Hot For Him Part 14

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"He wanted to rename the boat when he bought it," Leandro explained, "but apparently it's bad luck."

"Foam Dancer's not so bad. It could be worse," Claudia said.

He obviously didn't think so and he c.o.c.ked an eyebrow at her. Claudia just pointed to a yacht they'd just pa.s.sed, the Wetdream.

"Point taken," he said.

They hadn't gone ten steps before they'd spotted several more boats with cringe-worthy names-It's A Moray, Pier Pressure, and b.o.o.bie Trap being the pick of them. By the time they'd found Foam Dancer, they were in hysterics over Sea My Johnson and Claudia had to pause to wipe the tears from her eyes before she could safely clamber on board.

"Wow. Is your friend a mobster?" Claudia asked as she stepped into the upper cabin and surveyed the acres of s.h.i.+ny bra.s.s, polished wood and deep burgundy upholstery, all of it just a bit too flashy.

Leandro gave the cabin a single brief glance, but he was more intent on pulling her close. She gave herself up to a long, drugging kiss, her tongue dancing with his, her hands exploring the muscular planes of his back.

"I've been wanting to do that all day," he murmured, smiling down at her.

There was no mistaking the warmth in his eyes and she looked away, uncertainty her after her recent conversation with Sadie and Grace.

He just wants s.e.x, she a.s.sured herself. Then he lowered his head and nuzzled her neck.

"I love the way you smell," he said. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Before she knew it, they were swaying together, almost dancing, in fact.

"I got some of those organic strawberries you like," he said, "and some of that fancy ice cream you were raving about the other day."

He'd gone out and bought her favorite things? Suddenly their night on the yacht was beginning to feel like it was a lot more about intimacy than s.e.x.

Don't ruin it, she pleaded silently. It's been so good-don't ruin it yet.

Because she couldn't say the words out loud, she did the only thing she could do, the only thing she was comfortable doing. Sliding her hand inside his jeans, she took a hold of his erection and held his eye.

"Do you mind if I borrow this if you're not using it?" she asked.

For a moment, she was sure she saw a flash of something-disappointment?-in his eyes. Then he reached for the b.u.t.tons on her s.h.i.+rt.

"As long as we can work out some kind of reciprocal arrangement with these b.r.e.a.s.t.s of yours..."

As he lowered his head to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and licked and sucked and gently bit her nipples, the rest of the world fell away and there was only his body and hers. Closing her eyes, she pushed everything else away.

"AT LAST, YOUTH TRIUMPHS over experience," Dom crowed as he reached the peak ahead of Leandro. At least, he tried to crow, but the fact that he was gasping for air ruined the effect somewhat.

Leandro didn't bother responding to his brother's goad-they both knew Dom had enjoyed a substantial head start since he'd taken off while Leandro was still tying his shoelaces at the bottom of the hill.

It was on the week following his Marina Del Rey sojourn with Claudia, and the sun was high in the sky as they once more ran the fire trails in the Hollywood Hills. Below them, the L. A. basin basked in heat and haze, and a warm breeze dried the sweat on Leandro's face. He felt the press of something cold against his arm and saw that Dom was offering him a water bottle.

"Thanks," he said, turning away from the view and swallowing half the bottle in three big glugs.

Dom also made short work of his water, then he mopped the sweat from his face with the hem of his T-s.h.i.+rt.

"I definitely did better this time," he said.

Leandro just smiled to himself, and Dom nudged him.

"Don't you think?" he said.

"Well, you don't look like you need a cardiac team on standby. That's a good start," Leandro said.

Dom laughed and squirted the last of his water at Leandro's chest.


Leandro returned the favor, and once they'd stopped laughing they stood and stared out at the view together.

After a moment, Dom broke the silence.

"Hey, I've got a bone to pick with you, Mr. Big Shot. Why'd you pull out on your date with Stella? Betty is seriously p.i.s.sed. She thinks you don't trust her taste."

"How could I doubt her? She married you, didn't she?"

"Very funny. Seriously, what happened to your big date?"

Leandro shrugged uncomfortably. "It didn't feel right. She seems like a great woman, but my head's not in the right place right now."

Dom gave him a cut-the-bulls.h.i.+t look.

"What's her name?"

"Why does there have to be another woman?"

"Because last time we came up here, you attacked this mountain like it had done you a personal wrong, and today you were happy to let me lead the way. Me thinks you are getting laid, brother o'mine."

Leandro shrugged a shoulder. Why did he feel so...uncertain about mentioning Claudia to his brother?

"Her name's Claudia," he said, just to prove to himself it wasn't an issue. "I've been seeing her a few weeks now."

Two weeks, to be exact, if he counted from the day she'd barged into his office and taken up his challenge.

"Is she Greek?" Dom asked.

Leandro did a mock double take.

"My G.o.d, for a moment there I thought I was standing next to Mom," he said.

"It's relevant! It doesn't matter one way or the other, but it's relevant," Dom said, hands gesticulating defensively.

"Yeah, she's Greek."

Dom gave him a searching look. "Why are you being so cagey? What's the big secret?"

"There's no big secret."

"So is it serious?"

Leandro frowned. "Have you been taking hormones or something? What's with the twenty questions?"

"Just answer the question, a.s.shole," Dom said good-naturedly.

Leandro peered up at the sun for a few seconds before answering. "Yeah. I think it might be."

"You think?"

"She's...complex," Leandro said.

"She's a woman. It comes with the territory."

Leandro tried to explain.

"She's smart, successful. Really into her career. She plays her cards pretty close to her chest."

Dom made a disgusted sound. "Let's just call her Peta mark two and sign the divorce papers now," he said. "Why do you keep going after these career chicks, man?"

"She's not like Peta," Leandro said firmly. And she wasn't. She was warmer, and more vulnerable, despite her bravado. He laughed with her more. When they were together, time was irrelevant.

"Sounds like Peta to me. Another power-hungry b.i.t.c.h more interested in picking out the upholstery in her Audi than having a life."

Leandro swung around to glare at his brother. "You haven't even met her, okay? Back off."

Dom held up a hand. "Whoa there, Slugger. No need to go loco."

Leandro saw that his brother was trying not to smirk, and he realized that he'd snapped at Dom's bait like a greenhorn.

"You're a d.i.c.k," he said.

Dom nudged him. "So you really like her, huh?"

Leandro shoved his brother back.

"Yeah, I really like her."

"You should bring her to Grandma's party next weekend," Dom suggested. "Introduce her to everyone. Ease her in."

"Ease her in? The whole family will be there."

"She's got to meet them sometime, right? If you guys are serious?"

Leandro squinted up at the sun again. His instincts told him it was too early to do the family thing with Claudia. The truth was, he didn't know where he stood with her. She liked the s.e.x. She enjoyed his company. But he could never get a read on her. And the more he saw of her, the more he got to know her, the more he knew he wanted things to work out between them.

"I'll think about it," he said after a long silence.

"Way to go, really decisive. I love that captain of industry thing you do," Dom said, ragging on him mercilessly.

He shut his brother up with the simple expedient of giving him an atomic wedgie, Mandalor-family style.

"You son of a b.i.t.c.h! I think you just ruptured a t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e," Dom howled.

"I thought you'd given up b.a.l.l.s for Lent," Leandro said.

Then he took off, his brother hot on his heels.


A WEEK LATER, CLAUDIA checked her lipstick in her hall mirror one more time and smoothed a hand over her hair. It was as perfect as it had been thirty seconds ago, but at least it gave her a break from checking her watch and pacing.

Leandro was late. He'd been away on business in New York for the past three days, and she had missed him so much it scared her. She hadn't been able to sleep, food had tasted like sawdust in her mouth, and she felt about as stupid as she'd ever felt in her life. How could s.e.x be so powerful?

The sound of a car door shutting jolted her from her thoughts, and she opened her front door just as Leandro stepped up onto the step. Without pausing to think how it might look, she launched herself into his arms, her body going crazy just at the sight of him.

His arms closed around her, and his head lowered toward hers, and she gave a sigh of pure relief as they kissed. His smell, the size of him, his strength-she'd craved him like a drug, and she pressed herself closer and closer, her hands clutching at his shoulders.

His caresses were equally as fervent, and they moved into her house without breaking their kiss. Kicking the door shut, Leandro pressed her against it and ran a hand up the inside of her thigh. She felt the muscles of his arms bunch for a second as he discovered she was sans underwear, and then he groaned low in his throat.

"I swear, you're my dream woman," he said as he slid his fingers into her ready wetness.

She gasped as he slipped a finger inside her, then two. She'd needed this so badly, and she whimpered with need when he withdrew his hand. But he was just kneeling at her feet, pus.h.i.+ng the skirt of her black sundress up around her waist and pressing his face into the neat curls at the apex of her thighs. He inhaled deeply, his hands sliding around the back of her thighs, his fingers caressing the lower curve of her b.u.t.t.

"You've kept me awake every night, you know that, don't you?" he said, glancing up at her. She could feel the warmth of his breath between her legs, and she bit her lip. She didn't think she could stand any more teasing, any more waiting.

"I want-" she said, but she was unable to articulate how much she needed him right now.

He just pressed his face more closely between her thighs and began to stroke her with his tongue.

"Yes," she moaned. "Yes, please, Leandro."

He nuzzled deeper again, his tongue laving from her inner lips up to her c.l.i.toris, his fingers reaching between her legs from behind to tease her hot center.

"Oh!" she gasped, her o.r.g.a.s.m already building.

Then he sucked her c.l.i.toris into his mouth, flicking his tongue over and over the tight bud. Her hips rocked forward of their own accord and she clutched at his shoulders as she climaxed powerfully, her inner muscles spasming again and again.

Her knees wouldn't hold her in the aftermath, and she slid to the ground, boneless with sensation. He cupped the side of her face and kissed her deeply, and the scent of her s.e.x surrounded them with an earthy perfume.

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Hot For Him Part 14 summary

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