Foreign Foes Part 33

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No, Picard, you are wrong.

The Hidran captain turned away and walked toward the table in the center of the room.

The Klingons can be stopped. They have forgotten what a war with the Hidran means.

He pressed a b.u.t.ton on the tabletop and a spigot rose from the center as a sink opened into the counter.

Water began to pour from the tap and Urosk ran his hands and arms under the flow. He shuddered, perhaps with pleasure, and then turned back to Picard.

They will be reminded what a war with us would mean.

Thats a gamble, Urosk. Perhaps they will be reminded of a need to eradicate your threat rather than avoid it.

Silence, Picard! Unlike you I am not riddled with indecision! I know what I will do, and what it will mean. I may die in the process, but the Klingons heartless empire will know that killing me wasnt worth the price. We will destroy them here, and in orbit, and perhaps one will live to actually tell the tale.

Urosk stomped back to Batok at the head of the counter.

Not only have you dishonored yourself by killing but one Klingon, you have embarra.s.sed yourself by killing thewrong one! You will take the remainder of the Federation communicators, as well as our own, and find a way to break through this transmission jammer of Picards. Thismay begin to make up for your errors of the past, Lieutenant ...

but fail me again and Ill have your life.

Stepping forward now, voice firm, Picard hoped to still find some way to talk the Hidran out of such a reckless plan.

TheEnterprise will not allow you to destroy the Klingons, Urosk.

That, of course, was just a wild hope. He didnt know what theEnterprise would do. If Data had been damaged, and if La Forge was unable to relieve the android, then perhaps theEnterprise was now acting not to stand in the Hidrans way, but to further their cause.

Urosk yanked his Starfleet phaser up and aimed at Picard.

I do not want to kill you, Picard. I do not need the wrath of the Federation to complicate things for Hidra ... but be a.s.suredinterfere with me and I will shatter your limbs to dust, and leave you to live in undying pain.

There was no difficulty in reading Urosks expression or tone. He was quite serious, but no threat could stand in Picards way. The Hidran had to be stopped, and if that meant pain or death, then that is what it meant.

Subtlety would have to be his weapon, Picard decided, as the Hidran collected all their communications devices on the center lab table. Every few moments one of them would go to the sink and douse their hands in the tap water. Then they would drink, with difficulty due to the awkwardness of their breathing masks, and return to work.

The dust trick would not work again. Too obvious, and too dangerous now.

Picard watched as they pried the delta-s.h.i.+eld covers off the three remaining Starfleet communicators. At least this was delaying themthe white-noise transmission blanket was still intact. How long could he count on that?

Time to act.

You use a lot of water, Urosk, Picard said, making his way slowly around the far end of the table.

Urosk looked up from his survey of the work.

You no longer have concerns, Picard, except the preservation of your own life.

Water is a scarce commodity on this planet, Captain, Picard continued, edging closer to the tap.

Youd be wise to conserve it.

The Hidran captains phaser came up and he stepped toward Picard.

Move back, Captain. I care more for comfort than conservation right now. You are dangerously close to interfering with me, Picard.

Picard shook his head.

Actually, I was only going to suggest you turn the water up. That red b.u.t.ton is hot waterrun that and the room will fill with steam after a while. I believe that is what you want. It will save you from constantly having to drink and soak.


Urosk asked, squinting at Picard.

Why attempt to help us? Why make us comfortable?

Picard pressed the red b.u.t.ton and the tap spat a thick bar of hot water into the sink. Steam rose to the ceiling and slowly worked to fill the small room.

You have much to learn about my people, Urosk, he said, and hoped that would suffice as an answer.

The Hidran captain jabbed his phaser in Picards direction.

Thats no answer.

Urosk was no fool.

Lets just say, Picard said, thinking quickly, that your comfort seems to be in my best interests right now ... wouldnt you agree?


Beverly Crusher ran toward the halls main doors and scooped the first officer out from under the guard who was helping him in.

Whats happened to you?

Wheres the captain?

Riker demanded.

With Deannas help, Beverly lowered him into a chair near one of the tables that had been forgotten in the storm that followed dinner. She knelt down in front of him and flipped open her medical case. She was a sight for sore ... legs.

The captain is still with the Hidran, she said, distracted by his injuries. She flipped open a plasma-concentrate hypo and injected it straight into his calf.

How did you manage to mangle your leg like this?

Luck. Tell me whats going on. Halford here filled us in up to the captain being taken, Riker said tiredly, but with anger in his voice.

How the h.e.l.l did all this happen?

Beverly looked up to Deanna.

You all right?

Nodding, but obviously exhausted, Deanna mumbled, Fine.

Doctor ...

Riker prodded. She injected him with another hypospray and he flinched.


Electrolytes. You need them. That and a good two day rest.

What I need, Doctor, is answers.

Crusher flipped open her tricorder and mumbled into the readings.

Worf is on his way.

Is there anything to eat or drink?

Deanna asked.

Halford nodded her auburn-haired head.

I think so, she said.

Permission to find some food, sir?

Riker nodded quickly.

Granteddouble time!

Her medical tricorder chirping, Crusher took a moment to run the scanner over Deanna. Riker knew what she would find: dehydration, fatigue. They were a mess. Riker didnt have a sleeve or pant leg left, and Deanna was sleeveless as well.

Where have you two been?

Beverly demanded. Riker sighed.

Theres an entire underground planet to Velex. Kilometer after kilometer of machines and rooms ... all self-animated. Maybe. We didnt see anyone.

Who did all this to you then?

Beverly was now back working on the tangle of flesh that was Rikers calf.

Some machines werevery self-animated.

Riker glanced to Deanna.

But they did have help.

He smiled weakly.

Dr. Troi here played arc-welder with my leg.

With a plate of bread and a pitcher of water in hand, Halford strutted back to the table. She set the plate down, found two, and even poured for Riker and Deanna.

Im afraid this is all thats left, she said.

Riker nodded a salute.

Thank you, Lieutenant. Secure the shuttle and report back for security duty.

Aye aye, sir, the woman said, and walked back toward the halls main doors.

Both Deanna and Riker tore large chunks of bread from the loaf. Riker took a long swig of the cool water. Hed never tasted anything better. There was something to drink on the shuttle back, but nothing so cold and natural and thirst quenching. He gulped down the bread, barely chewing, and was already feeling like a new man before he began his second piece.

Lieutenant Worf, reporting, sir.

Riker looked up, crumbs dropping from the corners of his mouth.

Fill me in, Riker mumbled, stuffing his mouth again.

We have not yet contacted the Hidran regarding the captain, Worf said.

As soon as I released myself from protective custody, your rescue was reported and I decided you might handle the situation better in the Hidrans eyes. If youd like me to return to custody No, Mr. Worf, Riker said, taking a gulp of water and another chunk of the bread.

Ill need your help.

He would have risen but Beverly had hold of his leg.

We couldnt reach the s.h.i.+p. Halford said thats been a problem.

Communications have inexplicably failed intermittently throughout the day. We believe it is because of the white-noise blanket.

Wait a minute!

Beverly rose, rechecking her tricorder and taking another reading.

This cant be . .


Riker demanded. Why did doctors do thatkeep their patients in the dark to wonder which limb would be falling off unexpectedly?

Whats wrong?

Youre healing very quickly all of a sudden.

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Foreign Foes Part 33 summary

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