Foreign Foes Part 29

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They change designs like Starfleet changes uniforms. And all theirs work.

He turned and glared at the debris, then back to Deanna.

Why dontyou have a phaser?

Im a psychologist, she said.

I justquestion people into submission.

He waved away the comment.

From now on I want you to carry a palm phaser on away missions.

Nodding, her arm around his waist to lend him support, she asked, You all right?

Ill live if I can get a good steak and a cold drink within the next five minutes.

Must youalways make light of your own health?

she huffed.

Making light of anyone elses is rude.

She shook her head and they continued around the corner.

Any idea where were headed?

she asked.

Away from those d.a.m.n robots. They all seem to be coming from the same direction.

You think there will be others?

Id bet credits. Im a.s.suming theres some central store room or manufacturing room or something. Maybe we can get as far away from that as possible, and at the same time ...

Looking up, she c.o.c.ked her head, probably sensing what he was feeling.


Weve still got to find some way off this s.h.i.+p. Maybe theres a communications room or deck. Some way to try to contact theEnterprise.

He looked down at her, no longer masking his thoughts, because he knew she was aware of his feelings.

We havent got much time. Were either going to run out of phaser settings or phaser power ... or life. We can only last a few days without water.

And which of them would go first? He was weak, had lost a lot of blood. If he gave in to that weakness, she would be left alone. If lack of water was to be their undoing, he would go first, but what if one of the Rovers got her before that? Which was worse? His being without her, or she without him? And with one phaser, they couldnt even safely split up to lure the Rovers away from the other. Especially since the pack of Rovers got stronger and better with every litter.

All these things ran through Rikers mind, and so quite possibly through Deannas. He tried to stop thinking that way.

He gripped her arm and turned her toward him.Dont worry yet.

Well be fine.

I know, she said.

And I wont ... yet.

They turned down the fresh corridor and made a few steps headway before Riker stopped them.

Not again!

He c.o.c.ked his head forward.

Another one. Hear it?

She nodded brusquely.

Yes. What now?

He pulled her down and behind him as he shrank down to one knee.

We drop and fight.

Another Rover, similar to the first six, came floating around the corner. As soon as Riker made visual contact he aimed and fired. The shot went past, Rover dodging and bobbing as it came down the corridor in a zigzag pattern, swiftly making its way toward them.

Here, puppy ... here, boy.

Riker fired again, and the phaser beam crackled the air, making a fire bridge between them. Rover was struck in his middle and whimpered as the energy engulfed him.

Suddenly the robot spun away out of the beam, then around, avoiding a second shot.

Riker fired again and missed.

He aimed for the ceiling again, bringing it down in an avalanche of hot metal and burning cinder.

Rover flew back away from the cloud of debris as it dumped harmlessly to the deck. Through the rising dust and smoke, the robot began again to make its way toward Riker and Deanna.

As it sped closer, Riker jumped up and started to run.

Toward it. As fast as his throbbing leg would allow.


Deanna shrieked.

Will! What are you doing!

Rover closed in, the band around its middle starting to glow with the pulse of a deathly charge.

Riker dove forward, head first, twisting onto his back. He slammed into the deck just under the robot and fired. A brilliant trunk of energy pounded out of his phaser and into Rover.

The robot tried to move away, but Riker kept the beam locked on its underside.

He stuck up his arm, as if he could pound the beam through Rovers heart. The beast glowed red then white, and finally shattered from inside and outside simultaneously. Riker pushed himself away and rolled halfway up the ceiling debris, burning his back as the robot crashed to the deck in a thousand pieces.

Riker pulled himself out of the wreckage and shakily got to his feet. He looked to see Deanna was all right, then glanced at the twisted and melted workings of the late Rover.

He nodded approvingly at his handiwork.

Good dog.

Deanna stood and rushed over to help steady him. A strand of her thick curly hair had fallen over her eyes and she blew it out of the way.

You scared the daylights out of me.

He put his arm around her shoulders again.

Didnt have time to explain. I Hummmmmm.

They turned ... and there he wasRover the Eighth, larger, and looking determined.

Enough of this!

Riker moved Deanna back and yanked up his phaser again.

Ive had it!

He reset the phaser to its highest level and fired. The beam bounced off into small sparkles of fire.

Bounced! Riker fired again connecting longer, letting the beam pound into the robot. The machine staggered back a moment, then began to move forward, into the phaser beamthrough it Riker rested the phaser, holstering it, and spun around.

Lets get the h.e.l.l out of here. Now!

They began to run. Toward a far door. If they could get throughlock the door behind them Riker stumbled, pulling Deanna down. They collapsed hard against the floor.

Go, Riker barked.

Leave me. You have a chance.

She ignored him, pulled him up.


They ran again, Rover following, humming, and, eerily, not firing. What was it waiting for?

Moving faster, Riker ground out the pain with clenched teeth, as they limped toward the door.Well make it . He wasnt sure if that was his voice or Deannas in his head, but he pushed on.

As they approached the door, Riker turned and let Deanna go forward. He aimed at the Rover again and fired a last time. The shot sizzled off its hide like water on a skillet.

Come on!

Deanna called from the door way, as Riker spun around and leaped through, the door closing behind him.

He stumbled forward, unable to stop himself And nearly fell off the s.h.i.+p.

He grasped the handrail that pressed into his stomach and struggled to keep his balance. He heard Deanna gaspturned to look back at herbut his gaze caught itself on the horizon.

The horizon.

Before him, extending forward as far as the eye could see, was group after group of machines, tube after tube of conduits, pump after pump, after machine after ...

Riker looked through a haze of warm air at the ocean of machines, and at the far, far distance, where the ceiling met the floor.

Worf to Captain Picard. Come in.

Worf tapped at the comm badge again.

Worf to Picard. Come in.

Kadar grabbed at Worf and pulled him around.

Your plan has failed, Worf. Your captain has abandoned you.

Worf yanked himself free of the Klingon commanders grip. He felt his muscles knot and turned away before he released that tension with a blow to Kadars face.

You are delusionary, Worf said.

Communications are merely down.


Kadar growled.

Or is it an excuse to ignore you? Did you not adjust your communicator frequency?

Kadar gestured to the form of his fallen comrade as he wrenched Worf around again.

We are falling one by one! Your captain has left us here to die! I gave you the time you wanted and you have failed. Now I say we will act.

Face hot, jaw tight, Worf narrowed his eyes and glanced at the deflated sh.e.l.l of the Klingon that had died at the Hidrans hand. He then turned back to Kadar and spoke slowly, evening his angry tone with forced composure.

The death of your crewman was not random.I was the target of the attack.

Kadar jerked his grip from Worf as if hed been touching some infected leper.

You do not know that,Earther. You speak the lies of a Terranyou do not know the truth and you do not know the Hidran.

His scowl still grinding into Kadar, Worf tapped his comm badge again.

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Foreign Foes Part 29 summary

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