Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 18

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"And I make decisions that affect the princess' education," Master Kenta said from behind us. I didn't know he'd come back. "If training with you makes her a better fighter, then she will train with you. If you have a problem with it, take it up with Lord Valafar."

They glared at each other, Sir Kellion's eyes changing from brown to red.

What had I started? "Uh, you know what? I can train with the women," I said.

"No," Master Kenta snapped, his eyes still locked with Sir Kellion's. "You will train with the men once a week."

Sir Kellion looked like he'd swallowed a frog. "We look forward to having you join us, Princess."

"Thank you." I searched for Green Eyes, but he was gone. I didn't understand him. Why did he want me to train with the men? How did he appear and disappear without anyone questioning him?

"Your father will never allow you to train with them," Master Kenta said when we teleported back to the gazebo.

I wasn't too sure of that. "Then why did you insist I train with them?"

"I've never liked Sir Kellion and his methods of using minions as punching bags. He needs to be stopped."

For once, he and I agreed on something. "I agree. Leave Father to me."


"Of course you can train with the men," Lord Valafar said.

"But, Father," Solange protested. We were having dinner in his private dining room again. "You said we can't train with the men because we distract them."

Lord Valafar reached out and patted her hand. "You did and several got injured, sweetheart. Lilith won't."

"Why? Because she dresses like a twelve-year-old?" Solange retorted.

My face grew hot. The guards and the servants were in the room and could hear everything. "I do not."

"Do too," Solange retorted. "Your clothes don't do anything for you and you don't wear any makeup."

I made a face at her. "That's because I don't need it, and you obviously do."

Solange's jaw dropped. "You didn't just call me ugly."

"Girls!" Lord Valafar stared down at Solange. "You did not let me finish. Lilith can practice with the men if Sir Kellion gives his approval."

Solange shot me a triumphant look. I glared back at her. Sir Kellion already made it clear that he didn't want me in his field. For the rest of the meal, I plotted ways to change the knight's mind. Solange probably a.s.sumed I'd lost the battle before it began, because she was in high spirits. Gah, she was so petty. I was so happy when she left the table, and thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent alone with Father.

Upstairs, the last person I expected to find in my room was Solange. "Come to gloat?"

"No. Offer a truce." She glanced up from the magazine she was studying. "Father is obviously overcompensating for the years you were gone by indulging you and giving in to your every wish. He never did that for me. Hope it doesn't come back and bite him in the a.s.s."

"He never... How would you know? You memories were wiped, too."

She glared at me, then looked away. "Nemea told me."

Why would Lady Nemea tell her that? Was she trying to cause trouble between me and Solange? "Sir Kellion is not going to allow me anywhere near his men. How is that for Father indulging me?"

She dropped the magazine on her chest and studied me. "Maybe not this time, but we used to do family dinners once a week. Now it's an every-night thing because he doesn't want you to eat alone. You escaped your guards and went on a joyride with a bunch of girls you just met, and he didn't even bat an eyelash You treated a minion, something that was never allowed, and he encouraged you to do it. You're going to get a chance to train with the elite guards when my unit is not even allowed near the men."

"I don't think I'll train with them." I wrinkled my nose. "Sir Kellion can't stand me."

"Father will make sure he backs down."

She was jealous and I didn't blame her. Father spent more time with me than with her. I sat on the bed and kept my voice light when I said, "I think men and women should train together. If the Guardians attacked, how will they work as a team when they don't know each other's strengths and weaknesses?"

She shot me a look that said idiot. "First of all, little sister, the Guardians have zero chance of finding this island. Second, we don't have weaknesses."

"Do you beat up minions to prove you're powerful, too?"

She chuckled. "That's Sir Kellion's MO. I heard you chewed his ear about it."

"Father should do something about it. I was going to tell him what I saw, but that would be tattling."

"I'm happy you didn't. Sir Kellion holds grudges." She reached up and touched my hair. "So, I heard Father showed you a special dagger?"

I rolled my eyes. "Weeks ago. There's nothing special about it. It looks just like yours, except it has a green gem instead of red. Do you control yours with your mind?"

Her frown intensified. "No. Do you?"

"I've tried, but nothing happens."

She sat up. "Do you have it?"

I shook my head. "Father wants it kept in his quarters."

"Do you give it to him? Does he touch it?"

Weird questions. "No. Shouldn't he?"

"He's never allowed me to touch it. Will you tell me when the dagger responds to you?"

"Sure. Why?"

"It might help me learn how to control mine. Mine isn't responding to me either. But enough about daggers. Let's talk about this." She pulled out the clairvoyant crystal Gavyn's man had given me weeks ago. I recognized the pattern and shape. "I found it between your headboard and the mattress a few minutes ago. Is it the one you were looking for?"

"Yes." How could I have missed it? "Did you activate it?"


I didn't believe her. My eyes volleyed between her face and the crystal. I extended my hand. "Give it to me."

She lifted it out of my reach. "Who is it from? A secret admirer?"

"I told you, a kid gave it to me at the rides."

She c.o.c.ked her eyebrows, her free hand hovering over the clairvoyant crystal.

"This isn't funny, Solange. Give it." I dove and s.n.a.t.c.hed it from her hand.

"Activate it," she challenged.

"No. So, can I train with your fighters sometimes?" I asked, hoping to distract her.

"No way. I still can't believe you lectured Sir Kellion on how he should train his guards. You are bold; I'll give you that."

"I thought you said we, as Father's children, were at the top of the hierarchy and should not let others boss us around."

Solange grinned. "You shouldn't listen to me. Kids your age train at the Academy." She stood. "That's what you should do, little sis. Attend the Academy."

"I'm seventeen, hardly a kid. How old are you, again?"

"None of your beeswax. Tell Father you're ready to attend the Academy. You'll see your friends more."

I got ready for bed after she left. As usual, Lady Nemea stopped by with a cup of hot cocoa and to express her disapproval of my visit to the training field. I tuned her out as she went on and on about powers, abilities, and Guardians. She was such a worrywart. If I listened to her, I'd be scared of my shadow.

I waited until she left, crawled under the blanket, and activated the crystal. Light shot up, but no images appeared. I turned it off, then reactivated it again.

No images.

I waited and waited. It turned off. Had someone deleted the message? I studied the crystal. It was the same one. It had to be. I wrapped my hands around the crystal and connected with its energy. If there had been a recording, it was gone now. I yawned, my eyelids drooping. Maybe I was too tired to do this right. Maybe it was the wrong crystal.

Frustrated, I flung it across the room.

Lightning appeared from the air and blasted the crystal, vaporizing it along with the carpet and the floorboards, leaving behind a giant hole on my floor. A feeling of dej vu washed over me. I got up, my limbs heavy, and walked to the hole. I could see Father's private dining room below.

He was first to arrive with several guards, who spread around the room as though searching for an intruder. He closed the gap between us and gripped my arms.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes searching my face.

I nodded. He did something he'd never done before. He hugged me. Tight. Body trembling with fear.

I'm okay, Father.

I thought I'd lost you. Then he let me go, leaned back, and asked, "What happened?"

Heat flooded my cheeks. "I don't know. Lightning shot across the room."

"From your fingers?" he asked.

I shook my head. "From the air around the room." Several guards stared back at us from below. But what surprised me were the second hole on my father's floor and a familiar set of green eyes. Green Eyes was with my father's guards. He looked worried.

"How far down did the lightning hit?" I asked. "Did anyone get hurt?"

"No," Father rea.s.sured me. "Everything is okay."

"Did you know I could do that?" I asked.

"Yes," Father said. "Your powers are coming back fast."

I lifted my hand to study my fingers and the guards ducked. That I'd given them a reason to fear me bothered me. Fatigue weighed heavy on my shoulder and my words slurred. "I'd never hurt you, guys. Not knowingly."

"Come on. Move away from the hole," Father instructed, then barked orders to the guards to repair the holes. One in my bedroom squatted and pressed his hands to the carpet. The iron and wooden planks re-molded and sealed the opening, and then the carpet s.h.i.+fted and flowed until there was no evidence of what had just happened.

"Leave us," Lord Valafar ordered.

The guards left.

"Well, well," Solange said, and I turned towards her. I didn't know she was in the room. The resentment and jealousy pouring out of her didn't make sense. "Aren't you full of surprises, little sister?"

"Solange," Lord Valafar said firmly.

"She's a Prime Psi, Energy, and Earth, and she can heal. What else can she do, Father? Manipulate water and air?"

Aspasm crossed Lord Valafar's face. "We are not having this discussion now."

"Is she the one? You showed her the Kris Dagger."

Lord Valafar shot me a censuring glance. What? I wasn't supposed to share that tidbit with my sister?

"The dagger does not respond to her," Lord Valafar said.

I didn't like the way they were talking as if I wasn't there. "The one?"

"Oh, your tutor hasn't told you about the Chosen One?" Solange asked in a venomous voice. She'd never spoken to me like that before. She always teased or came across as condescending or b.i.t.c.hy, but never mean.

Lord Valafar turned and gripped her shoulders. I was sure he was going to shake her, but all he did was drop a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, sweetheart. But you need to go to bed now."

For a second, I thought she'd ignore him. Then she said in a subdued voice, "Yes, Father."

The one-eighty turn in att.i.tude didn't make sense. Throwing him one last glance, she teleported. Left with him, I waited for an explanation. He studied me with a furrowed brow, then asked again, "Are you okay?"

I started to nod and then shook my head. "I feel strange and tired. I don't think I've ever been this tired." My slurring grew worse.

"Then go to sleep." He cupped my face, pressed a kiss on my forehead, and left.

Lady Nemea appeared. She, too, wore a long face like Father. "Come on, little princess." She straightened my covers, which was pointless since I was getting in bed.

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Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 18 summary

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