Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 40

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Bran's eyebrows shot up. "Dante?"

"He's being kept down there, Bran. I went down there and saw a CC recording, and he looked familiar. Then I saw him. He's so skinny and sad, Bran. How could Father keep him locked up after everything he's done in the past to protect me?"

"It doesn't make sense," Bran said, a preoccupied expression on his face.

Dante had taken an oath to protect me and hadn't cared who he went up against to protect me-Hermonites, Guardians, or Archangels. He'd risked his life several times, and even lost the man he loved because of me.

"Lady Nemea told me an elaborate lie about how Dante betrayed my father when they lived in Seattle. Why would Lady Nemea lie?"

"I don't know. To gain your trust? Maybe mislead you?"

I felt a little sick. Lady Nemea was now added to the list of those I couldn't trust. What else had she lied about? "I can't trust anyone. Not even Katia. And poor Lottius..." I winced, remembering. "We weren't nice to her before. I hope she never finds out."

"I don't trust her."

"I do. The whammy I put on her still holds." Another person I owed more than an apology. "I want to talk to Dante and find out what happened."

Bran shook his head. "No, you can't go down there."

"I wasn't asking."

He stepped away. "No way. I sneak in and out of places undetected. You come with an entourage, guards, kids and their parents screaming 'princess, princess' and alerting everyone nearby to your presence. Then there's all this." He bowed. "And this." He pressed his hand on his chest. "So, let me do what I do best, sneak in and out. I promise to tell you everything he says. Okay?"

He was right, even though I found his imitation of our people insulting. "Okay."

He leaned forward and kissed me. "Sorry. I couldn't help it. I love your smile and had to capture it."

My lips tingled. "Be careful down there. They have light cages."

"Light cages don't affect me anymore." He stole another kiss, taking his time.

I reached up and gripped his face as the kiss deepened. Then he was gone.


I thanked Seraph's parents and promised to visit again. Ruby and Callum were laughing over something with the guards, whose names I learned were Eknar and Kasdaya.

"Thanks for helping out tonight," I said as calmly as I could. I was sure they could tell I'd been crying. "We'll bring more tomorrow."

"Can we start on the west wing?" Ruby said. "We barely made it to the central hallway."

"Sounds great. Say hi to your sister, Callum," I added before we teleported.

Upstairs, two new guards jumped to their feet when we arrived. I didn't even look at them. Instead of going to my room, I went straight to Solange's and checked the secret hiding place for the box of CCs.

The lightness of the box was the first warning. The lack of rattling sounds was the second. I opened the box and cursed.

They were gone. Someone had taken the crystals.

The four guards were talking but turned when I reached the door. "Did my sister come back while I was gone?"

"No, princess," one of them answered.

"Did anyone come up here?"

"A maid, uh, Yuki, brought us drinks and snacks, but she didn't go into your bedrooms."

Yuki was Lady Nemea's personal maid. She must have deliberately distracted them while her mistress took the crystals. Why would Lady Nemea take them, unless she was in on whatever Solange was doing to me?

I went over the exchanges between Solange and Lady Nemea. The number of times they'd yelled, insulted, and treated each other as mortal enemies. Had it all been an act to fool me?

Instead of waiting in my room, I grabbed a cloak and my homework, then told Eknar and Kasdaya I'd changed my mind and was going to the library. Downstairs, the lights were off in the globe room, so I knew it was empty.

The guards stayed outside while I disappeared inside with magazines. The room was for group studies and I'd noticed students from the Academy use it. The one next to it had shelves of CCs. I couldn't focus on the magazines. I kept going over everything Lady Nemea had ever told me. Some things she'd said were about Father, and he'd confirmed them. The others were about Guardians.

It was almost eight when a knock rattled the door. Bran wouldn't knock. I waved and the door flew open to reveal Lady Nemea. I hated that my breath caught and fear coursed through me. She was the one who should be afraid. She was the liar. The one in cahoots with Solange.

"May I interrupt?"

She'd celebrated the night I'd convinced the High Council that minions deserved respect. All lies.


I forced myself to smile. "Come in."

She walked in, smiling, and rested her b.u.t.t on the table, innocence written all over her face. What a fraud. "How did it go in Sublevel six?"

I leaned back against my seat. "Great. I'll ask Bilal to do more baking tomorrow."

She nodded. "That's nice."

Nice? Really? "Aren't you going to tell me they get enough food and I'm making the cooks do unnecessary work?"

She chuckled. "What good would it accomplish? Once you make up your mind, there's no changing it. It is both endearing and maddening about you, dear. So, I heard you were asking about my maid?"

Which one of the guards tattled? "I was going to thank her. She took drinks and snacks to my guards."

Lady Nemea sighed. "She's in love. Silly girl. She's a minion and he's an elite guard. It will never work."

Like I'd believe anything she said again. "Minion? Really?"

Lady Nemea sighed. "Did I say minion? It's going to take most of us a while before we stop using that word. So, what are you doing?"

It hurt to look at her. To listen to her act like she cared about me. Part of me wanted to ask why she'd lied. Another part just wanted her gone. "Light reading. Where can I get more blank CCs? I was looking for some and went to Solange's room to borrow hers, but she didn't have any blank ones," I added, watching her reaction.

She smiled, but she couldn't hide her emotions. She was shocked I'd mentioned the crystals. "I'll make sure I get you some."

"Just leave them in my room."

She pushed away from the table. "Don't stay down here too late. They have the tourney tomorrow morning and you are one of the judges."

I checked my watch. Bran was going to be here any minute. "I'll be up in ten minutes."

"I'll leave your cocoa on the dresser." She closed the door behind her.

I eavesdropped on her conversation with the guards. They were to let her know the second I teleported upstairs. What was she planning now? To erase my memories? Drain my psi energy like those sleeping beauties downstairs?

Eight o'clock came and went. Bran was a no-show.

Eight-ten. I did a psi sweep. I couldn't detect his energy, but I refused to panic. He probably had his s.h.i.+eld up.

I waited. Paced. Quarter past. Another sweep. Nothing. What was taking him so long? I did several scans and each time came up blank.

That was it. I was going to the dungeons. I gathered up the magazines, put them in their box, then my school bag. The guards wouldn't know I was gone.

A rapid rattle on the door, followed by "Princess," had me looking up.

What now? They were reading my mind, too? The rattle became a pounding, the k.n.o.b turning. I waved, the door unlocked, and four guards stumbled into the room.

"I'm fine," I snapped. There was no way I was going to the dungeons with the four of them. Six, I amended when Ruby and Callum appeared behind them.

"We are here to escort you to your quarters," Callum said, taking charge.

I shook my head. "I don't think I need the six of you to do that, Callum."

"You don't understand, Princess," he said. "A very dangerous prisoner is on the loose."

Dante. Had Bran helped him escape? "What prisoner?"

"The lord who betrayed your father," Ruby said. "He vowed to seek vengeance for the death of his lover, but we captured him before he could hurt anyone."

Was that the real story, or another fabricated one?

"We are taking you to your quarters in case he comes after you," Callum said.

"Why would he come after me?"

"He blamed your father for the death of his lover," Sir Malax snapped, appearing behind the guards. "You have your orders to take the princess upstairs. Do it now."

I paced, so angry I could scream. I was under lockdown with six guards posted outside my door, and the entire island security watching my every move, when the escaped prisoner was my former bodyguard. A friend. Maybe that was why Sir Malax had panicked and put me under lockdown. I bet I couldn't go to the bathroom without them knowing. Was Malax working with Solange and Lady Nemea?

I pinged Lottius. After seeing Bran's memories, I knew how we'd tortured her. Then there was Katia's sister, Angelia. Angelia was a Special. The last time I saw her, they were headed for the Guardian enclave with their adopted Neutral mothers. I had so many amends I had to make, I didn't know who to begin with.

Where are you? I asked.

Dorms. We've been told no teleporting anywhere. You?

My room. Maximum security.

They said there will be no school until he's caught. Could take days.

What? How hard is it to catch one man? I was sure Bran had helped him.

They think he had some help. They're checking everyone. We'll sneak out to see you tomorrow.

My first instinct was to tell her not to bring Katia, but then I mentally backtracked. Gavyn liked Katia. A lot. Maybe he'd come running if he knew I had her stashed somewhere he couldn't reach. Like the dungeons. I wanted to torture him until I learned the details of their evil plans.

Okay, Lottie. See you guys tomorrow.

Lady Nemea pinged and walked into my bedroom. "Brought you your cocoa."

"What's going on out there?"

She placed the mug of cocoa in my hand. "Witch hunt. The prisoner is long gone. Sir Malax thinks someone helped him. He's interrogating the guards to see who visited him over the last several days."

Oh, no. Ruby and Callum were going to get in trouble. "Where is he?" "In the dungeons."

I pushed the cup into her hand and marched to my closet for my cloak.

"Where are you going?" she asked, following me.

"To turn myself in. If he's interrogating people who've been to the dungeon, he can start with me." I turned around and almost b.u.mped into her. The cocoa spilled onto her dress.

"When did you go to the dungeons?"

"A few days ago." I walked past her, but she was hot on my tail. I pushed open the door and waved to the guards. "We're going to the dungeons."

"Did you talk to him?" Lady Nemea asked.

"Talk to who?" Then I felt her panic surging. I turned and studied her. What was she afraid of? "Who are you talking about?"

"The prisoner."

"No, but I saw him and the other prisoners."

She shook her head. "You shouldn't have gone down there. Your father will not be happy."

"My father would rather I stop Sir Malax from torturing our people over nothing." I glanced at the guards. "Follow me." I focused on the image of the tunnel and teleported. I saw the blotchy, red energies before I reappeared outside the gated indoor yard. The pain and screams. .h.i.t me like a tsunami, the tingle on my back kicking into gear. Funny how it hadn't tingled last time I was down here.

"Stop!" I yelled.

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Guardian Legacy: Forgotten Part 40 summary

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