfriend."

My jaw was twitching. I knew I shouldn't hit a student, and could get fired but I wanted to lay his a.s.s out on the floor. "Matt, I suggest you leave right now. I don't want any trouble."

He let out a bitter laugh. "Of course you don't, you p.u.s.s.y. You want to f.u.c.k my girl and let me stand by and watch."

"I'm not your girl, Matt. You f.u.c.ked Jamie. It's over. We're over. I've moved on."

Matt stared at her. "You're f.u.c.king with me, right? He is your teacher! I will not have it. I'll tell. Everyone will know in the morning and Liam will lose his job."

"You had your chance, Matt. Now, step aside."

Matt stepped forward, pus.h.i.+ng me in my chest. G.o.d, no. Rage was running through me like lightening. "Don't touch me again."

"Matt get back," Sarah warned.

He took another push at me, this time sending a punch to my jaw. I'm not gonna lie it f.u.c.king hurt. My jaw was throbbing but I stood there anyway. "Hit me, b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" he yelled.

I gritted my teeth together. "Hit me!" he screamed.

Unable to control my anger, I came back and knocked him in the jaw. He stumbled back over a potted plant and fell to the ground. His eyes were wide, and a streak of blood ran down his face. "What's going on in here," Dad said, rounding the corner.

Who I a.s.sumed was the manager, walked over and asked if we could leave. I didn't ask any questions, only grabbed Sarah's arm and drug her to the truck.

Chapter Fifteen.

Sarah I sat in his truck while Liam talked to his parents. I could see the realization that I was his student on his mother's face. She even gave me a few evil glances. I buried my head into my knees. Matt had been so outraged. He'd asked to be hit. He wanted to fight. And now everyone in Monticello would know about Liam and I. He would get fired, and I would be left to be the girl that f.u.c.ked her teacher.

I groaned and pushed back the tears. When Liam slammed the door to his side I looked up. He was staring at me. "Well, they're f.u.c.king mad. But, who gives a d.a.m.n." He started his truck and started back toward the apartments.

"You know he is going to tell, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

"What are we going to do?"

He ran his fingers through his brown hair and sighed. "I have no idea. But, tonight, we're going to make it worth it."

Liam carried me into his apartment. He didn't bother with Layla who was waiting for him. He laid me on the bed and covered himself over me. "Sarah, I'm sorry about all of this, but I don't regret it. I care about you, I like you." He kissed my jaw, and then my lips. I was breathless when he pulled away. "I probably won't have a job much longer, but we'll figure something out."

A tear traveled down my face, but he wiped it away. "Don't cry. Let's be with each tonight, okay?"

I nodded. He attacked my lips with his own, and grabbed my neck, holding me down on the bed. His kiss was hot and demanding. I couldn't do anything but let him take me. I wanted to keep him here with me forever. Tears were burning my eyes. I cared about him more than I cared about Matt, and I'd only known him a week. Most would call it l.u.s.t, but I called it a connection. He looked so dangerous, tattooed and hard. But, he was one bad boy that would be good to me, one bad boy that wanted what he wanted and took it. One bad boy who taught instead of fought. One bad boy who caressed instead of tugged. One bad boy who was mine.

His fingers found the edge of my dress, slipping it over my head. He tossed it to the side and pushed my panties to the side. Before I could handle the torture any longer he slipped inside of me, making me moan.

"I'm gonna make love to you, Sarah," he mumbled against my ear. "Tell me you want me."

"I want you."

He trailed his finger in circles over my most sensitive place. He mumbled dirty things into my ear, while caressing me so gently. "Tell me to f.u.c.k you."

I whimpered, my body igniting against him. "f.u.c.k me."

He moaned, entangling his fingers in my hair and making me look up at him. "Watch me. Don't look away. I wanna see you."

I bit my lip, shaking from the pleasure. He was a bright light, blinding the darkness. A soft breeze on a summer night. His hand gripped my a.s.s, making it burn from the strength of his grip. He gave me slow strokes, coasting in and out of me. "Liam," I mumbled against his neck. "You feel so good."

He was breathing hard in my ear. "Come for me, baby. Look up at me."

I glanced up at him, his gray eyes smoldering. How did I get this lucky? And how can it all be gone in one second. One person seeing us will end it. It was already ended.

He plunged his tongue into my mouth at the same time he cupped my breast. It was all I needed. I exploded around him. My muscles contracted against his length. He mumbled underneath his breath, shuddering right after me.

He didn't speak afterwards, he pulled me to his chest, where we both fell asleep.

Liam Sarah was still in the bed when my phone rang. I knew who it would be. I knew it was the chancellor.

I picked up. "h.e.l.lo."

"Mr. Downs. I need to see you today. Can you meet me?"

"Yes, sir."


I hung up the phone and ran my fingers over my face. It was time to clean up the mess I'd made.

Sarah The spot next to me on the bed was cold when I woke up. Liam had been up for a while. He wasn't in the house when I walked around and my stomach dropped. Layla was pus.h.i.+ng her food bowl around the floor, so I filled it up.

I bit my nail and paced before I realized I probably needed to get ready for the day. The door was unlocked when I came in and my heart thudded an extra beat. Zeus was hiding underneath the futon, and I could hear rummaging in my bedroom. I tiptoed into the hallway and barely peeked through the crack in my door.

Matt was throwing things around, rummaging through my stuff. "What the f.u.c.k!" I yelled.

He turned around. His eyes had bags underneath them and it looked as if he hadn't had any sleep. "Sarah," he mumbled, stumbling forward.

Was he drunk? It was ten in the morning?

"What are you doing here?" I asked, looking around at the mess in my room. "What are you doing to my room?"

He let out a shaky breath and held up the Post-It note Liam had left on my pillow. "How long have you been sleeping with him? Since he got here?"

"It's none of your business."

"Yes, the f.u.c.k it is!" He threw his hands in the air. He was wearing sweats, and a wrinkled t-s.h.i.+rt. He looked like s.h.i.+t. Exactly how I felt.

"No, it's not. You're not my boyfriend anymore, Matt. You f.u.c.ked up. We don't even love each other. We didn't connect."

"Well," he let out a shaky laugh, "I guess you're not going to be connecting with Liam either. I called the chancellor today. Liam is gone to meet him now." He smiled like a Ches.h.i.+re cat.

That's where Liam had gone. A sick feeling erupted in my stomach. He was going to lose his job because of me. Because of me. Tears p.r.i.c.ked at my eyes, and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Okay. But, it doesn't make a difference with you or me. You're not in my life anymore. I want you out of my room and my sight! Get out!"

"Baby," he whispered, stepping forward.

"Matt. I forgive you for what you done, but I don't want you back. I don't want to feel comfortable. I want to be with someone who makes me feel. Makes me want him, makes me feel special. You're not him."

Matt's eyes turned dark and he threw the lamp closet to him. "You f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h."

I pointed to the door, not sure how I was even keeping a straight face. He scared the s.h.i.+t out of me. He stormed from the apartment, and slammed the door. I fell to the ground. It was over.

My phone rang a few minutes later. It was the chancellor. He wanted me there. I buried back the tears and got dressed to meet them.

Chapter Sixteen.

Liam Sarah was pale. She knew. I could only imagine when she got that call how she felt. The chancellor sat behind his desk, fingers intertwined and looking at us. We didn't dare look at each other. There wasn't any reason to torture ourselves. I wanted to hold her to my chest and tell her it was going to be okay, but I didn't. I kept my hands in my lap.

"I'm not going to fire you, Liam," he finally said after a few minutes. "I'm not. You're new here, it's your first time teaching and your young. But, I am giving you a warning." I sighed. Thank, G.o.d. "As for the situation. I'm going to have Sarah transferred from your cla.s.s, and into another. I'm also forbidding you two to have any contact. If I hear or see you two together again, Sarah you will be expelled and Liam you fired. You're about to graduate Sarah, don't ruin your chances, okay?"

Sarah color hadn't returned. She nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you, sir."

"Okay, you are both dismissed. You can talk it out, but if I see you together after today, it's over."

I stood up first, my heart thumping against my ribs. "Than you, sir." I left the room, feeling sick to my stomach. It was the first f.u.c.king week of school and I'd already f.u.c.ked up.

I waited by Sarah's car, and she finally came out. She was staring straight forward. "So," I said, trying to grab her hand, but she pulled it away.

"I'm sorry, Liam. I'm sorry I ruined this for you. It's all my fault. I knew it was wrong."

I tried to hug her but she stepped aside. "It's both of our faults. I am...I was your teacher and I knew the consequences."

She nodded. "Well, I guess I need to go now, huh?" She glanced up at me with green eyes.

"Sarah," I asked. "We could see each other at home. It will be the same--,"

"No!" she yelled. "We've already been caught. It's over. I can't jeopardize your job anymore than I already have. I'm sorry, Liam. I have to go."

I didn't stop her. She got into her Jeep and sped away. My stomach hurt from rejection, and her leaving me with nothing. I'd only known the girl a week and I knew I should let go, but I didn't want to. I was selfish and greedy. And I didn't give a flying f.u.c.k what anyone else thought. But she did, and I would respect her wishes. For now.

Three Weeks Later Sarah My stomach growled when I walked into my apartment. Cody must have gotten off early, because I smelled cooking from the kitchen. I placed my bags on the futon and took off my shoes. I hadn't talked to Liam since that day. I was transferred into another cla.s.s, and I never came out of my apartment except for school. Cody tried to get me to go out, but I couldn't make myself go.

Liam hadn't tried to talk to me and that was worse. I couldn't even take a shower without thinking about the things we'd done in there. I groaned and walked into the kitchen.

"Something smells good..." I stopped in my tracks. Matt was standing in my kitchen, no s.h.i.+rt cooking. I hadn't spoken to him since his outburst in my room. He smiled over at me.

"Spaghetti your favorite. Thought you'd be hungry."

I stood there for a minute trying to get my mind straight. I'd seen Matt around campus, and Jamie was behind him. She hadn't even looked at me since then, and it hurt. She'd been my best friend. Now she was nothing. "What are you doing here, Matt?"

His smile never faltered. "Fixing dinner."


"Because, I miss you."

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Love Me: Teach Me Part 10 summary

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