Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 17

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"Ya think?" I asked in a snarky tone. "f.u.c.k. How am I supposed to go to your parents' house feeling like this?"

He rolled over, the bed dipping, which almost made my stomach's contents empty on the spot. It had been a long time since I'd been this hung over. Why had I picked last night of all nights to do that s.h.i.+t?

"Stop moving!" I screeched, moving my hand to cover my mouth.

The bed shook from his deep laughter. "Sorry," he whispered, but continued laughing. Even though the bed was barely moving, it might as well have been an earthquake with the way my stomach was being jostled.

"Baby, you really need to stop f.u.c.king moving." I wouldn't call myself grumpy, just ill.

"I'm going to go make you a little hair of the dog."

"Ugh," I groaned, praying to pa.s.s out. It was so much better when I was asleep and oblivious to the way I'd mistreated my body last night.

"I promise it will make you feel better."

The bed dipped and sprang back to its original form, and I rolled to the side, trying to find the edge. I wanted to lie on the floor, thinking it would be a more stable surface.

"Ouch," I cried as I plopped on the hardwood floor with nothing to break my fall. So not a better choice. I sprawled out, closing my eyes as I let the coolness of the floor soothe me. Everything was spinning, even the blackness behind my eyelids.

"Want me to help you into the bathroom?" he asked from the other side of the bed.

I wasn't going to open my eyes to see where he was. "No. Leave me here to die."

"I'll be right back," he said, snorting.

Then I heard his footsteps. It sounded like a bear was walking the halls. Every sound was amplified, and I couldn't imagine listening to a loud Italian family today with this type of hammering in my head.

Drool started to dribble from my lip and collect under my face on the floor. I didn't bother to wipe it away. I couldn't move. f.u.c.k. I said a little prayer, promising to never drink again if G.o.d would only make me feel better. We all make that prayer when we're in over our head, even though we know it's a crock of s.h.i.+t.

His loud footsteps woke me again. "Up ya go. You have to drink this." He touched my shoulder, making my body lurch away without thought.

"Just kill me. It'll be easier," I whined, my body molded to the floor. I had to look like quite a sight. Sprawled out, naked, lying in puddle of drool, with my legs bent in an awkward way. I was too sick to even care, in all honesty.

"Nah. I love you too much to let that happen," he said, his voice closer than it had been before.

He loved me. He loved me. I didn't think I could ever get sick of hearing those words.

Peeling one eye open, I saw his knee close to my face. "I can't sit up by myself. It's impossible."

Placing his hands under my arms, he began to lift me.

"Oh, G.o.d," I grumbled. Everything started to move, and I had to seal my eyes shut to keep whatever was in my stomach down.

He propped my back against the bed and held me by the shoulders. I took three deep breaths, trying to push down the lump that had formed in my throat. Using every ounce of energy I had, I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my chin against my cool skin. Then I opened my eyes just enough to see him kneeling in front of me and looking fresh as a f.u.c.king daisy.

Removing one hand from my shoulders but still holding me steady, he grabbed the gla.s.s and held it in front of me. "I swear this will make you feel better."

In the gla.s.s was a b.l.o.o.d.y Mary. The thought of something so salty and thick made me instantly start to gag.

"I can't," I closed my eyes.

"Come on, Angel. Just a small sip," he coaxed me, pulling my chin up in his direction.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with a look of concern and love-tilted head, soft eyes, and a small smile. He was staring down at me with the gla.s.s in his hand.

"I'll try," I agreed, knowing he was right. I needed to fight through it and somehow down the liquid.

Bringing the gla.s.s to my mouth, I grimaced when I got a whiff of liquor and tomato. I pinched my nose with my other hand. Even if I had to taste it, I didn't want to smell what I was going to guzzle. My senses were on overdrive, so blocking one out was a good thing.

"How about a hot bath?" he asked, brus.h.i.+ng the hair away from my forehead as I tried to take bigger and bigger gulps of the salty concoction.

"Mm, hm," I grunted, feeling the thick liquid slide down my throat. If I didn't puke now, it wouldn't happen.

There's nothing worse when you want to puke than having something slide down, coat your throat, and take its f.u.c.king time to settle in your stomach.

As he walked away, I took a break from the drink. Placing the cool gla.s.s against my forehead, I closed my eyes and took a couple of shallow breaths. After the water turned on, I saw him walking back and forth, grabbing a bottle from the linen closet and some towels.

I sighed, taking a few more sips, and stared straight ahead. After drinking the last bit of the b.l.o.o.d.y Mary, I set the gla.s.s on the floor, leaving my hand next to it. I was wiped out, physically worn, like an old shoe in need of repair.

He returned to the bedroom moments after the water turned off. "Want me to carry you?" he asked, standing in front of me.

"I can crawl," I whispered, moving forward and stopping almost immediately.

Crawling wasn't a smart idea either. My knees ached from the hard floor, my head throbbed worse from the pressure, and the b.l.o.o.d.y Mary was starting to creep back up the way it had gone down.

"Stubborn woman," he mumbled, scooping me up in arms and holding me against his chest.

I wouldn't say it was a better way to travel, but at least I didn't have to expel any energy and could focus on not hurling on him during the short walk to the bathtub. I slumped against him, curling into a ball as he carried me.

The water sloshed as he stepped inside the tub. Keeping me against his bare chest, he sank down into the water, holding me safely in his arms. Letting the warmth surround me, I rested my head on his shoulder as he leaned back, taking me with him.

Resting his hand on my hip, he stroked my cheek, staying silent. I snuggled against him and listened to his breathing.

"Feeling any better?" he asked, brus.h.i.+ng his lips against my forehead.

"Yeah," I lied.

"I brought you some aspirin and water."

My body moved with his as he reached for the gla.s.s and pills he had set on the edge.

"Thanks," I whispered before placing the two capsules on my tongue and taking tiny sips of water. I didn't dare toss my head back to help them slide down. Movement, especially quick ones, made the entire situation worse.

After handing the gla.s.s back, I melted into him. I didn't know how long we lay there in that position before he started to wash my skin. Without the energy to try myself, I let him and soaked in the pampering. I couldn't even remember a time when my mother had done the simple task. I didn't have one fond memory of her taking care of me or treating me like a child. I had been a nuisance-or, at least, she treated me like one.

"Why are you so good to me?" I asked in jest. I'd do the same for him. That was what you did for someone you loved.

"I don't like when you don't feel well. I should've told you to slow down last night, but I figured you needed to blow off some steam."

"It felt good, but I regret it today." I smashed my cheek against his pec. The water descending over my skin in tiny rivulets felt like dozens of fingertips grazing my flesh.

"I'm sure Izzy feels the same today. She won't be her normal annoying self at my parents."

"I'm sorry for last night." Even though it was fun, I was sure we had to have embarra.s.sed him and James in the restaurant.

"Nah, don't be. You two were funny. It was nice to see you let your hair down and be yourself. I like the silly side of you. Don't ever apologize for having fun."

I smiled against his skin, letting the peacefulness of the moment sink in. Slowly, my stomach started to calm and the animal that had been trying to burrow through my brain stopped. I lost track of how long I'd been sitting in the tub. The water turned cold as I was cradled in his lap.

"Let's go back to bed for a while. We can be a little late to my parents'." He swept the tiny hairs off my shoulder, caressing my shoulder with the tips of his roughened fingers.

"I don't want your mom to get mad," I replied, even though I needed a few hours of restful sleep.

"She won't. They don't eat until later. They'll be happy we're coming even if it's a couple of hours after everyone else."

"Okay," I said, pulling myself up and finding my balance before attempting to step out of the tub. While waiting for Thomas, I swayed back and forth for a moment. Then he stood and helped me out. "Thanks."

After retrieving a towel and quickly drying us off, he scooped me into his arms and carried me back into the bedroom. Once he'd set me down, he tucked me in and said, "I'm going to go do a few things and make some calls. I'll wake you up in a bit."

"Don't let me sleep too long. I don't want to disappoint your mom," I said through a yawn, already comfortable and ready to fall asleep.

Through half-closed eyes, I saw his beautiful smile as he nodded and kissed me on the lips. Then he grabbed a pair of workout pants and headed out the door. I didn't even stay awake long enough to hear his feet hit the first step.

After sleeping for a couple of hours, I felt like a member of the human race again. I no longer wished to be put out of my misery. I didn't move as quickly as I normally did, but I was able to get ready in under a half-hour, and in my state, that was a G.o.dd.a.m.n miracle.

As we pulled into his parents' driveway, I fidgeted with the bangle bracelet I was wearing. My stomach grumbled-partially from hunger, but mostly from fear. Thomas was confident that they'd love me, but I wasn't so sure. My own mother didn't love me. Why would his?

"We're here," he said with a smile on his face as he turned off the engine.

"Yeah," I replied, blowing out a quick puff of air. There was no turning back now.

"Look at me, Angel."

I dragged my gaze away from the silver bracelet and stared into his eyes.

"They're harmless. Sometimes they act like teenagers, but everyone inside will love you because I love you. Just be yourself and remember to smile. If you get overwhelmed, let me know and we can leave."

"Okay," I whispered, forcing a smile.

We climbed out of the car, and I walked next to him, my hand in his, until we stopped in front of the door. Pulling my body against him, he gave me a mind-numbing kiss. My toes curled from the pa.s.sion, my mind swam with things to come, and my body instantly responded. When his lips left mine, I was left breathless and wanting more, but it would have to wait.

"I'm ready," I said, lingering on his lips.

He smiled, opened the door, and yelled, "We're here!"

People began to squeal as they gathered in the foyer. "Overwhelmed" didn't even begin to describe how I felt. I could feel their eyes on me as they hugged Thomas. Before I could say anything, his mother pulled me into a giant hug.

"I'm so happy to meet you, Angel," she whispered in my ear as she squeezed me tighter, making it hard to breathe.

"Ma, don't kill her," Thomas said, pulling her off me.

"Sorry. I kind of get carried away sometimes," she blurted as her cheeks turned pink. "My baby boy." She held her arms out, pulling Thomas into her embrace.

I giggled, knowing exactly how he felt-unable to breathe.

"Ma," he said, squeezing her back before releasing her. "This is Angel, and Angel, this is my pop."

I held out my hand, smiling at him and comparing the two men. They had the same facial features: amazing blue eyes, strong jaws, and full lips. I could see Thomas as an older man when I stared at his dad.

Without speaking, he hugged me, crus.h.i.+ng my ribs. "Nice to meet you, love," he said, holding my shoulders and taking a good look at me. "You're stunning."

"Thank you," I replied, trying not to smile, but it was useless. I could feel the love and excitement in this house. It was abundant and easy.

"Back away," Izzy said, waving her hands and stepping in front of everyone. "She's mine next."

I laughed, reaching out and grabbing her. "How in the heck are you so d.a.m.n chipper? I feel like a zombie today."

"Practice, sweet Angel. We'll get you there. Don't worry. You'll be a champ in no time."

"Oh, no, no, no. Last night was it for me," I told her as I watched everyone hugging Thomas.

"f.u.c.k that. You're getting drunk with me again. The girls and I were just talking about a girls' night out. It's been a long time and we all need to get away from our Neanderthal men."

I chuckled, wondering how bad they could actually all be. "We'll see."

Izzy backed away, glancing over at a blonde and a brunette, and announced, "She's in, ladies. Girls' night it is!"

"d.a.m.n," I mumbled to myself, as Thomas came to stand by my side. I shrugged, plastering a smile on my face. I hadn't said yes, but Izzy, in her own special way, had sealed the deal.

"Yay!" the blonde screeched. Then the brunette echoed her.

One by one, they said h.e.l.lo as Thomas introduced them to me. Joey, Anthony, and Mike were his brothers, and Izzy was the sister. They were all gorgeous, but from the looks of their parents, it wasn't surprising.

"Dinner's in five minutes," Mrs. Gallo said, clapping her hands, a giant smile on her face. "Go sit for a few minutes, but don't get too comfortable."

Everyone moved to the living room, spreading out amongst the furniture and floor. While I sat next to Tommy, he kept my hand in his, slowly stroking my palm with his thumb. It was calming in its rhythmic nature as I tried not to notice that all the eyes in the room were focused solely on me.

"How're the Cubs doing today, Pop?" Thomas asked, breaking the silence.

"s.h.i.+tty, but what else is new?" Mr. Gallo said, leaning back in his chair and placing his foot across his opposite knee.

"Hey, Angel," Izzy interrupted. "Want to go help Ma with dinner? It would win you major brownie points." She jumped up from the floor, kissing James on the lips before motioning for me to follow.

I liked that idea more than feeling like a caged animal. "Sure," I replied, giving Thomas a quick peck and then joining Izzy in the kitchen.

"Ma, we've come to help you." Izzy turned, winking at me, and I couldn't help but smile. The girl was slick, and I liked her. If I could have a sister, I'd pick Izzy Gallo. "It was Angel's idea."

"Isn't that lovely. Grab the salad from the fridge, and one of you take the meatb.a.l.l.s out of the sauce and put them in a bowl."

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Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 17 summary

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