Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 24

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"It's not your fault. You didn't ask for this to happen, Angel."

"It is, though," she whispered. "I know I f.u.c.ked up. She found me because I posted on Facebook. I f.u.c.ked up."

"It happens, love. We may want to rethink social media for a while, though," I said, trying to hold in a laugh.

"It's not funny," she said, slapping my chest. "I brought this to you. I led them to you."

"Do you know who they were?"

She nodded, swallowing hard before speaking. "I saw them in the club a couple of times. They were from the Kings, I think. I'm sure she was the ringleader."

"It doesn't matter anymore. It's over, Angel. You're safe and I'm taking you home." I held my lips against her forehead, feeling the warmth as I said a prayer of thanks.

I had more to be thankful for than most men. My family had my back, and everyone had come out safely after the gun battle. The woman I loved had survived. Life was about to change. That's the beauty of it all. Nothing stayed the same for long. Whether good or bad, things could change in the blink of an eye. I had to hold on to the good and push out the bad, letting it fade away into the past. I needed to let go of my sins, atone for my behavior, and do good in the future. I'd make amends with society through deeds worthy of forgiveness.

"Son." My pop's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw him staring at me from the doorway. "Yeah, Pop?"

"You okay in here? How's Angel?" he asked, his face soft and his eyes riddled with concern.

"She's fine, Pop."

"We'll be waiting for you outside. The cops just pulled up and we have some explaining to do." He shrugged, giving me a quick smile before leaving us alone.

"You ready for this, Angel?" I asked, holding her in my arms as I stood.

"I can do it, Thomas." She nuzzled her face into my neck, holding my cheek in her hand. "I'll do anything you ask."

"Just tell the truth." I carried her down the hallway, stepping over the bodies as the police entered the house.

They moved around the living room, taking in the crime scene and talking with Joe, Anthony, Pop, Flash, Mike, and James. Treena was sitting on the couch, sobbing into her hands, a cigarette dangling from her fingertips.

"I'm taking her outside," I said, making my way to the front door before she caught a glimpse of the blood. It wasn't something she needed to see.

Outside, there was an ambulance parked at the curb with the back doors open. Once I'd carried her to the open bay, I set her in the back and called over the paramedic.

"She was being held captive. She needs to be checked for injuries and dehydration."

"Yes, sir." He hurried inside, grabbing a few machines and quickly hooking her up to check her pulse and blood pressure.

"Don't leave me," she wailed, tears beginning to slide down her face.

"Angel," I said, touching her cheek. "I have to go inside and talk to the cops. Let them take care of you so I can take you home. Please do this for me."

She nodded, choking back the tears. "Okay."


"I promise, Thomas. Don't be gone too long."

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you."

As I started to walk away, she grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks. "Thomas, I love you."

I turned around, smiling at her. Even in her state, she still radiated beauty and grace. This was the woman I loved. The one with a complicated, f.u.c.ked-up childhood that didn't dull her l.u.s.ter.

"I love you too, Angel." Then I let our fingertips drift apart as I moved away. Before I disappeared inside the house to explain the cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k of bodies and blood, I looked over my shoulder, taking one last look at her.

After being questioned for hours by the local authorities, we were finally free to go. The sheriff told us to be available when necessary and not leave the state until we'd been cleared of any wrongdoing. Since James and I were exlaw enforcement and Flash was still with the FBI, we were given more leeway than many would have been given in a situation such as that. Her mother was taken into custody and would be prosecuted for extortion and kidnapping. I'd rather her be dead, but I couldn't kill Angel's only living relative.

I sat in the back of the SUV on the way home. James drove, Pop rode shotgun, and Mike, Joe, and Anthony sat in the middle row, smashed together to give me privacy in the back with Angel.

The paramedics said that she was in good shape-slightly dehydrated with a couple of b.u.mps and bruises but otherwise healthy. She might have been physically okay, but I knew it would take a while before she mentally felt at peace. I'd do everything in my power to bring the brightness back to her eyes.

The guys talked during the drive, retelling what had happened when Flash had burst through the door. Keeping my eyes focused on Angel as she fell asleep against my chest, tucked in my arms, I listened to their laughter, soaked in the love that filled the SUV, and sucked it all in, putting it away for a time when the darkness would start to take hold. I'd remember the love I felt for my family, the sense of belonging I had, to push off the sadness and stay grounded in the truth. I was loved. No matter my sins of the past, my family and Angel would always be my future. Forgiveness wasn't something I needed to seek from them; it was granted without hesitation.

I was the luckiest man in the world. I had everything I ever wanted-love, family, and a purpose. The greatest purpose I had now was lying in my arms, and I'd make her forget the past and revel in the future.

As we drove down my street, I could see the distant figures of the Gallo women. They formed a semicircle as they stood in my front yard, waiting for us to arrive. Those women were our other half, the thing that made us what we were-an amazing family that was stronger and more loving than most.

"Angel, wake up. We're home," I whispered in her ear, stroking her cheek.

Her eyes, still red from crying, fluttered open before a small smile crept across her lips. "Hey," she whispered.

"Looks like we have company, boys," Pop called out, pointing through the winds.h.i.+eld to the Gallo women.

"Yep. This might get hairier than the gun battle back there," Anthony replied, laughing as he flipped through his phone.

"Not a chance. They're going to be happy to see us," Joe said, reaching for the door handle before the car even stopped moving.

After hopping out and leaving the door ajar, he ran to Suzy and collected her in his arms. Her feet dangled from the ground as he hugged her.

"Barf," Anthony blurted, watching intently out the window.

Mike nudged him with his shoulder. "Shut the f.u.c.k up, dude. I know all about your piece of a.s.s. You're just p.i.s.sed she isn't here."

Anthony shrugged before I heard him sigh. "f.u.c.k off, bro."

One by one, they piled out of the car, going to the loves of their lives and repeating the actions Joe had done with Suzy. Anthony looked like the odd fish. No one hugged him first, kissed his face, or gushed over him for returning safely. When my father released my mother, she was the one to wrap Anthony in her arms and kiss his cheeks. Someday, he'd have his-sooner rather than later, if my gut was right.

"Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?" I asked Angel, looking down at her as she started to sit up in my lap.

"I can walk, Thomas." She pushed off my lap and climbed out of the car while holding on to steady herself. Then she covered her eyes, the suns.h.i.+ne blinding today, and waited for me to stand behind her.

Ma was the first person to break rank and head straight for Angel. As she approached, she gave me a quick nod and a smile before holding out her arms.

"Baby girl, I'm so happy you're safe," Ma said, staring at me as she hugged Angel.

Angel broke down into tears, melting into my ma's comforting arms, and rested her head against her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Gallo," Angel cried, her body shaking as she spoke.

Ma rubbed her back. "There's nothing to be sorry about, Angel. Everyone is safe and you're back." Ma was trying to keep it together and pretend like it was no big deal, but I knew her better than that. "I've been through crazier s.h.i.+t with this family."

Next to me, James was holding Izzy, kissing her deeply-probably a little too deeply in front of the family. Either my parents didn't mind or they were pretending they didn't see. Fortunately, Izzy broke the kiss, holding his face in her hands.

"I love you, James. I've never been so worried about someone before. I didn't f.u.c.king like it. Don't do that type of s.h.i.+t anymore. I couldn't take it."

"I'm fine, babe. Don't ever worry about me. I love you too, Iz."

"All I do is worry about you and your macho 'I have something to prove' bulls.h.i.+t. You are not indestructible. Remember that, please, next time you go off trying to pretend you're Jason Statham."

"I'll take that. He's pretty bada.s.s, babe." James laughed, earning him a small slap to the cheek. "Watch it. I may just show you how bada.s.s I really am, love. Don't start something you can't finish." He smiled, winking at her as a giant smile slid across her face.

Jesus, they made me ill.

Love changes a person. It doesn't make us inferior, but it lets us be the person we were truly meant to be. It completes us, brings out our true nature, and helps us become a better version of ourselves.

Looking around James, Izzy locked eyes with me. "Tommy!" she screeched, moving quickly and jumping in my arms.

"Hey, baby girl. It's good to see you," I whispered, squeezing her tightly.

"You too. Don't do this s.h.i.+t again either," she mumbled into my shoulder before she sighed.

Ma released Angel as Mia and Suzy each took turns hugging her and welcoming her home. All the girls were in tears. It was like a watching a Lifetime movie playing out before my eyes. Tears, smiles, laughter, and-most of all-love.

"Who's up for a cup of coffee?" Ma asked, wiping the tears from her cheek. "If that's okay with Tommy and Angel."

"It's fine, Mrs. Gallo. I need a shower, though. I can't imagine how I smell." Angel winced, sniffing her s.h.i.+rt. "Yeah, shower first."

"You shower, baby girl, and I'll make you something to eat too."

Angel nodded, a giant smile on her face as Ma wrapped one arm around her shoulder and walked with her to the house.

"I'm proud of you, brother," Izzy said before we followed the crowd inside.

"For what?"

"You're a good man. She was broken. I've known enough broken girls in my time, but you saved her."

"I couldn't leave her in the hands of the kidnappers, Izzy."

She shook her head, gripping my side tighter as we walked. "Not what I meant, Tommy."

I felt my face heat as color rushed to my cheeks. "I love her. Nothing else matters."

"I always knew you were a big softie like the others." She smiled up at me, reminding me of when she was a little girl.

She always looked at me like I was a superhero. She'd had me wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born. I would've walked through fire if she'd asked me, and I'd do anything to protect her. Knowing that she was with James, someone so much like myself, I felt that I could finally let go of my overprotectiveness of her. James would willingly give his life to save hers.

I had someone new to protect, a woman who needed to feel part of something bigger. Belonging is important to everyone, and she'd lacked that her entire life. I'd spend eternity trying to bring her joy and making her never regret her decision to come with me.

It was my sole mission to make her feel loved.

Chapter 22.

For a week, Thomas treated me like I was ready to break. He tried to do everything for me. It was sweet, but there's a point when enough is enough.

"Thomas," I said, watching him hover as he straightened up the living room. "Come here and sit with me." I patted the cus.h.i.+on next to me.

"I was about to start dinner," he stalked in my direction before collapsing on the couch.

I turned to face him, pulling one leg under my body. "Dinner can wait. We need to talk."

"What's wrong?" He repeated my motion, tucking his leg under his body.

"Nothing, baby. I'm perfect. Maybe better than perfect, actually. I need you to stop treating me like I'm fragile. I'm not."

He placed his hands over mine, stroking the top with his thumb. "You went through something very traumatic, Angel."

"I know, but I survived. I want to stop living in the past and start our future. I can't sit in this house any longer and watch you clean. It's not who you are. I'm not a sitter either. There's only so much television and reading I can do before I start to go a little crazy." I gave him a small smile, hoping I hadn't hurt his feelings. I just wanted us to go back to normal-whatever the h.e.l.l that was for us.

"You should've said something sooner. I didn't want to push you and didn't feel right doing it until you said something." He smiled back, his cheeks turning pink as he spoke.

"I didn't want to make you feel bad, baby. Every day, I would pray you'd touch me like you used to and that we'd move forward."

"I just wanted to give you time," he said, holding the side of my face in his hand, sweeping his thumb across my cheekbone.

"It's been long enough. You and James need to work on your business, I need to find a job, and you need to make me feel like your woman again." I tilted my head, melting into his touch, and closed my eyes. "I've missed the feel of you against my skin."

Cupping my face in both of his hands, he pressed his mouth against mine. "Like this?" he whispered, hovering over my lips.

"Yes," I moaned, feeling the hairs on my arms standing up as he spoke.

"And this?" He kissed down my jaw and licked my neck, biting gently near my collarbone.

"Just like that," I pleaded, pus.h.i.+ng my body forward.

I had very little on, having selected a black babydoll nighty when I'd dressed this morning. The soft silk against my skin, especially my nipples, as I walked around the house had about driven me over the edge.

He slid his hands down my shoulders, the heat of his palms scorching my cool skin before they settled on my forearms. He backed away and looked at me. His eyes were hungry, the need and burning he felt for me evident in his stare.

"I want you so d.a.m.n badly. I could barely control myself any longer."

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Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 24 summary

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