To Protect And Serve Part 20

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"Such as Chad?"

Alex ordered herself to think like a future Vice/Narcotics captain.

"Actually, the ideal candidate is Lynn."

Beth looked startled.

"You said it yourself," Alex continued. "Davis knows she wants in, and he wants to impress her. What better way than to bypa.s.s the middlemen and offer her a spot on his crew?"

"It's risky." Excitement ltered through Beth's tone. "But smart thinking, boss."

"We'll just have to see if he takes the bait," Alex said. "Set up the initial bust ASAP. We need to move on this before that particular batch dries up on the street."

While she waited for the arrangements to be made, she called Chief Lancaster and updated him on their progress and the latest plan.

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After a long conversation about the Chambers case and reminders about Alex's promotion prospects, he let her go and Alex headed for the conference room.

Beth greeted her at the door. "We're ready, Lieu."

"Who's making the buy?" Alex asked.

"Tony Reese. He's a savvy street of cer but new enough not to be easily identi ed. He knows what we need and how to get it done."

"Yeah, I've seen some of his arrests. He knows narcotics. Good choice, Sarge."

As Alex took a seat, she made eye contact with every of cer in the room, gathering courage to meet the deep, probing ones at the end of the table. When she did, tunnel vision overtook her and the questioning look in Keri's eyes was all she saw. Her heart lurched and pounded rapidly against her chest. She wanted to gather Keri in her arms and take her home, not get her further involved in this dangerous case.

Keri's breath caught in her throat. Had it only been two days since they kissed by the lake? It seemed so much longer. Too long.

Every muscle strained to make contact. Every nerve vibrated with the memory of that kiss and the proximity of their bodies. She still couldn't believe Alex had decided to put her career first and wasn't even willing to sit down with her and talk about what was happening between them.

Although she'd accepted Beth and Tammy's advice to give Alex time, she couldn't help but be hurt.

"Folks." Beth waved the team into silence. "The lieutenant would like a few words."

Alex cleared her thoughts. She had no idea how long she'd stared at Keri before Beth spoke, but she needed to get her act together before people noticed. "I don't usually say this in the course of a drug investigation, but this one's personal. Davis drugged one of our own and he's got to pay. We're going to do a buy-bust on one of Davis's dealers so we can match his product to the drugs that killed Stacey Chambers and some of the other young people. Of cer Tony Reese from the western division will make the buy. Later, when Davis starts to feel the lost cash ow, we'll see if we can place an of cer inside his operation." Alex looked at Keri. "Is Chad still on board?"

Keri nodded, forcing thoughts of the weekend from her mind. "If the money's right, he'll do anything."

"Good. The minute the buy is complete, we'll do the takedown.

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Of cer Reese will be wired. He'll be arrested, too. If we're lucky the dealer we arrest will call Davis for bail or help, another connection."

Rick Jones asked, "Any special location you got in mind for the buy?"

"Chad could give us some suggestions," Keri said. "He knows the area Davis's men work and could nd a spot near our target dealer, but not too contained."

"Good idea." Alex smiled. Keri was still engaged and in the game.

"Just make sure he knows it's to be a fairly open public place, well lit. I want us to be able to control access and egress. Anything else? Sergeant Price?"

When her question was met with silence, Alex concluded. "Morgan, check with your man. When you and the sergeant are satis ed with the location, we'll reconvene for a.s.signments."

The rest of the team moved around the conference room making preparations for the buy. Paige double-checked the cell phone transmitter and receiver. Renee wrote the beginnings of the raid brie ng on the chalkboard, date, primary of cer, and case number. Mike got fresh batteries for everybody's walkie-talkies and Maglites, while Rick made a fresh pot of coffee. Steve checked vehicle availability and made equipment a.s.signments.

Alex watched the of cers interact as they worked, joking and helping one another. They'd developed respect for each other's talents and came together as a formidable team. That didn't happen often with a multijurisdictional group. Politics and egos often hindered interagency cooperation. She was proud of their performance.

Her thoughts turned to Keri Morgan and her part in the investigation. Her informant, Chad Williams, had made contact with Davis immediately possible. Keri had handled herself well in a new kind of a.s.signment and taken direction easily. It wasn't her fault that her lieutenant had developed an innocent crush on her that blossomed into...something stronger. Alex knew she couldn't continue to work with her and not speak of her feelings. In the past she'd easily compartmentalized her emotions, but now it was a struggle to remain detached for even short periods of time. She would be thankful when this case reached its conclusion.

"We've got a location," Beth informed the group eventually, "the Food King on Hanover Drive. It's in a strip mall with enough activity * 176 *

to provide good cover. The potential for civilian involvement should be minimal. Keri, nish the diagram while I partner everybody up." She sat and scribbled quickly on a yellow legal pad.

Keri moved to the chalkboard and sketched the location, along with all points of entry and exit. When she nished, Beth rose, plugged in the team a.s.signments, then said, "Lieutenant, you and Keri can back us up, in case we need extra help. Keep an eyeball on the west side. I want the two of you out of sight. Since you've been the initial contacts with Davis, I don't want to take chances that any of his goons could ID you."

Keri cast a quick look at Alex but stood, put on her low-rider holster, and slid into her ak jacket as the other of cers did the same.

She wondered how she'd survive in such close proximity to Alex without talking about what happened at the lake. Her feelings bounced around like the steel ball inside a pinball machine. She knew they were both thinking about the incident on the dock, but she also knew they had to stay focused. Drug takedowns were very unpredictable. Anything could happen.

Beth had briefed her on the lieutenant's plan to insert her into Davis's organization as his new dealer. It had never occurred to Keri that she'd actually be inside the drug business on her first undercover a.s.signment; of cers more experienced than she had been discovered and killed attempting just such a.s.signments. She thought about Davis pawing her at the club and wondered if she could keep up the pretense of liking this moral degenerate long enough to arrest him. She would have to be consistently persuasive in order to carry out the plan. Alex seemed convinced that she was up to the task. That con dence sh.o.r.ed up her doubts. She could do this. She refused to fail.

v Four hours later, after the bust went down successfully, Keri stepped inside her gla.s.s-enclosed shower and adjusted the water until it was as hot as she could stand. The pressurized spray caressed her tired shoulders and back with welcome ngers of heat, ngers that reminded her of Alex's long, rm hands and their sensuous motions. Her center twitched and her stomach coiled into a knot of s.e.xual tension. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as silky sheets of warm water * 177 *

slid down her torso. Turning, she enjoyed the sensation on her chest and stomach. An involuntary moan escaped her lips, witness to the desire building inside.

What would it be like to make love with Alex? Keri allowed the liquid caress of the shower stream to wash over her arms, across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and down the at plane of her stomach. Touching herself, she imagined Alex's hands on her as they had been at the lake, warm, soft, and needy. She palmed a breast in one hand, teased the nipple with her thumb, and pressed her other hand against the hunger low in her belly.

She relived the touch of Alex's lips against hers and curled her ngers into the silkiness between her legs. Her pelvis bucked forward at the first touch, exquisitely torturous. She knew it would only be a matter of seconds before she came. And she also knew she would not be able to keep from screaming Alex's name. She thanked the G.o.ds that her parents were out of town for a few days, before she returned to the growing pressure in her body. Clinging to the side of the shower, she stroked faster, but something wasn't right.

Distracted, Keri opened the shower door and stuck her head out.

The phone in her bedroom was ringing. Her first thought was Alex. She grabbed a towel and bolted from the bathroom. Don't hang up, don't hang up. They needed to talk. Alex had been pleased with her work today, but her demeanor had been all business, not the slightest sign or indication that they'd shared anything personal.

Just as she reached for the phone, it stopped ringing. Keri s.n.a.t.c.hed it off the cradle, "h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo." Dial tone. "d.a.m.n." She dried herself, wrapped the towel around her, and retrieved the message from voicemail. When she heard Alex speak, her heart and her c.l.i.t pounded with the same beat.

Keri, it's Alex. I wanted to... A pause. A heavy breath. I think things went well today. Another eternal hesitation followed, during which Keri prayed that Alex would say something to acknowledge their personal connection. I really just wanted to thank you for your work today and make sure you're okay with the next phase of the operation. I know it's throwing you into the deep end of the pool, but I know you can do it.

Well-I guess that's all. Good-bye.

Keri listened to the message over and over, trying to read something into the words and tone that wasn't there.

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v Alex stared at her cell phone. What a coward, she thought. She was parked outside Keri's house, opposing thoughts battling in her head. She had tried to go home but that didn't work. Now she was sitting here like a teenager in heat or a demented stalker, trying to get up the courage to knock on Keri's door.

What would she say, anyway? Nothing was any different. Nothing had changed except her apparent level of sanity. It would still be nuts for them to start a relations.h.i.+p. The only good thing that could come of it would be s.e.xual release. And while she felt she'd explode if her needs weren't satis ed soon, that didn't seem like a good enough reason to risk this case and her career, not to mention Keri's. The negative possibilities were numerous and well engrained in her mind.

Alex turned the ignition, put the car in drive, then slammed it back into park.

She just couldn't leave. This whole situation was getting out of hand and interfering with work at a critical time. They had to talk. She'd run out on Keri at the lake without an explanation. The woman deserved an honest answer to the questions Alex saw in her eyes daily. She had to understand that a relations.h.i.+p was out of the question. Direct, simple, and nal. Alex exited the car and walked slowly to the door, rehearsing her speech with each step.

When the door opened almost immediately after her knock, she stood staring at Keri, who wore nothing but a towel, her hair wet and falling into ringlets around her face. Tiny patches of moisture seeped through the fabric and it clung to Keri's body, igniting a hot throb in Alex's body that screamed for attention.

Keri stepped wordlessly aside, and Alex couldn't remember any of the sensible things she planned to say. She walked in and looked around questioningly.

"They're out of town for a few days."

Alex kicked the door closed behind her and pulled Keri into her arms. Her lips were on Keri's before she could take a breath, hungry and demanding. Their kiss deepened, her tongue probing the inside of Keri's mouth, sucking in the salty avor of her. She backed Keri to the wall and pressed their bodies together, cursing the fabric that separated * 179 *

them and rubbed painfully against her swollen esh. She wedged her leg between Keri's thighs, humping like a rutting animal. Her blood boiled with a desire to strip her naked and devour her where she stood.

Keri pressed against Alex's shoulders and backed her off enough to take a deep breath. "Alex, baby..."

The soft endearing words were like soothing music to a savage beast. Alex looked into Keri's l.u.s.t-clouded eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...I mean, I've never been like this before." And it was true.

She loved s.e.x, but this was more, much more.

Keri gently outlined Alex's bottom lip with the tip of her index nger. She loved seeing her like this, vulnerable and out of control. It meant Alex trusted her and that meant everything. "It's all right. I just needed to catch my breath." She cupped Alex's face in her hands and feathered her lips with light kisses. "G.o.d, I love your lips."

A slight involuntary tremble followed by intense heat rose from Alex's core. Her pulse pounded and her breathing became more erratic.

Feelings and needs she'd been suppressing surfaced with such ferocity she could hardly contain them. She took Keri's hand, brought it to her lips, and imparted to each digit a slow, sucking kiss.

"Oh, Alex, I want you so much. I never thought this day would come." Keri sighed, moving her b.r.e.a.s.t.s back and forth against Alex's.

"Please, take me to bed."

Alex took Keri by the hand and led her to the bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind them, she ripped the towel away from Keri's body. She needed to touch esh soon or she felt she'd melt into a puddle of bodily uids. "My G.o.d, you are more beautiful than I imagined."

She placed her hands over Keri's naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s and kneaded the soft esh into puckered mounds of arousal. Keri moaned softly and arched her back to give Alex greater access. She was so open and trusting, so willing to give herself without reservation. Alex dropped to her knees. Sitting on her feet, she leaned back to take in the full exposure of Keri's body, nipples hard, olive skin tinted with heat, and the light tuft of dewy hair at the apex of her thighs. She pressed her face against the warmth of Keri's abdomen. "You make me crazy."

Keri breathed in a raspy staccato as Alex's ngers teased her nipples. "I hope that's a good thing."

"You have no idea how much I need you." Alex rose, kissed Keri again, and led her to bed. As Alex removed her own clothes, Keri's * 180 *

appreciative gaze danced from one body part to the next. Her eyes were misty with tears when Alex lay gently down beside her.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked.

Keri wiggled closer, entwined their legs, and stroked the side of Alex's face. "I just never thought I could be so moved by the sight of another woman's body. Just looking at you turns me on."

Her moist tongue teased Alex's lips, softly tracing back and forth, up and down as pa.s.sion built between them. Alex's breathing increased and desire twisted her insides into pulsing knots. She wanted to ravish Keri, to immediately relieve the burning pain of desire that tormented her. At the same time she enjoyed the teasing and loving attention to her body.

When Keri's searching tongue began a slow entry into her waiting mouth, Alex could stand it no longer. She sucked her in, desperate to feel the warm, probing presence inside her. Hungrily, she allowed herself to be lled and drank of the sweet exchange between them. In and out, Keri's tongue stroked the inside of her mouth and Alex's pelvis pumped the air in response, the blessed tightening already beginning inside. Hot hands explored Alex's b.r.e.a.s.t.s and began a slow agonizing descent.

"Will you let me make love to you?" Keri whispered. Alex's mind ashed to the last woman who'd made love to her and who sought to control her, mind and body. She stopped Keri's hand midabdomen and looked into Keri's eyes. The gentleness and love she saw there turned her grip on Keri's hand into a caress. She knew she could trust this woman with her body, her mind, and even her life.

"You can do anything you want to me," she said. "But please make it soon."

Keri stroked the slight dip of Alex's abdomen and inched toward her pubic mound. She knew that if Alex could trust her with her body, there was also a chance she would trust her with her heart as well.

Alex's body rose to meet her, but Keri slid her ngers down to stroke the join of thigh and torso instead. Alex moaned in agony and s.h.i.+fted to make full contact.

"You're killing me...please." Alex drifted into a red haze of pa.s.sion. She thought of all the times she'd l.u.s.ted for this woman, of her sensuously full lips, of her kisses that could suck the life right out of her, of her b.u.t.t in jeans crossing the parking lot at work, of her touch in * 181 *

the gym, of her body in wet, see-through shorts and T-s.h.i.+rt. Her desire spiraled out of control. She craved this, with this woman.

Keri slid her ngers into the damp hair between Alex's thighs, closed around a handful of tender esh, and tugged gently. The quick icker of pain transformed to pure pleasure and leapt through Alex's body. "This is torture."

A chuckle sounded from the woman beside her. "I thought you liked things the hard way, Lieutenant."

Alex tried to laugh, but the stroking between her legs increased and all that came out was a whimper. "Just this once, I'll take fast and easy. I can't wait any longer."

"Tell me what you want, baby." Keri s.h.i.+fted on top of Alex and rubbed their bodies together in full contact. "Tell me."

"Jerk me off until I'm ready to come, then I want you inside me."

Keri s.h.i.+mmied her hand between them, moved her ngers slowly into the moist folds hooding Alex's c.l.i.t, and captured her rigid esh.

"Oh yes." Alex's body begged for release as her moan clung to the air like a fog. Her thrusting hips pounded against Keri's hand as the tugging on her distended tissue intensi ed. "Yes," she pleaded, "that's it." She pumped faster. "Don't stop."

Keri scrunched down slightly and straddled Alex's thigh, watching as Alex's face ushed and her legs began to shudder. "Come for me, darling."

Alex tensed when she felt the evidence of Keri's arousal wet and hot against her naked esh. The pressure in her pelvis ached for release.

She reached for Keri's b.r.e.a.s.t.s and stroked them in time to her thrusts.

"Now, baby, go inside me now," she cried as the initial tremors began.

With Keri's ngers buried deep inside her, she let go. Time crawled as she trembled with rolling waves of o.r.g.a.s.m. She couldn't remember a climax that had lasted so long, or felt so complete and freeing as this one. She knew her release was much more than physical. Her body quivered as each tiny shock contracted and released around Keri's ngers. Pent-up uids and frustration rushed from her and bathed her partner. She wrapped her arms tighter around Keri as she continued to ride her thigh.

She could tell that Keri's release was imminent and wanted nothing more than to feel her surrender. Keri's body rocked back and forth and short bursts of air escaped her lungs between moans. Alex felt * 182 *

her stiffen, and heard a low growl escape from her lips as she collapsed on top of her.

They lay quietly in each other's arms for several minutes.

Eventually, Alex s.h.i.+fted and nestled Keri's head against her breast, combing her ngers through Keri's tousled hair. Only two words came to mind. "Thank you," she said. But those two words didn't begin to cover her feelings.

Keri raised her head and stared into her eyes. "I love you, Alex Troy."

Oh, my G.o.d. Alex knew the re threatening to consume her was too intense to be anything but love. She burned for Keri, ached for her with every ounce of her existence. When did it happen? I'm totally undone by her, so why can't I tell her I love her? Maybe it was because she'd soon be sending this woman into the jaws of death. How could she declare her love and do that to her? And what happened if she didn't come back? The thought sent s.h.i.+vers through Alex.

"You don't have to say anything. I just want you to know how I feel," Keri said. "And it's not going to change, no matter what happens."

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To Protect And Serve Part 20 summary

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