Love, Life And Linguine Part 26

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But maybe the harder choice is not to ask. To let Bette leave with her dignity. Even the suggestion of an affair would insult her. Not that she would tell me the truth anyway.

If Bette's not going to tell me the truth, why should I ask? Why should I distort the memories I have of my father? Why should I insert the past into Mom's present?

Is it easier to live with the truth or without it? If I knew the truth, I wouldn't be able to un-know it. But living with my questions and uncertainties, for the greater good of my family? That is my choice.

And so, I say, "Goodbye, Bette. Be well."

Lip Gloss "Your brows have grown nicely," Lisa tells me as I sit in her waxing chair at The Make-Up Bar. "They are balanced."

"Time heals all brows."

"I just got the new lipsticks for autumn," Lisa says. "Want to try a few?"

"I've had it with lipstick. Do you have any gloss?"

Olga, the Diva, and Me, Part Two It's about time, Olga says when I take her out of the closet. I've been in there too long.

Sorry, I say.

Where are we off to now? she asks.

It's a surprise, I tell Olga.

We're going to have a traveling companion, the diva says.

Oh? Our bubbeleh bubbeleh has been a busy girl? has been a busy girl?

It's about time, the diva says.

How long will we be traveling? Olga asks.

A month, I say.

And then what? Olga asks. Are we coming back here?

I don't know yet, I say.

After a month, I'll be worn out, Olga says.

Me, too, the diva says. I hope.

Ach, such a dirty mind, Olga says. So who is the mystery traveling companion?

Home "Welcome back." The customs agent smiles as she closes my blue

Minutes later, a cab carries us away from the airport toward the heart of the city.

We'll be here for a week, then pick up and move to another city. A month is not the longest time I've been in Europe, but I think this trip will feel longer than any other. Why? Because now I know what's waiting for me at home.

The leaves will slowly change colors and the air will slowly chill. Allison's belly will grow, as will the pumpkins at Hunter Farm and the construction of the new SHRED shopping center on what was the site of Cafe Louis.

The twins will start kindergarten. Sarah will advance to third grade, and I'll be back in time for her birthday. Allison and Jeremy have already begun to look for a new house.

What will I do when I return? I don't know. And I think that's great.

For now, I will do my work, enjoy my traveling, and await visits from Joe and Aaron. Looking out the window, I say, "Isn't the city beautiful?"

"Hang on," Mom says. "I need to put on my lipstick."


Marlene Jacobs Kaplan My sweet mommy, who teaches me to savor life Dave Jacobs The prime rib of brothers My Juicy Council of Girlfriends Monica Duvall, Kammie Gormezano, Susanna Goihman Spicy Selina McLemore Who knew which ingredients to add- and which to delete- to make L3 L3 a better book a better book Deliciously Divine Betsy Amster One very smart cookie, who makes me a better writer Michael Klein For dis.h.i.+ng his sweet and sour tales of the restaurant business Christopher Williams Creme de la creme of photographers, for the Lady Marmalade Lady Marmalade head shot head shot My Secret Ingredient

And to everyone, everywhere, who embraced my first baby, Lexi James and the Council of Girlfriends.

Merci mucho!

About the Author.

Melissa Jacobs ran her own successful public relations company for five years, then fired herself. "I learned that money could buy shoes, but not happiness." She said good-bye to Philadelphia, embraced her inner Jersey girl, and is now pursuing her dream of being a novelist.

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By Melissa Jacobs



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Love, Life And Linguine Part 26 summary

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