Known And Unknown_ A Memoir Part 45

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19. Anas Shallal, "Postpone Iraq's Elections," Anas Shallal, "Postpone Iraq's Elections," Foreign Policy in Focus, Foreign Policy in Focus, January 13, 2005. January 13, 2005.

20. Anas Shallal, "Postpone Iraq's Elections," Anas Shallal, "Postpone Iraq's Elections," Foreign Policy in Focus, Foreign Policy in Focus, January 13, 2005. January 13, 2005.

21. Anthony Shadid, "Iraqis Defy Threats as Millions Vote," Anthony Shadid, "Iraqis Defy Threats as Millions Vote," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, January 31, 2005. January 31, 2005.

22. Anthony Shadid, "Iraqis Defy Threats as Millions Vote," Anthony Shadid, "Iraqis Defy Threats as Millions Vote," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, January 31, 2005. January 31, 2005.

23. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Leslie H. Gelb, "Unity Through Autonomy in Iraq," Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Leslie H. Gelb, "Unity Through Autonomy in Iraq," New New York Times, York Times, May 1, 2006. May 1, 2006.

24. Department of Defense notes of NSC meeting, November 2, 2005. Department of Defense notes of NSC meeting, November 2, 2005.

25. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Progress in Iraq," November 29, 2005. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Progress in Iraq," November 29, 2005.

26. Ellen Knickmeyer and K.I. Ibrahim, "Bombing Shatters Mosque in Iraq," Ellen Knickmeyer and K.I. Ibrahim, "Bombing Shatters Mosque in Iraq," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, February 23, 2006. February 23, 2006.

CHAPTER 47 Eyes on Afghanistan Eyes on Afghanistan.

1. Joint Chiefs of Staff, "Forces in Afghanistan September 2001May 2007 (Boots on the Ground)," undated. Joint Chiefs of Staff, "Forces in Afghanistan September 2001May 2007 (Boots on the Ground)," undated.

2. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Karzai's Strategy on Warlordism," September 15, 2003. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Karzai's Strategy on Warlordism," September 15, 2003.

3. Rumsfeld to Franks et al., "Afghan National Army," January 28, 2002; Rumsfeld to Feith et al., "Afghanistan," May 2, 2003. Rumsfeld to Franks et al., "Afghan National Army," January 28, 2002; Rumsfeld to Feith et al., "Afghanistan," May 2, 2003.

4. OSD Policy, "Principles for Afghanistan-Policy Guidelines," July 7, 2003. OSD Policy, "Principles for Afghanistan-Policy Guidelines," July 7, 2003.

5. David Rohde and David E. Sanger, "How a 'Good War' in Afghanistan Went Bad," David Rohde and David E. Sanger, "How a 'Good War' in Afghanistan Went Bad," New York Times, New York Times, August 12, 2007; "Will Afghanistan Be Obama's Iraq?" August 12, 2007; "Will Afghanistan Be Obama's Iraq?" The Week, The Week, December 8, 2008; Don Gonyea, "Is Obama in an 'Afghan Box'?" NPR, September 29, 2009. December 8, 2008; Don Gonyea, "Is Obama in an 'Afghan Box'?" NPR, September 29, 2009.

6. Jason H. Campbell and Jeremy Shapiro, "Afghanistan Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Post-9/11 Afghanistan," Brookings Inst.i.tution, October 28, 2008. Jason H. Campbell and Jeremy Shapiro, "Afghanistan Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Post-9/11 Afghanistan," Brookings Inst.i.tution, October 28, 2008.

7. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Afghanistan," August 20, 2002. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Afghanistan," August 20, 2002.

8. Rice to Cheney et al., "'Accelerating Success in Afghanistan' in 2004: An a.s.sessment," January 18, 2005. Rice to Cheney et al., "'Accelerating Success in Afghanistan' in 2004: An a.s.sessment," January 18, 2005.

9. Powell, letter to Rumsfeld, April 16, 2002; Rumsfeld to Wolfowitz et al., "Afghanistan Funding," September 15, 2004; Rumsfeld to Feith, cc: Wolfowitz, "Afghan Army," October 22, 2003; Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Afghan Security Forces," December 19, 2003. Powell, letter to Rumsfeld, April 16, 2002; Rumsfeld to Wolfowitz et al., "Afghanistan Funding," September 15, 2004; Rumsfeld to Feith, cc: Wolfowitz, "Afghan Army," October 22, 2003; Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Afghan Security Forces," December 19, 2003.

10. Rumsfeld to Rice, "Afghan National Police," February 23, 2005. Rumsfeld to Rice, "Afghan National Police," February 23, 2005.

11. David Rohde, "Overhaul of Afghan Police Is New Priority," David Rohde, "Overhaul of Afghan Police Is New Priority," New York Times, New York Times, October 18, 2007. October 18, 2007.

12. Rumsfeld to Rice, "Afghan National Police," February 23, 2005. Rumsfeld to Rice, "Afghan National Police," February 23, 2005.

13. Rumsfeld to Myers et al., "Afghan Security Responsibility," April 7, 2004; Rumsfeld to Powell, "Afghanistan briefing Papers," September 21, 2004. Rumsfeld to Myers et al., "Afghan Security Responsibility," April 7, 2004; Rumsfeld to Powell, "Afghanistan briefing Papers," September 21, 2004.

14. Rep. Robert Andrews and Rep. Mark Kirk, cochairs, Rep. Robert Andrews and Rep. Mark Kirk, cochairs, Integrating 21st Century Development and Security a.s.sistance: Final Report of the Task Force on Nontraditional Security a.s.sistance, Integrating 21st Century Development and Security a.s.sistance: Final Report of the Task Force on Nontraditional Security a.s.sistance, Center for Strategic & International Studies (January 2008), p. 7. Center for Strategic & International Studies (January 2008), p. 7.

15. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Training and Equipping of Police in Afghanistan and Iraq," August 2, 2006. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Training and Equipping of Police in Afghanistan and Iraq," August 2, 2006.

16. Rumsfeld to Hadley, "Afghan National Police," March 4, 2005. Rumsfeld to Hadley, "Afghan National Police," March 4, 2005.

17. David Rohde, "Overhaul of Afghan Police Is New Priority," David Rohde, "Overhaul of Afghan Police Is New Priority," New York Times, New York Times, October 18, 2007. October 18, 2007.

18. "Foreign a.s.sistance Reform," draft working paper, May 19, 2005. "Foreign a.s.sistance Reform," draft working paper, May 19, 2005.

19. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public Law 109-163), January 6, 2006. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public Law 109-163), January 6, 2006.

20. Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan, "What Has Changed?" December 6, 2004. Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan, "What Has Changed?" December 6, 2004.

21. Rumsfeld to Hadley, cc: Edelman, "Staffing PRTs in Afghanistan," August 18, 2006, with attachment, "Staffing of PRTs in Afghanistan as of August 1, 2006" "Status of Civilianizing PRTs in Afghanistan," April 19, 2005. Rumsfeld to Hadley, cc: Edelman, "Staffing PRTs in Afghanistan," August 18, 2006, with attachment, "Staffing of PRTs in Afghanistan as of August 1, 2006" "Status of Civilianizing PRTs in Afghanistan," April 19, 2005.

22. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Decision on Amba.s.sador to Afghanistan," January 21, 2005. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Decision on Amba.s.sador to Afghanistan," January 21, 2005.

23. Rumsfeld to Hadley, "Amba.s.sador to Iraq," March 6, 2006. Rumsfeld to Hadley, "Amba.s.sador to Iraq," March 6, 2006.

24. Rumsfeld to Edelman, "Strmecki," May 18, 2006; Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "Marin Strmecki and Afghanistan briefing," August 25, 2006. Rumsfeld to Edelman, "Strmecki," May 18, 2006; Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "Marin Strmecki and Afghanistan briefing," August 25, 2006.

25. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Way Ahead," August 17, 2006. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Way Ahead," August 17, 2006.

26. Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "Marin Strmecki and Afghanistan briefing," August 25, 2006; Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "briefing by Marin Strmecki on Afghanistan," September 22, 2006; Rumsfeld to Hadley, cc: Edelman, "Strmecki Brief," October 17, 2006. Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "Marin Strmecki and Afghanistan briefing," August 25, 2006; Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "briefing by Marin Strmecki on Afghanistan," September 22, 2006; Rumsfeld to Hadley, cc: Edelman, "Strmecki Brief," October 17, 2006.

27. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and aWay Ahead," August 17, 2006. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and aWay Ahead," August 17, 2006.

28. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Way Ahead," August 17, 2006. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Way Ahead," August 17, 2006.

29. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Way Ahead," August 17, 2006. Marin Strmecki, "Afghanistan at a Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Way Ahead," August 17, 2006.

30. Mira R. Ricardel to Rumsfeld, "Concept Paper on Merging ISAF and OEF into a Single Command," October 12, 2004. Mira R. Ricardel to Rumsfeld, "Concept Paper on Merging ISAF and OEF into a Single Command," October 12, 2004.

31. Rumsfeld to Powell, " Kabul Staffing," March 26, 2004. Rumsfeld to Powell, " Kabul Staffing," March 26, 2004.

32. Luti to Rumsfeld, " Kabul Staffing," January 26, 2004. Luti to Rumsfeld, " Kabul Staffing," January 26, 2004.

33. Rumsfeld to Hadley, "PRT Memos," January 26, 2006. Rumsfeld to Hadley, "PRT Memos," January 26, 2006.

34. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, May 26, 2006. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, May 26, 2006.

35. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "What to Do When 'Succeeding' Requires More Th an Military Power Alone," October 10, 2006. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "What to Do When 'Succeeding' Requires More Th an Military Power Alone," October 10, 2006.

36. Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "Marin Strmecki and Afghanistan briefing," August 25, 2006; Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "briefing by Marin Strmecki on Afghanistan," September 22, 2006; Rumsfeld to Hadley, cc: Edelman, "Strmecki Brief," October 17, 2006. Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "Marin Strmecki and Afghanistan briefing," August 25, 2006; Rumsfeld to Cheney et al., "briefing by Marin Strmecki on Afghanistan," September 22, 2006; Rumsfeld to Hadley, cc: Edelman, "Strmecki Brief," October 17, 2006.

CHAPTER 48 Iraq's Summer of Violence Iraq's Summer of Violence 1. Michael E. O'Hanlon and Jason H. Campbell, "Iraq Index: Tracking Variables ofReconstruction & Security in Post-Saddam Iraq," Brookings Inst.i.tution, October 1, 2007, p. 30. Michael E. O'Hanlon and Jason H. Campbell, "Iraq Index: Tracking Variables ofReconstruction & Security in Post-Saddam Iraq," Brookings Inst.i.tution, October 1, 2007, p. 30.

2. Jim Clancy and Pam Benson, "Al-Zarqawi Claims Responsibility for Wave of Attacks," CNN, April 6, 2004. Jim Clancy and Pam Benson, "Al-Zarqawi Claims Responsibility for Wave of Attacks," CNN, April 6, 2004.

3. a.s.sociated Press-Ipsos poll, conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, January 810, 2007; CBS News Poll, December 810, 2006. a.s.sociated Press-Ipsos poll, conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, January 810, 2007; CBS News Poll, December 810, 2006.

4. Jason Burke and Rory Carroll, "Poor Bedouin Who Became a Butcher," Jason Burke and Rory Carroll, "Poor Bedouin Who Became a Butcher," The Guardian, The Guardian, June 9, 2006. June 9, 2006.

5. "defiant al-Zarqawi Shows Face on Video," CNN, April 25, 2006. "defiant al-Zarqawi Shows Face on Video," CNN, April 25, 2006.

6. Rumsfeld to Casey et al., "Zarqawi," June 8, 2006. Rumsfeld to Casey et al., "Zarqawi," June 8, 2006.

7. Rumsfeld to Myers and Cambone, "Meeting with POTUS," May 19, 2005. Rumsfeld to Myers and Cambone, "Meeting with POTUS," May 19, 2005.

8. Rumsfeld to McChrystal et al., "Congratulations," June 8, 2006. Rumsfeld to McChrystal et al., "Congratulations," June 8, 2006.

9. Vickers to Bush, "Transitioning to an Indirect Approach in Iraq," June 12, 2006. Vickers to Bush, "Transitioning to an Indirect Approach in Iraq," June 12, 2006.

10. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Presence in Cities and Training Officers," November 15, 2005. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Presence in Cities and Training Officers," November 15, 2005.

11. Abizaid to Rumsfeld, "Paper by Michael Vickers," June 21, 2006. Abizaid to Rumsfeld, "Paper by Michael Vickers," June 21, 2006.

12. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Abizaid's Comments on the Paper by Mike Vickers," June 22, 2006. Rumsfeld to Bush et al., "Abizaid's Comments on the Paper by Mike Vickers," June 22, 2006.

13. Rumsfeld to Hadley et al., "Update on Security in Baghdad," July 14, 2006. Rumsfeld to Hadley et al., "Update on Security in Baghdad," July 14, 2006.

14. Department of Defense notes of NSC meeting, July 19, 2006. Department of Defense notes of NSC meeting, July 19, 2006.

15. Rumsfeld to Casey et al., "Integration and Militia," May 12, 2006. Rumsfeld to Casey et al., "Integration and Militia," May 12, 2006.

16. Department of Defense notes of NSC meeting, July 22, 2006. Department of Defense notes of NSC meeting, July 22, 2006.

17. Rumsfeld, "Measures of Success in Iraq," September 18, 2006. Rumsfeld, "Measures of Success in Iraq," September 18, 2006.

18. Rumsfeld to Casey et al., "Decision on Stryker Brigade," August 2, 2006; Casey to Rumsfeld et al., "snowflake response," August 11, 2006. Rumsfeld to Casey et al., "Decision on Stryker Brigade," August 2, 2006; Casey to Rumsfeld et al., "snowflake response," August 11, 2006.

19. Eric Lidji, "Final Strykers Return Home," Eric Lidji, "Final Strykers Return Home," Stryker Brigade News, Stryker Brigade News, December 19, 2006. December 19, 2006.

20. Thomas E. Ricks, "Situation Called Dire in West Iraq," Thomas E. Ricks, "Situation Called Dire in West Iraq," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, September 11,2006; Jim Miklaszewski, "Iraq's Anbar Province a Lost Cause?" MSNBC, September 12, 2006. September 11,2006; Jim Miklaszewski, "Iraq's Anbar Province a Lost Cause?" MSNBC, September 12, 2006.

21. National Security Council, "Al Anbar Update," March 22, 2006. National Security Council, "Al Anbar Update," March 22, 2006.

22. Rumsfeld to Bremer, "Sunni Outreach," April 12, 2004. Rumsfeld to Bremer, "Sunni Outreach," April 12, 2004.

23. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Counterinsurgency," January 2, 2004. Rumsfeld to Abizaid et al., "Counterinsurgency," January 2, 2004.

24. Major Niel Smith, U.S. Army, and Colonel Sean MacFarland, U.S. Army, "Anbar Awakens: The Tipping Point," Major Niel Smith, U.S. Army, and Colonel Sean MacFarland, U.S. Army, "Anbar Awakens: The Tipping Point," Military Review, Military Review, MarchApril 2008, p. 41. MarchApril 2008, p. 41.

25. Multi-National Corps-Iraq, Public Affairs Office, "Most Successful Iraqi Police Recruiting Drive," Release No. 20060818-01, August 18, 2006. Multi-National Corps-Iraq, Public Affairs Office, "Most Successful Iraqi Police Recruiting Drive," Release No. 20060818-01, August 18, 2006.

26. Major Niel Smith, U.S. Army, and Colonel Sean MacFarland, U.S. Army, "Anbar Awakens: The Tipping Point," Major Niel Smith, U.S. Army, and Colonel Sean MacFarland, U.S. Army, "Anbar Awakens: The Tipping Point," Military Review, Military Review, MarchApril 2008, pp. 41-52. MarchApril 2008, pp. 41-52.

27. OSD Policy, "Security Update: Situation in al-Anbar," October 26, 2006. OSD Policy, "Security Update: Situation in al-Anbar," October 26, 2006.

28. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, October 20, 2006. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, October 20, 2006.

CHAPTER 49 Farewells Farewells.

1. William Branigin, "Three Retired Officers Demand Rumsfeld's Resignation," William Branigin, "Three Retired Officers Demand Rumsfeld's Resignation," Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, September 25, 2006. September 25, 2006.

2. Mark Benjamin, "U.S. Generals Call for Democratic Takeover," Mark Benjamin, "U.S. Generals Call for Democratic Takeover,",, October 25, 2006. October 25, 2006.

3. David S. Cloud and Eric Schmitt, "More Retired Generals Call for Rumsfeld's Resignation," David S. Cloud and Eric Schmitt, "More Retired Generals Call for Rumsfeld's Resignation," New York Times, New York Times, April 14, 2006. April 14, 2006.

4. Rowan Scarborough, "Generals Defend Rumsfeld," Rowan Scarborough, "Generals Defend Rumsfeld," Was.h.i.+ngton Times, Was.h.i.+ngton Times, April 15, 2006. April 15, 2006.

5. "Bush: 'I'm the Decider' on Rumsfeld," CNN, April 18, 2006. "Bush: 'I'm the Decider' on Rumsfeld," CNN, April 18, 2006.

6. "Rep. Cynthia McKinney Introduces Bush Impeachment Bill," a.s.sociated Press, December 8, 2006. "Rep. Cynthia McKinney Introduces Bush Impeachment Bill," a.s.sociated Press, December 8, 2006.

7. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, October 11, 2006. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, October 11, 2006.

8. "Bush: Rumsfeld and Cheney Should Stay," a.s.sociated Press, November 1, 2006. "Bush: Rumsfeld and Cheney Should Stay," a.s.sociated Press, November 1, 2006.

9. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, November 5, 2006. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, November 5, 2006.

10. Rumsfeld, letter of resignation, November 6, 2006. Rumsfeld, letter of resignation, November 6, 2006.

11. James A. Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton, cochairs, James A. Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton, cochairs, The Iraq Study Group Report The Iraq Study Group Report (New York: Vintage Books, 2006), p. 32. (New York: Vintage Books, 2006), p. 32.

12. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, November 7, 2006. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, November 7, 2006.

13. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, November 7, 2006. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, November 7, 2006.

14. Rumsfeld, "Secretary Rumsfeld's Remarks at the White House," November 8, 2006. Rumsfeld, "Secretary Rumsfeld's Remarks at the White House," November 8, 2006.

15. Rumsfeld, "Phone Conversation with Sergey Ivanov on November 11, 2006," November 14, 2006. Rumsfeld, "Phone Conversation with Sergey Ivanov on November 11, 2006," November 14, 2006.

16. Rumsfeld, "November 11 Phone call with Henry Kissinger," November 14, 2006. Rumsfeld, "November 11 Phone call with Henry Kissinger," November 14, 2006.

17. Rumsfeld, "November 10 Phone Call from John Dingell," November 13, 2006. Rumsfeld, "November 10 Phone Call from John Dingell," November 13, 2006.

18. General Richard B. Myers, remarks at the Landon Lecture of Public Affairs, Kansas State University, November 9, 2006; Department of Defense news transcript, "Remarks by Secretary Rumsfeld at the Landon Lecture at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.," November 9, 2006. General Richard B. Myers, remarks at the Landon Lecture of Public Affairs, Kansas State University, November 9, 2006; Department of Defense news transcript, "Remarks by Secretary Rumsfeld at the Landon Lecture at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.," November 9, 2006.

19. d.i.c.k Cheney, "Vice President's Remarks at the Armed Forces Full Honor Review in Honor of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld," Office of the Vice President, December 15, 2006. d.i.c.k Cheney, "Vice President's Remarks at the Armed Forces Full Honor Review in Honor of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld," Office of the Vice President, December 15, 2006.

20. George W. Bush, "President Attends Armed Forces Full Honor Review for Secretary Rumsfeld," Office of the Press Secretary, December 15, 2006. George W. Bush, "President Attends Armed Forces Full Honor Review for Secretary Rumsfeld," Office of the Press Secretary, December 15, 2006.

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