Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 4

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Chapter 4.

Just as I was about to send a message to Roxy, my phone rang. It was Flash. c.o.c.ksucker Flash. He'd put my sister in danger. Even though he grew up in my hometown, I didn't think he knew me, but then again, he was a dumb motherf.u.c.ker. Maybe he was too young and too focused on my sister to make the connection.

"What?" I barked, ready to head to Roxy's.

"Thomas, you have to find Izzy!" he yelled, his breath harsh as he spoke.

"What the f.u.c.k are you talking about, Flash?" If something had happened because of Flash, I'd slit his throat.

"It's Rebel. He figured out who she is...who you are! You're both in danger, man. Find her!"

It took everything in me not to drop the phone and run. "Where are you?" I walked on silent feet toward the door, checking if someone was eavesdropping. After opening the door, I looked in both directions, making sure no one was nearby.

"Other end of the clubhouse. I'll meet you out back. We need to find her, Thomas."

"On my way!" I yelled, hitting end before I grabbed my keys.

Trying to play it cool, I walked through the clubhouse, leaving word with one of the prospects that I'd be out for the night. I'd done that many times, so it wouldn't seem out of place.

My chest felt heavy as my heart beat wildly against my insides. Panic grew with each step I made toward Flash.

What if we are too late? Rebel wasn't a kind man.

He'd take no pity on my sister. He'd rape her and kill her just to get back at me.

I kicked open the back door and saw Flash pacing near his car. When he looked up at me, relief flooded his face as he realized I wasn't another member of the club.

"Ready?" His voice cracked.

"Yeah, but we're taking my car." I fished my keys out of my pocket. "Get your a.s.s moving!" I yelled when I saw him strolling over nonchalantly as I unlocked the door.

"Thomas-" Flash started as he climbed in, sliding across the black leather before he closed the door.

"How long have you known who I was?" I gripped the steering wheel in one hand and started the car with the other, trying to control the urge to punch him in the face.

"Since the beginning," he responded, finally turning to face me.

"You're a dumb f.u.c.ker. You knew who I was and yet you brought my baby sister near the club," I seethed, bile rising in my throat as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"I wasn't thinking." He looked down, fidgeting with his hands as I laid into him.

"Dumb f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t. I can't believe you'd do that s.h.i.+t."

"Listen, that s.h.i.+t's in the past. We need to find Izzy." He stared straight ahead, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"I could call James. Maybe he can track her." I took my phone out my jeans.

"He would know where she was." His tone was clipped and s.h.i.+tty.

I glared at him. "What the f.u.c.k does that mean?"

"Just call him. Or you want me to?" Flash didn't meet my gaze.

As I dialed James's number and waited for him to answer, I felt like the veins in my head were about to burst.

"What the f.u.c.k?" he hissed as the call connected.

"Where the f.u.c.k is Izzy?" I asked, breathing heavily, both p.i.s.sed off and worried.

"I'm on my way to see her now. What the h.e.l.l is going on, Thomas?"

"Flash just called me. He said Izzy was in danger. Somehow, Rebel found out who she was. He knows who I am too. Find her, James, and do it now!" I roared, slamming my fist against the steering wheel as I held the wheel and phone in my other hand.

"I'm pulling on her street now," he growled, the sound of his tires screeching very audible.

"I don't know who knows what at this point, brother. Find my G.o.dd.a.m.n sister."

"On it," he replied, his voice unsteady and panicked.

"Call me back. I'm headed that way with Flash in tow."

"Give me five," he responded before the call went dead.

Wait a motherf.u.c.king minute. Did he say he was on her street?

Clearly, there was something everyone had failed to mention to me. James didn't know about her disappearance, and he wasn't near the MC compound, where I'd a.s.sumed he was tonight. He had already been on his way to see my sister.

James was going to see my sister.

I'd kill Rebel and then I'd have to end James's life for having even thought about Izzy.

All h.e.l.l was breaking loose. Roxy messaged me as I hung up with James, but too much s.h.i.+t was happening to respond. She'd have to wait. My sister was my highest priority.

The streets were barren as I drove as fast as humanly possible toward Izzy. Flash made calls, trying to find out who knew what. The information was spa.r.s.e and Rebel too tight-lipped.

As I debated about whom I wanted to kill first, James or Rebel, my phone rang. When I tapped the speaker b.u.t.ton, he spoke before I could say h.e.l.lo.

"She's gone," he bit out, sounding slightly winded as I heard his car start in the background.

"Gone or missing?" I asked, anger oozing from my voice.

"One shoe on the floor and her phone on the coffee table. She's missing."

"f.u.c.king Rebel," I muttered. "Flash and I are an hour out. We need to figure this s.h.i.+t out and what our next move should be."

"f.u.c.k," he hissed, the roar of his engine drowning out his voice.

"Stay the f.u.c.k there and make calls. Do not leave in case she shows up. We'll be there in sixty."

"Hurry the f.u.c.k up!" he yelled before disconnecting the call.

"Tell me everything you know, Flash, and do it now."

"I'm FBI, Thomas. I know you are undercover, and so am I. I was sent in as backup and an extra set of eyes."

"That's bulls.h.i.+t. The FBI doesn't feel that the DEA can do it alone. I had this s.h.i.+t handled. It's your fault this is all going down."

"My fault?" He slammed his fist against the dashboard.

"If you hadn't brought her to Daytona, Rebel would never have known about her and started sniffing around. It's your d.a.m.n fault. If he kills my sister...I. Will. End. You."

My left leg shook as I kept my eyes focused on the road. I couldn't stand to even look at him. He was a traitor in my eyes-a disgrace to the badge.

Flash spilled his guts for the rest of the trip in between making phone calls and trying to get a beat on Rebel and Izzy. My heart never stopped pounding, picking up pace as we pulled on Izzy's street. We wasted little time at Izzy's, jumping in James's car and heading out to find her. As we barreled down the highway, James received a call with details and a location where my sister was being held.

Silence descended in the car as we drove toward the motel. Honestly, the lack of talking was out of fear. There were three men in this car that loved Izzy. We were all scared of what we'd find when we burst through the motel door.

As we pulled off the highway, I said, "This is how this s.h.i.+t is going to happen. I'll get the information from the desk clerk while you and Flash make sure no one leaves."

"Okay," Flash said, pulling himself forward.

"Then, when I get the room number, you'll wait outside"-I turned to face Flash-"and James and I will go inside and deal with whatever cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k we find."

"But I want to go inside, too," Flash whined.

"Man the f.u.c.k up. We need someone to keep an eye out in case others show up."

"Fine," he snapped, slapping the front seat before he slumped back.

"f.u.c.king p.u.s.s.y," James mumbled, glaring at him in the rearview mirror. "Who's getting Rebel?"

"Let me deal with Rebel. You get Izzy out of there," I said, turning to look out the window.

When the car stopped, I surveyed the parking lot, surprised when it came up clean. It was run-down, s.h.i.+tty-a.s.s motel in the middle of Florida.

After smooth-talking the registration girl, I motioned toward Flash, pointing to my eyes and then around the exterior of the building. Then I lifted my chin, standing off to the side as James reared up, using his legs to kick in the door.

Before I could enter, James was through the door. As I walked in, I saw Izzy unconscious on the bed. As if in slow motion, James ran toward her and a bang echoed through the room. His body jerked to the side as he reached for her, but he stayed on task.

Without thinking, I charged Rebel as he sat in a chair with a smug look on his face. Before I could reach him, he climbed to his feet and held up the gun. Acting on instinct, I slapped the gun from his hand, and it flew across the room before falling to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw James carrying Izzy outside and to safety. Rebel and I were the only ones left.

Giving him a quick uppercut, I connected my knuckles with his jaw. The crunching of my bones against his sent pain shooting through my arm. As if on autopilot, I began to beat the living s.h.i.+t out of him. Rebel wiped the blood dripping down his chin, glaring at me as he knelt before me.

"You're a f.u.c.king rat, Blue. I would've never pegged you for a cop."

"f.u.c.k you, Rebel. You deserve everything you're going to get. Before your body even begins to rot, I'll be taking the entire club down and putting an end to filth like you."

The blood was rus.h.i.+ng through my body so fast that I could hear it as it pumped through my ears. I put the gun against Rebel's forehead, watching his eyes cross as he stared at it.

"You don't have the b.a.l.l.s to pull that trigger," he seethed, returning his eyes to mine.

"You know nothing about me, Rebel." As I spoke, the door slammed and James walked in. "I want to know how you found out about me," I roared, my hand almost shaking as I held the gun against his head.

"Go f.u.c.k yourself," Rebel sneered, spit and blood flying from his mouth.

James stepped forward, but I put my hand up. I wanted Rebel. I wanted to be the one to put the bullet between his eyes and end any danger Izzy was in. It was the only way to ensure she'd be safe. Rebel knew information that could end her life-and mine.

I smacked Rebel with the b.u.t.t of the gun. "You want to get out of this room alive? You better start talking."

"You're a traitor and a f.u.c.king rat. You might as well kill me, because I'll put your a.s.s in the ground otherwise. I'm dead either way," Rebel bit out, wincing from the pain. "I brought you in and helped you move up the ranks. f.u.c.king shoot me, you p.u.s.s.y."

"If you don't do it, Thomas, I will," James hissed, pulling his gun from his pants.

"Who. The. f.u.c.k. Knows?" I repeated, positioning myself in front of Rebel and blocking James's view. He paced around the room, his body tense as he glared at Rebel.

"f.u.c.king sucks not knowing something, doesn't it, Blue?" Rebel growled.

James came out of nowhere, pointing the gun at Rebel's shoulder and pulling the trigger.

"f.u.c.k!" I yelled, glaring at James.

Rebel's body swayed backward before he righted himself. "First chance I get, I'm going to taste the p.u.s.s.y on your beautiful sister." He laughed.

Swallowing hard and gripping the gun in my palm, I fought the urge to pull the trigger. I wanted information before I put an end to him. He was making it harder than I'd thought possible. My sister was off limits.

"I bet she tastes as f.u.c.king sweet as she looks." Rebel smiled, bringing his hand to his face and licking.

James lunged forward, pus.h.i.+ng me out of the way as Rebel's eyes grew wide. Then he pulled the trigger and Rebel's body fell back in a heap on the s.h.a.ggy green carpet. Leaning over his bloodied body, James spat in his face.

"Rot in h.e.l.l, motherf.u.c.ker!" he shouted, a growl coming from his mouth.

"What the f.u.c.k?" I asked, hitting his arm.

I was happy he was dead, but f.u.c.k. I'd wanted to be the one to kill him, and I'd wanted to know who else knew about Izzy. I had been all about torturing the b.a.s.t.a.r.d to get the information if need be. The DEA could go f.u.c.k itself when it came to my family. Above all else, my family sat at the top, my number-one priority, even above my own safety.

James looked at me and shook his head. "You two would never be safe with him around. He deserved to die. He needed to die."

"I didn't get the information out of him," I groaned as I sat on the bed, relaxing and letting the gun rest against my leg.

"No one knew. If they did, he would've had backup here with him. He had to know we were going to come after him."

I sighed, tossing the gun next to me on the bed. "You're right. This complicates s.h.i.+t with the club. d.a.m.n it."

"Only thing it does is move you up higher in the ranks, brother," James said, sitting next to me and staring at Rebel's body as the blood almost reached his boots. "What do you want to do with the body?" he asked, motioning toward the corpse.

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Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 4 summary

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