The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 5

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"What in the h.e.l.l are they doing?" he growls, his eyes going hard. "They're acting f.u.c.king ridiculous."

I s.h.i.+ft in my seat, not liking Nick's att.i.tude. No, I don't like the way they are all over each other either, but f.u.c.k if some guy is going to talk about my sister like that.

Before I get a chance to say anything, Jaxon's on the other side of the bar and is beside Nick with a hand on his shoulder. "Just leave it, man."

Nick shrugs the hand off and gets up from his seat. He sets his beer down and snarls, "Not f.u.c.king likely," before walking off toward Andrew and Chris.

When I get up from my seat to follow and make sure he stays in line, Jaxon says, "Give him a minute, Jase. There's s.h.i.+t between them that they need to settle."

"I'll wait, but if he f.u.c.ks up then he's done," I tell him. I'm trying to stay out of my sister's s.h.i.+t, but I'll only allow so much.

Jaxon nods and we both turn our heads toward Nick's retreating back.

Chris stiffens when Nick makes it to them. Andrew steps to the side, but keeps a close eye on them, something I'm grateful for. Chris and Nick exchange a few heated words. You can see from their body language the words are angry.

When Nick grabs Chris's arm, I've seen enough. Without a look in Jaxon's direction, I move quickly across the floor. I'm about halfway there when Chris forcefully pulls her arm away, rears back, and slaps Nick's face. I feel a sense of pride when I hear her palm hit his cheek, but I'm also worried about Nick's reaction. My walk turns into a jog, but before I get there, Andrew steps in my path.

"Get the f.u.c.k out of my way," I grate at him, my eyes still glued on Nick and Chris. I see tears in her eyes, and I want to tear Nick limb from limb. Nick just stands there, glaring at Chris.

"Leave them be, Jase," Andrew says firmly, getting in my face. "He won't hurt her."

"f.u.c.k that!" I growl. "There's other ways to hurt people than just physically. He's obviously hurt her." When I go to move around him, he steps in my way again.

I'm getting ready to push him out of my f.u.c.king way when he says in a more gentle voice, "Jase, baby, look at me." I pull my eyes to him and he continues, "They need to work through some s.h.i.+t, okay? They won't be able to do that if you step in. I know Nick. He wouldn't do anything that would permanently hurt Chris. Sometimes we have to go through pain to make it out on the other side happy. Give them time."

I look away from him and back at Chris. I still see tears in her eyes and it makes my chest hurt. Chris wears her feelings on her sleeve, while Nick is obviously in denial. Their feelings, whatever they may be, run deep. I know Andrew is right, but it's still hard to see my sister like this.

Nick grabs Chris's arm again and starts leading her toward the exit. I go to follow, because f.u.c.k, this is my sister here, but Andrew grabs my attention by saying, "Come on, baby, dance with me." My eyes land on him and he gives me a s.e.xy smirk. "I know you want to. I saw you watching me while I was dancing with Mia and Chris. Were you jealous?"

A grunt is my answer. d.a.m.n straight I was jealous. I want to be the only person Andrew dances with. I won't tell him that, though. He's enough as it is.

The door closes behind Chris and Nick. I want to follow, but instead let Andrew grab my hip and pull me in close. I'm giving Nick one last chance to get his s.h.i.+t straight, but if I ever see him treat my sister like he did tonight, I'm stepping in, and f.u.c.k everyone else.

The rich smell I now a.s.sociate with Andrew floods my senses. I breathe in deep and close my eyes briefly. When I open them, I see Andrew's l.u.s.t-filled gaze. The fire there has my blood pumping and my d.i.c.k growing. Seems like my d.i.c.k is always making itself known when I'm around Andrew.

I keep my hands to my sides as Andrew pulls me closer to him, slowly swaying our hips to the soft beat of the music. I barely suppress a groan when our chests come into contact. I feel the ridge of his hard d.i.c.k through two layers of jeans. I want to drop to my knees, unb.u.t.ton and unzip his pants, and lick it like a f.u.c.king lollipop. My mouth waters at the thought.

Andrew's hand lowers from my waist and lands on my a.s.s, squeezing, making the already spa.r.s.e room in my jeans even smaller. I know he feels it, because he gives me a s.e.xy smile.

"You want me too, don't you?" he asks huskily.

No sense in denying it any longer. "I may want you, Andrew, but that doesn't mean this is a good idea."

"Why the h.e.l.l not? I think it's the best f.u.c.king idea ever."

"Because there's s.h.i.+t going on that you don't know about," I tell him. Before he can open his mouth to ask what s.h.i.+t I'm referring to, I stop him. "Don't ask. It's s.h.i.+t I'll take care of on my own."

He scowls at me for a moment before the s.e.xy smirk is back in place. He leans down, and I stiffen. His warm breath on my neck and the bristle from his five o'clock shadow cause a s.h.i.+ver to race through my body. I'm no longer able to hold back my groan.

Andrew chuckles in my ear and says softly, "I'll just have to change your mind then, baby."

My body is on fire and my head tips to the side before I can stop it. I reach with both hands and grip his waist tightly. Andrew's lips graze my neck and my knees nearly buckle. Sheer force of will keeps them straight. I want to grab a handful of hair and yank his lips to mine. My lips tingle and it takes everything I have not to do just that. I bet his lips would taste like heaven.

"f.u.c.k, Jase, you taste so d.a.m.n good," he groans, licking his way up my neck, bringing goose b.u.mps to my arms. "So many f.u.c.king things I want to do to you."

My hands flex on his waist, unconsciously molding our bodies closer, if that's even possible. Andrew's hips push against mine, and I can't help but push back.

"Andrew," I moan.

"I know, baby," he says against my neck. "You're lucky we're in the middle of the dance floor, or I'd take you right now. I'd sink my d.i.c.k in your tight a.s.s and f.u.c.k you so d.a.m.n good."

s.h.i.+t, I want that too.

We stay this way for a few minutes, slowly grinding on each other. Probably putting on a pretty good show for the people watching. Do I care? h.e.l.l no. It feels too d.a.m.n good to care. I'd stay this way forever if I could. Actually no, I wouldn't. I'd want a bed close by and for everyone to disappear first.

When the song ends, Andrew pulls back, just far enough for me to see his eyes. They're dark, but I swear I see fire in them. We're both breathing heavily, and I think Andrew is going to lean in and kiss me. I silently pray he does, even though I shouldn't. I'm done. It's inevitable. Why fight something that's going to happen anyway? I'll just have to deal with the consequences later.

"s.h.i.+t," Andrew mutters. "I've got to get back behind the bar before Jaxon slaughters me."

I'm tempted to tell him f.u.c.k it, Jaxon and Mia can handle things themselves, but I don't. I can't. I want to growl out my frustration. Now that I've decided to give in, I'm impatient. I want him now.

Instead, I take a step back from him and nod. "Go."

His eyes don't leave mine as he takes another step back, and then another. Before he can get out of hearing range, he says, "This isn't over. We're continuing this later."

I don't say anything, and after another moment, Andrew turns around and heads to the hallway, I'm a.s.suming to the bathroom to get his d.i.c.k under control before getting back to work. I stand there and watch his a.s.s in his tight jeans and want to chase after him.

I've never had someone get me so worked up as Andrew does. All he has do is look at me with his black eyes and I'm ready and willing to forget all the other s.h.i.+t going on in my life. Even though I know it's a bad idea, there's no way I can continue to keep away from him. That s.h.i.+p has sailed and is a thousand miles away from sh.o.r.e.

With that thought in mind, I start walking toward the dark hallway Andrew is currently in. I've decided that Jaxon and Mia can handle things for a few more minutes. Just as Andrew said earlier, I'm not leaving without a taste. He's teased and taunted me one too many times and it's about d.a.m.n time he follows through.

Just as I reach the mouth of the hallway, Andrew walks out of the bathroom. I briefly notice the white t-s.h.i.+rt he has on with the caption, "You must be this long to climb on this ride." There's a ruler underneath the lettering.

I beeline straight for him, determination in my steps. He doesn't notice me until I'm only a few feet away. He stops in his tracks with that d.a.m.n s.e.xy smile in place.

"You come back for-" he starts, but I stop him by slamming him against the wall. The next second my mouth is taking his in a brutal kiss.

And it tastes every f.u.c.king bit as good as I knew it would it.

There is no slow build-up of teases and touches and coaxing with my tongue. f.u.c.k that. I go straight for the good stuff and shove my way into his mouth. Of course, none of that would have been needed anyway, because he gives as good as he gets.

I moan into his mouth and push my hard body against his, both our d.i.c.ks still hard and straining toward each other. Andrew grips my hair and slants my head to the side, giving us both better access to the other's mouth.

I feel the vibrations of Andrew's moan against my chest and it just ramps up my need even more. I adjust my stance and shove one of my legs between his, gently rocking my thigh against his hardness. He growls against my lips and the sound brings tingles to my skin.

I pull back and start licking and kissing down his neck. Once I make it to his ear, I whisper raggedly, "No more f.u.c.king teasing. You want to f.u.c.k me, then f.u.c.k me, but know that you won't be the only one doing the f.u.c.king." I need him to know that I'm not just a bottom. I give and take. There's no way this will work if he doesn't realize that. No f.u.c.king way in h.e.l.l I would be able to hold back from sinking my d.i.c.k in his a.s.s. I'm already so f.u.c.king hard I could hammer nails.

Andrew groans and grips my a.s.s, kneading it. "You want my a.s.s, baby?" I pull back and look into his eyes, not able to hide the fierce need, causing him to chuckle. In a low voice, he continues, "Oh, yeah, you want it bad, don't you? Well, you're in luck, 'cause it's all f.u.c.king yours."

I know my eyes flare with desire at his words, and I attack his mouth again. The thought of what's to come later has my blood pumping and my hands itching to rip his clothes off and take him now. My stomach flutters, and I feel light-headed. Sweat slides down my overheated body.

Andrew's hands run down my back until he reaches the hem of my s.h.i.+rt. When I feel his bare fingers slipping underneath the material, touching my back, I barely contain my shout of pleasure. I have no f.u.c.king clue how I'm going to last once we're alone and naked.

A throat clearing interrupts our hot and heavy make-out session, reminding us we're in a public place, Andrew's work, no less. It's a good thing too, because I have no doubt that another few minutes would have had one of us shoving the other into the bathroom to finish this.

My head drops back, while he turns his toward the opening of the hallway. I take a few deep breaths to try to calm my breathing and racing heart, which causes me to breathe in Andrew's delicious scent. It does nothing to help my raging hard-on.

f.u.c.k! He smells good!

"Really, hotness?" I hear the rumble of Andrew's voice. "You couldn't give us a few more minutes here?"

"No, I need you out front," is Jaxon's reply, no remorse in his voice. Instead I hear a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt.

"f.u.c.king c.o.c.k-block," Andrew mutters. My lips tip up at the frustration in his voice.

"I heard that, f.u.c.ker. Now get your a.s.s out here," Jaxon says, before I hear his retreating footsteps.

I hear a thump and bring my head back down to see Andrew leaning his against the wall with his eyes closed. He inhales deeply before lifting his head to look at me. His jaw is clenched, and I still see desire in the depths of his eyes.

"You're coming home with me tonight," he says in a tone that brooks no argument. As if he would get one from me after what transpired here in the hallway.

"You bet your a.s.s I am," is my reply. No f.u.c.king way in h.e.l.l would it be any other way.

He gives me his s.e.xy grin again and dips his head for another quick kiss. Once his lips touch mine, there's nothing quick about it, though. He nips and licks and tortures me some more. However, I give back just as much, sucking his tongue into my mouth, getting more of what is fast becoming my favorite taste.

All too soon, we hear Jaxon barking, "Now, Andrew!"

With a growl, Andrew yanks his lips from mine and snarls back, "Hold your f.u.c.king panties, I'm coming!" In a quieter tone, he says, "Not really, but f.u.c.k, I want to be."

I laugh at him and he just glares back. We both take a minute to adjust ourselves before walking toward the end of the hallway. Once there, he turns to me and says, "Wait for me. You can follow me over in your Jeep." He leans over and places a kiss on my lips, then walks over to the bar and leaps over it.

Closing my eyes, I count to ten. Once I'm reasonably sure my body is somewhat back to normal, I walk over and take a seat at the bar. I glance up at the clock and want to growl at the offensive thing. Two more f.u.c.king hours to go.

Andrew Girls have it so d.a.m.n easy. When they get h.o.r.n.y they get a little wet in their panties. I'm sure that gets pretty uncomfortable at times, but it's nowhere near the s.h.i.+t us guys go through. When we get h.o.r.n.y, we have this big f.u.c.king pole hanging between our legs, looking for the nearest hole to sink into. That s.h.i.+t wants to stick straight out, but we have no choice but to tuck it between our bellies and the waistband of our pants. It constantly gets in the way, pinched, or rubbed raw. We also leak, just like girls. Except that s.h.i.+t doesn't stay in the seat of our underwear. f.u.c.k no, depending on if the guy is big enough, as in my case, that s.h.i.+t gets smeared into our happy trail, making it sticky and stiff. That's definitely not something you want. And on the occasions we can't find a nice, warm, willing hole? We have to find a private place to jack the f.u.c.ker to find release, have our b.a.l.l.s feel like they're two-ton weights, or think of our grandmother's underwear.

Yep, girls get off so easy. I adjust my junk for the tenth time tonight and look over at Jase to see him sitting there talking to Ethan and Karyn. I've kept my eye on him for the past two hours-no way am I letting him escape unnoticed-so I know they've been talking for a while.

My s.h.i.+ft is coming to a close, and I'm impatient to grab Jase and get the f.u.c.k out of here. Thinking back to what happened in the hallway has me d.a.m.n near bouncing on my heels in antic.i.p.ation. I feel like a teenage boy getting ready to receive his first b.l.o.w. .j.o.b. The surprise I felt when Jase first pushed me against the wall and attacked my mouth lasted all of a split second before my instincts took over. When he pressed his hard body against mine, and I felt his c.o.c.k against my own, it took every single bit of strength in me to not rip off his clothes and lick his body from head to toe. It's only been a little over a week since he's been in town, but it feels like I've been waiting on him for decades.

I finish up the last of the s.h.i.+t I have to do before I leave. There's not too many customers left and Mia is still working, with Jaxon in his office for backup. I let them both know I'm leaving, quickly wash my hands, and whistle loudly for Jase. He looks over at me, and I give him a chin lift, letting him know it's time to leave. I watch the desire return to his eyes, and it ramps up my blood pressure.

Neither one of us says a word as we walk out of Jaxon's and head to our cars. We both know what's coming. No words need to be said. I don't stray too close to him while we walk because I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to control myself if I do. The temptation of Jase is too much.

The drive home doesn't take long, as with just about every place here in Jaded Hollow. I pull into my driveway and see Jase's Jeep park behind my car. Without watching to see if he follows, already knowing that he is, I head up the steps to my two-story, unlock the door, and step inside. Jase is right behind me and closes the door.

When I hear the click of the lock, I turn and we both just stand there and stare at each other for a minute. Unable to hold back any longer, I slowly make my way to him, grabbing the back of my s.h.i.+rt and pulling it off on my way. His eyes flare wide as I expose my tattooed chest.

When I make it to him, I reach up and pull the hair tie from his hair. The dark-blond strands fall to his shoulders and an image pops into my head of me grabbing a handful as I f.u.c.k him from behind.

I place both my arms on the wall on either side of his head and lower my lips to his. The instant our lips touch we moan in unison. I don't think it's possible to ever get enough of his taste.

I grab his bottom lip with my teeth and suck it into my mouth. Jase moans again and places his hands on my abs. His rough and callused palms feel so f.u.c.king good against my skin. Goose b.u.mps appear and I growl my pleasure.

"s.h.i.+t. Don't f.u.c.king stop touching me."

"No way in h.e.l.l," is his husky reply, before tracing his fingers up my stomach and chest to tweak my nipples. Ever since I got them pierced years ago, they've gotten even more sensitive. He flicks the metal and my already hard c.o.c.k gets even stiffer.

My mouth leaves Jase's and I trace my tongue down his neck. I run the tip of it down the stubble the day has left behind. My hands leave the wall and make their way down to the hem of his s.h.i.+rt.

"Take this s.h.i.+t off," I tell him, and bring the material up his stomach.

He reaches back and quickly slips the material over his head, leaving a sight that has my mouth watering. I want to wors.h.i.+p every bit of his body once I see his magnificent chest. There's muscle after muscle and it's lightly covered in light brown hair. He has a six-pack that I want to spend an hour exploring.

I dip my head and lay kisses from his collarbone, down to his pecs. I lick and flick my tongue against his flat nipples. He hisses in a breath through clenched teeth, and I move on to the next one.

Leaving his nipples behind, I trail my lips down his abs and head for the hair leading to his waistband. I get down on my knees in front of him and look up into his eyes. The color is no longer clear blue. Instead it's a storm-cloud gray.

"You want me to f.u.c.k you with my mouth, baby?" I ask him.

"f.u.c.k yes, I do," he breathes, his voice hoa.r.s.e and needy. "Put me in your mouth."

I give him a smile as I reach out and lay my hands on the waistband of his jeans. Without taking my eyes off him, I undo his pants. When I slip them down his hips, I bring my eyes to the sight in front of me. The hard c.o.c.k that bounces out in relief captivates me. It's f.u.c.king huge and has a natural tan, the mushroom-shaped tip slightly pink.

There's a drop of prec.u.m on the tip, and unable to hold back any longer, I stick out my tongue and lick the drop away. I groan loudly at the taste of him. Jase's hips buck and he puts his hands in my hair.

"Ah, f.u.c.k, Andrew," he says with a deep moan.

Bringing my eyes back up to him, I lower my head and lick the underside of the head until I reach the slit. I open my mouth and bring the head inside. The moan that slips from the back of my throat is just as much for my benefit as it is his-I'm unable to hold it in. His d.i.c.k is one of the best things that's ever entered my mouth.

Jase's grip on my hair tightens and his hips move forward. Wanting to please my man, I grip the base of his c.o.c.k and suck him in my mouth until he touches the back of my throat. Jase's shout of pleasure sends a zing of satisfaction through me.

Pulling out, I slowly hollow my cheeks and then suck him back in. During the outward motion, I run my hand down his shaft. In and out. In and out. Jase's grunts and groans fuel my own need.

With my free hand, I grab his b.a.l.l.s and give them a gentle tug. I feel Jase jerk in my mouth when I do. His body is tensing, and I know he's getting ready to blow.

Not wanting him to let go until I'm inside him, I release his c.o.c.k and stand back up.

"What the f.u.c.k are you doing?" he growls at me.

I give him a half smile before saying, "Not yet, baby. I want to be inside you when you come."

"Then what the f.u.c.k are we waiting for? Where the h.e.l.l is your room?"

"h.o.r.n.y much?" I ask with a raised brow, grin in place.

"f.u.c.k yeah, I am," he grinds out.

"What's wrong, honey? You don't want to build the antic.i.p.ation? It's always better when you wait." I like taunting him, even knowing there's no way I can wait either. I love knowing he's impatient with need for me.

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The Jaded: Unveil Me Part 5 summary

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