Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 6

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I'd hide the car in the storage unit I'd rented months ago just in case I needed to hide out or hide something in a pinch. Never in my life had I thought I'd have to hide evidence of a murder.

I wasn't worried about the cops finding his car, but I was concerned that the club would start searching for Rebel. And I needed time.

I followed Flash back toward the clubhouse, breaking off once he parked my car and handed over the keys. After hiding the car, I knew exactly where I needed to spend the night. There was only one person I trusted. I'd head to Roxy, get cleaned up, spend the night, and have her as an alibi. I wouldn't ask her to lie for me outright, but she'd say anything to save my life, and I knew it.

I had a lot of thinking to do on the mile-long walk to Roxy's. Hiding my face, keeping my head down, I walked with quick steps, the future on my mind. There were so many variables, so much unknown, that I couldn't quite wrap my head around it all-Roxy, the club, my family. Where did I fit in anymore?

I wasn't the same man I'd been when I joined the DEA. If you had asked me then if I'd kill a man and hide his body, I would've looked at you like you had three heads. But I had done it. That was the new Thomas Gallo. I was just as guilty as every club member, but my motives were different. They cared about money and hate. I only wanted to keep my family safe-and Roxy too. My sole purpose was bringing down the MC and getting the f.u.c.k out and back to where I belonged.

Where did Roxy fit in? What would I do about her? She and I had met a couple of months after I'd been patched. We weren't a couple and I sure as h.e.l.l wasn't exclusive. I couldn't be. f.u.c.k the s.h.i.+t about leaving someday. It was more about keeping up appearances. All the guys in the club f.u.c.ked around if they had an old lady or not. The bonus to it was the ladies liked to talk. The girls in the club knew some deep, dark secrets. Stupid f.u.c.kers would get s.h.i.+tfaced and spill their secrets when their c.o.c.ks were buried deep in p.u.s.s.y and they were out of their f.u.c.king minds.

I'd spend my time with them, getting them hammered, having some fun, and pulling information from them. I hadn't been careless in how I'd gleaned the details, but I'd made them feel comfortable enough to tell me. I knew more s.h.i.+t about every b.a.s.t.a.r.d inside the MC.

Could I leave this town and Roxy behind? The thought of it made my stomach constrict. She was too good to be thrown out like a piece of trash. When she found out the truth about me, would she be willing to forgive me? I had to think about that too. There were more than just my thoughts to take into consideration. Maybe she wouldn't want me. I wasn't a total c.o.c.ksucker. The thought had crossed my mind a time or two.

The other issue was my family. The Gallos are a clan. It wasn't hard to get members.h.i.+p, but would she fit in? I knew they'd welcome her with open arms. If I loved her, they'd sure as f.u.c.k love her too. The real question was if Roxy would like them. Would she feel adequate enough to be around them?

They could be overwhelming. Smothering people with love and affection was something they had perfected over the years. Roxy was a lot like Izzy. Headstrong, a ball buster, didn't take s.h.i.+t from anyone, and could bring a man, specifically me, to his knees. They'd hit it off and be nothing but f.u.c.king trouble.

My family had always been close. We were a tight-knit group. A moment of silence was just a fairytale, as we were always up each other's "Loud," "obnoxious," and "rowdy" were words that could be used to describe my family. But Roxy had grown up alone, surrounded by the club, with no real parental guidance. The Gallos could be overwhelming for her.

I didn't know what the future held. Was she just someone I'd smile about as I looked back on my time with her? A faint memory lost in the past?

Chapter 6.

I couldn't sleep. Blue always returned my messages. Always. Even if it was a quick message to say, "Not tonight," he never forgot. I didn't like being ignored, and unlike most people in my life, Blue was always mindful and acknowledged me. I knew he usually had more important things to do, but d.a.m.n it, it still hurt.

Tossing and turning, I punched my pillow, trying to find a position comfortable enough to lull me to sleep. Staring at the ceiling, I wondered where he was. It's dangerous for a woman in a... whatever this relations.h.i.+p was, to think of where the man she loved might be.

I did love him, and for that, I could be a fool, but you can't turn your heart off and tell it to shut the f.u.c.k up. No matter how hard I tried, it never listened.

Every time I thought about him with someone else, my chest ached. I felt weak each time I allowed myself to think about how he wasn't mine and never would be.

The room was hot, and the humidity felt heavier tonight. Giving up on sleep, I climbed to my feet and headed toward the living room. I didn't see a point in lying there, staring at the ceiling, and thinking of stuff that I couldn't change.

As I rounded the corner to the living room, I heard my back door open. Stopping dead in my tracks, I held my breath and listened. A scratching noise, as if the person were trying to jimmy the lock, made my heart start again, slamming into my sternum and beating in a rapid rhythm.

Gripping the wall, I flattened my back against the cool, smooth surface and debated my next move. Should I make a run for the front door or try and hide?

f.u.c.k. Why didn't I grab a robe or some s.h.i.+t?

A loud creak as the door opened made me jump, and a small whimper escaped my lips. I was frozen with fear, rooted in the spot, and unable to move.

"Roxy," a voice called out in the darkness.

The sound of my blood whoos.h.i.+ng through my ears m.u.f.fled the voice. Closing my eyes, I said a prayer that they weren't here to hurt me.

"Yes," I replied, keeping myself glued to the wall.

"Angel, it's me."

It took me a moment to register the voice. Blue.

Sucking in a breath, I began to shake. As my knees gave out, my body started to slide down the wall until strong hands grabbed me around my ribs and propped me up.

"Roxy?" Blue asked, his forehead crinkling as he stared at me. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" I asked, my legs feeling strong with his help. "What's wrong?" I repeated, raising my voice at the stupidity of his question.

"Yeah." He squeezed my ribs, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"You basically break in to my house and give me a G.o.dd.a.m.n heart attack and you're asking me what's wrong? Seriously."

He started to laugh. Glaring at him, I reached up and slapped his face. His laughter died immediately, his smile disappearing as his face snapped back to mine.

"What the f.u.c.k?" he seethed, releasing my body before wiping the corner of his mouth.

"You're an a.s.shole, Blue. I thought someone was here to murder me."

"Aww, baby. Come on. Don't get upset with me," he whispered, sliding his hand up my thigh.

His snarky, carefree att.i.tude for once had become too much. I didn't know if it was the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, but I reached up and smacked his face again. This time, he didn't budge.

"You wanna play rough tonight, Rox?" The corner of his mouth turned up as his jaw ticked. "Come on, baby. Hit me harder."

His c.o.c.kiness and smug bulls.h.i.+t were just the ticket. Reaching up, I moved my hand toward his face one more time, but he grabbed it, stopping it from connecting.

"I knew you were in there, tiger. It's been a while," he said, grabbing my nightie.

"Don't f.u.c.kin' touch me, Blue. I'm so p.i.s.sed at you I can't see straight." My body was on high alert. My heart was still pounding from being scared, and my mind was reeling at the bad s.h.i.+t that could've really happened if it hadn't been him breaking in.

Sliding his hand farther up my thigh, he watched my face. Sucking in a breath, I tried to hide the small moan that wanted to slip from my lips. As he cupped my p.u.s.s.y, rubbing his palm against my c.l.i.t, I snapped. My opposite hand, the one free from his grip, flew through the air and connected with his cheek.

Whoops. He wasn't expecting that one.

His eyes flashed before he released my hand and slapped me back. Shock filled me; my breath was lost, and a slice of pain radiated through my cheek.

f.u.c.k, the man knew how to press my b.u.t.tons.

I liked it rough.

I'd never s.h.i.+ed away from it. Blue never hit me hard enough to cause damage, but he did set my body on fire.

Before I could react, his hold on my p.u.s.s.y grew rougher and he crashed his lips to mine, sucking out what air was left inside, leaving me breathless.

Clawing at his shoulder, I wrapped my legs around him, rubbing my core against his rock-hard d.i.c.k. Gripping my hair, he pulled on it, causing a burn against my scalp. Then he cupped my a.s.s as he pushed me against the wall, leaving no s.p.a.ce between us. When our lips locked, we used each other for air and fed off each other as I scratched his skin through his s.h.i.+rt. I wanted to dig my nails into his flesh, leave my mark, and let every wh.o.r.e out there know where I'd been.

Reaching between us, my body on fire and my need growing greater by the moment, I pulled at his s.h.i.+rt, having to feel his skin. Breaking our kiss for a moment, I yanked it above his head and dropped it to the floor.

Wasting no time, I unb.u.t.toned and unzipped his jeans, using my feet to free his a.s.s and c.o.c.k from the coa.r.s.e material. As I locked lips with him again, without waiting, he thrust inside me, slamming my back into the wall.

Unsheathed, his rigid c.o.c.k filled me. Calling out, "Blue!" I ripped at his back with my nails, tearing the skin as I scratched.

He hissed against my lips, a sound of pleasure and warning. I knew he was as turned on as I was. Pus.h.i.+ng back, f.u.c.king him as hard as he was f.u.c.king me, I bounced on his d.i.c.k, letting my t.i.ts jiggle against his muscular chest.

Holding my hips, he used his hands to slam me down on his hard length, causing me to moan louder than I had before. He f.u.c.ked me with so much ferocity that I thought I'd pa.s.s out. I didn't, thank f.u.c.king G.o.d. I relished it, soaked in the feeling of him inside me, ramming his body against me. His grip on my hips was so hard that I knew I'd have bruises there tomorrow-ones I'd cherish until they faded and disappeared.

"Touch yourself," he growled, causing me to open my eyes and look into his stare. "Pinch your nipples."

I wouldn't argue with that. Reaching up, I tweaked my nipples with my fingertips, turning them slightly in my grasp.

"Harder," he commanded, as he watched my fingers toy with my stiff peaks.

I pinched them harder; it radiated down my abdomen and shot straight to my c.l.i.t. Crying out, my body so close to the edge, I threw my head back and smacked it against the wall.

His lips found my pulse as his teeth dug into my flesh, sending another dose of pain-slash-pleasure through my system. Everything in my body was on fire. My body became so tight. The o.r.g.a.s.m that felt miles away was ready to break free, but I needed something. I was chasing it, bucking against his body, pinching my nipples-and nothing.

Staring at me, he could see my frustration mounting. Blue always knew. He had this sixth sense when it came to f.u.c.king. He was like the Amazing Kreskin of

Without asking, he wrapped one hand around my neck, putting pressure on my veins but not cutting off my breathing. My face began to feel tingly as the blood flow was cut off. When he pinched harder, I felt lightheaded and sucked in air, barely able to squeak out a sound. His grip became tighter, the pressure intensified, and my body snapped, releasing the pent-up energy that had collected all evening.

As I bucked wildly, my vision blurred, my eyes rolled back in my head, and I gasped for air. As he thrust into me, his speed increased and he held me in place. And when the colors exploded behind my eyelids, I felt faint. Edging closer to pa.s.sing out, I reached up, placing my hand against his. His grip on my throat was a little too much, so I tapped his fingers for a reprieve.

Releasing my neck, he grunted, pumping into me before crus.h.i.+ng my body against the wall. When he wailed through his release, his body shaking, I watched in wonder as he felt the same ecstasy I had only moments before. His lips parted and he made a few swipes of his tongue across his lip as his eyes were squeezed shut and he rode the crest of the o.r.g.a.s.m that gripped his body.

Watching a man come, especially Blue, was one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever experienced in my life. Knowing I'd done that to him, gave him a reprieve from his life and brought him total pleasure, made me happy. I knew how silly it sounded, but in all honesty, it was being connected and feeling needed that brought me the most happiness.

And Blue made me feel that way. He brought me more joy than anyone else ever had in my life. Human connection on an emotional level was something I'd lacked in my life, but with him, I had it in spades. Even if I wasn't his, I felt it.

"f.u.c.k," he mumbled, resting his forehead against mine and breathing raggedly.

"What's wrong, baby?" I whispered, touching his face and cradling his cheeks in my hands.

"Just not how I wanted tonight to go. I didn't think I'd take you in the hallway."

"Blue," I responded, lifting his face to look into my eyes. "It was perfect. I like when you're not soft with me."

"I know."

"Sometimes, I need the intensity to remind me I'm alive. Reminds me that it isn't a dream. I love your soft side too. Tonight was perfect. I'm just happy you came."

As soon as the words left my mouth, he burst into laughter, shaking my body, which was still in his grip. "I'm happy I came too," he echoed, laughing between words.

I couldn't help it. With the seriousness between us broken, I started to laugh uncontrollably. Blue had that ability-no one else. He could go from dead serious to playful in a heartbeat. It kept me on my toes, always wondering what he'd say or do next. Behind it all, I knew there was love and understanding. Moods didn't bother me. s.h.i.+t, I had a million of them, and he always took them in stride.

"Let's get you back in bed, angel," he whispered against my lips, his hot breath skidding across my face.

Smiling, I nodded and hooked my feet against his a.s.s.

Shuffling his feet because his pants were still halfway down his legs, he carried me to the bedroom and then placed me on the bed. Without saying a word, he kissed my forehead before slowly backing away.

Enthralled, I stared at him as he began to strip off his jeans. The bedroom was dark, just the moonlight streaming through the room, illumining his body and showing his ridges with even greater distinction. With his chest bare, I could see every ripple in his stomach moving together as they constricted. The dragon on his ribs danced as he s.h.i.+fted, bending to remove his pants. Leaning back, I drank him in and enjoyed the view.

"Keep looking at me like that and we'll never get to sleep." He laughed, folding his jeans and tossing them on the chair in the corner. "First, I need a shower." He sniffed his skin, wrinkling his nose as his scent registered.

I never cared how he smelled. He was the only man whose sweat was a turn-on.

"Go ahead. I'll be waiting. Don't be too long, Blue." I scooted up the bed, shooing him with my hands.

His lips split into a smile as he nodded, turning his back to me before he disappeared into the bathroom.

Because he left the door cracked, the sound of the water splattering against the tile filled the room as I lay there waiting for him. The pitter-patter changed as the water splashed from his body, hitting the wall in different spots.

Grabbing my phone, I climbed from the bed, tiptoeing toward the door to catch a glimpse. His back was to me as water cascaded down his flesh. Water droplets collected and fell from the gla.s.s shower enclosure as he washed his hair. I snapped a photo with my phone and smiled to myself-the image would be forever mine.

G.o.d, his a.s.s was amazing. Tight, high, and round, with a small smattering of hair, more like peach fuzz, hanging above and fizzling out as it crawled down his cheeks. As he began to turn, I rushed away, leaving him to finish showering.

After crawling back in bed, I turned off my phone, wanting to shut the world out for tonight. Nothing else mattered besides Blue. I just wanted to be with him. I'd pretend that our life wasn't reality for tonight. I'd face the cold, hard truth tomorrow. Why face it today when you can put it off until tomorrow? That was my motto.

The pipes squeaked as he turned off the water, and then the room grew quiet. My heartbeat sped up as I heard the shower door open and close. Waiting wasn't something I was particularly good at, but it was part of the package when I spent time with Blue. Waiting for him to call. Waiting for him to arrive. Waiting for him to text me. Waiting for him to ask me to be his. Everything involved waiting, and somehow, over time, I'd made peace with it.

Turning my body to face the bathroom, I waited for him. As I tucked my hand under my face, his body filled the doorway, backlit by the light. Resting against the frame, he crossed his arms. I couldn't see his eyes, but I a.s.sumed he was looking at me. Watching me.

"Rox, I have to ask you a favor." He pushed himself from the door with his shoulder before moving toward the bed.

"Anything you need, Blue. Anything." There wasn't anything in the world I wouldn't do for him. I wasn't a fool; I knew he'd do the same for me.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he ran his fingertips across my cheekbone. From the contact, tiny sparks of electricity danced across my skin, which was still tender from where he'd struck me.

"I need you to vouch for me if anyone asks any questions."

Biting my lip, I looked at him and blinked a couple of times. He'd never asked me to cover for him. I could see something lurking in his eyes-a seriousness I hadn't seen before.

Without putting much thought into it, I replied, "I will."

"All you need to say is that I was with you tonight. You can do that for me?" He stroked my face.

Moving my cheek against his touch, I smiled. "Always."

His hand left my face as he pulled back the sheet, giving my hip a quick slap. "Glad we have that settled. Move over, babe."

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Men Of Inked: Uncover Me Part 6 summary

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