Hot For Him Part 12

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"Very discreet," she murmured as they both watched the floor indicator impatiently.

"Oh yeah. Discreet is my middle name," Leandro said. His gaze dropped below her neckline, caressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She got hot all over again.

"Stop it," she said.

"Or what?"

"Or I won't be answerable for the consequences," she said.

"Maybe I like the sound of that."

He moved behind her, and she felt a warm pressure as he slid a hand down her back and onto her b.u.t.t. Cupping a cheek, he squeezed her firmly through her slim-lined black skirt. They were alone for the present, but still she shot a nervous glance around.

"I bet you played with matches when you were a kid, too," she said over her shoulder.

"Couldn't stay away from them," he said. He was standing so close, she felt the rumble of his voice through her body.

She pressed her thighs together as she willed the elevator to arrive. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so turned on. Leandro Mandalor infuriated her, intrigued her, fascinated her. And she wanted him, bad. She was going to have him, too-on her terms.

She gave a grunt of impatience when she realized the elevator was still miles away. The d.a.m.n thing was obviously stopping on every floor. Behind her, Leandro slid his hand to her other b.u.t.t cheek, his fingers curling in toward her inner thighs in a delicious intimation of things to come.

"Okay, this is ridiculous," she said.

A red door to the left of the elevator bank indicated a stairwell, and she turned to grab Leandro by his waistband and belt buckle. Yanking him forward, she dragged him toward the door.

"Hey!" he protested, but he went willingly enough.

Once the door had closed behind them, Claudia backed him against the wall and pressed herself against him.

"Don't tease me like that again," she said.

He felt very hard and very ready. She rubbed herself against him and pressed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his chest, itching to feel his skin against hers.

"I don't know. I kind of like the results," he said, big hands sliding down to cup her b.u.t.t.

Lowering his head, he kissed her, and quickly she was lost in the pa.s.sion that flared between them.

The things this man could do with his tongue! The thrust of it in her mouth reminded her of the way he'd feasted on her, the intense pleasure he'd brought her. Running her hands up his back, she measured the width of his broad shoulders, then wove her fingers into his hair to deepen their kiss further still.

He gave a grunt of satisfaction and she felt a tug at the waistband of her skirt as he pulled her s.h.i.+rt free. Then his warm hand was gliding up her rib cage and taking possession of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Yes," she murmured into his mouth, racing her own hands around to find the ridge of his erection through his jeans.

For a few seconds more they tortured each other, then they broke apart by mutual unspoken consent, both panting like they'd run a mile.

"Let's go," Leandro said, grabbing her hand.

As he led her down four flights, she calculated how long it would take for them to get in his car, exit the parking garage and find someplace private.

Too long. Waaaay too long.

"Here we are," he said as they left the stairwell and stepped into the dim coolness of the underground parking garage. "My car's over there."

She waited until they were both inside and he was reaching for the ignition before making her move.

"Don't bother. I can't wait," she said.

He gave a startled bark of laughter as she climbed over the hand brake and gears.h.i.+ft and into his lap.

"What if someone comes?" he asked as she laved his neck and slipped her tongue into his ear.

"Someone is definitely going to come," she said.

He laughed again as his hands once again slid up on to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"You know what I mean," he said.

"It's dark. We're in the corner. Good luck to them," she said as she began unbuckling his belt.

"Where have you been all my life?" he asked, his fingers plucking at her nipples.

"Waiting for this," she panted, sliding his fly down and gripping his erection with firm, knowing hands.

His whole body shuddered as she worked his shaft, caressing the sensitive head with her thumb. He was so big and hard. Parts of her s.h.i.+vered in antic.i.p.ation. She was so wet and hot for him, so ready to go, she pushed his hands away from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s so she could concentrate on getting her underwear off. He sucked in a breath as she accidentally elbowed him in the ribs.


"Never apologize for taking your underwear off," he said, his breath coming fast as he watched her slide her black lace panties over her stiletto heel.

Instantly his hands were pus.h.i.+ng her skirt up. She gave a small yelp of surprise as he adjusted something and they both tumbled back with the seat as it dropped flat, then he was pus.h.i.+ng her thighs wide so she straddled his lap and racing his hands up legs to where she craved his touch the most.

"Claudia," he said as his fingers discovered her slick center. "Man, you drive me crazy."

"Ditto. Ohhh!" she gasped as he found her c.l.i.toris and began to ma.s.sage it with his thumb while the rest of his fingers teased her mercilessly.

It was so good, so intense, so exactly what she needed. She grabbed on to his shoulders as her climax thundered toward her, shaking with the intensity of it as his clever hands pleased her and pushed her over the edge.

"Leandro," she gasped. "Leandro."

"I know baby, believe me, I know," he said. She was vibrating with aftershocks when she felt him trying to lever his body up so he could get at his wallet, and suddenly she remembered Grace's parting gift. Sliding it from her skirt pocket, she dropped the condom on his chest.

"G.o.ddess," he breathed gratefully when he saw what it was.

"Hurry," was her response.

His answer was the rip of the foil packet opening, and within seconds he was lifting her hips as he guided her down onto him. She bit her lip as she felt the first delicious inch of him slide inside her, and then he thrust his hips upward and she shuddered as he filled her to overflowing.

"Have I told you lately that you have the best, most amazing body in the world?" she said as she began to ride him.

"No. But keep talking," he said, his eyes narrowed to slits as he gazed up at her from his position. Pus.h.i.+ng her s.h.i.+rt and bra up, he covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his hands and began to tease her nipples.

But she was beyond words. Panting, straining, her hips moving to a primitive, needful rhythm that he seemed to know and match instinctively, she climbed toward another o.r.g.a.s.m. His hands found her b.u.t.t as she began to tighten around him, his fingers digging in as he strained toward his own climax.

"Yes," he said, even as she writhed on top of him, pleasure exploding inside her, rippling through her body in hot, liquid waves. She felt the urgent shudder as he reached his own peak, and looked down into his handsome face as his features tightened with desire.

He was incredible. She couldn't get enough of him.

Still breathing hard in the aftermath of his climax, he flopped flat on the seat, threw his head back, closed his eyes and let out a low belly laugh.

"Please tell me this is real," he said, opening his eyes to gaze up at her.

"Why wouldn't it be?" she asked, bracing herself on one elbow.

"Because you have just stepped straight out of my fantasies," he murmured, his dark gaze dropping to catalogue her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her belly, her widespread thighs.

She grinned down at him, something deep inside her responding to the possessive, hungry masculinity in his eyes.

"Something else we have in common."

His expression became more serious as he smoothed a hand over her hip.

"Spend the night with me?" he asked.

There were a million reasons to say no. But lying astride him, her everything bared to him, she couldn't deny him or herself anymore. She'd taken the plunge into uncharted territory when she'd barreled into his office fifteen minutes ago, but she was confident she could ride out the storm.

"Yes," she said.

LATER THAT NIGHT, they sat naked and cross-legged in Leandro's bed and ate pizza straight from the box.

"I am starving," Claudia said, stuffing her face with yet another piece of super supreme.

Leandro watched her lick a drop of tomato sauce off her bottom lip and felt his body respond like clockwork. He didn't know what it was-her perfect pet.i.te body, her deep brown eyes, her smart mouth-but she did it for him, every time, big-time.

As though she sensed the direction his thoughts were going in, Claudia's gaze fixated on his crotch.

"Look who wants in on the conversation," she said, arching an eyebrow.

"He can wait. For about another five minutes," Leandro said, his gaze zeroing in on a piece of pepper that had dropped onto the upper curve of her breast.

"The joys of eating naked," she said, following his gaze. "If I was dressed, that would have just ruined a perfectly good s.h.i.+rt."

She lifted a hand to rescue the pepper, but Leandro spoke up first.

"I'll get it," he volunteered.

She laughed as he leaned across and licked it off her breast, managing to include a h.e.l.l of a lot of nipple along the way. She tasted amazing, and he instantly wanted more.

"Maybe we should make it two minutes," Claudia said as he nuzzled closer and tugged her other nipple into his mouth.

"I really like cold pizza, I don't know about you," Leandro said, pus.h.i.+ng her back onto the bed, his eyes devouring her erect, glistening nipples all the while.

She was still holding a crust in her hand and she tossed it over his shoulder, back into the pizza box.

"Not enough hot salami on it for me, anyway," she said wickedly.

He laughed at her double entendre. "You like hot salami, do you?"

"The hotter the better," she said, grabbing on to his erection and sliding her hand up and down his shaft.

"Let's see how hot we can get it," he murmured as his hand moved between her thighs and into her warm, silky folds.

They didn't talk much after that, communicating via grunts and murmurs and moans. When she came, he watched the flush of pleasure color her face, savoring the far-off look in her eyes, the small, inarticulate cry she made. Her fulfillment pushed him over the edge, spurring him to his own climax, and he wrapped his hands around her hips and buried himself to the hilt in her sweet tightness as he spent himself inside her.

Afterwards, they lay spread-eagled on the bed in silence for several minutes.

"You're looking very pleased with yourself," she said.

"Am I? I'm feeling pretty good, too," he said, stretching his arms over his head.

She rolled onto her side and propped her head on her hand, her gaze travelling from the boxes of books in the corner to the stack of papers piled up on his bedside table.

"How long have you lived here?" she asked.

He grimaced. "Four months. Looks it, huh?" he said. "I was renting for a while, but I finally bit the bullet and bought this place."

Half his stuff was still stacked in boxes, and furniture was fairly thin on the ground since he'd only taken the stuff Peta didn't want and hadn't gotten around to buying anything of his own. The result was an apartment that looked thrown together, a typical bachelor pad.

"It does feel a little...temporary," she said.

"You're being very kind," he said, noting the sparkle of amus.e.m.e.nt in her eyes.

"I thought so. How long ago was the divorce?" she asked shrewdly.

"I signed the papers last week, but we've been separated for over a year. Is it that obvious?" he asked.

"Only to the trained eye," she said. "How long were you married?"

"Six months."

"Ouch. Who cheated?" she asked.

He raised an eyebrow at the a.s.sumption. She shrugged.

"Come on, something pretty big had to happen," she said.

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Hot For Him Part 12 summary

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