Indivisible. Part 34

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"I never noticed how much you look like her. Now that you're older, I guess it shows."

"I hope I haven't interrupted."

"No. I mean Mom's going to watch the kids while Mark and I-What am I saying? I can't believe you're here."

"I'm here."

"You've changed."

"I was eighteen when you left." In spite of her efforts, her voice cracked.

"Yeah," Reba said faintly.

"But you. No one would know you've had three kids."

Reba flushed. "Four actually. Robbie was born three months ago."

Stunned, Tia masked the pain of not being informed. "You've lost the weight."

"Running after the others. I meant to send an announcement. Actually, Mom did them for me since my hands were full."

Tears stung the backs of her eyes. "It's all right."

"I'm ... I'm glad to see you."

"Maybe." Tia's smile twisted. "Maybe not so much."

"No, really. Sit down."

"I know you're busy."

"Always. You know how it is, running here and there and someone needing something every minute." Tia smiled as though she knew.

"But what are you doing here?" Reba slid the hair behind her ear, a simple yet elegant gesture.

And now it came to it. "I wanted to ask your forgiveness."

Reba searched her face, then looked down at her hands. "That was a long time ago."

"I apologized then and understood why you couldn't accept it. If anything, I understand more now. But ..."

Reba looked down. "I don't want to dredge it up."

"Of course. I'm sorry." Tia pushed up from the couch. "Then I'll go. I need to tell Mom-"

"How is Jonah?"

Tia swallowed. "I don't know."

"You're not together anymore?"

"We've never been."

Reba shot her a disbelieving look.

Tia tipped her head. "Did you think we were?"

Reba's eyes widened. "Why would I think anything else?"

Tia's breath made a slow escape. "Mom thinks so too?"

"We don't talk about you."

She was truly dead to them.

"So all this time ..." Jonah had been right. They neither knew nor cared what she'd sacrificed.

Reba's voice softened. "I'm sorry, Tia."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

Reba stood up. "I suggested Mom ask you to watch the store."

Tia stared. She'd been certain it was her mother's ultimate punishment. But Reba knew how she'd wanted to break free. As much as she couldn't bear to leave Redford now, she'd yearned for a fresh start back then, a place where she'd stand or fall on her own merit. To be loved and accepted as she was.

Reba spread her hands. "I thought-"

Footsteps approached, and Mark, lean and blond, appeared with a fussy baby sucking his fist. Mark smiled at her without recognition. "Sorry to interrupt, but he's ready to eat."

Reba turned. "You remember Tia, Mark?"

A jolt of recognition. "Oh. Wow. Yeah, of course."

"I'll let you go." Tia turned for the door. "Mom lives three blocks away?"

"Yes, but-" Robbie's fussing intensified, and Reba took him from her husband. "She'll be here any-"

The door opened, and Tia faced her mother.

"Good Lord." Stella actually pressed her hand to her breast.

For a horrible moment, Tia almost laughed. She could hardly have been more poorly received by them all if she'd arrived on cloven hooves.

"What on earth are you doing here?"

"Don't worry, I'm not staying. I wanted to say you'll need to find someone else to run the store. I'm not a shop girl anymore."

Her mother let the screen close behind her. "What are you?"

"A counselor."

Stella expelled her breath. "What could you possibly know that would help someone?"

Tia looked away, deflecting the pain. "I learned a little getting my degrees."


"Believe it or not." Her mother could not argue her academics. How she must have leaped at the chance to make her brighter daughter a shopkeeper. Reba's request.

Stella's brows rose and fell. "If I'm selling the store, I'll be selling the house as well."

Tia's heart sank. The mortgage payments she'd made for her parents these nine years were far below the escalated prices she'd find now. And with the house in their name, she had established no credit of her own. Even if Piper moved with her, what could they afford? "Would you like me to list it?"

"Your father will handle it."

Robbie started to wail.

"I'm sorry. I need to feed him." Reba gave her a rueful look.

"Go take care of the baby," Stella said. "I'll take care of this."

Her tone set Tia's teeth on edge, and for the first time she did not envy her sister. "There's nothing to take care of. I just wanted you to know." Tia moved toward the door like an animal scenting freedom. She had hoped for at least a glimpse of her father, but it wouldn't make any difference. He marched to Mother's drum.

She had already checked out of the motel. Now there was nothing between her and the road-a road to upheaval. She had not realized how dependent she'd been, how even from a distance with no real contact, she'd still been controlled like a marionette on their strings. Never again. She had broken down the cage and she-would-fly.


If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.-MOTHER TERESA As the morning rush pa.s.sed, Piper cleaned out the case in preparation for the lunch offerings in the oven. Hopefully, since Tia hadn't called, the visit was going well. Thinking about a happy reunion made her fish her phone from her pocket. She speed-dialed and said, "Hi, Mom."

"Piper!" She then hollered to the side, "Reg, Archie. It's Piper. I'm putting you on speaker, honey. How are you? Where are you?"

"Redford, Colorado. I'm a baker."

"A baker! How nice."

She could hear the smile, but her mother had no clue how nice it was. "At first I had to make only the same old things, but now Sarge-he owns the bakery-lets me run a daily special, so I get to try out all kinds of things."

"Well, isn't that just great. Did you hear that? Daddy wants to know when you're coming home."

"Where's home?" She heard a room full of laughter.

"We're in Dallas."

"I'm kind of settled in here. I've made some friends, and I really like my job."

"You just always were a curious kitten. You know we'd have you in the business."

"If I didn't throw up?"

Again the laughter. Piper ached. One day they could all be laughing behind bars.

Her mother's tone sobered. "Are you doing all right? Do you need any money?"

"I'm earning enough."

"We're pretty flush right now. Uncle Archie-"

"Don't tell me, Mom. I just wanted to say I love you. I love you all." And she wished, how she wished they were not who they were. "Bye now. Be careful, okay?"

She wanted to say stop it, stop it all.

"Good-bye, sweetheart," her dad called. The others chimed in.

"You just let us know if there's anything you need," her mother said.

"Bye, Mom."

The ache pa.s.sed when Miles came in and stood before the counter. She looked up into his goofy face. "Did you leave me those candles?"

He turned and stared at the board. "You made lemon curd tarts today."

"You liked them best when we baked."

"They were tied for first with the oat nut m.u.f.fins with cranberry glaze."

"I'll bake those tomorrow."

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Did you like them?"

"I like how nutty we made them, and the golden raisins did go well with the cranberry."

"The candles. Did you like the candles?"

"I like them very much, Miles. I put them in my room, on my dresser. Tia lent me candle holders."

"They smell nicer than other candles, but they burn faster. Beeswax is softer than paraffin. It melts at a lower temperature. You have to tell me when they're gone."

"Okay, I'll tell you."

He looked at her. She looked back.

"Do you want a lemon tart?"

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Indivisible. Part 34 summary

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