Indivisible. Part 36

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"Jonah did."

Tia fingered the bills. "This is a thousand dollars."

"I know."

"It's way too much. Jonah must have put the fear of a billion germs in him."

"He wasn't in any condition to put fear in anyone."

"What do you mean?"

"Well ... I sort of agreed I wouldn't tell you, but Jonah came looking for you last night."

Tia searched her face. "Why?"

"His mom had a heart attack. I think she's doing all right, but he looked awful. I even prayed, but you know I might have messed it up."

She said, "You can't mess up a prayer, goof," but she was obviously distressed. "He came here, then asked you not to tell me?"

"He thought you were kissing up to your family and didn't want to interfere."

Tia closed her eyes. "This is so messed up." She got up and paced. "I need to call him."

Piper's heart rushed. "I'll be downstairs."

"You don't have to-"

But she was already halfway out the door.


Rest springs from strife and dissonant chords beget divinest harmonies.-SIR LEWIS MORRIS, "LOVE'S SUICIDE"

Jonah approached his house quietly so as not to disturb Jay, sitting cross-legged on the porch, and Enola, circling and sniffing. She looked up and caught sight of him, then half loped down the steps. Jonah held out an open hand, and she nuzzled it, quivering when he ran the hand over her head. Someday she might express pleasure, but for now the stakes were too high.

"I tried to call you."

"I know," Jay said, not leaving his position. "We were practicing silence."

Jonah nodded. Sometimes it was better not to ask. He let Enola back in to her pup, then settled on the top step. His day had been grueling and wasn't done yet. But for this moment, he might practice a little silence himself.

Or not.

The vibration preceded the ring. Noting the caller ID, he braced himself and answered. "This is Jonah."

"Where are you?"

No preamble. "I'm home."

"Can I come over?"

"Yeah, Tia, you can come." He closed the phone and looked at Jay.

"Guess I'll be going."

"It'll take her awhile."

"Yeah. But you'll want to pace and work yourself up." Jay rose and moseyed down the steps.

He would if there were even a chance this could be good.

"You know," Jay said over his shoulder, "some chances you just take."

Some you didn't get to. But he paced anyway until tires turned into his drive and Tia's Xterra appeared between the trees.

She got out, as crazy beautiful as ever. He went to meet her. "Piper told me about your mom." No preamble again.

"I asked her not to."

"Why aren't you with her?"

He hooked a hand on her car door and cast his gaze away. "She doesn't want me there. The look she gave me as the EMTs loaded her up was exactly the same as that night." He swallowed. "In her mind, I killed him."

Tia shook her head.

He looked back, finding in her eyes a sympathetic anger. "After they took her, I went into the shed to see if she was right."


"I had him cornered. I confronted him with what I knew." His voice rasped. "His DNA in the rape-kit sample." She slumped. "Oh no."

"I'd disarmed him. But I didn't see the shotgun." His throat constricted. "He was ... all over me, and I kept thinking, I will never get his blood off."

She gripped his arm. "I'm so sorry."

"In the days and weeks after, I could hardly look anyone in the eye. I couldn't stand the pity, the doubt, the condemnation, and worst of all, the admiration. It made me sick, and all I could think was to drown it. But that didn't help. What I needed-you know this already-what I needed was you." His voice sc.r.a.ped his lower register. "So if you came-"

"I came to apologize. To say I'm through trying to please people who don't care. To tell you I quit the store, and they're selling the house."

He caught up to her. "Selling your house?"

"It's not mine. I've only been paying the mortgage. Now I don't even know if I can stay in Redford."

"You're not leaving."

"I came here to say I don't blame you. For anything."

His breathing shallowed. The warmth of her hand sank into his arm.

"Everything, even that day, was my choice."

"You were a kid."

"I knew what I was doing."

He raised an eyebrow, and she pinched him. "Don't sidetrack me."

He slid his hand under hers, flopping the fingers as Enola did, then closed it tight. "I thought you were coming here to dump me for good."

She looked into his face. "I don't seem to have it in me."

"So where does that leave us?"

"I don't know."

"You want to come in?"

She shook her head.

"You don't have to worry."

"Yeah, Jonah. I do."

"It's been nine years. We have talking to do."

She looked from him to the door behind him, as tentative as Enola.

He tugged her arm like a bellpull. "Where's that pirate kid?"

Her eyes flashed up.

"Oh yeah. There she is."

Tia paused at the door. She had never been inside Jonah's house. Going in felt irretrievable. She tipped a glance at him, then stepped through the threshold.

"Not so bad, was it?"

She gave him the point of her elbow-but gently-in the ribs and took in the log walls, the stone in the kitchen and fireplace, the gathering of candles along his mantel. "How did you get those?"

He followed her gaze. "Ruth."

"I never suspected."

"She's my undercover go-to gal."

She surveyed the rest of the room, the hall that led to more rooms, furniture that looked well made, comfortable seating. A smile formed on her lips. "I can see you here, Jonah."

"Sarge is back that way. He's not doing great today."

"I'm sure there's a story there."

"Lots of stories there. You hungry?"

"I ate on the road."

"Something to drink?"

"I'm fine."

He motioned her to a recliner angled toward another.

She shook her head. "I shouldn't stay."

"You came inside to tell me you have to leave?"

She wrapped herself in her arms. "I don't know how to be."

He reached out and clasped her elbows. "You always know how to be."

"I've imagined this too many times, too many ways."

"Pick one."

"No, that would not be good."

He slid his hands up her arms with a smile in the corners of his mouth. "Then take a seat before my imagination kicks in."

She crossed to the recliner and, once seated, drew her knees up and fit herself sideways in it.

"So tell me how bad it was. In Phoenix."

"You really want to hear?"

"Every heartless word."

Her mouth crooked up. "The refrain was 'Hit the Road Jack,' with verses of 'You're No Good.'"

"I could have saved you the trip."

"You tried to. And the funny thing? Reba thought we'd been together this whole time."

"You're surprised?"

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Indivisible. Part 36 summary

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