Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 13

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"I'm older. I don't have to do s.h.i.+t." He smiled, challenging me, like the old days.

There was a time when he had been bigger and badder, but then I'd grown up and gotten more muscles. I could take him without any exertion. He still needed a reminder every once in a while, and it had been ages since I'd seen him.

"I can make you," I said, raising one eyebrow at him, unable to hide my smile.

"f.u.c.k," he hissed as he looked me up and down. "You look like you could even take Mike. b.a.s.t.a.r.d's gone soft since he met Mia. He's turned into a real p.u.s.s.y, but you-you look downright scary," he said with a chuckle as he stood. Sticking his tongue out at Mike, he gave me a great bro hug, maintaining his manly personality but still showing me the love I knew he was trying hard to hide.

"You're the p.u.s.s.y, Anth," Mike teased as he entered the room holding two bottles of champagne. He placed them on the side table next to my dad before sitting on the floor beside Mia and holding her leg in his grip.

"Sit down, Tommy. We want to hear all about your time away." Joe patted the spot next to him on the couch.

"Hey, that's my spot," Suzy whined as she walked in behind my mother.

"It was his first, sugar. Come sit on my lap." He grinned at her as he rubbed his leg.

"Okay," she whispered before padding across the carpet on quick feet, crawling into his lap, and putting her arm around his neck. Joey held her in one arm and rested his hand against her round belly, rubbing it in tiny circles.

Things had changed, yet they were still the same. Coming home after such a long absence was the strangest thing ever. I felt at home but out of place. New people added to the family, and the dynamics of the group had s.h.i.+fted.

Instead of the house being flooded with testosterone, the women had almost outnumbered the men. Anthony and I were the lone holdouts, but that was about to change for me. Soon, Roxy would be here with me.

I sat in my old spot, closing my eyes and reminding myself that she was Angel now and not Roxy. She'd be p.i.s.sed if I slipped in front of my family. There would be a lot of questions if I did that. Gallos were quick and didn't miss a G.o.dd.a.m.n thing.

Opening my eyes, I saw everyone staring at me. No one was chatting or watching the Cubs losing-they just stared. James sat behind Izzy, pulling her back to his front before she sagged against him. He whispered in her ear, slowly stroking her stomach with his hand. She giggled, her face turning red. Even though I was the dumba.s.s who had given the thumbs-up to the situation, I still had an urge to punch him in the face.

"First, when do you have to go back?" Ma asked as she sat in her chair next to my father, fidgeting with her ap.r.o.n.

"I don't."

Their mouths hung open as I sat there, leaning back and watching their shock.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean you don't?" Ma asked. "I don't think I quite understand."

"I quit. Plain and simple."

"h.e.l.l yeah," Joe said, slapping me on the shoulder. "You coming to work at the shop with us?"

I turned to him and blinked. I was s.h.i.+t at art. I certainly couldn't poke holes in people's bodies and call that art either. It wasn't my thing.

"Nah, man." I shook my head and looked at James. "Did you tell them?" I asked him.

"No, man. I didn't."

Izzy turned around and looked at him, wondering what I knew and what she had been left the f.u.c.k out on. Whoops.

"James quit too."

Ma gasped while the rest of the family continued to gawk. "I feel like I can breathe again," she said, sighing with relief.

I chuckled at their response. I didn't think I'd ever seen the Gallos at a loss for words, especially Izzy. "I had enough of their s.h.i.+t. I gave them enough of my life, and they weren't getting another d.a.m.n day."

"Me either," James joined in, adjusting as Izzy turned in his arms and hugged him before whispering in his ear.

Had aliens come down and abducted my sister? Izzy and sweet weren't two things that often went together. She was hardcore and could be downright scary sometimes. But with James, she melted in a puddle of goo, and I sure as f.u.c.k didn't want to know why.

"Maybe you two should go into business," Mike said, still staking his claim by holding on to Mia like someone might s.n.a.t.c.h her.

I nodded, not really having put much thought into what I'd do after leaving the DEA. Then I looked at James, who shot me a look that said maybe it wasn't a bad idea before turning his attention back to Izzy.

"We'll see. One thing at a time, Mike."

"So what the h.e.l.l happened over there, son? Did you get the bad guys?" Pop asked, reaching out to hold my mother's hand.

Even after all these years, the two were like teenagers. They held hands, kissed, and hugged at every turn. They were whom we'd all gotten our love gene from, and it was something we couldn't shake-even Anthony.

"It's a long story, Pop. Bad s.h.i.+t happened while I was there. More than I'd like to ever discuss or care to remember. So far, they're all behind bars, and I hope they stay that way." I sighed, wis.h.i.+ng Angel were with me. I wondered what she was doing and if she was okay. I'd left her alone in a strange house.

"Me too. You think you guys have a solid case?" He c.o.c.ked an eyebrow.

"Yeah. James and I worked our off to make sure it would stick. I didn't want it all to be in vain." I rubbed my temples, trying to block the memories of s.h.i.+t I'd done that I'd never thought I'd do. Murder, disposing of bodies, drugs, and other s.h.i.+t I forced the f.u.c.k out as soon as it started creeping back in.

"Good," he said, nodding and giving my mother's hand a quick squeeze.

"Who's hungry?" Ma asked, standing from her chair before releasing Pop's hand. "I didn't make anything special. No one bothered to tell me my son would be home today." She turned to James and gave him the look of death. I could almost see the tiny daggers shooting out of her eye sockets.

"Uh oh," Anthony teased. "Looks like someone isn't the new favorite anymore." He tossed his head back, laughing and holding his stomach.

"We all know Thomas is the real favorite," Mike replied, rolling his eyes and making a face at me.

It dawned on me that while I'd been living in h.e.l.l, they'd sat here every Sunday enjoying life and teasing each other relentlessly. I had done the work so families like mine could have these moments of peace and happiness, but knowing all I'd missed still made my heart hurt.

"Let's go, people. Sit down, and the girls and I will grab the food," Ma said, clapping her hands for us to move it.

Everyone jumped, scrambling to their feet as Ma made her way to the kitchen. Pop put his arm around me, walking next to me with a giant smile.

"It's so good to have you home. Your mother has been a wreck. I've been worried sick about you, and even your brothers and Izzy have been. It's good to finally see with my own eyes that you're okay."

"I'm alive, if that's what you mean, Pop," I replied, turning to look at him with a small smile.

"I know you've seen some s.h.i.+t. I can't even begin to imagine, but you're back and that's all that matters."

Everyone took their spots, and an extra chair was pulled to the table for me. I had lost my table presence, but I hadn't expected it to be left open with the two newest additions to the family.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a darn horse," Suzy said, placing her napkin across her lap before she picked up a fork.

"You're eating for two, sugar. Have as much as you want," Joe leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

Her face turned red as she mouthed, "I love you," to him and they nuzzled. What the f.u.c.k had happened? I chuckled, trying to evoke the memory of my brother from times past. He was a bada.s.s and people were scared of him, but Suzy wasn't. They were the yin to the other's yang.

"For f.u.c.k's sake. She'd eat everything if you let her. The woman is like a machine," Anthony whined, taking a sip of the water that had been placed on the table before we'd sat down.

Izzy, Mia, and Ma walked in the room each holding giant dishes of food that let off steam. Izzy and Mia each set their bowls perfectly s.p.a.ced down the table.

"I made lasagna, chicken parm, and sausage and peppers," Ma said as she placed the lasagna in front of my father.

My mouth watered from the smell. All the memories of my childhood and every Sunday dinner came flooding back. There wasn't a cook in the world who could rival her. No one. I rubbed my hands together and couldn't wait to dive in and taste all the deliciousness.

"Lasagna!" Suzy squealed, dropping her fork before she clapped her hands. "I'm eating every last drop of that, baby. It's my faaaavorite!" She practically bounced in her chair and rubbed her belly with excitement.

Ma smiled, touching Suzy's shoulder and staring down at her belly. "Sweetie, you eat as much as you want. You're feeding my grandbaby. There's plenty of food for everyone else. Would you like the first piece?"

"Yes!" Suzy yelled, her eyes and smile growing wide.

"I hate that baby," Anthony grumbled under his breath, and shook his head.

"What did you say?" Joe asked, glaring at Anthony.

"Nothing. I'm starving and it smells so d.a.m.n good."

"You're always starving. Ladies and kids first! Don't be a greedy a.s.shole," Joe barked, reaching behind Suzy and slapping Anthony in the head.

James burst out laughing. I was sure that, over the last few months, he'd been welcomed in and made to feel at home. Someday, he'd get the full Gallo treatment. I knew their didn't behave with him around. No one knew what that word even meant in my family.

Watching everyone chat and laugh made me feel warm, and a calm settled over me. This was where I belonged, but I didn't know what was happening in each of their lives. They spent each day with each other at work, but I was totally out of touch. I plastered a fake smile on my face, trying not to think of all the moments I'd missed, as I watched my ma dole out the food.

"When's the baby due, bro?"

"Early September." He smiled, grabbing the plate Ma had put in front of him.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle and I missed it all."

"Don't be silly," Suzy said, her voice garbled by a mouthful of lasagna. "You'll be here for the birth and that's all that matters. She's going to have four cool uncles and two killer aunts."

"Four uncles?" Mike interrupted before I could ask the same d.a.m.n question.

"Yes. You, Thomas, Anthony, and James."

That was interesting. Suzy had already integrated James into the family. I turned to him, seeing his face break out into a giant smile as Izzy almost fell off her chair.

"Hold up," Izzy blurted out, facing Suzy with her hand up and her palm flat. "James is not a Gallo. He's here, but not a Gallo."

"Yet," James retorted, pus.h.i.+ng down Izzy's arm.

She turned and glared at him, her eyes growing wide and saying a million f.u.c.king things. I knew that look well, having been on the receiving end a million times when I was growing up. The girl never made s.h.i.+t easy. When she couldn't speak, she'd let you know exactly how you felt.

"See? Four," Suzy said with a giggle. "What baby could be so lucky?"

"Sugar, what about your sister?" Joe asked, turning in his chair and t.i.tling his head.

"Baby, she's not a part of this family. I barely see her and she's kind of a b.i.t.c.h." She stabbed her lasagna and didn't look at Joe as she replied.

The entire table burst into laughter. What the h.e.l.l was I missing?

"What the h.e.l.l is so funny?" I asked before placing a sliver of the piping-hot lasagna in my mouth. f.u.c.k, it's better than I remembered.

I let it sit on my tongue, closing my eyes while the cheese slowly oozed across my tongue. It was like heaven. There's nothing like home cooking. The food at the club had been mediocre at best. The cook wasn't a chef, but he knew how to reheat s.h.i.+t when we got hungry. The dive bars we'd spent our nights at didn't provide a gourmet sampling. It was s.h.i.+tty bar food that left a funky oil aftertaste in my mouth.

"Suzy doesn't swear very much," Joe answered, because everyone else was either laughing or eating.

I still had my eyes closed, savoring the taste of my ma's cooking. Opening them slowly, I looked at him and smiled. Then I swallowed it, ready to dive into another chunk, and asked, "How the h.e.l.l did she end up with you?"

We all swore. It must be genetic. I swear Izzy's first word was f.u.c.k. I thought having four older brothers who used it like common language didn't help. I also thought it served my ma right for having had us keep our eyes on her when we were little. Joe often had the dirtiest mouth.

"Pure luck. She swears when it's necessary." He smiled at Suzy, winking as her cheeks turned red.

"When would that be?" Anthony asked, putting his fork down and looking at Suzy, waiting for an answer.

"Eat your f.u.c.kin' food and don't worry about when that would be, jerkoff." Joe was usually easygoing, but he seemed on edge.

"You PMSing or something, man?" Anthony asked before picking up his fork and shoveling in a chunk of sausage.

"My leg has been killing me. The G.o.dd.a.m.n rain always gets me. I just wish the s.h.i.+t was fully healed."

"It'll go away, Joe. Give it time. Take some Naproxen and you should feel better. It won't always be like this," Mia offered.

"Yeah. It'll get worse," Mike chimed in, chuckling. "Your a.s.s is getting old, and you're going to be chasing around a baby soon."

"I don't see you getting any younger, fluff 'n' stuff," Joe teased, laughing at his own joke. "When are you getting married and making an honest woman out of Mia?"

The veins on the side of Mike's neck bulged out. He'd never liked the terms "soft" or "fluffy." He was all about being hardcore and tough as an ox. Plus, from what I could tell, he didn't like being put on the spot about his future with Mia.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked down and then stared straight at Joe. "Mia and I are taking things slow."

"Bulls.h.i.+t," Mia coughed, hiding a smile behind her hand. "Excuse me."

"That's my girl," Izzy chimed in.

The house had s.h.i.+fted. It was no longer ruled by c.o.c.ks and jocks, but by babes. We were all truly f.u.c.ked at this point. There was no going back. Maybe it was my absence that had led everything astray. Or maybe it was bound to happen in time. The family would inevitably change once we'd decided to settle down.

"Marry the poor girl already," Ma blurted out.

"It's a huge step, people," Mike whined, his shoulders tensing as he tried to hide his discomfort with the topic.

I kept eating forkful after forkful as they discussed marriage. Joe and Suzy were happily married, along with my parents, but half of the single people at the table didn't think it was all it was cracked up to be.

"Do you ever want to get married?" Mia asked, turning to Mike and staring at him with crinkles in her forehead. "Like, ever?"

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Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 13 summary

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