Anna Strong - The Becoming Part 9

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I've never been especially limber. I take Yoga more for the mental benefits than physical, but d.a.m.ned if I don't manage to get my hands under my b.u.t.t, then gradually to pull one leg at a time through my handcuffed wrists. I move slowly, so slowly not even a rustle of silk gives away what I'm doing in that back seat. The cop never glances back. It's so easy, I wonder if flexibility isn't another vampire physiological anomaly.

I scoot over so that I'm sitting in the corner, close to the door. "So, how many vampire notches do you have on your gun belt?"

He doesn't answer.

I'm going to bet it's not many or I wouldn't have been able to do what I just did. I almost wish this mind thing worked with humans so I could get inside his head and tell him what a stupid a.s.shole he really is. I'm going to enjoy springing myself on him, seeing the shocked look in those baby blues as I- My thoughts are cut short as we take the turnoff to Torrey Pines State Park. The cop cruises by the gate with a two-finger salute to the ranger on duty. I almost yell out, knowing the dark tint of the windows in the back of the cruiser prevents the ranger from seeing that this cop is taking a civilian into the park. Not an everyday occurrence, I would think. But the cop doesn't slow down and the opportunity is gone before I can.

Just another thing I'll have to thank this idiot for when I get out of here. I wonder what a cop's blood tastes like- Wait a minute. What am I doing? I'm just going to get away. I'm not going to linger for a midnight snack, even though he certainly deserves a little bite.

The car pulls deeper into the park. We're off the main road and through the campground, winding through the spa.r.s.e forest of spectral shapes known as the Torrey Pines. These trees are frozen in perpetual static motion, bent as though buffeted by ghostly sea winds, even on a still night. It's a dark, creepy place and a feeling of foreboding settles in my bones. I've never been this far into the forest, but I hear the ocean pounding somewhere far below and know we must be coming to the end of the road. My recollection of a map of the park showed it dead ends at the cliffs. This would certainly be a private enough spot to perform whatever ghastly ritual this guy had in mind.

I sit up straighter in the seat, prepare myself for the get away. The best time to make a run for it will be the minute he opens the door, before he has time to register the fact that I have the use of my hands. I will throw my weight upon it as soon as I hear the lock release and push it hard enough to make him lose his balance. Then I'll beat it into the trees. I remember how fast Donaldson and Avery were. I can only hope that's a hereditary trait among vampires.

I compose myself. I'm immortal now, according to Avery. Kin to Lestat, and Count Dracula. h.e.l.l, maybe even a cousin of Spike- my favorite vampire character. And he's cute, too, to boot. Buffy never treated him right. Maybe it's not an act with James Marsters. Look at those cheekbones. Maybe he really is- You're not taking this very seriously.

The voice is so unexpected, I literally jump in the seat. "What?" I squeak before I realize that I've spoken out loud.

My eyes spring to the cop, but if he heard me, he isn't acting like it. His eyes are still on the road.


No, not Avery. And I said, you're not taking this very seriously. What's the matter with you?

The tone is offensive.I have a short attention span , I shoot back.It's been a problem my whole life.

Well, if you don't pull yourself together, it won't be a problem much longer.

My head is reeling with this new intrusion into my thoughts. My eyes find the mirror. It's not the cop. He's staring straight ahead.

Besides, what sense would that make?

I try to probe, but nothing comes through.Who are you?Not important. What is important is that you get your wits about you. This guy will not be alone. They never are.

Where are you? Are you here to help?

I'm not close enough to be of physical aid. You're going to have to do this on your own. Do you have a plan?

I tell him what I've come up with.

It might work. But you'll have to act quickly, and once you're free, run like h.e.l.l. Don't look back. I'll be waiting for you on the road outside the park entrance.

How will I know who you are?

I'll be driving your car.

What? That's a ninety thousand dollar automobile. You'd better not- But the car is slowing and I'm jerked out of my dimwitted retort. I must be crazy, worried about my car when there's a bunch of lunatics waiting to make sure I never drive the d.a.m.ned thing again.

He's right, I scold myself. Pull yourself together.

It's a good thing I do. The unfamiliar voice in my brain warned me that the cop would not be acting alone. He is right about that, too. There are three figures outlined in the car headlights as we approach. One is holding a burning torch.

Is that how they plan to kill me?

Adrenaline and rage turn my blood to fire. I watch the cop's face as he stops the car and turns in the seat to look at me. Surprise flashes, replaced by a smug contempt.

"Well, you've been busy, haven't you? But no matter. We're about to have a little bonfire. It's chilly out there, but I'm sure you'll be warm enough."

He's stalling while his pals advance on the car. Two on the left, one on the right. A little hint of fear replaces some of the anger churning my stomach. Can I take two of these guys at once? I hadn't planned on a welcoming party.

Your strength, the voice rea.s.sures me.Use your strength.

All at once, I know. Instead of waiting for them to get to the car, I turn. I brace myself against the front seat and kick at the back window as hard as I can.


I hear the cop yelling in my ear. He can't reach me through the wire part.i.tion. I kick out again, this time willing every ounce of strength into my legs. With a sharp crack, the window pops out. I see from the corner of my eye the two men on my left. One of them is shouting and fumbling at the door.

But I'm already vaulting out the back window, scooting over the trunk, scrambling toward the trees. I feel a rush of air and hear angry voices behind me.

Then I'm running, flying over and through the forest.

The voice said not to look back. That's no problem. I'm too afraid to look back.

Chapter Fifteen.

Blood pounds in my ears. Adrenaline-laced fear propels me forward.

It's the most exhilarating thing I've ever experienced.

I've never been much of a runner, but I feel like a gazelle, sure-footed and nimble and headed in the direction of the highway with nothing but instinct to guide me. Suddenly, I'm not winded or afraid. After a moment, the yelling behind me fades. I've beaten all four of them. I've never felt so alive.


Somewhere along the way, I've broken the cuffs apart. I think it happens when I reach up to brush a low-hanging branch away from my face. One moment my wrists are bound together and the next, my hands are free. It happens with no conscious effort on my part.

All this time, I thought I needed the key when all I really needed was to pull hard enough.

I'm approaching the road now, so I allow myself to slow down. I'm not sure where Casper, my friendly voice, is going to be. I send out the question, but get no response.

The sound of traffic is louder now, and I veer away from the park entrance. I don't know how long it will take the four stooges to drive back this way, but I take no chances. I stay in the tree line and out of sight. It's a climb up to the highway from here, but like running, I bound up the steep incline with no effort.

I work my way through the thinning trees until I have a line of sight to the road. Cautiously scanning both directions, I spy my car about a quarter mile away, on this side of the highway, facing south. I wait only a heartbeat to see if there are headlights coming behind me, along the park road. When I'm sure there are none, I race across the open shoulder to the car.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, I sing as I pull open the car door.

There's no one inside.

The keys are in the ignition, the engine is running. But there is no one inside. I'm disappointed, but I don't waste any time indulging it. I slip into the driver's seat, put the Jag in gear and pull out. There'll be time later to track down my new guardian angel.

Now the question becomes where to go? These guys obviously know about me, making me wonder if it's safe to go home. On the other hand, maybe it's Avery they're watching, and anyone coming out of his compound is suspect. Could be why the cop dragged me out of the car. He saw no reflection in the car window and knew.

There's only one way to find out.

On the way back to Avery's, I keep checking the rear-view mirror to see if I'm being followed. I debate whether I should have gone home to change cars, but when I pull up to his driveway, I'm pretty sure I'm alone.

The drive has taken far less time this early in the morning. I'm at the gated entrance in minutes. I don't expect the gate to be standing open, but it is, so I go on up to the house. The driveway is empty, all of Avery's guests departed. I grab my purse and head for the door.

Like before, Avery answers the bell himself. He's dressed in the same slacks, but this time, they're topped with a red silk robe and he has doeskin slippers on his feet. He's got a book in one hand and a martini gla.s.s in the other.I don't wait to be invited in but breeze by with an airy wave of my hand.

"Nice look, Avery. Very Hugh Heffner."

He stops me by hooking a finger in one of the cuffs dangling like a clunky charm bracelet from my wrist and holding it up. "Nice look, Anna. Very Courtney Love."

He's not surprised to see me-it doesn't come through in his expression or his thoughts. In fact, he smiles and points the martini gla.s.s in my direction.

I didn't expect you back so soon. Would you like a drink?

So soon? I nod and follow him into the library, working at the cuffs with the key from my purse until they open and fall free. I toss the broken cuffs onto the desk. There's a fire going in here now, and after pouring me a gla.s.s from a chilled decanter on the desk and adding a tiny skewer, we take seats in front of it.

But you did expect me back.

He has the good grace not to feign ignorance. He points the gla.s.s at my wrists in a mock salute.

I heard about what happened tonight. I was not surprised at the outcome. I told you your powers are growing. Maybe now you'll believe it.

I take a sip of the martini-gin, very dry, with two olives and a c.o.c.ktail onion. Just the way I like it.

"Youwere expecting me."

Avery shrugs. "Not expecting, exactly. I thought you might have questions after your ordeal."

I look at him over the rim of my gla.s.s. "How did you find out about it so soon?"

"I told you, you are being watched."

I take another taste of the martini.Did you set it up?

That seems to surprise him. His thoughts shut down for the length of two heartbeats, then open to me again.

No. But I thought we cleared that up earlier. If I meant to harm you, I would have done it earlier. In the hospital or at your house, when we were alone.

Did you send someone to my aid? The person watching me, perhaps?

This time, the surprise is genuine.

What do you mean?

I debate telling him. Perhaps I should keep Casper to myself. But I don't shut off quickly enough. He reads what happened before I can prevent it.

He draws a quick, sharp breath. Interesting.Seems you have a second protector.

Are you telling me you don't know who it was?

He shakes his head.

But I thought you knew everybody. This brings a smile.No, Anna, I don't know everybody.

So, just how many vampires are there in San Diego?

You mean in the City of San Diego or the entire county?

I blow out a burst of air.Let's start with the city.

Avery purses his lips and begins running a list of names through his head.

I stop him when he gets to twenty. I can't keep the astonishment out of my voice. "How could this not be general knowledge? How do you manage to keep your existence a secret with that many high profile vampires running around?"

He arches a brow. "You meanour existence. It's taken centuries of being hunted down like animals to make us realize secrecy is our only weapon against the kind of murderous bigotry you experienced tonight. It's also the reason I told you we have to stop Donaldson. His killings are already attracting too much attention. The fact that you were picked up so soon confirms it. Perhaps they-"

But I'm not interested in Avery's ramblings. I interrupt his train of thought with my own.

I want to know who they are.

Avery picks up the thread and smoothly switches mental gears.They call themselves "Revengers."

I sniff. Cute.I suppose, like the Night Watchers, there's a story behind the name.

Avery nods. The Revengers came into existence during the Middle Ages. The first group was formed to avenge the deaths of three crusaders killed by vampires during a particularly b.l.o.o.d.y attempt to convert some unwilling townspeople to Christianity. No matter that the crusaders had already pillaged the town and put to the sword every man and boy. It was the vampires stopping them that attracted the ire of the church. They sent a small army out to hunt them down and kill them. And they made the townspeople accomplices, though up to that time vampires lived in peace with mortals.

I raise an eyebrow.I thought we were always the bad guys. You know, harvesting men to feed the hunger.

Avery shakes his head.No. In fact, vampires were often protectors of a town. Night Watchers, remember?

The original Night Watchers were vampires?

Who better to patrol the night?

I'm finding this all incredible. "Everything I've ever thought or heard about vampires seems not to be true," I say. "Why all the misconception? Why don't we come out of the closet and clear things up? That would put an end to the Revengers once and for all."

Avery shrugs. "Not possible. For one thing, who would believe us? All we would accomplish is making our individual ident.i.ties known. We might as well paint a bull's eye on our backs. Secrecy is our best weapon against those who seek to destroy us."

"Well, your ident.i.ty is obviously not so secret. I figure they picked me up when I left here."

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Anna Strong - The Becoming Part 9 summary

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