Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 26

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I stood a little straighter and kept all emotions from my voice. "I want to talk to him. He said you can arrange it."

Katia blinked and nodded. I had blindsided her by s.h.i.+fting from Lilith the friend to Lilith the Princess, just like Lady Nemea had taught me.

"Good. I will meet him at the east corner of the castle's back terrace."

Katia nodded again. "Okay."

I smiled. "Thanks." I went to my closet to grab a cloak. When I reentered the bedroom, Katia was wringing her hands. "What is it?"

"He said, uh, he'll be done in thirty minutes." She winced. "I tried telling him he can't turn down a meeting with you, but..." She shrugged. "He can be so...stubborn."

"Stubborn," I said at the same time, and frowned. How did I know that? "Tell him he has five minutes." I watched her face as she telepathed Lord Gavyn. She didn't know how to hide her feelings. "What did he say?"

She grimaced. "Thirty minutes."

He was being difficult. Well, he was about to meet his match. "Do you know where he is?"

"At Lord Z's. I mean, Lord Zhane's. He owns a penthouse in the city and a club on West Coronis Beach."

"Let's go."

Katia blinked. "Lilith-"

"If he won't come to me, Katia, I'm going to him." I was getting answers about his brother tonight. "You don't have to come. Just give Ruby the location."

Katia's chin shot up. "No, I'll come."

She followed me outside. Jazreel and Lottius were arguing about something but stopped and looked up when we appeared.

"Guys, feel free to stay and keep ironing out our plans. If you need anything else from the kitchen, let them know." I indicated the guards at the station at the other end of the room, then glanced over at Ruby and Callum. "We're going to the city."

Surprise flashed on their faces, but they didn't question me. Lottius, as usual, didn't accept anything without an explanation. "What's going on?"

"It's private, Lottie," I said firmly. "Hold the fort until I come back."

She nodded. Switching to princess mode had its perks. People responded without question. I adjusted the hood of my cloak, then something else occurred to me and I frowned at Ruby and Callum. "Shouldn't you two be off duty by now?"

"We requested longer hours today," Callum said.

After the development at the meeting, I kind of understood why. They'd probably wanted to eavesdrop on our discussion. "Okay. Lead the way, Katia."

Soft jazz music and a buzz of telepathic conversation greeted us when we appeared in a hallway. Strong psi energies pulsed in the air. When Katia had said a penthouse, she hadn't lied. Lord Zhane had an entire floor at the top of one of the buildings. Through a gla.s.s window, I could see the spectacular view of the castle and the city center where the three streets converged.

The tingle at the base of my spine started. I hadn't felt it since the morning I sparred with Sir Norath. I hadn't thought about it since Green Eyes had said it was my body protecting me.

Katia pointed at an arched doorway ahead. "That way."

We moved as a group, Katia beside me, Ruby and Callum taking the rear. We paused at the entrance and I tried not to gawk at the room.

A large three-dimensional mural of the beach at sunset covered two of the walls and continued onto the ceiling. I wasn't sure how he did it, but the clouds in the sky, or ceiling, actually drifted. The third wall had another mural of arches and a broad hallway, adding to the illusion of s.p.a.ce.

I ignored the burning on my back and focused on finding Lord Gavyn among the guests. Lights were dimmed, so it was impossible to recognize anyone at first, but going by their psi energy, they were powerful. Some lounged on the couches, while others stood in groups, sipping drinks and laughing at their telepathic conversations. Floating trays delivered flutes of champagne to the guests, who were obviously comfortable because they were in their true forms. I spied fangs, wayward tails, pointed ears, and animalistic heads. I recognized a few of my sister's friends from my party. Any second, I expected Solange to step into the room and reveal my ident.i.ty. I pulled the hood of the cape lower.

The burning at the base of my spine intensified. I reached back to rub it. Bad idea. Heat shot up my spine. I stepped back from the doorway before we were noticed, almost b.u.mping into my guards.

"Are you okay?" Katia asked, following me.

I shook my head. The surge of energy shot to my limbs. I looked at my hands and sighed. The writings were back. Why now? Would I release energy and hurt people?

Lil? Where are you?

Impeccable timing once again by Green Eyes. Please, let him be Bran. I couldn't afford to be in love with one guy while fantasizing about another. My hands were starting to glow. I hid them under the cloak. Despite the thick fabric, I could still see the light.

d.a.m.n it, Lil! Talk to me. What's wrong? I can feel your powers surging.

His radar must be tuned to mine. The familiar gentle brush of energy against mine didn't calm me down this time. Katia said something I didn't catch and I could feel the concern from Ruby and Callum, but none of that mattered. The power surging through me was threatening to consume me.

It's happening again, I said. Heat is shooting up and down my spine and my hands are glowing. I don't know how to stop it.

Where are you? His voice rose in panic.

Lord Zhane's.

He cursed. Why in Tartarus would you go to that man's home?

I need to talk to someone.

Not there, you don't. And definitely not tonight. Get out now.

Sometimes, his arrogance was annoying. I blocked him and wrapped the cloak tighter around me, crossed my hands, and hid them under my armpits. "Let's go."

We entered the room again and everyone turned to stare, the ones closest to us stepping back. The conversation died down as though someone had thrown a switch. Trays came cras.h.i.+ng down, frothy drinks spilling on the furniture and carpet. No one bowed or spoke. Instead, waves of fear and hatred hit me hard.

What was their problem? Hadn't I proven there was no need to fear me? I lowered the hood of my cloak and lifted my head. My glowing hands seemed to have a weird effect on them. There was ma.s.s teleporting, the people tripping and b.u.mping on each other as they appeared on the other side of the house. Sharp fangs and canines bared as some snarled; hair rose on the backs of the hairy Werenephils as their ears twitched and their tails jutted up. I knew enough about animals to recognize aggression. Ruby and Callum flanked me, pus.h.i.+ng Katia behind them.

Stop blocking me, dammit! Is your body glowing?


I can't get in there, so we're doing this your way. Repeat after me. These are my people. They cannot hurt me.

Was he serious? These hate-filled people with claws unsheathed and fangs bared weren't the Hermonites I knew. What?

Just say it.

Weird request, but why not. These are my people. They cannot hurt me.

Again. Say it like you mean it and control your breathing.

These are my people... I repeated the words over and over again, inhaling deeply, holding my breath, then exhaling. The glow disappeared first, then the writings. The tingle at the base of my spine remained, but it was deep. My body was reacting to the hatred in the room. I noticed that no one bowed. I didn't particularly care.

"I'm looking for Lord Gavyn," I said.

There was a collective sigh of relief in the room. Some looked behind them at the arched doorway, telling me Lord Gavyn's location.

A tall man broke through the crowd. He had neon green streaks in his black hair had and some serious tats.

"Lord Zhane?" I asked.

He bowed. "At your service, Princess. Welcome to my home."

"Thank you. I'm here to collect Lord Gavyn." I hoped he heard me. That was for making me chase him to this party where people treated me like Public Enemy Number One.

"Of course, Princess." Lord Zhane glanced at his guests. "The party will continue at the club, guys."

The room cleared in seconds. Lord Zhane looked at the mess and sighed. "This way, Princess."

We walked through the arched doorway and into what appeared to be a gaming room. It had a poker and roulette table, and a long bar with stools. Lord Gavyn leaned against a stool, a drink in his hands. He'd changed out of his black outfit and was back into his trademark white suit. Today, he wore a black s.h.i.+rt.

He started to bow, saw Katia, and froze. He put down his drink and hurried to her side. He glared at me briefly. "She shouldn't have brought you here, Katia."

He led Katia out of the room, leaving me with Lord Zhane and the guards.

"Would you like a drink, Princess?" Lord Zhane asked, waving toward the bar.

"No, thank you."

"A seat, perhaps?" He pointed at a stool, then a chair.

He was charming, but that didn't mean jack. After the reaction from his friends, I was treating him like a viper. "I'll take the chair."

He took the seat across from mine. "I heard about the High Council meeting. In fact, that's all everyone is talking about now. I was impressed."

I frowned, surprised by his comment. "You approve?"

"Absolutely. I don't have the stamina to go against the system, so kudos to you for taking this on. We could use more people like you and less like me." He leaned forward. "What made you think I wouldn't approve?"

"When I arrived, I..." Was he the right person to tell about the hatred I'd felt from his friends? Lady Nemea's teachings flashed in my head. "I wasn't sure what to expect."

"Nice comeback," Lord Gavyn said, entering the room. His two guards flanked him. "There's only so much you tell someone you just met, and my friend here"-he slapped Lord Zhane's back-"happens to be in the business of selling information to the highest bidder."

A weird expression crossed Lord Zhane's before he glanced up at Lord Gavyn and smiled. "How well you know me, Gavyn. I think I'll leave you with your guest." He stood. "If you need anything else, I'll be at the club." Lord Zhane gave a stiff bow. "Your humble servant, Princess."

Lord Gavyn walked behind the bar counter and started mixing a drink. He glanced at his guards. "Leave us. You, too," he added, inclining his head toward Callum and Ruby.

My guards didn't move.

He glared at them. "She's not in any danger here." The guards gave no indication they'd heard him. "Princess, send these two goons away or this meeting is over."

"Are you always this rude or is it just with me?" I asked. He smiled and something about it reminded me of Green...Bran.

"If I've been rude, I apologize," he said, bowing, and I couldn't help feeling that he was mocking me. "I am your humble servant, Princess."

Definitely mocking. "It's okay, guys," I told Ruby and Callum. "Wait for me in the other room." They were reluctant to leave. "Go."

Lord Gavyn watched them leave. "Idiots. If I wanted to kidnap you, they wouldn't stop me."

I ignored his bragging and waited until the guards were gone. "You go out of your way to make people dislike you, don't you?"

He chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "It's more like I don't care whether they like me or not. Did you really expect me to meet you on the castle's balcony? Is that what you've been doing with Bran? Sneaking around? How typical of you."

His arrogance was starting to tick me off. "Did you know me when I lived with the Guardians?"

He sneered. "Let's do away with the pretense, shall we? I don't buy your lost memories story. I'm not judging, mind you. Whatever makes the year go faster, right?"

I shook my head. "You think I'm faking my memory loss? Why would I do that?"

He sipped his drink and took his time swallowing. "You defeated Raphael, just like they reenacted during your lavish party, but he never erased your memories. You know it. I know it. And everyone who was conscious when the Tribunal handed down their sentence knows it. You recognized me the night of your party, so I knew you were faking."

What the heck was the Tribunal? "You looked familiar, so I asked my father who you are."

"Bull. I can spot a fake a mile away. Your sister tried and I saw through her act the second she opened her mouth."

"Are you saying Solange remembers what happened before the Great Battle?"

He chuckled. "Of course. Why do you think she's busy doing what she does best, scheming? I don't know or care what you did or who decided you should be in a coma for more than half the year. My concern is Bran. I know you love him, but you have to let him go. In three months, you'll be together, so what's the point of keeping him here?"

Why would Solange fake memory loss? And why did anger course through me at the mention of the Tribunal? "What's happening in three months? What is the Tribunal?"

"Quit playing games, Lilith," he snarled.

"I'm not, Gavyn," I snapped.

He went silent and frowned as though taking a mental step back. A calculating gleam entered his eyes. "Do you recall our first meeting?"

"No, but from the look in your eyes, I'm sure it was memorable." Lord Gavyn chuckled. The chuckle became a laugh. His reaction was annoying and puzzling. "What's funny?" I asked.

"Our first meeting was memorable, all right. Bran had decided to join the Guardians just so he could be with you. He barely knew you, but was willing to give up everything for you. Ring a bell?"


He made a face as though to say liar. "We tracked him down to the Guardian community. The two of you were together when my guards saw your psi energy and went a little crazy. The idiots lacked discipline." He smirked. "That's why they're gone and I'm here."

Did he have to brag about everything? "What has my psi energy got to do with them going crazy?"

"You have a limitless source of pure psi energy and they wanted it. Bran decided to be your protector." Lord Gavyn shook his head. "The fool. He was willing to fight two P1 Energy Hermonites lobbing omni b.a.l.l.s with his water powers. No one in their right minds takes on P1 Energy. Not even the Guardians."

The more I heard about Bran, the more I knew he was Green Eyes. Water powers. Stubborn. n.o.ble. No wonder I fell in love with him. "Omni b.a.l.l.s?"

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Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 26 summary

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