Foreign Foes Part 6

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Riker was all business. He stood laser-straight between Deanna and Barbara, and looked only at Picard.


The captain raised a silencing finger and spoke into his comm badge, his voice low. He wanted to a.s.sure neither the Hidran nor the Klingons across the hall overheard.

Repeat for Commander Riker what you just told me, Mr. Data.

Aye, sir.

Datas voice seemed to boom from the communicators speaker and Picard quickly thumbed the volume down.

The white-noise transmission blanket is taking considerably more power than it should.

Sensors indicate the source of absorption is somewhere on the planets surface.

Riker moved forward and asked into the comm badge, Any ideas as to whats causing it?

Nothing concrete. However, I am formulating a hypothesis.

Picard allowed only a brief pause.


be prodded.

I suspect the Klingons may have some covert operation under way, sir. They may have found a way to breach the transmission blanket. It would explain the energy drain. Or perhaps they have a cloaked base of operations somewhere on the surface.

Activity from the Klingon s.h.i.+p?

Picard asked.

Nothing at this time, sir, Data said.

Any indication that they have another landing party on the planet?

There was a pause, then finally Data answered.

No, sir. But the transmission blanket is interfering with the accuracy of our own sensors.

Picard felt his brow furrow. No proof. He could hardly go accusing without evidence. In fact, he could hardly go accusingwith it. The last thing they wanted was to upset either delegation. And both the Hidran and the Klingons were ready to welcome any chance to scuttle the progress that had sailed so calmly until now. Calm being relativeno one had been killed yet.

Very well, Mr. Data. Do what you must to get to the bottom of the situation. Commander Riker and myself will see what we can find out down here. Picard out.

He tapped the communicator off and nodded toward the delegates.

Mr. Worf and the security detail can handle the dinner, Number One. I want you to see if you can find the source of this energy absorption Data is talking about.

Aye, sir.

Riker tried to relax his posture, his muscles.

Picard hadnt noticed the man was a knot of tension until the tightness began to fade.

Captain, do you still think its a good idea to have Worf around?

the commander asked.

It didnt work well this morning.

I do, Picard said.

The Hidran need to see that the Klingons have indeed changed in some ways. Worf is an excellent example of that.

Riker nodded.

Perhaps it was for the best. He seemed pleased with the order that would take him away from the dinner.

And Picard could send Deanna as well. He wouldnt have to keep considering the effect of all this hatred on her. Neither delegation liked having an empath present, and it was exhausting for the empath as well.

You and Counselor Troi can take one of the low-atmosphere craft the colonists use.

Picard turned to Barbara and quickly added, With your permission, Dr. Hollitt.

Of course, Captain, Barbara said.

Picard smiled a thank-you and looked to Riker. Once again the first officer was a clenched fist, his spine beam-straight.

Picard toEnterprise .

For all the festive noise that filled the hall, all the laughing and talking and chattering that came from a hearty dinner, it was the silence that was irritating Picard. The silence of the Klingon and Hidran delegates who sat brooding at each other across untouched plates. The silence of a s.h.i.+p that refused his call.His s.h.i.+p.

The captain pursed his lips and shook his head at Commander La Forge. He tapped his comm badge again, searching for a better channel.

Picard toEnterprise .

Finally: Data here, sir.

What the devil took so long?

Picard demanded.

Sorry, sir. I am the only one with clearance to override the transmission blanket. I was occupied for a moment.

There was the slightest delay in the androids response. Probably the fault of the white-noise blanket.

I didnt order restricted clearance to communications forEnterprise personnel. Why isnt Mr. La Forges communicator working?

I took the prerogative of deactivating all communicators on the surface aside from yours and Commander Rikers, sir. In case someone were to appropriate them.

I see, Picard said.

I want themre -activated, Commander. If Mr. Worf or another member of the security team needs to reach the s.h.i.+p, I want them to be able to.

Aye, sir, Data said in his normal, even tone.

Stand by to beam Mr. La Forge up.

Picard turned to the engineer. Geordis coffee-brown features were twisted into a pained mask. The captain grabbed the mans elbow, waiting to lend him support at any moment.

Is it worse?

Geordi struggled to force a smile.

Well, bad enough to get me to leave a meal halfway through.

Report to sickbay as soon as youre aboard. And no matter what the doctor says, I want you to rest that stubborn head of yours.

Geordi gasped and pressed the heels of his palms against his throbbing temples. Agony, spikes of it, ripped through his head and down his spine.

Eyes that never saw the warmth of light now burned as if open to the sun. He thrust his VISOR away, far way.

Aching knees wobbled and gave, and he crumpled toward the transporter pad.

Hands grabbed him before he hit the floor and he felt his cheek against a body he could not see.

Emergency medical team to main transporter room! Hurry!

The universe was a blur of pain, until needles of white and sharp yellow finally melted into blackness.

No, thank you.

Captain Picard placed the flat of his hand over his gla.s.s and nodded the waiter off. He looked down the length of the main table and nearly sighed. Twelve beings, two races, and not a d.a.m.ned thing for them to agree on. For two hours they had just sat there, not eating, not talking, not finding any common ground as Picard had hoped they might.

This isnt going well, Mr. Worf, he said, leaning toward the tall Klingon standing at his side.

Worf looked from the stoic Hidran Amba.s.sador Zhad to the somber Klingon Captain Kadar. They headed their separate delegations of dark, angry comrades.

It is not, sir?

Worf asked wryly.

Picard suppressed a smile.

Ive been to more joyous funerals.

Worf glanced down to meet his eyes and tried to force away a smile.

Perhaps funeral is a poor choice of words, Picard added.


Picard nodded.

But not wholely inaccurate.

He looked up at his security officer and wondered just what it was that allowed Worf to joke about an issue that had his Klingon cousins ready to start another war.

What do you make of all this, Mr. Worf?

The tall Klingon leaned down, as if he wanted to be sure only the captain heard his deep voice.

I expected as much. From both of them.

Picards brows drew up in surprise. He knew it was a look that demanded Worf elaborate.

The Hidran are quick to anger, sir, Worf continued.

You have forced them into an agreement, the benefits of which they do not yet fully understand. Captain Kadar on the other hand is more enraged at the dishonor. His hand has been forced. Through his indignation, he can barely see it was in the only direction he could move.

You dont side with the Klingons on this matter?

Picard asked.

They are wrong, Worf said in that matter-of-fact tone that no one would dare take issue with.

Picard pushed out a short breath.

Theyre being stubborn.

Stubbornness is a Klingon trait. Being wrong is not.

Nodding, the captain said, Prove it to the Hidran.

Worf thought for a moment.


The captains eyes thinned and he studied the Hidran delegation across the hall. He looked smartly up at Worf and gestured toward the amba.s.sador.

Distrust with familiarity. Why not show them who you are?

With forced gentility and a dozen Klingon eyes burning into his back, Worf awkwardly lowered himself into the seat adjacent to Amba.s.sador Zhad. Not in frontnot across from him.Next to him.

It went against his grain, and he had to force the tension from his muscles and wrench a casual look onto his face.

The Hidran turned his head and hammered Worf with a glare.

What is this?

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Foreign Foes Part 6 summary

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