Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 32

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A ping from Lady Nemea was followed by Rise and s.h.i.+ne, dear. Today is your first day of school.

c.r.a.p, I'd completely forgotten. It was my first day at the Academy.

Lady Nemea had already laid out my uniform-navy-blue pleated skirt, light blue s.h.i.+rt, a navy-blue vest, and a striped red-and-blue tie. I was pulling on my socks when I remembered my father had been gone the day before.

I searched for his psi energy and smiled when I found it. He was home. Unharmed. Maybe I should agree to meet with my grandfather and ask for a ceasefire, because if they hurt my father...

I pinged him. Where are you?

He chuckled. Good morning to you, too, daughter. I'm in my quarters. Are you ready for school?

Yes. Are you okay?

There was a brief silence, then, Couldn't be better. Why do you ask?

I was worried when Solange said you were off the island.

Have you had breakfast? Father asked.

I'm about to.

Come join me.

I pulled up the socks. They came to my knees, which made me look ridiculous. I poked my head out of the room. My breakfast was laid out already and a girl waited by the table. Ruby and Callum glanced my way.

"I hope you guys haven't eaten breakfast," I said, and pointed at the table. I teleported downstairs. Father was already seated.

"Morning, Dad." I hugged him, pressing my cheek against the crown of his head. His hair had grown longer since I'd regained consciousness. "Please, don't take off like that again without telling me."

He chuckled and leaned back to look at me. "Now, why should I inform you of my every move?"

"Because I worry about you out there." I dropped a kiss on his cheek and plopped into the chair beside his. Someone placed steaming waffles in front of me, then different syrups. I smiled at the girl. "Thank you." I focused on my father. "I kept imagining terrible things-the Guardians attacking your entourage, hurting or capturing you."

He threw me an indulgent smile. "And what would you have done?"

"Hunted down the person responsible, then had a long chat with my grandfather." I poured blueberry syrup on the waffles and picked up the fork and knife. When I glanced at my father, the smile had left his face. "What is it?"

"Have you thought about what we discussed yesterday?"

"Yes, but I'm still not ready to see him. There's a lot of work to be done around here, and that's my first priority."

There was silence as we both ate. I glanced at Father from the corner of my eye. He was focusing on his food, but he wore a pensive expression. I was happy he wasn't a dark lord. He couldn't be. He'd told me his goal from the moment I woke up. He was all about saving our people and making the world safe for all of us, which should benefit humans. I pushed the matter aside, picked up a piece of bacon, and bit into it, my thoughts returning to the conversation I'd had with Solange.

"Solange said you'll be visiting sectors this week."

Father nodded. "Starting today."

"Will you be home tonight?"

"I plan to, but I might come in late. It all depends on how long each visit lasts."

"Can you wake me up when you come home?"

He chuckled. "You do know I travel with well-trained knights, headed by Norath."

Sir Norath was unstoppable. I hadn't seen him since our little show. "I haven't seen them practice, so I don't really know how good they are or whether I should trust them to guard you properly. Maybe I should come with you and..."

He was shaking his head before I finished.

"Okay," I said. "You don't have to look so shocked. It was just a suggestion. Promise to wake me up as soon as you get home."

He reached out and touched my cheek. "Sure, sweetheart."

Sir Malax appeared in the doorway just as we finished eating. "I beg your pardon, my Lord...Princess. Something requires your attention, sire."

Father nodded. "How about you finish getting ready for school, Lilith, then come and find me in the office?"

I looked at my skirt. "I'm ready. I just need to brush my teeth and get my backpack."

He frowned and indicated I get up. I did, then turned, showing him the uniform. His eyes narrowed. "Isn't that skirt a little too short?"

I laughed. "No."

He shook his head. "I will have a talk with your sister about a new dress code. Maybe you girls should start wearing pants."

I giggled. My eyes met the serving girls' gazes and they were both trying hard not to smile. "Now you're being a prude, Dad. This is perfectly decent. I'll see you downstairs." I blew him a kiss and disappeared upstairs.

Solange was in the family room, sipping coffee, and she wasn't alone. Her two friends, Riesa and Kimber, were curled up on the couch, both holding steaming mugs of coffee. The lights in the room were dimmed, but I could still see their haggard faces.

"Morning," I said, waving a hand and increasing the intensity of the light in the room.

They all groaned and tried to cover their faces.

"Turn it down," Riesa said.

"No need to yell, either," Solange grumbled.

After her behavior last night, I wasn't feeling sorry for her. "You guys been partying hard or fighting Guardians?" I asked, keeping my voice deliberately loud and chipper.

Curses came from them this time. Callum and Ruby traded grins.

"Go away," Solange said, and shot me a glare.

I smirked. "You know what they say about playing hard and suffering in silence. Or is it do the crime and-" I froze the piece of toast she threw at me, plucked it from the air, and bit into it.

I was brus.h.i.+ng my teeth when Solange appeared at the entrance of my bathroom. She really looked bad.

"Listen," she said, squinting. "I was a bit out of it last night and said some pretty mean things."

I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth. "You did."

"So I'm apologizing."

She didn't sound apologetic, but it was a start. "That's okay. Your b.i.t.c.hiness is growing on me."

She gave me a weird smile. "And just so you know, I already apologized to Nemea."

"That's even nicer."

"You should get going. You don't want to be late on your first day of school." She turned to leave.

"Hey," I said, and she turned. "If you ever want to talk, I'm here."

She wrinkled her nose and I thought she was going to blow me off. "My mother wasn't around much when I was growing up, so I learned to fend for myself. So, when Nemea and I lock horns, just stay out of it. I always apologize." She blew out a breath and sighed. "Now I need more sleep. Later, little sis. Don't let the knuckleheads at the Academy mess with you." She chuckled and left.

Shaking my head, I finished brus.h.i.+ng my teeth, put on mascara and lip gloss, and then went to get my bag-a small satchel with the box of CCs for recording lessons.

Lady Nemea was waiting for me outside the offices.

"He's having a meeting with some of the lords, but he wants to take you to the Academy."

"He doesn't need to."

"Humor him. He missed out on your first day of school...kindergarten, middle school. That is, if your g...the Guardians gave you proper education."

"I was homeschooled," I said, then frowned. Where did that come from?

Lady Nemea whipped around and studied me with narrowed eyes. "What did you say?"

"I said I was homeschooled."

She continued to study me, but she couldn't hide her shock. "Are your memories coming back?"

"I guess so. Nice, isn't it?"

The smile she gave me was super weird, then she pushed open the door to the first security room. Guards jumped to their feet. Malax was having a meeting with some of his people. He dismissed them and came to join us.

"Morning, Sir Malax," I said cheerfully.

"Princess Lilith," Malax said, bowing. "Lord Valafar is almost done. Would you like a seat while you wait?"

"No, I'll stand." Silence followed. It was the uneasy kind. I was never comfortable around Sir Malax, and now even less so since I had learned he was in charge of draining psi energies from the Specials. Possibly mine, too. I wonder if he'd confess if I asked. Maybe I had smoked people with my lightning bolts and that was why they'd drained me. Maybe that was what Solange had meant by saying there was blood on my hands.

"Are you excited about school, Princess?" Sir Malax asked.

"Oh, yes. Are you excited to see me go? No more guards chasing me all over the castle or the island. You'll know exactly where I am from nine to four."

Lady Nemea and Sir Malax exchanged glances.

"You can have a party," I said, grinning.

He didn't even crack a smile, but I felt his emotions. He was annoyed. Yeah, big deal psi-energy stealer. "Come on, guys. You know you're stoked. Smile."

Lady Nemea shook her head. "I'm looking forward to four o'clock."

"I'm looking forward to school dances, sleepovers..."

She looked horrified.

"This way, Princess," Sir Malax said. He led the way to Father's office.

He was having a meeting with several men and women I didn't recognize, except Sir Norath. Must be his security team. While they stood and bowed, I hurried to my father's side.

"Dad, if you are busy-"

"Not for this." He got up, took my arm, then glanced at the others. "Malax, finish up here. I'm going to enroll my daughter in school." He made it sound like the most important event of his life.

I grinned. I couldn't tell who was more excited, him or me. I pinged Sir Norath. Take good care of him out there.

I will, Princess.


The sounds of rus.h.i.+ng water, birds chirping, and other nature sounds greeted us when we materialized. I looked around.

We were in an outdoor clearing at the bottom of a ravine. Sunlight filtered down from the wide crack running above us. Trees covered the upper parts of the ravine, casting shade on the valley floor and probably hiding it from prying eyes, but the bottom was all gray rocks. A waterfall disappeared somewhere to our right, the sound mixing with nature calls.

There were no sounds of talking and no buildings. "Where's the school?"

"Look again. See past the glamour."

I studied the rocks, and the stairs leading to the entrance of the school became visible. We were standing at the bottom. The entrance was elegant, with huge roped columns and a portico. On either side were huge gla.s.s windows.

There were no students outside, but a face appeared at a window, then another and another. A few waved. I waved back, though I didn't recognize anyone.

"Ready?" Father asked.



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Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 32 summary

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